People Are Applauding This Nurse Who Shut Down Anti-Vaxxers Using Their Own Logic
The “vaccines and autism” argument – even though it has been thoroughly debunked – isn’t the only reason why some people choose to be a part of the anti-vaxxers movement and risk their own or their children’s lives preventing immunization to such diseases like polio or measles. Some choose to do so because they believe that vaccines are nothing more than an evil scheme used by “Big Pharma” to exploit the pro-vaccination public and its wallets.
Image credits: Meggy Doodle
Recently, mother and registered nurse Meggy Doodle shared a Facebook post, explaining why she thinks these anti-vaccination people have the right to think and do so. Only on one condition. Scroll down to check out her vaccination reasoning which has already earned over 34K likes and 31K shares.
Many people shared their own thoughts about the subject as well
Trying to convince fools with rational and scientifically proven arguments. That never worked. The only solution to this problem is legislation.
Completely agree, other countries such as France and Italy do already - non -vaccinated children cannot attend state schools. Driven by too many kids dying from diseases that they should be protected from by...shock...vaccination!
Load More Replies...A rant to put things in perspective maybe. - Just Imagine. I just got a puppy - a beautiful purebred predigree puppy that has taken me a couple of years to get. It is so beautiful and perfect that I am not going to give it the reccomended vaccines to keep it safe and healthy. I am going to leave it open to Distemper and Kennel Cough. ParvoVirus and every other thing that could make it very ill or kill it or infect other animals. I should be told by every responsible dog owner "keep your puppy the hell away from my dog"
I just had this same discussion with my brother yesterday. I told him that the same people who don't vaccinate their kids probably vaccinate their pets.
Load More Replies...This again... you cant knock reason into a selfish a*****e. Sorry, but let's name things properly - people who purposedly do not vaccinate are selfish bastards to me.
This is just an argument that will go on and on forever - til the return of Bubonic Plague and Smallpox because idiots think they are too special to give their children the gifts of lifelong immunity to the diseases that ravaged their ancestors lives.
Load More Replies...“Vaccines are safe!” Brought to you by the US Department of Health, the same gods of truth and justice that brought us thalidomide, Tuskegee and the preservatives they used to insist made the MMR vaccine safe. I don’t know if the vaccines are the reason autism rates rose 15 percent in two years. I know this: the government has lied to us about the safety of medication in the past; if the vaccines are the problem, they’ll never admit it and expose themselves to billions in damages and my autistic son was a quiet, placid baby until his first set of vaccines. That was when his personality underwent a deep-sea change. Again, who knows? But there is more than anecdotal suggestion there’s a problem and the gov’t has lied before.
It’s called informed consent and bodily autonomy which is legal and ethical healthcare 101. After weighing the risks and benefits of ANY drug or procedure you can decline, seek alternatives or take it. It’s simple. Nuremburg Code Would "Meggy Doodle" be ok with administering penicillin to a person who had an adverse reaction to it prior? Would she say that "the science is settled" and that no one has reactions to penicillin? Every single example she gave in the article was life or death. There is a big difference getting a life saving medicine when you are suffering from a heart attack and taking your perfectly healthy children on for shots that have not been proven safe. It isn't even a fair argument!
It’s life or death for people around you unvaccinated folks - people who, as she mentions, are too young, too old, or immune compromised and can’t get vaccinated. Don’t want to worry yourself with being part of community? Go live, unvaccinated, on an isolated island.
Load More Replies...You must get the vaccines because they are necessary and work, except when they don't work and that's why you should get them, because they do work, except when they don't, and in those cases it's better to still get them because when they don't work you still need them because they work even when they don't work. And even though they work, sometimes they don't and for that reason you need them even more, because when they don't work they are still necessary because you'll still get sick only not as sick as you would be if you didn't get them, even though if you didn't get it in the first place you wouldn't be sick right now, but that's besides the point. If you didn't get the flu vaccine you'd probably not be sick, but even though you are sick it's not as.bad as it could be, we think. And even though you're healthy and haven't had the flu shot before you still need it because you're a threat to others with your healthiness. because even when it doesn't work its needed because it does
Feel free to take chances on your own life - isolated from others. The point is, herd immunity. You don’t live in a vacuum. So don’t take chances on the lives of others.
Load More Replies...It is crazy that euthanasia is illegal but not protecting your children against, well, death-isn't!
Hell, in some states, it's still legal not to seek medical attention for life & death reasons due to religion!
Load More Replies...As the sickest of all industrialized nations, what assures our uninterrupted de-evolution is the decline of intelligence and education where perfectly healthy people willingly accept being forced to take potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines. Without a squawk. Exempting one’s child from vaccines has always been a path chosen by a small percentage of the most educated people. The militantly uneducated will always accept as many vaccines as they are told. That will never change. What has changed dramatically is that now we have arrived at a dangerous and uncharted new crossroads in national politics, where the will of the uneducated mob is being imposed by law on the educated. Such a trend will ensure the continuation of the academic, ethical, and moral deterioration that we have witnessed since 9/11. Today’s measles hysteria is just a symptom of that more systemic, more profound malaise. CLARENCE DARROW The unvacci
A lot of people in the comments are upset that we continue to argue with anti-vaxxers. True, it is like talking to a wall, if that wall carried hundreds of potentially fatal diseases. People have died from these completely preventable illnesses before and so many people suffered when they didn't have to. We will not stop spreading the word about vaccines and drilling the consequences into everyone's mind until everyone who can be vaccinated, is vaccinated. Just like a wall, we can tear them down. (I sound like a bloody anarchist :| )
Love to know how many people have died from the measles or other "preventable diseases" (that our bodies fight naturally) versus the new rate of Autism. The latest estimate of Autism prevalence—1 in 68—is up 30 percent from the 1 in 88 rate reported in 2008, and more than double the 1 in 150 rate in 2000. (Mar 2, 2017). It's probably even higher now. Once you guys realise that YOU are the wall, we can all start to work together.
Load More Replies...Am I allowed to contribute to the ongoing debate? I know of one reason I selfishly won't vaccinate. It's one word. Superviruses.
...and then you get medical professionals who do tell us that modern vaccines are bad news.
Vastly educated people that do not want to vaccinate their children (rates of vaccination are lower in the most educated corners of this country such as Palo Alto). Can't you all see how ludicrous this argument is? You really CAN pick and choose, it's your right to do so as a sentient human. You can choose antibiotics in an emergency crisis (and antibiotics can also be made from establishments other than "big pharma"), and then you can also say no to vaccines such as Hepatitis B or Measles which you don't think are as important as sparing your child from well-documented, potential harm for an unknown. What is UNKNOWN is whether or not you will get measles. And more than half the people getting measles are vaccinated either because the vaccines fail and are ineffective, or because their immune systems are so weak from repeated stimulation. You're telling people, that if they don't vaccinate, they don't deserve to PUCHASE what they DO believe in? You're taking away people's rights to
"You can choose antibiotics in an emergency crisis (and antibiotics can also be made from establishments other than "big pharma")" In a comment full of nonsense, this has to be the most nonsensical statement of all. What "establishment" do you believe antibiotics "can also be made from?" Most antibiotics were developed by Big P and are produced by Big P. I don't know of any that are made from "establishments."
Load More Replies...Brilliant!! As a person with a compromised immune system, I get my flu shot every year without fail!! Also, all of my children were caccinated as was I. I have no intention of causing harm or death on someone who is immune compromised. I don’t think children that are NOT vaccinated should attend public schools or be allowed in the general public. They are placing a risk to those more vulnerable them and keep them out of the public.
Ok. So what your saying is your kids are safe if you vaccinated them. But if my kids aren't vaccinated somehow the vaccine your kids took wouldn't work? You are ALL f*****g idiots I'm done arguing y'all need to do research not jump off a bridge because everyone else is. But wtf ever I'm homeschooling my children. I don't want to have my children injected with Mercury and Aluminum f*****g idiots do your research you p**s me off. Talk s**t about people for what they believe in? Yeah that makes you a great f*****g person!!! It's against my religion. Thanks for your oppinions but it's quite different from the FACTS.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxing especially makes me angry when parents choose not to have their kids vaccinated. If you want to make YOURSELF possibly catch a preventable disease for no reason, whatever, that's a terrible decision, but whatever. However, when you don't vaccinate your KIDS, you're pretty much forcing them to catch a disease and be unhealthy because it's your "right."
FACTS ARE GIFTS🌟 Friends....Facts do not lie, and facts are not attacks, just simply facts.... FACT: 1986 Bill signed that gave all vaccine manufactures immunity from liability of injuries and death. "FACT 👉🏻 The current CDC vaccination schedule has never been tested collectively for safety. FACT 👉🏻 There are 13 CDC scientists that have come forward saying that the CDC is committing scientific fraud. FACT 👉🏻 Willam Thompson, Senior CDC Scientist, turned over 10,000 documents to Senator Bill Posey, which showed that the CDC lied, destroyed, and manipulated data which proved the MMR vaccine did and can cause Autism. FACT 👉🏻 The VICP has paid out over $4.3 Billion in vaccine injury cases (which is a small fraction of the cases that are submitted and an even smaller fraction of the cases of injury that are not submitted) FACT 👉🏻 Vaccines contain numerous carcinogenic substances. FACT 👉🏻 Recent studies showed that many of the common childhood vaccines tested positive for high levels of gl
I'm sure this list of FACTS could go on and on but those blindly judging those who choose not to vaccine will not properly investigate these facts. Sad!
Load More Replies...The flu vaccine isn't needed unless you have a compromised/weak immune system. It is best to fight it off naturally if you can. - Conrad Young
Nurses are charged with not only caring for the sick but, also teaching about how to be healthy. I am a proud former Registered Nurse with a PhD.
Just so unfair on the kids. Would be brilliant to take the banning to another level. "If you dont have vaccination certificates, we wont treat your children and we wont allow them in the hospital" etc etc. Anti-vaxxers and their innocent children are a public heath hazzard
Tell this to my 3 permanently damaged children that are vaccine injured. There is way more to this complex situation than just being pro vax vs anti vax. We're being lied to daily. Just because this medical person makes a statement, doesn't make it true. The facts are there. You have to have an open mind to discover the truth.
Load More Replies...Finally, an intelligent nurse speaks, one more interested in the truth instead of satiating their own egos by trying impress their friends and harvesting ‘likes’ from other self-obsessed dumbbell anti-Baxter’s!
Lol! "Thoroughly debunked". Tell that to the parents who have witnessed the change in their child. In which case, the dumbass who responded "You AVs won't see this is a problem until one of you lose a child yourself..." Same argument goes for those who have seen their kids develop Autism after their shots. The vaccines haven't been tested by anyone other than the CDC - the ones who stand to lose trillions if the truth ever got out. So, no, it hasn't been "thoroughly debunked". Trash article.
MORE THAN 50 PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC Studies from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health that link Autism to Vaccines-
Logical fallacy of black and white! The assumption that not choosing one form or type of health care means that they choose not to take any other form. I feel that everyone has the right to what happens to their bodies and what is put into them. This is a fundamental right and each decision is for them to decide. Those who are for forced vaccines should be careful of the road that leads to and the precedent you are setting.
Tell this to the people who have been negatively effected by the vaccine. I am one of those people. This post she wrote was disrespectful and just negative. Throwing her emotional garbage on everyone else. Stop calling people names. Once you do, we can have a conversation. Vaccines need to be properly done and not injected into a baby with a weak immune system. There needs to be more thorough research and longer studies. It should be made legal to sue the people who inject us with vaccines if there is a serious side effect so then we can have documentation and learn from it. There have been a lot of sicknesses that have dissipated. Is it all due to vaccines? Is it the education we received over the years? Is it because we have a better sanitation system? Is it because we know more about natural healing and it is more available to us? I’m all for everyone in good health. But we need to stop ignoring and look into why the vaccines are negatively effecting some people.
I lost my daughter from complications to a vaccine so people always act like everything is a 100 percent when its not
Load More Replies...Why are you trying to convince parents who don’t vaccinate their children to vaccinate their children that is their choice I am not vaccinated and in my kindergarten everyone in the class had chicken pox and that was all the VACCINATED kids and the one non vaccinated kid aka ME did not get chicken pox
So a person's or a mother's vision of health is meant to be totally over-ridden by government then? Because it's government, via lobbying, that is filling you with this information. I can link you to more than 100 peer-reviewed studies that suggest HUGE problems with vaccines. And I personally live in a community where there are dozens of PhD's and MD's who do NOT vaccinate. We have somehow skipped the flu in our community for years, and gotten off with minor colds. Beyond that, this constant accusation that people are selfish for not wanting to get immunized when they've had issues with it before is just sick. If a child is sick to the point of getting chemo, there is something wrong in our culture, with our foods, with our medicines. Chronic illness has ridden so steadily with increased use of vaccines that you could only but say there is abuse going on in our culture.
Do you follow the speed limit? Why? Shouldn't your personal vision of getting from one place to another overrule and government interference? You are ridiculous. Just stop it.
