Apparently, some men think if a woman wears an ankle bracelet, she is either a lesbian or a prostitute. And don't even ask them about ladies who carry around their stuff in a backpack instead of a purse!
These things sound unbelievable, but just take a look at the subreddit r/NotHowGirlsWork and you'll discover that some guys have such wild misconceptions about females, it's like they're talking about an alien race.
I honestly don't know how they come up with such... theories. Maybe their ego couldn't handle a breakup, so they invented an explanation on why it was their partner's fault. Or maybe they're just following the wrong people on social media.
Either way, continue scrolling to check out the latest posts from r/NotHowGirlsWork and if you want more after you're done, fire up Bored Panda's earlier piece on the subreddit. Enjoy.
This post may include affiliate links.
Don’t Know If This Is A Repost. Got Sent This By My Mom Lmao
Adele’s Weight Loss Under The Spotlight Again
To learn more about women's role in today's society, we contacted Dr. Stephen Burrell, who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Durham University, and a Deputy Director of Durham's Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA).
Dr. Burrell also undertook an Economic and Social Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship on the role of the business sector and workplaces in preventing violence against women and promoting gender equality, and how to engage more men in such efforts.
"Women face many of the same problems that men do, such as economic inequalities which mean that so many people in our society are struggling to get by, whilst others have huge amounts of wealth," he told Bored Panda. "But on top of that, they face numerous additional obstacles because gender inequality remains so deeply rooted."
In Simpler Terms: “I Straight Up Can Not Please A Woman”
I Uhm- Don’t Think That’s Right Chief
Girls Don't Have Ankles
Dr. Burrell believes our narrow expectations about who we allow and expect women to be holds them back from contributing freely and fully to society. "It can have detrimental impacts on their health and wellbeing, with violence against women and girls continuing to be a commonplace experience for so many throughout their lives – and also because healthcare services often fail to take account of women’s needs and experiences."
"It can hold them back in education and the workplace, where everyday experiences of sexism and gender stereotypes mean women and girls may not be encouraged and enabled to succeed and flourish in whatever path they want to pursue," he explained.
"They are often expected to juggle this whilst still doing the bulk of care work at home, with little support from wider society in terms of things like affordable childcare services, which holds back women’s positions in the labor market, and means those economic inequalities hit them harder too. Meanwhile, women are still significantly under-represented in decision-making positions across society, which means a lot of these issues aren’t understood or addressed by people in power."
He Got Called Out On His “Women Don’t Like Sex” Bulls**t. Welp, I Think They Just Don’t Want To Have It With You
Her Uncle Does Not Understand How Sexism Works...
The Girl Hive
Dr. Burrell also believes that men directly contribute to a lot of the problems women face. "For example, if we’re talking about violence against women and girls, and the widespread sexism and misogyny which feeds into it, it’s important to recognize that this doesn’t come from nowhere – it is predominantly being perpetrated by men," he said. "So we need to start talking more about men’s role in these problems, even if that is at times uncomfortable."
"But that also helps us to think about the positive part men can play in the solution. We can be agents of change, working together with women as allies in building a society that is more equal and fair for everyone – in our relationships, at home, at work, in politics, everywhere."
Uh. No
I've Seen This Expression Alot Whilst Browsing This Sub, So I Thought I'd Share This Meme
In Dr. Burrell's opinion, this is particularly important when we remember that men continue to hold most positions of power. And this doesn't concern just individuals, it touches the way we organize society, too.
"We all learn rigid and restrictive stereotypes about gender from an early age, and have all probably played a part in reinforcing them at some point," Dr. Burrell, one of the co-hosts of the podcast 'Now and Men: Current conversations about men's lives', said.
"These hold everyone back – so we all benefit from breaking down gender norms, being free to be whoever we want to be, and creating a society in which everyone is equally valued and free from violence."
What’s The Secret Formula To Get In Bed With As Many Women As Possible!? Smh
Hmmm Yes, Pants Are Only For Men
No wonder so many men can hardly relate to women and their issues. Despite the genders' psychological overlap, studies on men have suggested they have trouble "mind-reading" and guessing what women are thinking and feeling.
