Paramedic Who ‘Made Ends Meet’ With A Side Job On OnlyFans And Got Her Identity Revealed Shares Her Side Of The Story
Anything and everything for a story, morals and decency be damned, right? The dark side of journalism has shown its ugly head again recently after the New York Post revealed the identity of a paramedic who has been sharing “racy” photos and videos on OnlyFans just to survive.
According to the 23-year-old paramedic, the NYP ran the article and revealed her name without her consent, shaming her for doing what she has to in order to not go hungry and so she can pay her rent on time. However, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stepped in and gave the NYP hell for what they did. Meanwhile, the paramedic stated on social media that she does not have an OnlyFans account anymore. However, a friend of her’s started up a Go Fund Me campaign to make sure that she can make ends meet in case she loses her job over the “scandal” because of the article. At the time of writing, the campaign had raised over 65k dollars for the medic.
The situation highlights a few different but very important problems. First of all, the main issue is that some paramedics need to get a second job just to survive. Secondly, it brings up the question of why people are still shaming medical professionals for what they do in their spare time. Finally, it shows the predatory side of journalism where editorial pressure and false promises can lead to broken lives.
The New York Post caused a lot of controversy after revealing the identity of a paramedic who wanted to stay anonymous
Image credits: nypost
Even Congreswoman AOC reacted to the NYP story and gave them a piece of her mind
Image credits: AOC
Image credits: AOC
The paramedic gave her side of the story and explained the hell that she’s been through recently
AOC taking the time to defend the paramedic shows that some members of Congress really do care about their constituents. The question is: what will AOC do next to make sure something similar doesn’t happen again? She’s spoken about stimulus checks, small business relief, and hospital funding, but whether or not changes will come is another question entirely.
Now, we’re not defending the NYP for what they did, but the anger that a lot of people feel right now should be aimed at the company, the executives, and the system in general, not just at the reporter who interviewed the paramedic. He’s the easy, obvious target. For all we know, the reporter could have been pressured into getting the interview by their editor and had no executive say over whether or not the story runs. Or it could be the opposite.
The fact is—there’s a second, hidden story here, and it’s about the lack of agency a lot of journalists have over what they get to write and what they say. Frustrated with a particular story in the media? Dig a little deeper and you’ll see a lot of frustration on the reporter’s part, too.
However, at the forefront is still the everyday hell that paramedics in New York and elsewhere go through during the pandemic. Risking their lives. Working until they’re exhausted. Getting flak for having a life outside the hospital. Not saints—just everyday heroes. With very human limits and a very simple desire not to be named when asking for anonymity.
Here’s what other people thought about the controversial story and the NYP’s journalistic practices
Image credits: OliviaMarieBuon
Image credits: cmclymer
Image credits: WhittyUzerName
Image credits: MavenOfMayhem
Image credits: isabelzawtun
There are way too many jobs that pay more than minimum wage that still don't pay a living wage.
Load More Replies...i never think sex worker should've been shamed for what they do. people who are too close to religion have so much hate for sexuality it's just stupid. Gun lover it's ok but not sexuality. people need to rethink their morality
"Religion" is not the problem here. Self-righteousness is the problem. On that subject, see Matthew 7:5. As a follower of Christ, I do what I can to stand up for the rights of marginalized people, including sex workers.
Load More Replies...1) She's not harming anyone or breaking any rules. 2) At the same time she's literally saving lives every day. 3) Still gets shamed? Who are we gonna go against next? Let's start with baby pandas, bet these suckers deserve their share of internet hate. Edit: mistake
stupid baby pandas, thinking they're so cute with their brown eyes and dual-color coats. They could have been black or white, buuuuut noooo, they were too good for that. lol
Load More Replies...First: In many European countries, it is illegal to publish the name of a person in an article like this one. The right to privacy is of the essence! People deserve to not be hung out publicly regardless if they are 'guilty' or not of what the newspaper accuse them of. Second: All around the world, ALL healthcare workers SHOULD be paid decent wages. As is, only doctors and top administrators make good money, but there are many countries where they too are underpaid, with possible graft in the wake.