Load More Don't get vaccinated? get out of my hospital! and go die alone in the gutter. you wanna live like caveman go die at 32 like a caveman
She's absolutely right on everything she said. These anti-vaxxer idiots should be sterilized. Complete morons.
I'm not ANTI-Vaxxer but it's blind to think Big-Pharma isn't pushing product for profit and influencing the whole industry by controlling the education these Doctors and Nurses receive. Being a college graduate means you memorized curriculum, it doesn't make you truly intelligent. Who wrote your curriculum? Big Pharma. Those who made the discoveries that enabled your profession were the intelligent ones. Claiming to be intelligent because of your schooling is truly blind, the assumption that what you learn is infallible is ridiculous. Our economic system is broken thanks to industry control over finance & business school. Vaccines aren't the problem, they're a distraction from the real problem of corruption. Giving airtime to ANTI-Vaxxers just reinforces a false belief that the opposite is actually true. Blind trust in Big Pharma.
As someone who was a student nurse and I can assure you that Big Pharma is not controlling nurse education. Learning about Bad Pharma, the history of medical mistakes, the dangers of polypharmacy are very much on the curriculum in the UK (cannot speak for USA).
Load More Replies...I hear the analogy, but it doesn't seem much different than the food industry! The food industry makes food that people are allergic to and also foods that are bad for you and even foods that can kill people, like nuts or other severe allergies. It would be ludicrous to be told that I couldn't go grocery shopping because I refused to buy and eat certain foods like cake, cookies, soda or gluten. Just like I can choose which foods I put in my body, I should be able to choose which medications I put in my body also. Wouldn't it be nuts if I was told by the government that I had to buy certain foods and make my family eat it even if we didn't want to just so we can shop at the local market? Or to make vegans eat meat? I am not being argumentative, just using the same analogy on a different topic. I don't think anti-vaxxers should be refused medical treatment because they don't vaccinate.
Take your meds! We do not want go back to iron longs for polio and Black Death. This may sound drastic, but that is where you could be heading with no vaccines. You put everyone in danger. Big Pharm has been live to millions of people.
MEASLES REDUCES RISK OF CANCER Studies showing the reduction of cancer risk, heart disease and Parkinson’s for those who have been infected with wild measles (not the vaccine strain): Wild Measles: Glaser et al also found that lymph cancer is significantly more likely in adults who were not NATURALLY infected with measles, mumps or rubella in childhood [In J Cancer 2005; 115(4): 599-605]. Wild Mumps: Researchers investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland. Mumps reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Wild Measles: Adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles earlier in
Study showing that thr vaccinated spread diseases.
The only exemption at schools (public, private or charter) for vaccinations should be medical. You don't want to vaccinate your children? Home school them and btw, don't take them to the mall or movies or public play grounds, etc. Hard on the kids, but I am sure they will thank you when they have to live through measles or mumps or ....
I completely agree. Don't seek out medical treatment if you won't seek prevention.
To all of you who are against big Pharma and believe in essential oils , find me an essential oil that can restart my heart in the oddest of chance that I should go into cardiac arrest then I might start believing in homeopathic remedies.
That's called electricity, it's not a pill or a homeopathic. Or adrenaline, a chemical your body naturally produces, in a super large dose straight into your heart. Knowledge much?
Load More Replies..."nat·u·ral se·lec·tionDictionary result for natural selection /ˈnaCH(ə)rəl səˈlekSHən/Submit nounBIOLOGY the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring" Maybe you should find a better term. "natural" would imply lack of drugs, vaccines, or medical intervention.
Load More Replies...Vaccinations are wrong for many reasons. The biggest issue? We have destroyed our natural predators - tiny viruses - germs - bacterium. Now we are faced with a HUGE population. It's time to clean up our act. So quit using medicines - of any sort. Let nature take its course and let the predators that nature provided to keep the human species in check . . . work. Hopefully you'll "depart the pattern" relatively painlessly. Avoid typhus and rabies (which can be especially painful). The plague can make your carcass a bit disgusting (thank goodness for cremation, eh?). Perhaps we can gradually get the world's population down to it's natural level - about 1.5 billion total. do realize that the population grows really fast, right? It'll just balloon right back up. *gets destroyed by peeps for being super inaccurate*
Load More Replies...If you choose not to vaccinate your kids, I have two words for you - Home School!
I've always wanted to ask.. what's a flu shot? I assumed it's a yearly vaccination you guys can take to avoid the flu, but is it?
Yes, if they guess which flu strains it will be correctly.
Load More Replies...I can't believe they actually think the "essential oils" are better than vaccines
Oh I can. There's a woman that's been in a few of my classes who's busy sniffing, snorting, and drinking all sorts of coloured water from her "herbalist" and "naturopath" friends. She's been hospitalized for the flu twice in the past five years or so. She still thinks she's right.
Load More Replies...If they don't want help, throw them back in the street where they belong.
I agree, all 7 of my kids were vaccinated, and nothing happened to them, except they all live. I did almost lost my life from sepsi got treated in the hospital I'm still here. People should be glad with vaccines because if we didn't have them it would be death all over again back in the days when there outbreak of polio, tetanus, measles, chickenpox, and so one. Think about it!
WOW love this...and not to mention people like me 64 years old the flu hits hard and can be deadly and with a history of Guillian Barre Syndrome (that landed me in the hospital for a week to the tune of $80,000 $25,000 of which was the IV medicine to halt the progression NOT cure it) and CANNOT have a vaccine I WISH I could!
There is so much ignorance in this that it is impossible to even begin to’s not only sad but pathetic that this nurse equates the refusal of a liability-free product that is not tested to the minimum standards necessary to be called “safe and effective” as though it is the same as the refusal of all emergency medical products that are required to undergo extensive, standardized safety testing and are subject to lawsuit if/when the product fails. Moreover the blatant ignorance of how immunity and “herd immunity” are actually achieved underscores how incompetent the western medical field is at actually preventing these so called “vaccine preventable” diseases. Lastly, I call bull s**t on this claim that if you get a flu shot and still get the flu you’re not going to experience it as bad - reality is you have made yourself immunocompromised (albeit temporarily, at least until your system can rid itself of the contaminates used in vaccines).
Okay nurse Doodle, first I would never assume that a doctor or a nurse is doing harm to anyone. But I will ask, have you thoroughly investigated what is in all the ingredients that the doctor prescribes or are in vaccines. Do you do any continued education other than what pharma gives you about their products? There is a big difference in receiving urgent care when you need it than going in every few months and injecting yourself with vaccines. Tell me do you really think that vaccines equal immunity? What are titers? Do you know about that? Do you believe in building your immune system without taking drugs? I hope someone can give this to Nurse Doodle. You will never win this arguement because there are no true placebo saftely studies. Ifyou don't beleive me than check the package insert that is a couple of feet long.
First off, let me say some vaccines work some don’t. The flu vaccine is a hoax. Polio is not. For example the CDC has already stated certain types of Virus’s cannot be vaccinated for there fast mutation rates and infinite possible strands. Those Virus’s are called Self replicating RNA virus’s. Anyone have any idea what type of Virus the Flu is? It’s a self Replicating RNA virus and therefore you cannot create an accurate vaccine for it. In fact studies actually show the years where the lowest number of vaccines are administered are actually the years of the least number of reported cases of influenza. So yes some vaccines are a hoax for Big Pharma to make money. Others not so much. Certain Virus’s such as the flu, the best defense is actually just washing your hands. Here is another fact. Pre Flu vaccines their average person got influenza 2.4 times in there lifetime. Now the average person gets it every 4.6 years... or roughly 18 times in there lifetime.
I think Bored Panda should stay out of this issue and just stick to silly videos of pets.
we are doing great with the highest SIDS rate of any industrialized country
As a free person you should be able to pick and choose what you want to do. just because you don't like guns doesn't mean you can't call the cops when you have problems. stop trying to take people's freedoms from them. It's there right and their consequences.
I think no one should be forced in to taking anything with the all or nothing threat. That is the biggest load of c**p ever. and all you who are singing her praises, how about the next time you smoke that ciggie that the doctor had told you over and over to stop, Since you aren't going to obey something as simple as an order not to smoke, then should you be shut off from all medical care?? You see where this could go....right?
all i know that everyone who had the flu shot at work got sick and lost time but the ones who did not take it were find so last i knew what i do is my freedom to do so if you do not like it do not take it but i am free to chose what i want to do with out any one putting me down just to get there name in the news have a good day
People should be allowed to not vaccinate, however they should not be allowed in public places if they aren't. Simple. Your freedom ends where that of others begins. this is what bored panda calls logic? No. Try again please.
So you either have to accept every drug prescribed and every vaccination offered or opt for no medical treatments ever whatsoever? That's what she calls logic? I am not necessarily an anti -vaxxer. I haven't looked into it enough to truly understand it all. However, I do know that it may not necessarily be the vaccine's themselves, but the sheer number of diseases pumped into the small babies these days - nothing like it was in my generation or my own child's generation. I believe it's more than 12 x what previous generations got. Young babies are suddenly induced with many diseases and so many parents swearing their kids were normal beforehand? I tend to believe them. Especially the parents of triplets who say each of their 3 was normal before the vaccines and all 2 'shut off' the same day as the vaccinations. I believe these particular parents. parents of triplets vaccines video. Google the video "Parents of triples vaccinations autism" and see for yourself. It's not so simple
This is my don’t want to vaccinate your kids because of the infinitely small chance of a fatal reaction. Do you know how many kids get hit by cars in a year while riding their bicycle? Walking to school? Crossing in front of a stopped school bus only to be struck by a car whose driver ignores blinking red lights on school buses ? Are you going to place your child in a cocoon? Because, dear anti vaxxers, more kids die or are maimed by the things I mentioned than are harmed or negatively impacted by a vaccine! I lived through the polio epidemics of 1955-56. When that vaccine was available, parents and kids were lined up wherever the vaccine was being given. That end result ultimately? Virtual eradication of the nightmare disease known as polio!
The argument is that vaccines cause most of these illness this nurse is talking about therefore we would not have to use most of the medications that big pharma is creating, because they were created by vaccines in the first place!!! We don't want their medications, we want holistic safe living. Pro-vaxxers really need to educate themselves. Measles to the Rescue: A Review of Oncolytic Measles Virus. MV Clinical trials are producing encouraging preliminary results in ovarian cancer, myeloma and cutaneous non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and the outcome of currently open trials in glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma and squamous cell carcinoma are eagerly anticipated. Aref S, et al. Viruses. 2016. Wild Measles: Glaser et al also found that lymph cancer is significantly more likely in adults who were not NATURALLY infected with measles, mumps or rubella in childhood [In J Cancer 2005; 115(4): 599-605]. Common Infections: Gilham et asles (and mumps) Wild measles and mumps protects against heart problems. Wild Mumps: Researchers in
Wild Mumps: Researchers investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland. Wild Measles: Adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles earlier in life. [Med Hypotheses 1998; 51(4): 315-20]. Wild Measles: Montella et al found that contracting measles in childhood reduces the risk of developing lymphatic cancer in adulthood [Leuk Res 2006; 30(8): 917-22]. Wild Measles: Alexander et al found that infection with measles during childhood is significantly protective — it cuts the risk in half — against developing Hodgkin’s dis
“During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences”. 4. While there have been no confirmed deaths from measles in the US in 10 years, there have been more than 400 deaths reported from the measles vaccine. Did the media forget to mention that important fact? It's clear that the media is pushing these "outbreaks" as a scare tactic to sell more vaccines for their favorite advertiser, Big Pharma. Don't fall for it...Protect your health and your children! #LearnTheRisk #KnowledgeIsPower #Measles #SaveTheChildren ----------------------- Studies showing the BENEFITS of getting measles (and mumps) Wild measles and mumps protects against heart problems.
2. Why is there all this fear of measles when it's not a fatal disease? Pharma is pushing a fear campaign, because they don't want you to realize that having measles can actually REDUCE your risk of cancer and heart disease later in life -- according to the real science not funded by pharma. In fact, humans are supposed to naturally contract these benign and temporary illnesses in our childhood years, so that we attain natural immunity against many cancers and other chronic disabilities as adults. These illnesses prime our immune system so it can handle bigger things down the road -- or even protect us from bigger things, like REDUCE CANCER RISK. Science has proven this repeatedly (links below) 3. A large chunk of measles cases are caused by the vaccine, which injects a live virus into children, some of which will end up developing measles. Here's the proof: 38% of measles cases that were tested in the 2015 US outbreak were vaccine strain measles. 2015 “During the measles outbre
Measles WAS a fatal disease. Long ago when people didn't have vaccines and a decent understanding of medicine it killed a lot of kids. Good news though, we have both things now so kids die less frequently.
