So after pyroengraving a whole bunch of sawed-of barrel ends, I thought “why not a whole barrel?” The answer could have been “dude that takes like 6 weeks!” But It was very satisfying, and even better, @menno.olivier from @molenbier filled it up with imperial stout to age for 6 months.

The revenue of the beer was donated to environmental organisations.

Hence the theme was environmental crisis, featuring a famous first photo of a dead seagul with all plastic in his stomach (this project is like 8/10 years ago?), and the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, which moral is about an old sailors believe that you never should kill an Albatros or your ship will be cursed,

A metaphor for the wat we treat the environment, and the mayhem we cast on ourselves.

And the front end with all the bloody eyeballs? Well I just felt like drawing a shitload of bloody eyeballs (-:

#pyroengraving #beerbarrel #barrelaging #imperialstout #craftbeer #craftnotcrap #beergeek #brouwerijdemolen #beercollab #art #beerart #drawing #illustration #tattoostyle #tattoo #ironmaiden #plasticsoup #climatechange #crisis #spaceinvader #arnocoenen#arnocoenentotslkunst #epic