For example, one study found that men do, in fact, interpret friendliness from women as sexual come-ons. Research also discovered that women prize men who try to understand them.
To see whether guys really do have trouble understanding ladies, Boris Schiffer, a researcher at the LWL-University Hospital in Bochum, Germany and his colleagues put 22 men between the ages of 21 and 52 (with an average age of 36) in a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner, which uses blood flow as a measure to measure their brain activity.
Breast Milk Is Now Pee
This Guy Has A Weird Opinion
If someone else is eating something, they are not taunting you with something you can't have. If someone else travels somewhere you haven't been, they are not taunting you with something you can't have. If someone else has a hundred dollar bill and you don't, they are not taunting you with something you can't have. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SEX, LOVE, ATTENTION, NOR INTIMACY, DUDES.
This Pee Pee Maestro
The scientists then asked the men to look at images of 36 pairs of eyes, half from men and half from women, and guess the emotion those people felt.
The men then had to choose which of two words, such as distrustful or terrified, best described the eyes' emotion. The eye photographs depicted positive, neutral, and negative emotions.
Men took longer and had more trouble correctly identifying emotion in women's eyes.
Who Made This…
Logic Not Found
Some People Really Don't Like Seeing A Room Full Of Women...
Hide Your Ankles, Lest You Be Found Out!
just proves there's 7k uninformed men looking for answer from a idiot
Load More Replies...Ladies. Before you go on with seduction. Observe his biceps. If one is larger than the other, this will tell you whether or not he is w@nker.
And all mine will tell someone is that I've sprained them so many times the soft tissue is probably permanently damaged
Load More Replies...My dear chap, even I do not know if I've ever conceived or aborted before
Better have a look at her calf. It will tell you how hard she can kick and/or run far far away from you
“Men hate this one trick to stop them knowing if you’re a s**t” ;)
Load More Replies...Maybe to achieve that sexy look, how about sheer panty hose but it has run exposing parts of the ankle?
Load More Replies...This isn't science, and I'm pretty damn uncertain if it's actually english
I'm sure women don't need to observe him physically to see if he's worth it. He just needs to open his mouth and start talking and they probably say "Yep...he's not worth it."
That's what I was wondering. It was mentioned in another meme too
Load More Replies...Funny. THIS GUY: 12 hours ago he posted an article "overcoming premature ejaculation."
These men: want to have loads of sex all the time. Also these men: hate sluts for some reason
Of course I'm horrified, but I'm also very curious to hear how he thinks this works...?
How does an ankle tell these things, and please tell me what appendage to look at on a man to tell me similar information. Lol
So my face sends signals to my ankle when it feels it has been bleached? WTF??
Women, before you go on with seduction, observe his social media. If anything as inane and insane as this is posted, he is an incel.
whut ? my ankles.. bleached face? wtf is going on in this tweet?
I need more info… what is he saying on a woman’s ankle shoes she’s conceived or snorted? What the actual F**K?
Let's pretend for a moment this was good advice (it's not, but just for a moment let's pretend): what do we have to look for? It says "the ankle of her legs" (as if ankles could be anywhere else) but doesn't say what the signs are supposed to be.
Wait what?! Like what does this mean? How are ankles associated with any of this
All my ankles tell you is that they’re leading the way for my leg to kick you in the balls (does a gut like you even have any?).
Alright, but he doesn't explain what are the signs on such ankle that should supposedly reveal all those characteristics... It's like saying: "Look at the sky; the clouds will tell you how the weather is going to be, but you have to figure it out by yourself, dude". Maybe the "sign" he's looking for is an ankle tattoo of the writing "I bleached my face", I guess...
I want to know - how will her ankles tell you that? What about your ankles? Will they tell us you have no idea about how to pleasure a woman, if you bleached your face, or how many times you've stepped out on a woman?
MLK is rolling over in his grave with idiots like this representing themselves with his likeness.
Ummm... What science classes has this WOHS been taking?!