Load More Replies...From Learn The Risk ~ MEASLES MADNESS...LITERALLY 🙄 There's been a lot of drama around these measles "outbreaks" lately. So here are four things everyone needs to remember: 1. It's not a real outbreak. There will ways be pockets of measles and the numbers don't change drastically from year to year -- and are usually under 500 cases out of 326,000,000 people, per the CDC numbers with NO DEATHS. This is just a scare tactic to increase vaccines sales as more parents have woken up to the fact that vaccines contain toxins that actually can harm your health and cause health issues (like T1 diabetes, developmental delays, tics, seizures, autoimmune issues, sudden death, etc). So pharmaceutical companies plant these scare stories to try to counter lower vaccine sales. But in reality, there are a few thousand cases of the measles spread out around the US every year. There's no emergency "outbreak." Measles stats here: 2. Why is there all
When people say aborted babies are not used in medicines and vaccines, the FDA, CDC, Vaccine Manufactures all say “THEY ARE”, I assure that these corrupt organizations admit and list them as ingredients/cell lines, murdered babies cells/DNA is in your vaccines, THEY ARE! The evil that is going on is unfathomable and most just blindly ignore. No matter your stance, that’s your RIGHT, but NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE SOMEONES ELSES STANCE! NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE MY RIGHT TO SAY NO TO THIS VILE ATROCITY GENOCIDE! If people can change their gender identities every day of the week, make up a thousand genders, kill their babies, “The my body my choice,”THEN I SURE AS HELL HAVE THE GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO SAY NO AS TO WHAT IS INJECTED INTO I OR MY CHILDREN’S BODY! I do not believe that GOD would on any level or excuse ever say, yeah, I forgot to give y’all an immune system ( not sure how mankind survived thousands of years before vaccines ) go ahead and inject poisons and murdered babies.” it
You really need to dig into the research outside of articles that are written by the CDC or FDA. Today's vaccinations not only contain live versions of the diseases you do not want, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans: 💉Measles Live Virus Vaccine: (Attenuvax) Made by Merck. Two injections are given; one at 1 year and another at 4 years old. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, egg protein and human albumin. 💉Measles and Mumps Live Virus Vaccine: (M-M-Rvax) Made by Merck. Injected into one year old babies. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, and human albumin. 💉Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine: Five injections given between 2 and 6 years of age, plus boosters "recommended" every 10 years. Contains formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and aluminum ph
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism."Herarticles/PMC3878266/ http:
TESTIMONY OF THE DAY: 😳🤭 Someone asked "What are your reasons why you don't vaccinate?" One lady responded with: "My kids don't weigh enough yet! Per FDA guidelines, the max amount of aluminum anyone can safely handle is 4 micrograms per kilo. Most shots are 225 mcg to 850 mcg. So my kids would need to weigh a minimum of around 123 pounds to safely vaccinate per FDA guidelines. And need to wait to hit 467 pounds to safely receive the pedirix vaccine. I don't make the rules, just follow them!" 👆THIS.🙄
I have 4 children, one has a high functioning autism, he's 25 now and STILL gets a flu shot. I have never assumed that he "caught" autism from the flu shot, even though I tease him about it. I would like it to be mandatory to take the flu shot if you are in the 'health care profession" as my elderly parents have a care giver right now who refuses to take hers. IF she passes it on to my parents, I fear it will kill them!
Maybe if they didnt load up 1 shot with "50" diff serums then it wouldn't be a big thing. Why not give a few at a time like they used to do?
I just don’t comprehend a parent who willing puts their child at risk of becoming sick and consequently suffer a life changing disability or even death. Work in a paediatric ward and watch a two year old struggling to breathe with whooping cough, a baby covered with measles screaming in pain, a young child going to school in a wheelchair because she is paralyzed because her parents refused polio vaccine. How does a “loving” parent accept this?
What do you a call an anti-vaxxer 4-year old that is crying? .....A mid-life crisis.
I love this so much, but unfortunately, anti-vaxxers are utterly incapable of being convinced by logic, sound arguments, etc. They believe what they want to believe and that's that.
I ain't getting no shot, no one telling me what to do to my body. **aaaaaaachooooo! *sniff snort* Can I borrow your Kleenex and chapstick?
It seems like everyone on here are sheep and no one can provide any data to support their statements. Can someone provide me with some quality randomized controlled double blind placebo based studies?
Not a single one of us wants to take the time to provide information that you yourself could find in a few clicks of your mouse. You keep yapping that other people aren't educated about vaccines and that they're dumb if they don't believe the same way you do. Your posts are so grammatically incorrect and your spelling is atrocious. Don't expect us to believe you made it through nursing school and at least a Bachelor's Degree when your remarks resemble a second graders, not a well educated persons.
Load More Replies...Clearly no one on here does any research. I guess no one cares that the “evidence” is many times given with gross conflicts of interest. Let me sell you guys my product and do the research too and tell you how safe and great it is and you have nothing to worry about. What a joke!
how many "Shut Down Anti-Vaxxers " on Bored Panda lately ? how many undercover pharmaceutical companies involved ? Do some research people, there are many scientific reports across the world tending to prove the danger of vaccines
100% agree....except regarding the flu vaccine. Its efficacy rate is highly in question.
Everyone knows Vaxxing is bad! And the Earth is flat. And crystals really heal.
Wait, what's Ricki's problem with picking and choosing? NSAIDs don't work for me so I don't take them, but antihistamines do work so I do take them. Am I not allowed to choose my own medicines?
I'm not very trusting of Big Pharma myself, and they should blame themselves a lot for the loss of trust of so many people. When the whole autism thing first came up, my first thought was that maybe some kids were allergic to something in the vaccine or had a preexisting condition that was exacerbated by something in the vaccine since obviously not EVERY child developed autism, BUT, I figured my child was in more danger by not being vaccinated than by the vaccine itself. I also would rather my child be autistic than dead. I have to wonder if some of these people would rather have a dead child. I do think there should be more investigation into other environmental factors, such as pesticides & plastics.
Polio vaccines in the Sudan ? WHO admits the vaccines administered to young children have caused harm with a new virulent new strain happening right now ! caused by a vaccine FACT ! So how is condensing modern medicines the same as vaccinations? Medicines are proven safe! First !Vaccinations for swine flu in 2o14 caused narcolepsy in hundreds of children in Scandinavia so that fine is it ?polio vaccinations again across India and Africa caused various side effects sterilisation paralysis and death that’s fine is it ?and if vaccines are so safe and it’s worth the risk why are big pharmaceutical immune from prosecution? As it seems big money talks and media fails to report the 1000s upon 1000s of small African and Indian children from some of the poorest community’s in the world completely unreported ? So we now have a new strain Covid-19 -21-22 ?I’m a nutter and choose not to have a unproven Toxin injected into me as there will be 1000s of deaths from rushed through vaccines .
"I personally take offense to..." any nurse who thinks refusing one medication means we have to refuse all, believes health professionals get to choose our injury risks despite no studies, think non medical people can not do research, believes one baby should take a risk against his compromised genetics vs another baby who might get measles because the mothers were duped out of wild childhood virus strains and therefore created vulnerable children~ All children are now at risk for injuries. I support those who do not wish to continue the cycle of Pharma dependency, for as long as it takes the brainwashed medical students to get it. It's not just about you and your pride.
Another nice fact... if and when you are vaccine damaged... WHO is going to pay for the bills? After watching my daughter be vaccine damaged and myself, none of you needle pushers, nor doctors, nor the manufacturers paid for our medical bills. But did you know that the vaccine injury court has paid out billions for damages. They would not have the vaccine court if there were not serious issues. Furthermore the increase in deaths via vaccines is on the rise. One only has to go looking for the stories and parents with nothing to gain but to warn you, are pleading to be heard after their healthy children DIE after vaccines. The rates of sick children with diabetes, food allergies, digestion issues, behavioral issues, asthma etc. etc. etc. is rising extremely fast. If your idea of healthy after vaccines is just that you don'e DIE... you need to raise your standards. Gardasil has caused many girls and boys to become paralized. Yet you really think polio is the issue.
What is in a vaccine? Do you realize that aluminum and thermisol are TOXIC. The CDC recommendation is to keep these LOW due to their toxic nature. Pregnant women are not to eat too much fish due to mercury, yet they put 100 times more in a needle and POW! Like magic it is no longer toxic. I have spoken to 2 doctors in the past 2 months who have seen for themselves quote "I don't get the flu shot because I know I will get sick." Truth is more people get sick FROM the vaccine shot and their symptoms are WORSE. I have watched it in coworkers and myself. No flu shot, no flu. But those unable to TEST the information they are told can not even connect the dotThis logic is only great if you are making pasta due to all the holes. #1 going to the doctor should not mean that they will load you up with more pharma chems. It is true we don't want those either. Sometimes it is simply diagnosing an issue. I have found there are more issues with standard meds than simply diet and supersize changes.
I worked in a hospital in IT. I was called into a board meeting because they were having issues with the wifi and connecting to the projector. During this time they continued talking. Discussing new drugs for patients and the kickbacks from the reps. They specifically were talking about a drug that they knew was better but opted to take the drug with side effects because they coiuld then prescibe a second drug that would increase profits by 30%. They also said that a hospital needs people in beds, healthy people don't need hospitals. I left the hospital and will never return. Healthcare is all about illness care and profits. If you believe anything else you are a fool.
If vaccination works, and therefore you won't get sick, why do you insist that other people get vaccinated? Unless it doesn't work. And it's a scam.
With all due respect, vaccines aren’t medicine or a cure for any disease. and For the record, I am not anti-vaccination, just have a very questioning mind, and I welcome any and all information and opinions. Do correct me if I am wrong, the companies that produce all those listed medicines can be held liable for damages incurred for using them. Whereas vaccine manufacturers cannot be. Yes, yes there are vaccine courts for vaccine injuries, but that is a government program funded by tax payers. The manufacturers themselves never incur consequences for poor manufacturing and subsequent death and injuries. I do believe the maker of OxyContin was allowed to self police itself, and look how well that turned out. Not to mention, if anyone owns a television they’ve seen a commercial for a class action lawsuit for injuries due to a medication (created by big pharma). I am also curious on the testing of other medicines? Where they tested in double blind, independent studies?
That's called logic? I think you're confusing anti-vax with no choice. Those you call anti-vax are pro choice. All should be entitled to informed consent on all matters when it comes to their body. I know all that so forcibly want to make vaccines a mandate are convinced that the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. Not everyone agrees or has the basis for their decision, so the compelling evidence you see isn't enough for all. There's a needs to be respectful to all. Just because someone refuses a treatment (any one, not just vaccines) doesn't mean they don't believe medicine has a role in their life. That's just pretty arrogant to think otherwise.
My vet said not to keep vaccinating my adult cats if they received their initial vaccines. They cause more illness in their adult life. Their immune system is no longer compromised as an adult so why make them get sick. I wished I'd never gotten the Hepatitis B vaccine 3 times when I became a nurse. I do believe that shot had compromised my immune. I had Mono when I was younger and that stayed dormant till I was a nurse. I and other nurses came in contact with a patient that a doctor should have put in isolation. I became very sick with symptoms and was not treated for it since the doctors didn't know what it was. One was an infectious disease doctor and I made him test me for Lyme. It came back positive and very high numbers. But he refused to treat me for it. His reasoning it was an older virus. But the fact is it took him several weeks to get back to me and my doctor with the results. Was he trying to make me sick by refusing to get back to us with results. Forever have LYME now!
Everything else pharma does has a risk so we are given Choice. Vaccines should come with choice too. This is a weak argument with no scientific data to back it up. Im not impressed. What this nurse believes is not what I believe. But I do believe doctors way overdue medication and hospitals and doctors should be more for emergency and prevention should be based on healthy living. Those who perfer meds and vaccines should feel free to do so but 36 babies die from a trail with the 6 and one drug and cdc still passes it. Some things they may do ok but they are not God and make mistakes all the time. I do not need to be forcefed something the supreme court recognizes as unavoidably unsafe. Sorry the vaccine just killed you baby but they are unavoidably unsafe now its time to vaccinate you toddler. HA I dont think so. Of all the arguments Ive heard this is one of the weakest and demeaning and mean. It reminds me of how nurses can be bullies.
We read of Heroes in history who stand by their guns when everybody laughs and everyone makes fun. We say I would be the hero. I would be that one. I would pay no mind when everyone makes fun. But now we're here today. The Constitution is in danger. AND now I understand why in history I read of so few who stand up and stop following So few who will stand up to lead. Once again history repeats itself. Once again people favor a pat on the back. They favor social acceptance to the Lonely road of Defending one's rights. Since social acceptance has never been in my favor I suppose it's easier for me not to waiver. Kit H
It's not just heroes who stand by their guns. Remember the Nazis? They stood by their guns. And gas chambers. And other horrible things. We don't consider them heroes at all.