I've always thought the public publishing of mugshots is just wrong. Anyone can get arrested, but an arrest is not a conviction. So their lives are ruined for nothing. This is along those same lines.
Load More Replies...For those not familiar with the New York Post, it is a right-wing tabloid. When it comes to reporting, gender is SUPER important to them. It's common for them to use terms like "policewoman" instead of "police officer" or at least make sure to point out that a female officer was on scene...they do not do that to the male officers. They always comment on AOC's attire, hair or makeup before they'll talk about her work. They never mention Max Rose's choice of clothing or appearance. Two Representatives, both from the same city, but VERY different standards. But then again, I have fun spotting the number of typos and misspellings I can find in every edition before I put it in the litter box. They do have an excellent crossword and their gossip section is great! On a more personal, serious note: I was an EMT in NYC for 20+ years. It was NEVER my only job. It couldn't be, I could not live on that salary! EVERY EMT I know works at least one other job, if not two. And we have no safety net! If you don't work for the Fire Department, you might not have help if you get injured on the job or get too sick to work. That includes most of the EMTs and paramedics in NYC, since many work for hospitals (which answer 911 calls) or private companies (which this EMT does, I recognize her uniform...there are many such companies, so I'm not exposing her any more, I promise! She does not work for the City of New York, so she was not violating any civil servant rules, btw.). If anyone cares to help, please look up the Primum Non Nocere Foundation, as they help EMTs and paramedics in times of distress. There are no paid board members, they do not pay any salaries. They help out with rent, getting the heat put back on when bills can't get paid and taking families food shopping. After my last suicide attempt, they were among the first to call, worried I'd be out of work and going hungry!
It is a Rupert Murdoch controlled 'news' paper. WHY BUY IT?
Load More Replies...Its legal, albeit disgusting. But that's the NYpost for you. They're horrible
Load More Replies...Those "onlyfans" accounts are supported by greasy perverts who are paying lots of money to see a woman's body. A woman chooses to expose her body to these creeps to make enough money to make ends meet despite already having a full time "essential" job, that's just another sign of how twisted the American society is. At the same time some idiot is spending millions of dollars to get told time and time again that he lost the elections. The same people who donated 200 million for this utter madness won't spare a dime for people who could really use some support.
Exactly. And also, think about it. As you said, onlyfans accounts are only supported by greasy perverts. So whoever found the account and decided to tell the post, all they are is a greasy pervert and a horrible person.
Load More Replies...Most of those shaming her wish that someone would pay for their hideous ass on a picture.
Or that she would sleep with them lol
Load More Replies...I hope the NYP "reporter" has been fired. it's the minimum he deserves. Someone aware of the evolution of history?
I replied above but they most likely won't be because they don't believe they did anything wrong
Load More Replies...OK, lawmakers, you are finally looking into the monopolistic business methods of the huuuuge tech giants. How about breaking up Rupert Murdochs media empire? Press freedom with hardly any independent press is not worth the name.
Who even cares why she made an Only Fans... it's her private life, and it's her business. Some people do it for fun, and the money is just a bonus. You also shouldn't NEED to work an extra job if you're already working more than full time hours. Ridiculous. It was probably some jealous loser who "tattled" on this lady.
New York post should not only apologize but give her a donation to the go fund me. What they did is disgusting. It seems good journalism has died
Her gofundme as of this morning now has 68k of 5k, LOL in your face New York Post, you sleazebags!
There’s a couple of stories here: 1) It is beyond disgusting what an EMT makes. If you have ever taken an ambulance ride you know that bill isn’t cheap. Meaning that the corporation running that service is making serious money but not paying their workers. You will see variations on this theme across every business in the US. The story is For Profit Medicine is an Utter Failure. 2) On that same note, the US pay system in general and the minimum wage specifically are in serious need of an overhaul. I know paramedics don’t make minimum wage. But when the minimum wage is raised, so do the wages in other industries. And if you take it off the top of these pyramid schemes that pass for corporations, prices don’t need to go up. The story is The US Wage Gap is Killing Its Citizens 3) The final story is the Sheer Hypocrisy Shown by the Right. Offended by woman showing her body but supporting.a pig like Trump ends any argument they can make.