Oh. Please explain in much detail exactly what about a woman's ankle will tell/show you all or some of that? Need facts not bs. Someone really doesn't know anatomy.
"The ankle of her legs". How about asking my hand-ankles? Or neck ankles?
My right ankle has a bloody extra bone! Care to explain this to me, oh genius one?
I’m kind of dying to know what my ankles say and me now! Also really curious about the “science” behind this one.
I've never in my life wanted to wear Ugg boots, until now.
If there are bleach streaks on her ankle bone, she might have bleached her face. Or she might have just come from cleaning up a murder scene.
I kinda want more info. What exactly is seen via ankles to denote these factors?
Sometimes things like this just make me curious. I mean it's utter bull$hit but... Why. I want these people to explain their "logic" to me. Explain how an ankle can tell you if she's been pregnant.
Of course he can't give details on HOW to tell cause he's too dumb to get into that level of b******t.
My ankles mostly tell people how often I end up falling over and twisting my ankle... or how bad I am a shaving my legs - I usually miss a patch around my ankle
Some men need to be placed in a small box where they can never again interact with another human being...this Eric is one of them.
Broken ankles show signs of extreme slutiness. Obviously god is punishing that skank for her promiscuity /s
Load More Replies...I am so confused. Bleached the face? How do ankles shoe these things. What???
Additionally, their brains showed different activation when looking at men's versus women's eyes. Men's amygdala — a region in the brain linked to emotions, empathy, and fear — activated more strongly in response to men's eyes.
Also, other brain areas tied to emotion and behavior didn't activate as much when the men looked at women's eyes.
The results indicate that men are worse at reading women's emotions. This "theory of mind" is one of the foundations for empathy, so the researchers suggest this could mean that men can have less empathy for women relative to men.
Legend Says That To This Day No One Responded
I Think This Belongs Here..
The Way Ppl Assumed Her Grandpa Is Her Sugar Daddy
Wtf I Just Read?
But the cause that leads to this is still unknown. While men could be culturally conditioned to pay less attention to women's emotional cues, there's also the possibility that their differential response is hard-wired by humans' evolutionary past.
"As men were more involved in hunting and territory fights, it would have been important for them to be able to predict and foresee the intentions and actions of their male rivals," the researchers explained in the paper.
Single Moms = Leftovers
Found Under A Thread Asking "What Would Female The Equivalent Of No Nut November Be?"
Not Sure What's Worse, The Joke Itself Or The Fact So Many People Like This Kind Of Humor
When it comes to simple biology, the picture is just as bad. A YouGov study conducted in the UK in 2019 asked British men to label a diagram of female genitalia, and the results were actually abysmal. Well, over half of surveyed men could not label the vagina or labia, and the majority could not point out where it is that urine comes out.
Very Confident For A Man With No Grasp Of Grammar Or Science
I'm convinced that this mindset comes from having no confidence in the bedroom department. It's basically, 'I want a woman who's not experienced, so she doesn't know how bad I am at it'. Personally I'd rather have someone with experience so that we can both increase our pleasure.
Period Assumption Is My (Least) Favourite
Who Does He Think He Is?
Incels: We're Just Lonely Virgins! Also Incels:
Is He Looking For A Mother?
He Wants His Wife To R-Xxx With Him
Just Confusing...
Breast Size Is A Direct Result Of One’s Health
Nicole Kidman Is A Man. Obviously
Found On A Forum
" Women = Hen" - Peta
One Giant Leap For Mankind, One Small Step (Backwards) For Chad
This Was Under A Post Of A Girl Saying She's Scared Of Pain During The Intercourse....
I burn instant noodles in the microwave??? What's that got to do with anything???
First Of All Women Don't Decide Their Hobbies And Careers Based On Whether People Find Them Attractive
You Gave It To Chad, So Give It To Me
Youtuber Asking The Real Hard Hitting Questions
In Response To Men Ignoring Their Partners For Gaming
Pea Shooter vs. An Atom Bomb
I Wish This Was Satire
How're You Going To Use The Exacr Same Face For Different Asian Women
The title is misleading. Most of men on those posts aren't ignorant about how women work. They simply hate women.
