Every now and then, we all need a distraction. But how can we surprise someone who's constantly on the internet? Surely, they've seen plenty of crazy stuff. Well, let's try something different and take a deep dive into the subreddit r/OddlyTerrifying.
It has 1.1 million members, and they're trying their best to share content that lives up to its name. Who knew that Jim Carrey doing The Grinch face without any makeup can look so sinister? Or that a mosquito flying in front of the lens when a person is taking a photo of a square makes it look like a giant alien invasion?
Most of these images aren't even that scary or dangerous when you spell them out. But they can still carve themselves into your memory like a vivid nightmare. Enjoy!
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Giant Hand In Forest
Interesting, Funny And Terrifying
In a way, you could say that the popularity of r/OddlyTerrifying lies within people's fascination with morbid curiosity. According to Coltan Scrivner, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Comparative Human Development and a Fellow at the Institute for Mind and Biology at The University of Chicago, we've all felt it at some point. Whether it was triggered by seeing a car wreck while driving down the highway or a friend talking about how they saw a ghost in an old building; we tell ourselves that we don't want to look, don't want to listen, and don't want to know—yet we still look, we still listen, and we still want to learn more.
Thinking You've Come Across A Kkk Meeting
Mosquito Flies In Front Of The Lens
"The car wreck story is a bit old and tired, but it's a good example because it's something that almost everyone has experienced and can intuitively understand," Scrivner wrote in Psychology Today. "It's true for almost everyone that you don't want to see someone injured and you don't hope anyone died in the wreck. But, if they did, you do feel compelled to look at it."
To illustrate why, Scrivner wants us to take a look at the world of our ancestors. It was a dangerous place. The world today can also be dangerous, but even the most basic treatments that are available today can severely decrease the seriousness of an injury. "If you got injured 10,000 years ago (or even 100 years ago), your chances of surviving were far less than they are today with modern medicine. Even if the blood loss didn't kill you, an ensuing infection might. This placed a premium on avoiding danger—or at least avoiding the consequences of danger," he explained.
This Hermit Crab Using A Discarded Doll Head For A Shell
This.. This Isn't Right..
Cabbage Fields. It Looks Like A Field Of Alien Eggs And I Hate It
This needs to be in a movie. Much more effective than any side effects I've seen
"However, to avoid danger, you must first know something about it. The more you know about something, the better you can predict it. And the better you can predict it, the better you can deal with the consequences if it does occur."
Enter curiosity. You don't want to be in a car wreck yourself to find out how bad a car wreck can be. You also don't want someone else to be in a car wreck. But if they already are, you want to know how bad it is. This could inform your decisions and behavior.
"For example, if the car wreck is particularly gruesome, it might cause me to slow down or be extra cautious the rest of the day to decrease my chances of that happening to me. If it's just a fender bender, it may not affect my driving behavior very much."
A Ladybug Covered In Morning Dew
Jim Carey Doing The Grinch Face Without The Use Of Any Makeup
Birds Running
The consequences of threats leave their mark on our psychology and influence our behavior in response to 'morbid' situations. According to Scrivner, this has resulted in most of us having some morbid curiosity, and some of us have a lot of it.
Nearly all images on r/OddlyTerrifying are either directly from or are closely linked to the real world. Maybe if we scroll through it enough, we'll understand our place in it better?
An MRI Scan Of Babies During Pregnancy
Just Some Regular Rubber Gloves Washing Accidentally Opened The Gate Of Hell
Driftwood Figures Roaming The Forest. By Japanese Artist, Nagato Iwasaki
Dried-Up Stingrays Will Haunt My Nightmares
Looks Like A Demon Possessed Her
The Snapdragon Flower When It Dies
Very Humbling Sign Posted Outside A Cemetery In The Middle Of The Woods
Harpy Eagle
The Cork-Lid Trapdoor Spider. If You See What Looks Like An Ancient Coin Buried In Sand, Leave It Alone...
Not To Jump Into Conclusions But Caves Are Indeed Discreet And Hard To Reach
We All Float On Grandma's Sofa....
This Meme
A Snowman I Should Not Have Created
Spiky Contacts
Where I live, open casket is not a thing and so I don't really get why this is necessary in the first place. When I die, please just take out all the stuff that still can be used and than burn me to a small pile of ashes.
My Driveway Today
The “Skin” Cake I Made To Celebrate The Beginning Of Dermatology Residency. Everyone Thought It Was Delicious
Spookyass Squid Kites
There are a few of these neighborhoods here. They creep me out. Especially in the middle of the day when no one is home and everything is quiet. Shiver
It's like the movie set for a dozen horror movies I never want to see.
Load More Replies...For some that might seem like hell, but if you come from a broken family, this might well be a life goal. Kids who grew up in trailers, kids who never had a nice clean house like their school mates due to their parents being drunk 24/7, kids who grew up in orphanages or on the street, or simply kids whose parents were too poor to afford more than a tiny apartment - for these this might be a dream come true.
The reason it looks like hell is not because of the type of houses, but the uniformity of it. Could they not have rotated some of the houses on their plots, or made some small variations to them to make each on different. I live in an apartment and the designers deliberately made each one slightly different - bay windows, gable ends etc. It adds variety and makes it more interesting to look at. These are no more interesting than a row of shipping containers and at least they'd be different colours!
Load More Replies...I always hated that song. Rich white elite do not understand why middle class buy houses like this. Because mass production makes for affordable houses.