Load More Replies...Science? The vax industry looked at ONE ingredient in ONE vaccine. That is proof? In what insane, incompetent world? You ignore Dr Wm Thompson whose 2004 Atlanta study of black infants under 36 months given MMR vax had more than a 320% increase in autism. The results were lied about after the head of CDC told them to hide the truth. (Gerderbing - now head of vax at Merck, who makes MMR plus more) How did they doctor the results? To simplify - they took a lot of the autistic results out of the study after expressing doubt about their birth certificate and therefore making them ineligible. Just as many kids GOT autistic, but they weren't in the study any longer. Every ingredient in vaccines is literally a danger. They are toxic, neurotoxic, heavy or toxic metals, pathogens, carcinogens, or genetics - which present 3 possible threats. 1) Mutagenesis. The DNA of cell replication (fetus, baby, those w/inflammation) has been proven to mutate with DNA from being shot up w/vax. 2) autoimmu
autoimmune disorders. Genetics close to human genetics can stimulate antibody assaults upon your own body - similar to the new tetanus shot which created a new disease - "Anti-Phospholipid Disease. An excipient in the shot is SO SIMILAR to your phospholipids, some are developing autoimmune disorders where the body attacks phospholipids. So far, mostly causing blindness, but guess where your body has phospholipids? EVERY CELL MEMBRANE IN YOUR BODY!!! So ANYPLACE in your body can come under attack. 3) tumorogenesis. Older cell lines like the murdered babies in the measles and mumps (look for things like diploid cells, MRC-5, etc in your vax insert) cause more tumors than newer cell lines.
Load More Replies...So - "science" has looked at ONE ingredient in ONE vaccine and declared there are no problems. This despite Dr Wm Thompson giving (bought off) Congress proof that the 2004 CDC study in Atlanta of the MMR shot and black infants under 36 months increased their autism rate by 320+ percent? Do you even know how they faked the study's initial "findings" when ordered to cover it up by Dr Julian Gerderbing the CDC head? They decided that some kids with autism had birth certificates which were "doubtful" and well, of course you can't include people who MIGHT be outside the target age group.... Sounds logical, but those kids developed autism from the MMR shots and were rejected from the study to pad stats. Don't give me "settled science" bullsheet. Flu? The best guess about symptom reduction is a couple hours over a few days. Big whoop. But guess what? That vax insert you were too stupid to ask for says that "no studies have proven that getting _____ (fill in the flu shot) decreases your risk
Well congratulations, you probably just lost your job for having an opinion on other people having opinions lol...... hope it was worth it
There HAVE been payouts from "Big Pharma" after vaccinations caused damage. That's a fact. I don't think it's nearly as simple as people believe. I would be investigating more if I had children or grandchildren on the horizon but I don't. There may not be studies per se, to discover whether or not they are causing autism, but think about it... what parent is going to hand over their kid to be in a study to discover whether or not such a thing happens? No parent. So no studies. I just think it's more complicated that we're told to believe.
So you either have to accept every drug prescribed and every vaccination offered or opt for no medical treatments ever whatsoever? That's what she calls logic? I am not necessarily an anti -vaxxer. I haven't looked into it enough to truly understand it all. However, I do know that it may not necessarily be the vaccine's themselves, but the sheer number of diseases pumped into the small babies these days - nothing like it was in my generation or my own child's generation. I believe it's more than 12 x what previous generations got. Young babies are suddenly induced with many diseases and so many parents swearing their kids were normal beforehand? I tend to believe them. Especially the parents of triplets who say each of their 3 was normal before the vaccines and all 2 'shut off' the same day as the vaccinations. I believe these particular parents.
My daughter died from complications from a vaccine so I guess I'm an idiot right and my son is exempt because of it
I thought anti-vacciners were concerned about side affects they believe vaccines cause, not stickin it to big pharm. Signed, I Was Vaccinated for some stuff, chose not to get vaccinated for others.
The following aborted fetal cell ingredients (“cell culture materials”) were derived from no fewer than 107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons, then used in past and ongoing vaccine research: PER C6, HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8, WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18, WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-38, WI-44, and MCR-5. Supporting vaccinations and vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those, and the continuing sacrifice of other human souls. Vaccinations are an abomination to life.
Science is right here 👇 BOY DO I LOVE SCIENCE!!!!!!! Title: Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome READ THE STUDY: Dr. Theresa Deisher, a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University has put forth a theory that human DNA fragments in vaccines could be one of the causes of autism. Deischer is a well accomplished and respected scientist. She has over 19 years of commercial biotechnology history and her research has often led to clinical trials. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny speaks to the multigenerational indoctrination that holds people at the mercy of “authority” figures for their health care needs and afraid to inquire about treatments that are li
Everyone should read an insert. 1. Ingredients 2. Compensation for vaccine injury to date 3. VAERS site for vaccine injury 4. HHS lawsuit that shows no safety studies for 32 years. 5. 1986 vaccine law that shields vaccine manufacturers from liability 6. Supreme Court rules vaccines “unavoidably unsafe” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - #regrann
Better break out those essential oils since they're the best cure! *COUGH COUGH* GO SEE A DOCTOR *COUGH* IF YOUR SICK *COUGH*
The people who don’t vaccinate are fearful. They grab at anything to blame that they think they can control and bring safety to their family. They are wrong and the herd effect of enough people getting vaccinated is important. The question for those that believe in vaccines have to decide how to handle the “social contract” to we pass laws mandating vaccinations or just encourage compliance. I’m not sure which way.🤔
Okay, listen up! This is to you stupid people who won't get vaccinated. I am tired of getting sick from your dumb children that you won't vaccinate. My health is not that good, so please do me a favor. Stay in your house. Don't ever come out, because I have decided that I don't want to die for your point of view. By the way, l'm 65 years old and if one more mom says "oh,excuse me; after your child gets finished sneezing on me, I will smack ya.
Ok so I was a nurse and married to doctor. I believed in this nonsense and now have 3 PERMANENTLY damaged children from vaccines. 2 from HPV, one almost died. My son from MMR and has Autism. So I'm college education with a science degree, but I'm ignorant because I no longer believe in this nonsense? I wish I could take back time and do it differently for my children. I can't, the damage is done. No way will I ever promote my grandkids to receive this garbage. They will be more susceptible. Damaged DNA, reproduces damaged DNA. Learn about the MTHFR and epigenetics. This is not a one fit for all program and we need to start treating it this way. There is so much more to this complex situation than what most people know. Unless you've walked my line, you wouldn't have any idea. Making bold stupid comments truly reflects ones ignorance or denial. You're getting sick from the ones that are vaccinated, not unvaccinated.
Load More Replies..."Vaccinations are bad! Eating meat is evil! Jesus is love!" "Excuse me, Doctor. What's the safest way I can put myself in a coma until the world eradicates stupid?"
People still believe milk is good for them and celebrate Pagan holidays in the name of Jesus...the world has been stupid since you were born and will continue to degrade until we wipe ourselves out.
Load More Replies...What if the argument is body autonomy? Simple question; who should be in charge of your actions and their consequences? The answer should be you. But if you believe in government enforced mandatory vaccinations, then you either don't understand the simple question or you don't understand what the answer "you" means.
What if the argument is body autonomy? Simple question, who should be responsible for your actions and their consequences? If you answered yourself, but also believe in government enforced mandatory vaccinations you either don't understand the question or you don't understand your own answer.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tried to put the outrageous situation into context. “If you take that vaccine vial and break it, you have to dispose of that as hazardous waste. You have to evacuate the building. Why would you take that and inject it into a child?” LINK:
The vaccine industry, operating under their own rules – or rather, complete absence of rules – is making it impossible for us to find out the facts. President Trump has long called for an independent inquiry into vaccine safety. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is calling for the same. “I got three vaccines and I was fully compliant. I’m 63 years old. My children got 69 doses of 16 vaccines to be compliant. And a lot of these vaccines aren’t even for communicable diseases. Like Hepatitis B, which comes from unprotected sex, or using or sharing needles – why do we give that to a child on the first day of their life? And it was loaded with mercury.” Tucker asked, “We do give that to children?“ “We continue to give it to them. The mercury has been taken out of three vaccines, but it remains in the flu vaccine, and it is still in vaccines all over the world. And it is the most potent neurotoxin known to man that is not radioactive.” “How can we inject that into a child?”
SILLY TO LIMIT SIZE OF REPLIES. SMGDH. “What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed, Tucker, is that Congress, drowning in pharmaceutical industry money, did something they have never done for any other industry – they gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies. “So that no matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to your child, you cannot sue them. “So there’s no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no class action suits. All of a sudden vaccines became enormously profitable.” The enormous profits in the unregulated industry meant Big Pharma companies raced each other to produce new and unnecessary vaccines to pump into newborn children – often dozens at a time. “It became a gold rush for the pharmaceutical industry to add new vaccines to the spectrum.” But at what cost?
NO dog in this hunt(no kids) BUT, is it unreasonable to look at facts & question events that seem to fly in the face of Industry "evidence? "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show and bravely exposed the “lawless mafia state” that is Big Pharma and their “extremely lucrative” vaccines scam. “The pharmaceutical industry is so powerful,” RFK Jr explained. “They give $5.4 billion a year to the media. They’ve gotten rid of the lawyers, so there is no legal interest in those cases. They have really been able to control the debate and silence people like me.” Asked how things could get this bad, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained that Congress granted Big Pharma “blanket legal immunity” when it comes to vaccines. Big Pharma became a law unto themselves after President Regan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. They can put toxic ingredients in your vaccines, they can seriously injure your child – but you cannot sue them."
I think this nurse is 100% correct, except she missed one point...that being that all of the immigrants coming into the United States are bringing with them diseases that the United States had long ago gotten pretty much rid of because we chose to vaccinate our children and ourselves. These immigrants are bringing back into the United States diseases that we had pretty much defeated with vaccinations. If you don't need any other reason to keep immigrants out of the US, this should do it!
So, because someone doesn't trust certain vaccines, they also shouldn't trust the entirety of medicine and medical care? Do you realize how absurdly fallacious that argument is? Come on ... you're failing at like, elementary level logic while laughably claiming that you're "using logic against [someone]."
Not trusting vaccines is dumb. They've been around for centuries and are historically and medically proven to be good for the population.
Load More Replies...Wow! Because before the first vaccines were introduced, the human race was just about wiped off the face of the earth. Seems like they came around just in the nic'O'time huh!. Sure there were allot of death prior to vaccines but what vaccines did was weaken our immune system that we can't fight even the common cold, so we need vaccines for that too. Instead of vaccines, why couldn't we just have allowed the human race to build immunization. "I knock on wood now" but I can't remember the last cold I had. I moved to the country 3 years ago and nothing since, no one to share their germs with me and I'm always outside. I have a friend a professor who gets vaccine every year and he always has a stuffed nose. He's always surrounded with students. We were told we need vaccines and most people are just gullible enough to believe it I guess. Of course we need vaccines now. But had we left the human body build immunization I think we wouldn't need them.
One of our former Prime Ministers (Canada) had polio as a child, just a few years before the vaccine came about. He's now 80 years old, so you pretty much have to find people in that age range who truly understand what life was like before mass vaccination. Me, I'm 60 and glad that kids don't have to have measles any more. That was a miserable illness and I had it at age 10 or so.
The entire anti-vaxxer movement has nothing to do with health or safety and everything to do with pride, not wanting to be told what to do but only that they're right, 'Big Pharma'-phobia, political motivations, and old rich men who know there's no money in curing a disease.
OK nurse snickerdoodle I'll allow you to shoot my most precious w/ a syringe filled w/ industrial waste...WHEN you can explain exactly how it is possible to grow your virus cultures in HENRIETTA LACKS' CLONED ???!!! SUPER AGGRESSIVE CANCER CELLS -the He-La cell line --in case you actually want to research--and yet somehow avoid injecting these same LIVE CANCER CELLS into your patient/victim ! If you can separate the virus culture from the medium in which it is grown , they need to give your royal arrogantness the Nobel Prize ...
Thank you, Meggy Doodle, for this insightful, witty post. It would seen that some people have difficulty exercising personal discipline for the benefit of others. A civilized person respects the advantage over inconvenience for items such as traffic lights, highway speed limits, using foul language, burping or spitting in public places, restricted smoking areas, tuning a musical instrument, control of erotic impulses and table manners
I expect it will take a real epidemic to convince people. Like Diphtheria maybe. Acts like a cold or flu, but it can close a child's throat and strangle them in under 30 hours. Even if you get the kid to the hospital they might not get the diagnosis right in time to save them. Merry Christmas!
Serious question, Where would an unvaccinated child get diphtheria in the US? I understand it’s a bacteria but it’s only transmitted through saliva and airborne respiratory would that child have to catch it from another unvaccinated child who traveled out of country?
Load More Replies...Why humanity still exists after all of these terrible diseases, if vaccination was invented just recently? Just a thought
Look at the population rise graph from 1700 to 2018, where do you see a rise?
Load More Replies...Why do people gloat when they think they "shut someone down"? Get a life.
While you are correct that pharma companies think about profits more than health, you are wrong that homeopath does not work. If you have been using allopathic all you life, homeo won't work.
Load More Replies...Her opinion matters because she knows far more than you do, because the scientists and doctors you claim she isn't....overwhelmingly agree with her as the science is quite clear. Trying to tie AFM to vaccines now is even dumber than trying to tie autism to vaccines.
Load More Replies...Thiomersal is a preservative that contains small amounts of mercury. It's used to prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi in the vaccine (which would be FAR MORE HARMFUL. High doses of mercury can be toxic to the brain and other organs. However, no harmful effects have been linked with the level of thiomersal used in the small amounts present in vaccines. Flu would mutate anyway - it's organic.
