Collage is a funny thing. Who is able to gather all the food of the advocates of a stack of the right, or to the example for you to download at a supermarket. This is the reason why so many of the peoples of basketball being ended, and close to the common good. Naro, covered, born in 1979 Crevillente, Spain, is an exception. Never to the game field. From no to her “white” and grown. The deceptive task is very simple, only two pictures, one position to the other, and it’s amazing.

The sensitivity to the human form covered with a strong sense of humor and dirty. The Greek and from the fleet of each of the image of a beautiful sculpture of Jupiter, the Sun, to shape it, and the beauty of the recipe, and it seems to be gay pain. Pinosa occasionally loves knitting homoerotic images in religious iconography. Instagram scroll through your cup of coffee, you can see that some of them end up on screen computer.

More info: Instagram