Load More Replies...It looks unsettling but I would give anything to own a home so I will take the creepy Edward Scissorhands neighborhood.
"A Wrinkle in Time", and I knew I wasn't the only one who thought of that!
Load More Replies...you know in a wrinkle in time in that town where all the kids are moving in time? this is it
I feel like this would be the camazotz neighborhood in a wrinkle in time. Too bad there aren't the creepy kids bouncing balls and skipping ropes :D
Wow--this has kinda been a recurring nightmare for me. It's just everything, every house, every lawn, exactly the same, lined up in rows and rows of just the same exact constant thing. Lol
reminds me of the Edward Scissor-hands town. I love that movie so much.
Looks like the neighborhood from the movie "A wrinkle in time"
I live in a condo/townhouse community. There are different styles of homes, but driving down the street all you see in rows of garage doors and there start of a walk way to the front door. Dreadful, unless you live there. The privacy is wonderful. There is a private courtyard in front of each house. Since nobody can see it, the resident can do whatever they like. My windows are not visible from the street. Our mail is in a community post office, you need to leave your home to get your mail. And most people walk their dogs or for exercise. How many people you see depends on the time of day. When I moved here it was spooky. I got lost. On a rainy night I drove down the street with my garage door remote hoping to find my house. The house numbers couldn't be seen through the rain. But i love my bright sunny house with so much privacy. Socially this is difficult, I am not like the others. Still. It depends on what you want and where you are in life. There aren't any young families here.
I live in a cookie cutter neighborhood, but there's at least variety
Did they use this kind of neighberhood to film the movie, "Wrinkle in Time"?
I don't know why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood where everything is exactly the same.
NONoN0NoNoonO. No. Just kill me now. I will spontaneously combust if I ever see this again. It creeps me out SO AD it's just like. . . WHY?!
Was this in the movie “A wrinkle in time” cause it looks like that neighborhood
Why would anybody want to live like this?? And why on earht are there no trees, flowers, ANY kind of variation?
I haven't seen the film, but after reading the plot, I don't think it'll be one I'll watch Nope!!
WHY do people want the GARAGE to be the most prominent piece of their house? This is just GRATUITOUS ugliness...sort of Passive Aggesive.
Perfectly natural in the UK. Not a lot of homeowners would be outside a lot of the time.
The plot scenario for disappearing neighbours? Very sterile looking as well
most disturbing movie I've watched in a long time, this movie will haunt you for a very long time.
The way the houses are all copy-&-pasted like that is unnerving. It's like the movie "Vivarium"
Load More Replies...I once was in a neighbourhood like this and it literally made me feel so claustrophobic it was a nightmare to stay there for me
I know this is supposed to be creepy, but it is calming my anxiety for some reason
They have to plant trees and stuff. In the Netherlands a lot of houses are the same but still doesn't it look like this. But still, I would definitely live there because these houses look big
Not good walking home drunk from a pub and trying to find your house... (never mind the front door!)
Live in crappy neighbourhoods and old houses, and then reasses your judgement
What is Vivarum? I am too scared to look it up. I'm going to bed soon, don't wanna have nightmares
It’s a horror/thriller movie. A couple buying their first home go to a real estate agent. He takes them to a suburban development like the one pictured above. He shows them house number 9. They decide not to take the house and go to leave; however, they can’t find their way out. No matter how long they drive they end up back at number 9. The rest of the movie is them trying to escape.
Load More Replies...wow, i would love to live there, so quiet... where i live is kind of difficult to run or ride in bicycle because there are too many cars, trucks and buses.
Man, I knew about A Wrinkle in Time, but I didn't realize it could also be the Giver. Nice catch! (I have read both of those books)
Load More Replies...Yeeeah there's some neighborhoods like this around where I live. They are Unnerving.
Wtf Nope!
Frog Ritual
This Potato
Sweet Dreams With This Jesus Lamp
Camera In A Furniture Screw
Imagine Seeing Them In Real Life
Get the largest size possible and hang in the living room. Great conversation piece.
What On Earth Happened
The Danish Special Forces Are Just Militarised Sleep Paralysis Demons
Imagine having a nice boat ride and bumping these guys, look terrifying
Sheep At Night
The Amount Of Birds In Rome
Infested Spider Tent
These Manatee’s Legs Creep Me Out So Much
The Sun Bear Literally Looks Like A Man Inside A Bear Costume
Had A Praying Mantis Nest Hatch By My Front Door!
Much better than the wasps nests that are often found near doors.
This Persons Child Built A Cicada Skin Army
Went Camping With My Girlfriend. I Woke Up To Pee And She Took This Photo Of Me
This Is The X-Ray Of A Pregnant Dog
The Guarana Fruit Looks Like An Angel From The Old Testament
For anyone interested: https://historyofyesterday.com/how-angels-really-look-like-according-to-the-bible-d4d339112619
“Urchin Quartz” More Like Nightmare Quartz
One Is Portland, The Other Is Fallout 4..............fallout Has Cleaner Air
This Root System Of My Calathea Plant. These Root Nodules Mean It's Very Healthy, But It's Unnerving To Look At
I don't think any post has made me more uncomfortable in my whole lifetime
I don't think this is a post you can submit to on BP. Go to oddly terrifying on Reddit and submit your picture there.
Load More Replies...I don't think any post has made me more uncomfortable in my whole lifetime
I don't think this is a post you can submit to on BP. Go to oddly terrifying on Reddit and submit your picture there.
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