Load More Replies...Not true - flu jabs are available to people in the UK. Free on the NHS to those who are considered vulnerable eg children, elderly, sick and the rest of us who are perfectly healthy can pay for them. It is, however, mainly measles, mumps and rubella which are the issue with vaccinating children. It does NOT cause autism.
Load More Replies...You poor soul. Let us know when your LSD trip wears off.
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Load More Replies...Trying to convince fools with rational and scientifically proven arguments. That never worked. The only solution to this problem is legislation.
Completely agree, other countries such as France and Italy do already - non -vaccinated children cannot attend state schools. Driven by too many kids dying from diseases that they should be protected from by...shock...vaccination!
Load More Replies...A rant to put things in perspective maybe. - Just Imagine. I just got a puppy - a beautiful purebred predigree puppy that has taken me a couple of years to get. It is so beautiful and perfect that I am not going to give it the reccomended vaccines to keep it safe and healthy. I am going to leave it open to Distemper and Kennel Cough. ParvoVirus and every other thing that could make it very ill or kill it or infect other animals. I should be told by every responsible dog owner "keep your puppy the hell away from my dog"
I just had this same discussion with my brother yesterday. I told him that the same people who don't vaccinate their kids probably vaccinate their pets.
Load More Replies...This again... you cant knock reason into a selfish a*****e. Sorry, but let's name things properly - people who purposedly do not vaccinate are selfish bastards to me.
This is just an argument that will go on and on forever - til the return of Bubonic Plague and Smallpox because idiots think they are too special to give their children the gifts of lifelong immunity to the diseases that ravaged their ancestors lives.
Load More Replies...“Vaccines are safe!” Brought to you by the US Department of Health, the same gods of truth and justice that brought us thalidomide, Tuskegee and the preservatives they used to insist made the MMR vaccine safe. I don’t know if the vaccines are the reason autism rates rose 15 percent in two years. I know this: the government has lied to us about the safety of medication in the past; if the vaccines are the problem, they’ll never admit it and expose themselves to billions in damages and my autistic son was a quiet, placid baby until his first set of vaccines. That was when his personality underwent a deep-sea change. Again, who knows? But there is more than anecdotal suggestion there’s a problem and the gov’t has lied before.
It’s called informed consent and bodily autonomy which is legal and ethical healthcare 101. After weighing the risks and benefits of ANY drug or procedure you can decline, seek alternatives or take it. It’s simple. Nuremburg Code Would "Meggy Doodle" be ok with administering penicillin to a person who had an adverse reaction to it prior? Would she say that "the science is settled" and that no one has reactions to penicillin? Every single example she gave in the article was life or death. There is a big difference getting a life saving medicine when you are suffering from a heart attack and taking your perfectly healthy children on for shots that have not been proven safe. It isn't even a fair argument!
It’s life or death for people around you unvaccinated folks - people who, as she mentions, are too young, too old, or immune compromised and can’t get vaccinated. Don’t want to worry yourself with being part of community? Go live, unvaccinated, on an isolated island.
Load More Replies...You must get the vaccines because they are necessary and work, except when they don't work and that's why you should get them, because they do work, except when they don't, and in those cases it's better to still get them because when they don't work you still need them because they work even when they don't work. And even though they work, sometimes they don't and for that reason you need them even more, because when they don't work they are still necessary because you'll still get sick only not as sick as you would be if you didn't get them, even though if you didn't get it in the first place you wouldn't be sick right now, but that's besides the point. If you didn't get the flu vaccine you'd probably not be sick, but even though you are sick it's not as.bad as it could be, we think. And even though you're healthy and haven't had the flu shot before you still need it because you're a threat to others with your healthiness. because even when it doesn't work its needed because it does
Feel free to take chances on your own life - isolated from others. The point is, herd immunity. You don’t live in a vacuum. So don’t take chances on the lives of others.
Load More Replies...It is crazy that euthanasia is illegal but not protecting your children against, well, death-isn't!
Hell, in some states, it's still legal not to seek medical attention for life & death reasons due to religion!
Load More Replies...As the sickest of all industrialized nations, what assures our uninterrupted de-evolution is the decline of intelligence and education where perfectly healthy people willingly accept being forced to take potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines. Without a squawk. Exempting one’s child from vaccines has always been a path chosen by a small percentage of the most educated people. The militantly uneducated will always accept as many vaccines as they are told. That will never change. What has changed dramatically is that now we have arrived at a dangerous and uncharted new crossroads in national politics, where the will of the uneducated mob is being imposed by law on the educated. Such a trend will ensure the continuation of the academic, ethical, and moral deterioration that we have witnessed since 9/11. Today’s measles hysteria is just a symptom of that more systemic, more profound malaise. CLARENCE DARROW The unvacci
A lot of people in the comments are upset that we continue to argue with anti-vaxxers. True, it is like talking to a wall, if that wall carried hundreds of potentially fatal diseases. People have died from these completely preventable illnesses before and so many people suffered when they didn't have to. We will not stop spreading the word about vaccines and drilling the consequences into everyone's mind until everyone who can be vaccinated, is vaccinated. Just like a wall, we can tear them down. (I sound like a bloody anarchist :| )
Love to know how many people have died from the measles or other "preventable diseases" (that our bodies fight naturally) versus the new rate of Autism. The latest estimate of Autism prevalence—1 in 68—is up 30 percent from the 1 in 88 rate reported in 2008, and more than double the 1 in 150 rate in 2000. (Mar 2, 2017). It's probably even higher now. Once you guys realise that YOU are the wall, we can all start to work together.
Load More Replies...Am I allowed to contribute to the ongoing debate? I know of one reason I selfishly won't vaccinate. It's one word. Superviruses.
...and then you get medical professionals who do tell us that modern vaccines are bad news.
Vastly educated people that do not want to vaccinate their children (rates of vaccination are lower in the most educated corners of this country such as Palo Alto). Can't you all see how ludicrous this argument is? You really CAN pick and choose, it's your right to do so as a sentient human. You can choose antibiotics in an emergency crisis (and antibiotics can also be made from establishments other than "big pharma"), and then you can also say no to vaccines such as Hepatitis B or Measles which you don't think are as important as sparing your child from well-documented, potential harm for an unknown. What is UNKNOWN is whether or not you will get measles. And more than half the people getting measles are vaccinated either because the vaccines fail and are ineffective, or because their immune systems are so weak from repeated stimulation. You're telling people, that if they don't vaccinate, they don't deserve to PUCHASE what they DO believe in? You're taking away people's rights to
"You can choose antibiotics in an emergency crisis (and antibiotics can also be made from establishments other than "big pharma")" In a comment full of nonsense, this has to be the most nonsensical statement of all. What "establishment" do you believe antibiotics "can also be made from?" Most antibiotics were developed by Big P and are produced by Big P. I don't know of any that are made from "establishments."
Load More Replies...Brilliant!! As a person with a compromised immune system, I get my flu shot every year without fail!! Also, all of my children were caccinated as was I. I have no intention of causing harm or death on someone who is immune compromised. I don’t think children that are NOT vaccinated should attend public schools or be allowed in the general public. They are placing a risk to those more vulnerable them and keep them out of the public.
Ok. So what your saying is your kids are safe if you vaccinated them. But if my kids aren't vaccinated somehow the vaccine your kids took wouldn't work? You are ALL f*****g idiots I'm done arguing y'all need to do research not jump off a bridge because everyone else is. But wtf ever I'm homeschooling my children. I don't want to have my children injected with Mercury and Aluminum f*****g idiots do your research you p**s me off. Talk s**t about people for what they believe in? Yeah that makes you a great f*****g person!!! It's against my religion. Thanks for your oppinions but it's quite different from the FACTS.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxing especially makes me angry when parents choose not to have their kids vaccinated. If you want to make YOURSELF possibly catch a preventable disease for no reason, whatever, that's a terrible decision, but whatever. However, when you don't vaccinate your KIDS, you're pretty much forcing them to catch a disease and be unhealthy because it's your "right."
FACTS ARE GIFTS🌟 Friends....Facts do not lie, and facts are not attacks, just simply facts.... FACT: 1986 Bill signed that gave all vaccine manufactures immunity from liability of injuries and death. "FACT 👉🏻 The current CDC vaccination schedule has never been tested collectively for safety. FACT 👉🏻 There are 13 CDC scientists that have come forward saying that the CDC is committing scientific fraud. FACT 👉🏻 Willam Thompson, Senior CDC Scientist, turned over 10,000 documents to Senator Bill Posey, which showed that the CDC lied, destroyed, and manipulated data which proved the MMR vaccine did and can cause Autism. FACT 👉🏻 The VICP has paid out over $4.3 Billion in vaccine injury cases (which is a small fraction of the cases that are submitted and an even smaller fraction of the cases of injury that are not submitted) FACT 👉🏻 Vaccines contain numerous carcinogenic substances. FACT 👉🏻 Recent studies showed that many of the common childhood vaccines tested positive for high levels of gl
I'm sure this list of FACTS could go on and on but those blindly judging those who choose not to vaccine will not properly investigate these facts. Sad!
Load More Replies...The flu vaccine isn't needed unless you have a compromised/weak immune system. It is best to fight it off naturally if you can. - Conrad Young
Nurses are charged with not only caring for the sick but, also teaching about how to be healthy. I am a proud former Registered Nurse with a PhD.
Just so unfair on the kids. Would be brilliant to take the banning to another level. "If you dont have vaccination certificates, we wont treat your children and we wont allow them in the hospital" etc etc. Anti-vaxxers and their innocent children are a public heath hazzard
Tell this to my 3 permanently damaged children that are vaccine injured. There is way more to this complex situation than just being pro vax vs anti vax. We're being lied to daily. Just because this medical person makes a statement, doesn't make it true. The facts are there. You have to have an open mind to discover the truth.
Load More Replies...Finally, an intelligent nurse speaks, one more interested in the truth instead of satiating their own egos by trying impress their friends and harvesting ‘likes’ from other self-obsessed dumbbell anti-Baxter’s!
Lol! "Thoroughly debunked". Tell that to the parents who have witnessed the change in their child. In which case, the dumbass who responded "You AVs won't see this is a problem until one of you lose a child yourself..." Same argument goes for those who have seen their kids develop Autism after their shots. The vaccines haven't been tested by anyone other than the CDC - the ones who stand to lose trillions if the truth ever got out. So, no, it hasn't been "thoroughly debunked". Trash article.
MORE THAN 50 PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC Studies from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health that link Autism to Vaccines-
Logical fallacy of black and white! The assumption that not choosing one form or type of health care means that they choose not to take any other form. I feel that everyone has the right to what happens to their bodies and what is put into them. This is a fundamental right and each decision is for them to decide. Those who are for forced vaccines should be careful of the road that leads to and the precedent you are setting.
Tell this to the people who have been negatively effected by the vaccine. I am one of those people. This post she wrote was disrespectful and just negative. Throwing her emotional garbage on everyone else. Stop calling people names. Once you do, we can have a conversation. Vaccines need to be properly done and not injected into a baby with a weak immune system. There needs to be more thorough research and longer studies. It should be made legal to sue the people who inject us with vaccines if there is a serious side effect so then we can have documentation and learn from it. There have been a lot of sicknesses that have dissipated. Is it all due to vaccines? Is it the education we received over the years? Is it because we have a better sanitation system? Is it because we know more about natural healing and it is more available to us? I’m all for everyone in good health. But we need to stop ignoring and look into why the vaccines are negatively effecting some people.
I lost my daughter from complications to a vaccine so people always act like everything is a 100 percent when its not
Load More Replies...Why are you trying to convince parents who don’t vaccinate their children to vaccinate their children that is their choice I am not vaccinated and in my kindergarten everyone in the class had chicken pox and that was all the VACCINATED kids and the one non vaccinated kid aka ME did not get chicken pox
So a person's or a mother's vision of health is meant to be totally over-ridden by government then? Because it's government, via lobbying, that is filling you with this information. I can link you to more than 100 peer-reviewed studies that suggest HUGE problems with vaccines. And I personally live in a community where there are dozens of PhD's and MD's who do NOT vaccinate. We have somehow skipped the flu in our community for years, and gotten off with minor colds. Beyond that, this constant accusation that people are selfish for not wanting to get immunized when they've had issues with it before is just sick. If a child is sick to the point of getting chemo, there is something wrong in our culture, with our foods, with our medicines. Chronic illness has ridden so steadily with increased use of vaccines that you could only but say there is abuse going on in our culture.
Do you follow the speed limit? Why? Shouldn't your personal vision of getting from one place to another overrule and government interference? You are ridiculous. Just stop it.
Load More Don't get vaccinated? get out of my hospital! and go die alone in the gutter. you wanna live like caveman go die at 32 like a caveman
She's absolutely right on everything she said. These anti-vaxxer idiots should be sterilized. Complete morons.
I'm not ANTI-Vaxxer but it's blind to think Big-Pharma isn't pushing product for profit and influencing the whole industry by controlling the education these Doctors and Nurses receive. Being a college graduate means you memorized curriculum, it doesn't make you truly intelligent. Who wrote your curriculum? Big Pharma. Those who made the discoveries that enabled your profession were the intelligent ones. Claiming to be intelligent because of your schooling is truly blind, the assumption that what you learn is infallible is ridiculous. Our economic system is broken thanks to industry control over finance & business school. Vaccines aren't the problem, they're a distraction from the real problem of corruption. Giving airtime to ANTI-Vaxxers just reinforces a false belief that the opposite is actually true. Blind trust in Big Pharma.