Wow this was hard to read, didn't even make it halfway through. Mostly makes me sad that there's so much hatred out there
Me too, I don't think this belongs here. BP has become a very negative space with all the ragebait content copied from reddit, twitter, etc
Load More Replies...Why are we giving trash like this even more attention they don't deserve?
Because it's important for women to know that this c**p is everywhere and important for decent men to know what women are up against on a daily basis. Know your enemy...
Load More Replies...Once again we are reminded as to why so many girls and women end up being murdered by some creep who couldn't cope with his inability to control her or accept being told no.
Honestly and sadly this entire thread makes me want to advise every girl in my life to stay away from men. I've heard a man once say if girls could hear how men talk about them behind their back, they would never go near them.
as a man I support this. We should have to interview and provide CVs. And if you aren't selected you must go onto HRT to calm the f**k down (active shooters seem to be incels).
Load More Replies...Question for BP: would you post a list of 130 examples of dehumanizing racism toward black people, or dehumanizing homophobia toward gay/lesbian people? At what point have we crossed the line from valuable education about the hatred that's out there to exploitation of oppressed people's pain for rage-baiting/click-baiting purposes? Is that line different for different groups of oppressed people? If so, why?
That is a DAMN good question, and one I'd like an answer to. What about it BP??
Load More Replies...The individuals posting these clearly have some abhorrent beliefs. The question is where did they come from, I would love to know how many of these men have had little to no sex Ed in schools and them “learnt” their “facts” from the wrong place on the Internet. There’s 8billon people in the world and you’re always going to get nutters what I can’t work out is if the Internet is making it more obvious, worse or both. I have a horrible feeling it’s both. It feels like we’ve had a “golden age “ of enlightenment and are quickly slipping backwards - even if you’re not in the USA which appears as an outsider to have its issues but in Europe too.
A lot comes from their culture and upbringing. Values past down from father to son. Most abrahamic religions favour men, and a lot of cultures are based on this. I don't know if Hinduism is mysoginist, but culturally there's a lot of that in India as well. It's hard to break the cycle of misogynistic upbringing, but I hope more men will. And there are plenty of decent men out there as well, the comment section showed that
Load More Replies...I had to stop reading this, I know there are people out there that are horrible. But reading this just ruined my day, there is soo much bad stuff going on, this is the last thing I wanted to read. I have come here every day to read light, happy, and funny stories, but not this.
Me too, I was about to throw up. This is highly unsettling.
Load More Replies...Nah, don't do that. We need the good ones more than ever.
Load More Replies...Hate to break it to you folks, but there are a TON of men out there like this. They aren't living in the "back woods," nor are they uneducated. I've had the displeasure of dating some of them. And yes, they do say and think these things. And yes, they think everyone feels the same way. Scary and warped, but true.
I think the USA recently had a president who believed this stuff... can't remember his name right now...
Load More Replies...This list pretty much sums up why I've never remarried. It's been 20+ years of being joyously single, doing as I want with my time and money, showing my male children that women can be strong, successful and loving and basically being happy. While I've dated long term a couple of times, what I learned was being alone and being lonely are two different things. Every one of those losers posted above can go jump off a cliff. Alone and lonely. As they deserve to be.
As a hardcore dweeb, I just want to know what it is in our society that makes some people turn out like this
sadly no. I know males who speak like this. Precisely two in fact. Pathetic.
Load More Replies...Read through it all. End result: I appreciate my husband even more, because he's nothing like these 50 idiots.
I can't believe I read the whole thing. Please tell me that the FBI has a department that just goes and watches these guys. They will be the ones buying larger guns than any eon could ever need.
I just…I mean…I don’t know what to say. Is there hope for humanity? Be careful out there.
I couldn’t even read most of these horrifying posts. This is a very scary world and these people live amongst you and I.
I can’t imagine these men have decent relationship with their mothers. If they do, where do they get these ideas from?