Wooow.. I am really surprise that the strongest country on earth not giving additional pay on their medic team for handling this pandemi. For God sake, this pandemi has taken many lives of medic team member.. F**k.. this is wrong in many level.. Do you know that in emerging country like Indonesia medic team get incentive worth of 5 TIMES THEIR AVERAGE SALARY..
I don’t think the US can be called the strongest. When people can’t even wear a small piece of cloth in order to protect their community it’s a show of selfish weakness.
Load More Replies...this is disappointing....Sex workers should not be shamed, she wasn't' doing anything wrong, in fact she was doing something awesome! shes saving lives!
What did they think they were going to find on OnlyFans? More people than Belle Delphine use it. Also why was someone looking at this?
Well shes making 56000 Canadian and thats the starting salary, I know EMS that work extra jobs because they like making money. They own houses and brand new vehicles. Females who jump into Only Fans are always just useless people who as soon as they turn 18 think they can get something for nothing. Go do Stripping, atleast than your providing something that the customer can see in front of them. Nudity online is way too easy to get and youre still making your self a commodity.
Hope she sued the s**t out of them!! Most ghetto rachet ass paper in NY!!!
I've been a paramedic for over ten years. Most of us need multiple jobs to pay the bills. Aside from being morally reprehensible to shame a woman for showing pride in her body, this article completely undermines everything we work for. I will never look at the NY Post or support them ever again. I will be urging my family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. I humbly ask you do the same. Firing that disgusting gossip columnist is not enough. It is telling of the entire enterprise that such an article could even have been published.
She may have a lawsuit here and I say pursue it! Reporter and paper were way out of line!
well excuse me that doctors get paid REDICULOUS amounts and the nurses, ect are getting paid horribly. WT FRICK I mean they are carrying more then their share especially right now during the pandemic. ugh disgusting cactus', leave her alone
doing only fans is stigmatized by the multitude of useless young women who try to find any way they can to make money from doing nothing. "I havent eaten today, buy me skip the dishes" "I just need 5 dollars for my kids medicine even though I live in Canada with govt supports that pay for it 100% while I get 1000 a month from Child tax benefits". I worked at a Court house as security making HALF the wage the Sheriffs were and they had paid sick days and said they never had money after pay day. 80% of them did security on the side or were real estate agents. You see how you can have a side job and not be useless? Also the US should have a child tax benefit, I get 1044 for raising my two sons as a single dad and one of them has disabilities.
One should be aware of all the risks when posting digital, intimate content. Once it's out, it's out. With that said, she's a first responder in my mind. She desires to help others, serve her community and pay her bills. I don't see her any other way.
Disgusting !! that journalist gives a bad name to the profession...GO Girl !! you have done nothing wrong...I admire you for what you are doing and hope your co-workers will protect your back. Racy pictures!? the social media are bursting with them and who gives a flying fart? The double standards of the Americans !!! I wish you all the best.
Some comment called the journalist a pig and he truly his - and his editor. I am really shocked about this kind of gutter jorunalism. I'm not American and somehow I thought the NYP is a reputable newspaper. And once again I am jsut gutted abotu how disfunctional the world'S largest banana republic is. It amazes me that people actually pay through the nose for an education for a hard job that is dangerous AND pays badly. Why does anybody still do this??
I can't believe in 2020 society is still shaming women for doing whatever they want with their own bodies and not the men/women who are buying other human beings and their bodies for distraction.
That site is riddled with child porn. Underage teens post nudes & porn vids all the time.
what tf do you mean "why does she need two jobs to make ends meet"?? Paramedics make on average in NYC is $49,000 a year. In order to live comfortably in NYC, it is recommended to have a yearly salary of $50,000 or more... Literally almost ALL paramedics have two jobs in order to get money. Having an Onlyfans is still a job!
Load More Replies...Tell that to all the children in the Philippines and elsewhere who are raped over the internet by sexual predators in the west when they are forced to be underage sex workers in order for the family to survive! Is the sad truth that you are trying to ease your own conscience? They are sex workers all right.
Load More Replies...That's because running a brothel is completely legal in those two jurisdictions. That also doesn't really have any relevance here.