As someone who was a student nurse and I can assure you that Big Pharma is not controlling nurse education. Learning about Bad Pharma, the history of medical mistakes, the dangers of polypharmacy are very much on the curriculum in the UK (cannot speak for USA).
Load More Replies...I hear the analogy, but it doesn't seem much different than the food industry! The food industry makes food that people are allergic to and also foods that are bad for you and even foods that can kill people, like nuts or other severe allergies. It would be ludicrous to be told that I couldn't go grocery shopping because I refused to buy and eat certain foods like cake, cookies, soda or gluten. Just like I can choose which foods I put in my body, I should be able to choose which medications I put in my body also. Wouldn't it be nuts if I was told by the government that I had to buy certain foods and make my family eat it even if we didn't want to just so we can shop at the local market? Or to make vegans eat meat? I am not being argumentative, just using the same analogy on a different topic. I don't think anti-vaxxers should be refused medical treatment because they don't vaccinate.
Take your meds! We do not want go back to iron longs for polio and Black Death. This may sound drastic, but that is where you could be heading with no vaccines. You put everyone in danger. Big Pharm has been live to millions of people.
MEASLES REDUCES RISK OF CANCER Studies showing the reduction of cancer risk, heart disease and Parkinson’s for those who have been infected with wild measles (not the vaccine strain): Wild Measles: Glaser et al also found that lymph cancer is significantly more likely in adults who were not NATURALLY infected with measles, mumps or rubella in childhood [In J Cancer 2005; 115(4): 599-605]. Wild Mumps: Researchers investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland. Mumps reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Wild Measles: Adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles earlier in
Study showing that thr vaccinated spread diseases.
The only exemption at schools (public, private or charter) for vaccinations should be medical. You don't want to vaccinate your children? Home school them and btw, don't take them to the mall or movies or public play grounds, etc. Hard on the kids, but I am sure they will thank you when they have to live through measles or mumps or ....
I completely agree. Don't seek out medical treatment if you won't seek prevention.
To all of you who are against big Pharma and believe in essential oils , find me an essential oil that can restart my heart in the oddest of chance that I should go into cardiac arrest then I might start believing in homeopathic remedies.
That's called electricity, it's not a pill or a homeopathic. Or adrenaline, a chemical your body naturally produces, in a super large dose straight into your heart. Knowledge much?
Load More Replies..."nat·u·ral se·lec·tionDictionary result for natural selection /ˈnaCH(ə)rəl səˈlekSHən/Submit nounBIOLOGY the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring" Maybe you should find a better term. "natural" would imply lack of drugs, vaccines, or medical intervention.
Load More Replies...Vaccinations are wrong for many reasons. The biggest issue? We have destroyed our natural predators - tiny viruses - germs - bacterium. Now we are faced with a HUGE population. It's time to clean up our act. So quit using medicines - of any sort. Let nature take its course and let the predators that nature provided to keep the human species in check . . . work. Hopefully you'll "depart the pattern" relatively painlessly. Avoid typhus and rabies (which can be especially painful). The plague can make your carcass a bit disgusting (thank goodness for cremation, eh?). Perhaps we can gradually get the world's population down to it's natural level - about 1.5 billion total. do realize that the population grows really fast, right? It'll just balloon right back up. *gets destroyed by peeps for being super inaccurate*
Load More Replies...If you choose not to vaccinate your kids, I have two words for you - Home School!
I've always wanted to ask.. what's a flu shot? I assumed it's a yearly vaccination you guys can take to avoid the flu, but is it?
Yes, if they guess which flu strains it will be correctly.
Load More Replies...I can't believe they actually think the "essential oils" are better than vaccines
Oh I can. There's a woman that's been in a few of my classes who's busy sniffing, snorting, and drinking all sorts of coloured water from her "herbalist" and "naturopath" friends. She's been hospitalized for the flu twice in the past five years or so. She still thinks she's right.
Load More Replies...If they don't want help, throw them back in the street where they belong.
I agree, all 7 of my kids were vaccinated, and nothing happened to them, except they all live. I did almost lost my life from sepsi got treated in the hospital I'm still here. People should be glad with vaccines because if we didn't have them it would be death all over again back in the days when there outbreak of polio, tetanus, measles, chickenpox, and so one. Think about it!
WOW love this...and not to mention people like me 64 years old the flu hits hard and can be deadly and with a history of Guillian Barre Syndrome (that landed me in the hospital for a week to the tune of $80,000 $25,000 of which was the IV medicine to halt the progression NOT cure it) and CANNOT have a vaccine I WISH I could!
There is so much ignorance in this that it is impossible to even begin to’s not only sad but pathetic that this nurse equates the refusal of a liability-free product that is not tested to the minimum standards necessary to be called “safe and effective” as though it is the same as the refusal of all emergency medical products that are required to undergo extensive, standardized safety testing and are subject to lawsuit if/when the product fails. Moreover the blatant ignorance of how immunity and “herd immunity” are actually achieved underscores how incompetent the western medical field is at actually preventing these so called “vaccine preventable” diseases. Lastly, I call bull s**t on this claim that if you get a flu shot and still get the flu you’re not going to experience it as bad - reality is you have made yourself immunocompromised (albeit temporarily, at least until your system can rid itself of the contaminates used in vaccines).
Okay nurse Doodle, first I would never assume that a doctor or a nurse is doing harm to anyone. But I will ask, have you thoroughly investigated what is in all the ingredients that the doctor prescribes or are in vaccines. Do you do any continued education other than what pharma gives you about their products? There is a big difference in receiving urgent care when you need it than going in every few months and injecting yourself with vaccines. Tell me do you really think that vaccines equal immunity? What are titers? Do you know about that? Do you believe in building your immune system without taking drugs? I hope someone can give this to Nurse Doodle. You will never win this arguement because there are no true placebo saftely studies. Ifyou don't beleive me than check the package insert that is a couple of feet long.
First off, let me say some vaccines work some don’t. The flu vaccine is a hoax. Polio is not. For example the CDC has already stated certain types of Virus’s cannot be vaccinated for there fast mutation rates and infinite possible strands. Those Virus’s are called Self replicating RNA virus’s. Anyone have any idea what type of Virus the Flu is? It’s a self Replicating RNA virus and therefore you cannot create an accurate vaccine for it. In fact studies actually show the years where the lowest number of vaccines are administered are actually the years of the least number of reported cases of influenza. So yes some vaccines are a hoax for Big Pharma to make money. Others not so much. Certain Virus’s such as the flu, the best defense is actually just washing your hands. Here is another fact. Pre Flu vaccines their average person got influenza 2.4 times in there lifetime. Now the average person gets it every 4.6 years... or roughly 18 times in there lifetime.
I think Bored Panda should stay out of this issue and just stick to silly videos of pets.
we are doing great with the highest SIDS rate of any industrialized country
As a free person you should be able to pick and choose what you want to do. just because you don't like guns doesn't mean you can't call the cops when you have problems. stop trying to take people's freedoms from them. It's there right and their consequences.
I think no one should be forced in to taking anything with the all or nothing threat. That is the biggest load of c**p ever. and all you who are singing her praises, how about the next time you smoke that ciggie that the doctor had told you over and over to stop, Since you aren't going to obey something as simple as an order not to smoke, then should you be shut off from all medical care?? You see where this could go....right?
all i know that everyone who had the flu shot at work got sick and lost time but the ones who did not take it were find so last i knew what i do is my freedom to do so if you do not like it do not take it but i am free to chose what i want to do with out any one putting me down just to get there name in the news have a good day
People should be allowed to not vaccinate, however they should not be allowed in public places if they aren't. Simple. Your freedom ends where that of others begins. this is what bored panda calls logic? No. Try again please.
So you either have to accept every drug prescribed and every vaccination offered or opt for no medical treatments ever whatsoever? That's what she calls logic? I am not necessarily an anti -vaxxer. I haven't looked into it enough to truly understand it all. However, I do know that it may not necessarily be the vaccine's themselves, but the sheer number of diseases pumped into the small babies these days - nothing like it was in my generation or my own child's generation. I believe it's more than 12 x what previous generations got. Young babies are suddenly induced with many diseases and so many parents swearing their kids were normal beforehand? I tend to believe them. Especially the parents of triplets who say each of their 3 was normal before the vaccines and all 2 'shut off' the same day as the vaccinations. I believe these particular parents. parents of triplets vaccines video. Google the video "Parents of triples vaccinations autism" and see for yourself. It's not so simple
This is my don’t want to vaccinate your kids because of the infinitely small chance of a fatal reaction. Do you know how many kids get hit by cars in a year while riding their bicycle? Walking to school? Crossing in front of a stopped school bus only to be struck by a car whose driver ignores blinking red lights on school buses ? Are you going to place your child in a cocoon? Because, dear anti vaxxers, more kids die or are maimed by the things I mentioned than are harmed or negatively impacted by a vaccine! I lived through the polio epidemics of 1955-56. When that vaccine was available, parents and kids were lined up wherever the vaccine was being given. That end result ultimately? Virtual eradication of the nightmare disease known as polio!
The argument is that vaccines cause most of these illness this nurse is talking about therefore we would not have to use most of the medications that big pharma is creating, because they were created by vaccines in the first place!!! We don't want their medications, we want holistic safe living. Pro-vaxxers really need to educate themselves. Measles to the Rescue: A Review of Oncolytic Measles Virus. MV Clinical trials are producing encouraging preliminary results in ovarian cancer, myeloma and cutaneous non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and the outcome of currently open trials in glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma and squamous cell carcinoma are eagerly anticipated. Aref S, et al. Viruses. 2016. Wild Measles: Glaser et al also found that lymph cancer is significantly more likely in adults who were not NATURALLY infected with measles, mumps or rubella in childhood [In J Cancer 2005; 115(4): 599-605]. Common Infections: Gilham et asles (and mumps) Wild measles and mumps protects against heart problems. Wild Mumps: Researchers in
Wild Mumps: Researchers investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland. Wild Measles: Adults are significantly protected against non-breast cancers — genital, prostate, gastrointestinal, skin, lung, ear-nose-throat, and others — if they contracted measles earlier in life. [Med Hypotheses 1998; 51(4): 315-20]. Wild Measles: Montella et al found that contracting measles in childhood reduces the risk of developing lymphatic cancer in adulthood [Leuk Res 2006; 30(8): 917-22]. Wild Measles: Alexander et al found that infection with measles during childhood is significantly protective — it cuts the risk in half — against developing Hodgkin’s dis
“During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees (3). Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences”. 4. While there have been no confirmed deaths from measles in the US in 10 years, there have been more than 400 deaths reported from the measles vaccine. Did the media forget to mention that important fact? It's clear that the media is pushing these "outbreaks" as a scare tactic to sell more vaccines for their favorite advertiser, Big Pharma. Don't fall for it...Protect your health and your children! #LearnTheRisk #KnowledgeIsPower #Measles #SaveTheChildren ----------------------- Studies showing the BENEFITS of getting measles (and mumps) Wild measles and mumps protects against heart problems.
2. Why is there all this fear of measles when it's not a fatal disease? Pharma is pushing a fear campaign, because they don't want you to realize that having measles can actually REDUCE your risk of cancer and heart disease later in life -- according to the real science not funded by pharma. In fact, humans are supposed to naturally contract these benign and temporary illnesses in our childhood years, so that we attain natural immunity against many cancers and other chronic disabilities as adults. These illnesses prime our immune system so it can handle bigger things down the road -- or even protect us from bigger things, like REDUCE CANCER RISK. Science has proven this repeatedly (links below) 3. A large chunk of measles cases are caused by the vaccine, which injects a live virus into children, some of which will end up developing measles. Here's the proof: 38% of measles cases that were tested in the 2015 US outbreak were vaccine strain measles. 2015 “During the measles outbre
Measles WAS a fatal disease. Long ago when people didn't have vaccines and a decent understanding of medicine it killed a lot of kids. Good news though, we have both things now so kids die less frequently.