I finished this clearly understanding how people can be unattracted to men
Couldn't get past #85. Feeling disgusted and depressed. But silver lining - I've never met such a "man" in my life, so they aren't hopefully many of them
This is a great example of a few bad samples that gives the rest a bad reputation. And sometimes I wonder what happened to these bad samples to turn them that way? Or is it just plain stupidity and ignorance?
How can there be so many people like this? smh. This is worse than sad. It's tragic. Here's my advice to these people: 1. Take a basic health class. 2. Make some female friends. 3. Learn to listen, be open-minded and open-hearted and have empathy for people. This is just bilge-muck (or for the land-bound: sewer muck?).
I'm doing my very best to raise 2 boys to be good men, like their dad is, the fact that they can come across poison like this just being on the Internet terrifies me. I have control with the youngest as I have parental control on his device and have it locked to age appropriate content but my eldest is now legally an adult. We talk about consent about what is healthy in a relationship and what isn't and his dad is an amazing role model, but this stuff, just being out there for him to stumble over terrifies me x
Can we please start arresting men who post about femoids or identifying as incel?
I find it extremely difficult to believe all of these are true. I know us guys are thick headed, can't find things right in front of our face, etc. But these are just terribly painful and horrible. If any man actually believes this garbage, then a full frontal lobotomy is definitely in order.
I sometimes wonder if these postings are really meant seriously or if someone just wants to generate attention. I fear that some of these comments are indeed serious and from people with little education. That's why proper sex education is important for everyone in more than one grade. I don't mind parents insisting on teaching boys and girls separately, but no one should be allowed to withhold this knowledge from their offspring. In addition, free therapy should be made available to the unfortunate people with such feelings of hatred, as shown in some postings.
Couldn't finish this. I fully understand most men are not like this, but the fact that enough of them are out there and feel the need to go out of their way to post such hateful diatribe is beyond disturbing
You see the problem with this article is that that none of these are men. So it's inherently wrong from the get go. I think we can all agree that we need to make a new classification of human being that is non gender specific. We could call them. The dums..... cause that's all they are. Uselessly ignorant bags of flesh. The humans mentioned in this article in now way represent our gender and I am very offended at the insulation that they do.
While the examples were men talking about women, these examples don't represent men in general. I think we can agree on that Most men are good human beings and not as ignorant as was shown here.
Load More Replies..."So many men (incels), so many reasons to sleep alone" I learned long ago to not let self-righteous di**heads bait me to react to their game, I find that just pointing and laughing at them does such wonderful damage to their ego-- and not just to incels, to any arrogant, misogynistic, entitled " alpha" man that really really wants to put me in my place (as if), just point and laugh ladies, it confuses them.... The bigger the tree, the harder it falls. This was entertaining, like watching the incel Olympics would be!!!
I think it's good for all concerned that none of these men will ever procreate. Now please excuse me while I go find a brick wall to bang my head against.
Don't let these bad examples discourage you, there are good men out there as well. What you see on social media doesn't reflect the entirity of the male population.
Load More Replies...This was a train wreck I couldn't keep from reading. I prefer to have seen a literal train wreck with massive casualties than reading this knowing these guys are serious
I believe there is a lot of male ignorance about female bodies and feminism. Are boys not educated on human biology? It should be compulsory to everyone before the age of 12.
How old are these men? I thought they had sex education classes in schools.
From what I’ve gathered sex Ed in schools - especially in the USA is rather lacking. There’s a YouTuber called MamaDrJones that has some very interesting comments on this subject. Sadly I think this is far more about subjugation of women than misunderstandings- at least from the actual people starting it rather than the mouthpieces.
Load More Replies...Just like some men apply their experience to the majority of women. It happens both ways. And these posts aren't just jokes and memes, but reflect a sad truth that people should be aware of.
Load More Replies...So you need to (a) sign up for biology class and (b) exit your mom's basement and go out into the sunshine a bit and find a married man, preferably one with a degree, to explain to you why women are people and are worth engaging as human beings, not merely as fleshlights. (c) grow the f**k up. (d) you are probably 14.