Load More Replies...AOC can keep donating money, but how many times can she do this? Seems like she’s doing a lot more by changing the laws or highlighting things that need to get done.
Load More Replies...If you are selling a private picture to someone there are rules that you cannot send those pictures to other people. A lot of people do not follow the rules and that makes them disgusting. This is not what this is about though, it is about her getting fired from a different job for what she does in her own time, and for someone slandering her name without consent. If you don't like people selling their nudes then don't buy them, and don't look at free nudes because you don't deserve them.
Load More Replies...Are really so deluded to think that the salaries of nurses are in any way a significant factor in health care costs? They make up a miniscule amount of it.
Load More Replies...I’m pretty sure they’re holding out for good reasons. Caving in to a monster when the most basic needs are held hostage would only fuel their ego. The monster doesn’t even want to do those things in the first place.
Load More Replies...Why should she give half her salary? When the solution is to actually raise the minimum wages and include protections necessary for people to live? Wouldn’t that benefit more people at the frontlines? Wouldn’t those changes have a more lasting and widespread impact?
Load More Replies...Just because you do something willingly and are not ashamed of it does not mean you automatically don't care what anyone thinks and want to have your identity all over the internet. Sounds easy to do but I really doubt it is. I'm feeling anxious just thinking about it and I'm not aware of doing anything wrong. She's saving lives while literally trying to survive herself, let's judge someone else who might deserve it.
Load More Replies...There are way too many jobs that pay more than minimum wage that still don't pay a living wage.
Load More Replies...i never think sex worker should've been shamed for what they do. people who are too close to religion have so much hate for sexuality it's just stupid. Gun lover it's ok but not sexuality. people need to rethink their morality
"Religion" is not the problem here. Self-righteousness is the problem. On that subject, see Matthew 7:5. As a follower of Christ, I do what I can to stand up for the rights of marginalized people, including sex workers.
Load More Replies...1) She's not harming anyone or breaking any rules. 2) At the same time she's literally saving lives every day. 3) Still gets shamed? Who are we gonna go against next? Let's start with baby pandas, bet these suckers deserve their share of internet hate. Edit: mistake
stupid baby pandas, thinking they're so cute with their brown eyes and dual-color coats. They could have been black or white, buuuuut noooo, they were too good for that. lol
Load More Replies...First: In many European countries, it is illegal to publish the name of a person in an article like this one. The right to privacy is of the essence! People deserve to not be hung out publicly regardless if they are 'guilty' or not of what the newspaper accuse them of. Second: All around the world, ALL healthcare workers SHOULD be paid decent wages. As is, only doctors and top administrators make good money, but there are many countries where they too are underpaid, with possible graft in the wake.
I've always thought the public publishing of mugshots is just wrong. Anyone can get arrested, but an arrest is not a conviction. So their lives are ruined for nothing. This is along those same lines.
Load More Replies...For those not familiar with the New York Post, it is a right-wing tabloid. When it comes to reporting, gender is SUPER important to them. It's common for them to use terms like "policewoman" instead of "police officer" or at least make sure to point out that a female officer was on scene...they do not do that to the male officers. They always comment on AOC's attire, hair or makeup before they'll talk about her work. They never mention Max Rose's choice of clothing or appearance. Two Representatives, both from the same city, but VERY different standards. But then again, I have fun spotting the number of typos and misspellings I can find in every edition before I put it in the litter box. They do have an excellent crossword and their gossip section is great! On a more personal, serious note: I was an EMT in NYC for 20+ years. It was NEVER my only job. It couldn't be, I could not live on that salary! EVERY EMT I know works at least one other job, if not two. And we have no safety net! If you don't work for the Fire Department, you might not have help if you get injured on the job or get too sick to work. That includes most of the EMTs and paramedics in NYC, since many work for hospitals (which answer 911 calls) or private companies (which this EMT does, I recognize her uniform...there are many such companies, so I'm not exposing her any more, I promise! She does not work for the City of New York, so she was not violating any civil servant rules, btw.). If anyone cares to help, please look up the Primum Non Nocere Foundation, as they help EMTs and paramedics in times of distress. There are no paid board members, they do not pay any salaries. They help out with rent, getting the heat put back on when bills can't get paid and taking families food shopping. After my last suicide attempt, they were among the first to call, worried I'd be out of work and going hungry!