Load More Replies...From Learn The Risk ~ MEASLES MADNESS...LITERALLY 🙄 There's been a lot of drama around these measles "outbreaks" lately. So here are four things everyone needs to remember: 1. It's not a real outbreak. There will ways be pockets of measles and the numbers don't change drastically from year to year -- and are usually under 500 cases out of 326,000,000 people, per the CDC numbers with NO DEATHS. This is just a scare tactic to increase vaccines sales as more parents have woken up to the fact that vaccines contain toxins that actually can harm your health and cause health issues (like T1 diabetes, developmental delays, tics, seizures, autoimmune issues, sudden death, etc). So pharmaceutical companies plant these scare stories to try to counter lower vaccine sales. But in reality, there are a few thousand cases of the measles spread out around the US every year. There's no emergency "outbreak." Measles stats here: 2. Why is there all
When people say aborted babies are not used in medicines and vaccines, the FDA, CDC, Vaccine Manufactures all say “THEY ARE”, I assure that these corrupt organizations admit and list them as ingredients/cell lines, murdered babies cells/DNA is in your vaccines, THEY ARE! The evil that is going on is unfathomable and most just blindly ignore. No matter your stance, that’s your RIGHT, but NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE SOMEONES ELSES STANCE! NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE MY RIGHT TO SAY NO TO THIS VILE ATROCITY GENOCIDE! If people can change their gender identities every day of the week, make up a thousand genders, kill their babies, “The my body my choice,”THEN I SURE AS HELL HAVE THE GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO SAY NO AS TO WHAT IS INJECTED INTO I OR MY CHILDREN’S BODY! I do not believe that GOD would on any level or excuse ever say, yeah, I forgot to give y’all an immune system ( not sure how mankind survived thousands of years before vaccines ) go ahead and inject poisons and murdered babies.” it
You really need to dig into the research outside of articles that are written by the CDC or FDA. Today's vaccinations not only contain live versions of the diseases you do not want, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans: 💉Measles Live Virus Vaccine: (Attenuvax) Made by Merck. Two injections are given; one at 1 year and another at 4 years old. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, egg protein and human albumin. 💉Measles and Mumps Live Virus Vaccine: (M-M-Rvax) Made by Merck. Injected into one year old babies. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, and human albumin. 💉Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine: Five injections given between 2 and 6 years of age, plus boosters "recommended" every 10 years. Contains formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and aluminum ph
There is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism, except in these published studies which show vaccines cause Autism."Herarticles/PMC3878266/ http:
TESTIMONY OF THE DAY: 😳🤭 Someone asked "What are your reasons why you don't vaccinate?" One lady responded with: "My kids don't weigh enough yet! Per FDA guidelines, the max amount of aluminum anyone can safely handle is 4 micrograms per kilo. Most shots are 225 mcg to 850 mcg. So my kids would need to weigh a minimum of around 123 pounds to safely vaccinate per FDA guidelines. And need to wait to hit 467 pounds to safely receive the pedirix vaccine. I don't make the rules, just follow them!" 👆THIS.🙄
I have 4 children, one has a high functioning autism, he's 25 now and STILL gets a flu shot. I have never assumed that he "caught" autism from the flu shot, even though I tease him about it. I would like it to be mandatory to take the flu shot if you are in the 'health care profession" as my elderly parents have a care giver right now who refuses to take hers. IF she passes it on to my parents, I fear it will kill them!
Maybe if they didnt load up 1 shot with "50" diff serums then it wouldn't be a big thing. Why not give a few at a time like they used to do?
I just don’t comprehend a parent who willing puts their child at risk of becoming sick and consequently suffer a life changing disability or even death. Work in a paediatric ward and watch a two year old struggling to breathe with whooping cough, a baby covered with measles screaming in pain, a young child going to school in a wheelchair because she is paralyzed because her parents refused polio vaccine. How does a “loving” parent accept this?
What do you a call an anti-vaxxer 4-year old that is crying? .....A mid-life crisis.
I love this so much, but unfortunately, anti-vaxxers are utterly incapable of being convinced by logic, sound arguments, etc. They believe what they want to believe and that's that.
I ain't getting no shot, no one telling me what to do to my body. **aaaaaaachooooo! *sniff snort* Can I borrow your Kleenex and chapstick?
It seems like everyone on here are sheep and no one can provide any data to support their statements. Can someone provide me with some quality randomized controlled double blind placebo based studies?
Not a single one of us wants to take the time to provide information that you yourself could find in a few clicks of your mouse. You keep yapping that other people aren't educated about vaccines and that they're dumb if they don't believe the same way you do. Your posts are so grammatically incorrect and your spelling is atrocious. Don't expect us to believe you made it through nursing school and at least a Bachelor's Degree when your remarks resemble a second graders, not a well educated persons.
Load More Replies...Clearly no one on here does any research. I guess no one cares that the “evidence” is many times given with gross conflicts of interest. Let me sell you guys my product and do the research too and tell you how safe and great it is and you have nothing to worry about. What a joke!
how many "Shut Down Anti-Vaxxers " on Bored Panda lately ? how many undercover pharmaceutical companies involved ? Do some research people, there are many scientific reports across the world tending to prove the danger of vaccines
100% agree....except regarding the flu vaccine. Its efficacy rate is highly in question.
Everyone knows Vaxxing is bad! And the Earth is flat. And crystals really heal.
Wait, what's Ricki's problem with picking and choosing? NSAIDs don't work for me so I don't take them, but antihistamines do work so I do take them. Am I not allowed to choose my own medicines?
I'm not very trusting of Big Pharma myself, and they should blame themselves a lot for the loss of trust of so many people. When the whole autism thing first came up, my first thought was that maybe some kids were allergic to something in the vaccine or had a preexisting condition that was exacerbated by something in the vaccine since obviously not EVERY child developed autism, BUT, I figured my child was in more danger by not being vaccinated than by the vaccine itself. I also would rather my child be autistic than dead. I have to wonder if some of these people would rather have a dead child. I do think there should be more investigation into other environmental factors, such as pesticides & plastics.
Polio vaccines in the Sudan ? WHO admits the vaccines administered to young children have caused harm with a new virulent new strain happening right now ! caused by a vaccine FACT ! So how is condensing modern medicines the same as vaccinations? Medicines are proven safe! First !Vaccinations for swine flu in 2o14 caused narcolepsy in hundreds of children in Scandinavia so that fine is it ?polio vaccinations again across India and Africa caused various side effects sterilisation paralysis and death that’s fine is it ?and if vaccines are so safe and it’s worth the risk why are big pharmaceutical immune from prosecution? As it seems big money talks and media fails to report the 1000s upon 1000s of small African and Indian children from some of the poorest community’s in the world completely unreported ? So we now have a new strain Covid-19 -21-22 ?I’m a nutter and choose not to have a unproven Toxin injected into me as there will be 1000s of deaths from rushed through vaccines .
"I personally take offense to..." any nurse who thinks refusing one medication means we have to refuse all, believes health professionals get to choose our injury risks despite no studies, think non medical people can not do research, believes one baby should take a risk against his compromised genetics vs another baby who might get measles because the mothers were duped out of wild childhood virus strains and therefore created vulnerable children~ All children are now at risk for injuries. I support those who do not wish to continue the cycle of Pharma dependency, for as long as it takes the brainwashed medical students to get it. It's not just about you and your pride.
Another nice fact... if and when you are vaccine damaged... WHO is going to pay for the bills? After watching my daughter be vaccine damaged and myself, none of you needle pushers, nor doctors, nor the manufacturers paid for our medical bills. But did you know that the vaccine injury court has paid out billions for damages. They would not have the vaccine court if there were not serious issues. Furthermore the increase in deaths via vaccines is on the rise. One only has to go looking for the stories and parents with nothing to gain but to warn you, are pleading to be heard after their healthy children DIE after vaccines. The rates of sick children with diabetes, food allergies, digestion issues, behavioral issues, asthma etc. etc. etc. is rising extremely fast. If your idea of healthy after vaccines is just that you don'e DIE... you need to raise your standards. Gardasil has caused many girls and boys to become paralized. Yet you really think polio is the issue.
What is in a vaccine? Do you realize that aluminum and thermisol are TOXIC. The CDC recommendation is to keep these LOW due to their toxic nature. Pregnant women are not to eat too much fish due to mercury, yet they put 100 times more in a needle and POW! Like magic it is no longer toxic. I have spoken to 2 doctors in the past 2 months who have seen for themselves quote "I don't get the flu shot because I know I will get sick." Truth is more people get sick FROM the vaccine shot and their symptoms are WORSE. I have watched it in coworkers and myself. No flu shot, no flu. But those unable to TEST the information they are told can not even connect the dotThis logic is only great if you are making pasta due to all the holes. #1 going to the doctor should not mean that they will load you up with more pharma chems. It is true we don't want those either. Sometimes it is simply diagnosing an issue. I have found there are more issues with standard meds than simply diet and supersize changes.
I worked in a hospital in IT. I was called into a board meeting because they were having issues with the wifi and connecting to the projector. During this time they continued talking. Discussing new drugs for patients and the kickbacks from the reps. They specifically were talking about a drug that they knew was better but opted to take the drug with side effects because they coiuld then prescibe a second drug that would increase profits by 30%. They also said that a hospital needs people in beds, healthy people don't need hospitals. I left the hospital and will never return. Healthcare is all about illness care and profits. If you believe anything else you are a fool.
If vaccination works, and therefore you won't get sick, why do you insist that other people get vaccinated? Unless it doesn't work. And it's a scam.
With all due respect, vaccines aren’t medicine or a cure for any disease. and For the record, I am not anti-vaccination, just have a very questioning mind, and I welcome any and all information and opinions. Do correct me if I am wrong, the companies that produce all those listed medicines can be held liable for damages incurred for using them. Whereas vaccine manufacturers cannot be. Yes, yes there are vaccine courts for vaccine injuries, but that is a government program funded by tax payers. The manufacturers themselves never incur consequences for poor manufacturing and subsequent death and injuries. I do believe the maker of OxyContin was allowed to self police itself, and look how well that turned out. Not to mention, if anyone owns a television they’ve seen a commercial for a class action lawsuit for injuries due to a medication (created by big pharma). I am also curious on the testing of other medicines? Where they tested in double blind, independent studies?
That's called logic? I think you're confusing anti-vax with no choice. Those you call anti-vax are pro choice. All should be entitled to informed consent on all matters when it comes to their body. I know all that so forcibly want to make vaccines a mandate are convinced that the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. Not everyone agrees or has the basis for their decision, so the compelling evidence you see isn't enough for all. There's a needs to be respectful to all. Just because someone refuses a treatment (any one, not just vaccines) doesn't mean they don't believe medicine has a role in their life. That's just pretty arrogant to think otherwise.
My vet said not to keep vaccinating my adult cats if they received their initial vaccines. They cause more illness in their adult life. Their immune system is no longer compromised as an adult so why make them get sick. I wished I'd never gotten the Hepatitis B vaccine 3 times when I became a nurse. I do believe that shot had compromised my immune. I had Mono when I was younger and that stayed dormant till I was a nurse. I and other nurses came in contact with a patient that a doctor should have put in isolation. I became very sick with symptoms and was not treated for it since the doctors didn't know what it was. One was an infectious disease doctor and I made him test me for Lyme. It came back positive and very high numbers. But he refused to treat me for it. His reasoning it was an older virus. But the fact is it took him several weeks to get back to me and my doctor with the results. Was he trying to make me sick by refusing to get back to us with results. Forever have LYME now!
Everything else pharma does has a risk so we are given Choice. Vaccines should come with choice too. This is a weak argument with no scientific data to back it up. Im not impressed. What this nurse believes is not what I believe. But I do believe doctors way overdue medication and hospitals and doctors should be more for emergency and prevention should be based on healthy living. Those who perfer meds and vaccines should feel free to do so but 36 babies die from a trail with the 6 and one drug and cdc still passes it. Some things they may do ok but they are not God and make mistakes all the time. I do not need to be forcefed something the supreme court recognizes as unavoidably unsafe. Sorry the vaccine just killed you baby but they are unavoidably unsafe now its time to vaccinate you toddler. HA I dont think so. Of all the arguments Ive heard this is one of the weakest and demeaning and mean. It reminds me of how nurses can be bullies.
We read of Heroes in history who stand by their guns when everybody laughs and everyone makes fun. We say I would be the hero. I would be that one. I would pay no mind when everyone makes fun. But now we're here today. The Constitution is in danger. AND now I understand why in history I read of so few who stand up and stop following So few who will stand up to lead. Once again history repeats itself. Once again people favor a pat on the back. They favor social acceptance to the Lonely road of Defending one's rights. Since social acceptance has never been in my favor I suppose it's easier for me not to waiver. Kit H
It's not just heroes who stand by their guns. Remember the Nazis? They stood by their guns. And gas chambers. And other horrible things. We don't consider them heroes at all.
Load More Replies...Science? The vax industry looked at ONE ingredient in ONE vaccine. That is proof? In what insane, incompetent world? You ignore Dr Wm Thompson whose 2004 Atlanta study of black infants under 36 months given MMR vax had more than a 320% increase in autism. The results were lied about after the head of CDC told them to hide the truth. (Gerderbing - now head of vax at Merck, who makes MMR plus more) How did they doctor the results? To simplify - they took a lot of the autistic results out of the study after expressing doubt about their birth certificate and therefore making them ineligible. Just as many kids GOT autistic, but they weren't in the study any longer. Every ingredient in vaccines is literally a danger. They are toxic, neurotoxic, heavy or toxic metals, pathogens, carcinogens, or genetics - which present 3 possible threats. 1) Mutagenesis. The DNA of cell replication (fetus, baby, those w/inflammation) has been proven to mutate with DNA from being shot up w/vax. 2) autoimmu
autoimmune disorders. Genetics close to human genetics can stimulate antibody assaults upon your own body - similar to the new tetanus shot which created a new disease - "Anti-Phospholipid Disease. An excipient in the shot is SO SIMILAR to your phospholipids, some are developing autoimmune disorders where the body attacks phospholipids. So far, mostly causing blindness, but guess where your body has phospholipids? EVERY CELL MEMBRANE IN YOUR BODY!!! So ANYPLACE in your body can come under attack. 3) tumorogenesis. Older cell lines like the murdered babies in the measles and mumps (look for things like diploid cells, MRC-5, etc in your vax insert) cause more tumors than newer cell lines.