Load More Replies...The title is misleading. Most of men on those posts aren't ignorant about how women work. They simply hate women.
Wow this was hard to read, didn't even make it halfway through. Mostly makes me sad that there's so much hatred out there
Me too, I don't think this belongs here. BP has become a very negative space with all the ragebait content copied from reddit, twitter, etc
Load More Replies...Why are we giving trash like this even more attention they don't deserve?
Because it's important for women to know that this c**p is everywhere and important for decent men to know what women are up against on a daily basis. Know your enemy...
Load More Replies...Once again we are reminded as to why so many girls and women end up being murdered by some creep who couldn't cope with his inability to control her or accept being told no.
Honestly and sadly this entire thread makes me want to advise every girl in my life to stay away from men. I've heard a man once say if girls could hear how men talk about them behind their back, they would never go near them.
as a man I support this. We should have to interview and provide CVs. And if you aren't selected you must go onto HRT to calm the f**k down (active shooters seem to be incels).
Load More Replies...Question for BP: would you post a list of 130 examples of dehumanizing racism toward black people, or dehumanizing homophobia toward gay/lesbian people? At what point have we crossed the line from valuable education about the hatred that's out there to exploitation of oppressed people's pain for rage-baiting/click-baiting purposes? Is that line different for different groups of oppressed people? If so, why?
That is a DAMN good question, and one I'd like an answer to. What about it BP??
Load More Replies...The individuals posting these clearly have some abhorrent beliefs. The question is where did they come from, I would love to know how many of these men have had little to no sex Ed in schools and them “learnt” their “facts” from the wrong place on the Internet. There’s 8billon people in the world and you’re always going to get nutters what I can’t work out is if the Internet is making it more obvious, worse or both. I have a horrible feeling it’s both. It feels like we’ve had a “golden age “ of enlightenment and are quickly slipping backwards - even if you’re not in the USA which appears as an outsider to have its issues but in Europe too.
A lot comes from their culture and upbringing. Values past down from father to son. Most abrahamic religions favour men, and a lot of cultures are based on this. I don't know if Hinduism is mysoginist, but culturally there's a lot of that in India as well. It's hard to break the cycle of misogynistic upbringing, but I hope more men will. And there are plenty of decent men out there as well, the comment section showed that
Load More Replies...I had to stop reading this, I know there are people out there that are horrible. But reading this just ruined my day, there is soo much bad stuff going on, this is the last thing I wanted to read. I have come here every day to read light, happy, and funny stories, but not this.
Me too, I was about to throw up. This is highly unsettling.
Load More Replies...Nah, don't do that. We need the good ones more than ever.
Load More Replies...Hate to break it to you folks, but there are a TON of men out there like this. They aren't living in the "back woods," nor are they uneducated. I've had the displeasure of dating some of them. And yes, they do say and think these things. And yes, they think everyone feels the same way. Scary and warped, but true.
I think the USA recently had a president who believed this stuff... can't remember his name right now...
Load More Replies...This list pretty much sums up why I've never remarried. It's been 20+ years of being joyously single, doing as I want with my time and money, showing my male children that women can be strong, successful and loving and basically being happy. While I've dated long term a couple of times, what I learned was being alone and being lonely are two different things. Every one of those losers posted above can go jump off a cliff. Alone and lonely. As they deserve to be.
As a hardcore dweeb, I just want to know what it is in our society that makes some people turn out like this
sadly no. I know males who speak like this. Precisely two in fact. Pathetic.
Load More Replies...Read through it all. End result: I appreciate my husband even more, because he's nothing like these 50 idiots.
I can't believe I read the whole thing. Please tell me that the FBI has a department that just goes and watches these guys. They will be the ones buying larger guns than any eon could ever need.
I just…I mean…I don’t know what to say. Is there hope for humanity? Be careful out there.
I couldn’t even read most of these horrifying posts. This is a very scary world and these people live amongst you and I.
I can’t imagine these men have decent relationship with their mothers. If they do, where do they get these ideas from?