It is a Rupert Murdoch controlled 'news' paper. WHY BUY IT?
Load More Replies...Its legal, albeit disgusting. But that's the NYpost for you. They're horrible
Load More Replies...Those "onlyfans" accounts are supported by greasy perverts who are paying lots of money to see a woman's body. A woman chooses to expose her body to these creeps to make enough money to make ends meet despite already having a full time "essential" job, that's just another sign of how twisted the American society is. At the same time some idiot is spending millions of dollars to get told time and time again that he lost the elections. The same people who donated 200 million for this utter madness won't spare a dime for people who could really use some support.
Exactly. And also, think about it. As you said, onlyfans accounts are only supported by greasy perverts. So whoever found the account and decided to tell the post, all they are is a greasy pervert and a horrible person.
Load More Replies...Most of those shaming her wish that someone would pay for their hideous ass on a picture.
Or that she would sleep with them lol
Load More Replies...I hope the NYP "reporter" has been fired. it's the minimum he deserves. Someone aware of the evolution of history?
I replied above but they most likely won't be because they don't believe they did anything wrong
Load More Replies...OK, lawmakers, you are finally looking into the monopolistic business methods of the huuuuge tech giants. How about breaking up Rupert Murdochs media empire? Press freedom with hardly any independent press is not worth the name.
Who even cares why she made an Only Fans... it's her private life, and it's her business. Some people do it for fun, and the money is just a bonus. You also shouldn't NEED to work an extra job if you're already working more than full time hours. Ridiculous. It was probably some jealous loser who "tattled" on this lady.
New York post should not only apologize but give her a donation to the go fund me. What they did is disgusting. It seems good journalism has died
Her gofundme as of this morning now has 68k of 5k, LOL in your face New York Post, you sleazebags!
There’s a couple of stories here: 1) It is beyond disgusting what an EMT makes. If you have ever taken an ambulance ride you know that bill isn’t cheap. Meaning that the corporation running that service is making serious money but not paying their workers. You will see variations on this theme across every business in the US. The story is For Profit Medicine is an Utter Failure. 2) On that same note, the US pay system in general and the minimum wage specifically are in serious need of an overhaul. I know paramedics don’t make minimum wage. But when the minimum wage is raised, so do the wages in other industries. And if you take it off the top of these pyramid schemes that pass for corporations, prices don’t need to go up. The story is The US Wage Gap is Killing Its Citizens 3) The final story is the Sheer Hypocrisy Shown by the Right. Offended by woman showing her body but supporting.a pig like Trump ends any argument they can make.
Wooow.. I am really surprise that the strongest country on earth not giving additional pay on their medic team for handling this pandemi. For God sake, this pandemi has taken many lives of medic team member.. F**k.. this is wrong in many level.. Do you know that in emerging country like Indonesia medic team get incentive worth of 5 TIMES THEIR AVERAGE SALARY..
I don’t think the US can be called the strongest. When people can’t even wear a small piece of cloth in order to protect their community it’s a show of selfish weakness.
Load More Replies...this is disappointing....Sex workers should not be shamed, she wasn't' doing anything wrong, in fact she was doing something awesome! shes saving lives!
What did they think they were going to find on OnlyFans? More people than Belle Delphine use it. Also why was someone looking at this?
Well shes making 56000 Canadian and thats the starting salary, I know EMS that work extra jobs because they like making money. They own houses and brand new vehicles. Females who jump into Only Fans are always just useless people who as soon as they turn 18 think they can get something for nothing. Go do Stripping, atleast than your providing something that the customer can see in front of them. Nudity online is way too easy to get and youre still making your self a commodity.
Hope she sued the s**t out of them!! Most ghetto rachet ass paper in NY!!!
I've been a paramedic for over ten years. Most of us need multiple jobs to pay the bills. Aside from being morally reprehensible to shame a woman for showing pride in her body, this article completely undermines everything we work for. I will never look at the NY Post or support them ever again. I will be urging my family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. I humbly ask you do the same. Firing that disgusting gossip columnist is not enough. It is telling of the entire enterprise that such an article could even have been published.