Load More Replies...So - "science" has looked at ONE ingredient in ONE vaccine and declared there are no problems. This despite Dr Wm Thompson giving (bought off) Congress proof that the 2004 CDC study in Atlanta of the MMR shot and black infants under 36 months increased their autism rate by 320+ percent? Do you even know how they faked the study's initial "findings" when ordered to cover it up by Dr Julian Gerderbing the CDC head? They decided that some kids with autism had birth certificates which were "doubtful" and well, of course you can't include people who MIGHT be outside the target age group.... Sounds logical, but those kids developed autism from the MMR shots and were rejected from the study to pad stats. Don't give me "settled science" bullsheet. Flu? The best guess about symptom reduction is a couple hours over a few days. Big whoop. But guess what? That vax insert you were too stupid to ask for says that "no studies have proven that getting _____ (fill in the flu shot) decreases your risk
Well congratulations, you probably just lost your job for having an opinion on other people having opinions lol...... hope it was worth it
There HAVE been payouts from "Big Pharma" after vaccinations caused damage. That's a fact. I don't think it's nearly as simple as people believe. I would be investigating more if I had children or grandchildren on the horizon but I don't. There may not be studies per se, to discover whether or not they are causing autism, but think about it... what parent is going to hand over their kid to be in a study to discover whether or not such a thing happens? No parent. So no studies. I just think it's more complicated that we're told to believe.
So you either have to accept every drug prescribed and every vaccination offered or opt for no medical treatments ever whatsoever? That's what she calls logic? I am not necessarily an anti -vaxxer. I haven't looked into it enough to truly understand it all. However, I do know that it may not necessarily be the vaccine's themselves, but the sheer number of diseases pumped into the small babies these days - nothing like it was in my generation or my own child's generation. I believe it's more than 12 x what previous generations got. Young babies are suddenly induced with many diseases and so many parents swearing their kids were normal beforehand? I tend to believe them. Especially the parents of triplets who say each of their 3 was normal before the vaccines and all 2 'shut off' the same day as the vaccinations. I believe these particular parents.
My daughter died from complications from a vaccine so I guess I'm an idiot right and my son is exempt because of it
I thought anti-vacciners were concerned about side affects they believe vaccines cause, not stickin it to big pharm. Signed, I Was Vaccinated for some stuff, chose not to get vaccinated for others.
The following aborted fetal cell ingredients (“cell culture materials”) were derived from no fewer than 107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons, then used in past and ongoing vaccine research: PER C6, HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8, WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18, WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-38, WI-44, and MCR-5. Supporting vaccinations and vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those, and the continuing sacrifice of other human souls. Vaccinations are an abomination to life.
Science is right here 👇 BOY DO I LOVE SCIENCE!!!!!!! Title: Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome READ THE STUDY: Dr. Theresa Deisher, a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University has put forth a theory that human DNA fragments in vaccines could be one of the causes of autism. Deischer is a well accomplished and respected scientist. She has over 19 years of commercial biotechnology history and her research has often led to clinical trials. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny speaks to the multigenerational indoctrination that holds people at the mercy of “authority” figures for their health care needs and afraid to inquire about treatments that are li
Everyone should read an insert. 1. Ingredients 2. Compensation for vaccine injury to date 3. VAERS site for vaccine injury 4. HHS lawsuit that shows no safety studies for 32 years. 5. 1986 vaccine law that shields vaccine manufacturers from liability 6. Supreme Court rules vaccines “unavoidably unsafe” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - #regrann
Better break out those essential oils since they're the best cure! *COUGH COUGH* GO SEE A DOCTOR *COUGH* IF YOUR SICK *COUGH*
The people who don’t vaccinate are fearful. They grab at anything to blame that they think they can control and bring safety to their family. They are wrong and the herd effect of enough people getting vaccinated is important. The question for those that believe in vaccines have to decide how to handle the “social contract” to we pass laws mandating vaccinations or just encourage compliance. I’m not sure which way.🤔
Okay, listen up! This is to you stupid people who won't get vaccinated. I am tired of getting sick from your dumb children that you won't vaccinate. My health is not that good, so please do me a favor. Stay in your house. Don't ever come out, because I have decided that I don't want to die for your point of view. By the way, l'm 65 years old and if one more mom says "oh,excuse me; after your child gets finished sneezing on me, I will smack ya.
Ok so I was a nurse and married to doctor. I believed in this nonsense and now have 3 PERMANENTLY damaged children from vaccines. 2 from HPV, one almost died. My son from MMR and has Autism. So I'm college education with a science degree, but I'm ignorant because I no longer believe in this nonsense? I wish I could take back time and do it differently for my children. I can't, the damage is done. No way will I ever promote my grandkids to receive this garbage. They will be more susceptible. Damaged DNA, reproduces damaged DNA. Learn about the MTHFR and epigenetics. This is not a one fit for all program and we need to start treating it this way. There is so much more to this complex situation than what most people know. Unless you've walked my line, you wouldn't have any idea. Making bold stupid comments truly reflects ones ignorance or denial. You're getting sick from the ones that are vaccinated, not unvaccinated.
Load More Replies..."Vaccinations are bad! Eating meat is evil! Jesus is love!" "Excuse me, Doctor. What's the safest way I can put myself in a coma until the world eradicates stupid?"
People still believe milk is good for them and celebrate Pagan holidays in the name of Jesus...the world has been stupid since you were born and will continue to degrade until we wipe ourselves out.
Load More Replies...What if the argument is body autonomy? Simple question; who should be in charge of your actions and their consequences? The answer should be you. But if you believe in government enforced mandatory vaccinations, then you either don't understand the simple question or you don't understand what the answer "you" means.
What if the argument is body autonomy? Simple question, who should be responsible for your actions and their consequences? If you answered yourself, but also believe in government enforced mandatory vaccinations you either don't understand the question or you don't understand your own answer.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tried to put the outrageous situation into context. “If you take that vaccine vial and break it, you have to dispose of that as hazardous waste. You have to evacuate the building. Why would you take that and inject it into a child?” LINK:
The vaccine industry, operating under their own rules – or rather, complete absence of rules – is making it impossible for us to find out the facts. President Trump has long called for an independent inquiry into vaccine safety. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is calling for the same. “I got three vaccines and I was fully compliant. I’m 63 years old. My children got 69 doses of 16 vaccines to be compliant. And a lot of these vaccines aren’t even for communicable diseases. Like Hepatitis B, which comes from unprotected sex, or using or sharing needles – why do we give that to a child on the first day of their life? And it was loaded with mercury.” Tucker asked, “We do give that to children?“ “We continue to give it to them. The mercury has been taken out of three vaccines, but it remains in the flu vaccine, and it is still in vaccines all over the world. And it is the most potent neurotoxin known to man that is not radioactive.” “How can we inject that into a child?”
SILLY TO LIMIT SIZE OF REPLIES. SMGDH. “What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed, Tucker, is that Congress, drowning in pharmaceutical industry money, did something they have never done for any other industry – they gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies. “So that no matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to your child, you cannot sue them. “So there’s no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no class action suits. All of a sudden vaccines became enormously profitable.” The enormous profits in the unregulated industry meant Big Pharma companies raced each other to produce new and unnecessary vaccines to pump into newborn children – often dozens at a time. “It became a gold rush for the pharmaceutical industry to add new vaccines to the spectrum.” But at what cost?
NO dog in this hunt(no kids) BUT, is it unreasonable to look at facts & question events that seem to fly in the face of Industry "evidence? "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show and bravely exposed the “lawless mafia state” that is Big Pharma and their “extremely lucrative” vaccines scam. “The pharmaceutical industry is so powerful,” RFK Jr explained. “They give $5.4 billion a year to the media. They’ve gotten rid of the lawyers, so there is no legal interest in those cases. They have really been able to control the debate and silence people like me.” Asked how things could get this bad, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained that Congress granted Big Pharma “blanket legal immunity” when it comes to vaccines. Big Pharma became a law unto themselves after President Regan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. They can put toxic ingredients in your vaccines, they can seriously injure your child – but you cannot sue them."
I think this nurse is 100% correct, except she missed one point...that being that all of the immigrants coming into the United States are bringing with them diseases that the United States had long ago gotten pretty much rid of because we chose to vaccinate our children and ourselves. These immigrants are bringing back into the United States diseases that we had pretty much defeated with vaccinations. If you don't need any other reason to keep immigrants out of the US, this should do it!
So, because someone doesn't trust certain vaccines, they also shouldn't trust the entirety of medicine and medical care? Do you realize how absurdly fallacious that argument is? Come on ... you're failing at like, elementary level logic while laughably claiming that you're "using logic against [someone]."
Not trusting vaccines is dumb. They've been around for centuries and are historically and medically proven to be good for the population.
Load More Replies...Wow! Because before the first vaccines were introduced, the human race was just about wiped off the face of the earth. Seems like they came around just in the nic'O'time huh!. Sure there were allot of death prior to vaccines but what vaccines did was weaken our immune system that we can't fight even the common cold, so we need vaccines for that too. Instead of vaccines, why couldn't we just have allowed the human race to build immunization. "I knock on wood now" but I can't remember the last cold I had. I moved to the country 3 years ago and nothing since, no one to share their germs with me and I'm always outside. I have a friend a professor who gets vaccine every year and he always has a stuffed nose. He's always surrounded with students. We were told we need vaccines and most people are just gullible enough to believe it I guess. Of course we need vaccines now. But had we left the human body build immunization I think we wouldn't need them.
One of our former Prime Ministers (Canada) had polio as a child, just a few years before the vaccine came about. He's now 80 years old, so you pretty much have to find people in that age range who truly understand what life was like before mass vaccination. Me, I'm 60 and glad that kids don't have to have measles any more. That was a miserable illness and I had it at age 10 or so.
The entire anti-vaxxer movement has nothing to do with health or safety and everything to do with pride, not wanting to be told what to do but only that they're right, 'Big Pharma'-phobia, political motivations, and old rich men who know there's no money in curing a disease.
OK nurse snickerdoodle I'll allow you to shoot my most precious w/ a syringe filled w/ industrial waste...WHEN you can explain exactly how it is possible to grow your virus cultures in HENRIETTA LACKS' CLONED ???!!! SUPER AGGRESSIVE CANCER CELLS -the He-La cell line --in case you actually want to research--and yet somehow avoid injecting these same LIVE CANCER CELLS into your patient/victim ! If you can separate the virus culture from the medium in which it is grown , they need to give your royal arrogantness the Nobel Prize ...
Thank you, Meggy Doodle, for this insightful, witty post. It would seen that some people have difficulty exercising personal discipline for the benefit of others. A civilized person respects the advantage over inconvenience for items such as traffic lights, highway speed limits, using foul language, burping or spitting in public places, restricted smoking areas, tuning a musical instrument, control of erotic impulses and table manners
I expect it will take a real epidemic to convince people. Like Diphtheria maybe. Acts like a cold or flu, but it can close a child's throat and strangle them in under 30 hours. Even if you get the kid to the hospital they might not get the diagnosis right in time to save them. Merry Christmas!
Serious question, Where would an unvaccinated child get diphtheria in the US? I understand it’s a bacteria but it’s only transmitted through saliva and airborne respiratory would that child have to catch it from another unvaccinated child who traveled out of country?
Load More Replies...Why humanity still exists after all of these terrible diseases, if vaccination was invented just recently? Just a thought
Look at the population rise graph from 1700 to 2018, where do you see a rise?
Load More Replies...Why do people gloat when they think they "shut someone down"? Get a life.
While you are correct that pharma companies think about profits more than health, you are wrong that homeopath does not work. If you have been using allopathic all you life, homeo won't work.
Load More Replies...Her opinion matters because she knows far more than you do, because the scientists and doctors you claim she isn't....overwhelmingly agree with her as the science is quite clear. Trying to tie AFM to vaccines now is even dumber than trying to tie autism to vaccines.
Load More Replies...Thiomersal is a preservative that contains small amounts of mercury. It's used to prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi in the vaccine (which would be FAR MORE HARMFUL. High doses of mercury can be toxic to the brain and other organs. However, no harmful effects have been linked with the level of thiomersal used in the small amounts present in vaccines. Flu would mutate anyway - it's organic.
Load More Replies...Not true - flu jabs are available to people in the UK. Free on the NHS to those who are considered vulnerable eg children, elderly, sick and the rest of us who are perfectly healthy can pay for them. It is, however, mainly measles, mumps and rubella which are the issue with vaccinating children. It does NOT cause autism.
Load More Replies...You poor soul. Let us know when your LSD trip wears off.
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