I finished this clearly understanding how people can be unattracted to men
Couldn't get past #85. Feeling disgusted and depressed. But silver lining - I've never met such a "man" in my life, so they aren't hopefully many of them
This is a great example of a few bad samples that gives the rest a bad reputation. And sometimes I wonder what happened to these bad samples to turn them that way? Or is it just plain stupidity and ignorance?
How can there be so many people like this? smh. This is worse than sad. It's tragic. Here's my advice to these people: 1. Take a basic health class. 2. Make some female friends. 3. Learn to listen, be open-minded and open-hearted and have empathy for people. This is just bilge-muck (or for the land-bound: sewer muck?).
I'm doing my very best to raise 2 boys to be good men, like their dad is, the fact that they can come across poison like this just being on the Internet terrifies me. I have control with the youngest as I have parental control on his device and have it locked to age appropriate content but my eldest is now legally an adult. We talk about consent about what is healthy in a relationship and what isn't and his dad is an amazing role model, but this stuff, just being out there for him to stumble over terrifies me x
Can we please start arresting men who post about femoids or identifying as incel?
I find it extremely difficult to believe all of these are true. I know us guys are thick headed, can't find things right in front of our face, etc. But these are just terribly painful and horrible. If any man actually believes this garbage, then a full frontal lobotomy is definitely in order.
I sometimes wonder if these postings are really meant seriously or if someone just wants to generate attention. I fear that some of these comments are indeed serious and from people with little education. That's why proper sex education is important for everyone in more than one grade. I don't mind parents insisting on teaching boys and girls separately, but no one should be allowed to withhold this knowledge from their offspring. In addition, free therapy should be made available to the unfortunate people with such feelings of hatred, as shown in some postings.
Couldn't finish this. I fully understand most men are not like this, but the fact that enough of them are out there and feel the need to go out of their way to post such hateful diatribe is beyond disturbing
You see the problem with this article is that that none of these are men. So it's inherently wrong from the get go. I think we can all agree that we need to make a new classification of human being that is non gender specific. We could call them. The dums..... cause that's all they are. Uselessly ignorant bags of flesh. The humans mentioned in this article in now way represent our gender and I am very offended at the insulation that they do.
While the examples were men talking about women, these examples don't represent men in general. I think we can agree on that Most men are good human beings and not as ignorant as was shown here.
Load More Replies..."So many men (incels), so many reasons to sleep alone" I learned long ago to not let self-righteous di**heads bait me to react to their game, I find that just pointing and laughing at them does such wonderful damage to their ego-- and not just to incels, to any arrogant, misogynistic, entitled " alpha" man that really really wants to put me in my place (as if), just point and laugh ladies, it confuses them.... The bigger the tree, the harder it falls. This was entertaining, like watching the incel Olympics would be!!!
I think it's good for all concerned that none of these men will ever procreate. Now please excuse me while I go find a brick wall to bang my head against.
Don't let these bad examples discourage you, there are good men out there as well. What you see on social media doesn't reflect the entirity of the male population.
Load More Replies...This was a train wreck I couldn't keep from reading. I prefer to have seen a literal train wreck with massive casualties than reading this knowing these guys are serious
I believe there is a lot of male ignorance about female bodies and feminism. Are boys not educated on human biology? It should be compulsory to everyone before the age of 12.
How old are these men? I thought they had sex education classes in schools.
From what I’ve gathered sex Ed in schools - especially in the USA is rather lacking. There’s a YouTuber called MamaDrJones that has some very interesting comments on this subject. Sadly I think this is far more about subjugation of women than misunderstandings- at least from the actual people starting it rather than the mouthpieces.
Load More Replies...Just like some men apply their experience to the majority of women. It happens both ways. And these posts aren't just jokes and memes, but reflect a sad truth that people should be aware of.
Load More Replies...So you need to (a) sign up for biology class and (b) exit your mom's basement and go out into the sunshine a bit and find a married man, preferably one with a degree, to explain to you why women are people and are worth engaging as human beings, not merely as fleshlights. (c) grow the f**k up. (d) you are probably 14.
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