She may have a lawsuit here and I say pursue it! Reporter and paper were way out of line!
well excuse me that doctors get paid REDICULOUS amounts and the nurses, ect are getting paid horribly. WT FRICK I mean they are carrying more then their share especially right now during the pandemic. ugh disgusting cactus', leave her alone
doing only fans is stigmatized by the multitude of useless young women who try to find any way they can to make money from doing nothing. "I havent eaten today, buy me skip the dishes" "I just need 5 dollars for my kids medicine even though I live in Canada with govt supports that pay for it 100% while I get 1000 a month from Child tax benefits". I worked at a Court house as security making HALF the wage the Sheriffs were and they had paid sick days and said they never had money after pay day. 80% of them did security on the side or were real estate agents. You see how you can have a side job and not be useless? Also the US should have a child tax benefit, I get 1044 for raising my two sons as a single dad and one of them has disabilities.
One should be aware of all the risks when posting digital, intimate content. Once it's out, it's out. With that said, she's a first responder in my mind. She desires to help others, serve her community and pay her bills. I don't see her any other way.
Disgusting !! that journalist gives a bad name to the profession...GO Girl !! you have done nothing wrong...I admire you for what you are doing and hope your co-workers will protect your back. Racy pictures!? the social media are bursting with them and who gives a flying fart? The double standards of the Americans !!! I wish you all the best.
Some comment called the journalist a pig and he truly his - and his editor. I am really shocked about this kind of gutter jorunalism. I'm not American and somehow I thought the NYP is a reputable newspaper. And once again I am jsut gutted abotu how disfunctional the world'S largest banana republic is. It amazes me that people actually pay through the nose for an education for a hard job that is dangerous AND pays badly. Why does anybody still do this??
I can't believe in 2020 society is still shaming women for doing whatever they want with their own bodies and not the men/women who are buying other human beings and their bodies for distraction.
That site is riddled with child porn. Underage teens post nudes & porn vids all the time.
what tf do you mean "why does she need two jobs to make ends meet"?? Paramedics make on average in NYC is $49,000 a year. In order to live comfortably in NYC, it is recommended to have a yearly salary of $50,000 or more... Literally almost ALL paramedics have two jobs in order to get money. Having an Onlyfans is still a job!
Load More Replies...Tell that to all the children in the Philippines and elsewhere who are raped over the internet by sexual predators in the west when they are forced to be underage sex workers in order for the family to survive! Is the sad truth that you are trying to ease your own conscience? They are sex workers all right.
Load More Replies...That's because running a brothel is completely legal in those two jurisdictions. That also doesn't really have any relevance here.
Load More Replies...AOC can keep donating money, but how many times can she do this? Seems like she’s doing a lot more by changing the laws or highlighting things that need to get done.
Load More Replies...If you are selling a private picture to someone there are rules that you cannot send those pictures to other people. A lot of people do not follow the rules and that makes them disgusting. This is not what this is about though, it is about her getting fired from a different job for what she does in her own time, and for someone slandering her name without consent. If you don't like people selling their nudes then don't buy them, and don't look at free nudes because you don't deserve them.
Load More Replies...Are really so deluded to think that the salaries of nurses are in any way a significant factor in health care costs? They make up a miniscule amount of it.
Load More Replies...I’m pretty sure they’re holding out for good reasons. Caving in to a monster when the most basic needs are held hostage would only fuel their ego. The monster doesn’t even want to do those things in the first place.
Load More Replies...Why should she give half her salary? When the solution is to actually raise the minimum wages and include protections necessary for people to live? Wouldn’t that benefit more people at the frontlines? Wouldn’t those changes have a more lasting and widespread impact?
Load More Replies...Just because you do something willingly and are not ashamed of it does not mean you automatically don't care what anyone thinks and want to have your identity all over the internet. Sounds easy to do but I really doubt it is. I'm feeling anxious just thinking about it and I'm not aware of doing anything wrong. She's saving lives while literally trying to survive herself, let's judge someone else who might deserve it.
Load More Replies...