Woman Is Disappointed Friend Won’t Get Rid Of Her Cats Now That She’s Pregnant To Protect Her Baby
Now, I may be expressing an unpopular point of view, but many people actually overestimate the importance of friendship. And, accordingly, this friendship is sometimes overused. No, of course, it’s always great to have someone nearby who will open your eyes to how things really are. But what if this frank and straightforward person is also mistaken?
So here’s another similar story from the user u/FancyConstruction812, whose friend also tried to ‘open her eyes’ to the incompatibility of a baby and cats in the house, and when that didn’t work, she started badmouthing her, thereby only proving her own entitlement.
The author of the post is an expecting mom and she also has 4 cats at home
Image credits: Chewy (not the actual photo)
When the author’s friend found out she’s pregnant, she literally demanded the author get rid of all her cats
Image credits: u/FancyConstruction812
However, the author calmly told her that the cats aren’t disposable, and she’ll keep them all
Image credits: EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA (not the actual photo)
Image credits: FancyConstruction812
So the friend berated the mom-to-be, and then started badmouthing her at work behind her back
So, meet the Original Poster (OP) – a 30-year-old woman, a happy expectant mother and at the same time the owner of four cats (all rescues), which she and her partner got during their ten-year relationship together.
And the author of the post also has a friend at work named Josie, who at one point asked her a not entirely clear question – where does the OP plan to put her cats in light of the upcoming birth of a child? The original poster was very surprised and gave an absolutely logical answer that she was not going to do anything with the cats – as they have lived in the house, they would continue to live there.
As it turned out, with this answer the OP only opened the tap of Josie’s eloquence, as she immediately bombarded the mom-to-be with a bunch of facts and stories about toxoplasmosis, allergies and how dangerous it actually is for a newborn simply to have a cat nearby. In other words, according to her friend, a cat is a red flag for any mom, and four cats is absolutely terrifying…
To the OP’s credit, she did not panic and calmly said that she grew up in a house with cats, and didn’t get toxoplasmosis, and neither she nor the child’s father had any allergies. As for, for example, cleaning the litter box in the later months of pregnancy, she may well ask her partner about it, and he will willingly fulfill this request. Well, various urban legends are nothing more than legends… In general, as the author summarized, the cats will stay, and this is not to be discussed any further.
After that, Josie directly called her friend ‘a [sh**] mother’, putting her tailed pets above the health of the tot, and then completely began badmouthing her at work, promoting the same thesis among the colleagues. In general, now almost the entire office is close to unanimously condemning the OP for being ‘selfish’, and Josie, apparently, has come close to the ‘ex-friend’ status…
Image credits: AgusUser (not the actual photo)
Well, I analyzed several dozen sources (alas, I can’t analyze my own experience, since I’m a dog-lover myself), and in none of them did I see a direct recommendation like: “if you are pregnant, urgently start giving away your cats to friends!” No, of course, you need to take various precautions and carefully approach the very process of introducing the baby to your kitties – but nothing more.
“Fortunately, cats and babies can live together happily, but it will take some family preparation to make sure everything goes smoothly,” writes Amy Flowers, DVM, in her article on baby-cat coexistence on the WebMD website. In other words, if you gradually prepare the cats for the upcoming addition to the family, then, most likely, everything will go absolutely seamlessly.
And, of course, you should limit the cats’ access to the street – in order to avoid the danger of toxoplasmosis – and in addition, during the pregnancy and at least in the first years of the baby’s life, you had better not bring new cats into the house, either. Well, of course, you should double your attention (in the OP’s case, apparently, quadruple your attention), but careful adherence to the recommendations of experts (and it’s worth visiting doctors for sure!) will generally help to avoid many possible problems.
Of course, the vast majority of people in the comments to the original post massively supported the author, giving her a shout-out for her strong belief that cats and pets in general are not disposable, but full-fledged members of the family. Yes, there is a risk of toxoplasmosis and other diseases, but everything can be solved by observing fairly basic principles of hygiene, the folks in the comments are pretty much convinced.
As for the OP’s hapless ‘friend,’ the commenters seriously urge the author to think about the prospects for further communication with such a person. Some, given the insults that the mom-to-be suffered from Josie, generally recommend reporting her to HR. “Get rid of her, keep the cats,” is perhaps the ideal slogan for the general vox populi. So do you, our dear readers, agree with this slogan?
People in the comments unanimously praised the author for her decision, and some folks even recommended to report the ‘friend’ to HR
Image credits: Nikita Nikitin (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Jonas Vincent (not the actual photo)
A quote from an Ob-Gyn I used to know 'the only cases of toxoplasmosis I have actually come across are from women who have never had a cat, and who might have accidentally been exposed while gardening, or engaged in other such activities. Most of the women who have cats have already been exposed, and it is that initial infection that actually poses a risk to the baby... still, it is a great excuse to get out of kitty litter duty'. I wish more people, and doctors, would take that view.
"The best advice it to have someone else clean up after kitty during your pregnancy. However, if that's not an option, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting infected with toxoplasmosis." Mayo Clinic https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-pregnancy-and-toxoplasmosis/ ... We note the complete lack of a suggestions to get rid of cat.
Load More Replies...I'd be going to HR if this shiz continues with harassment charges. I'd start a paper trail of email first for proof if outnumbered by rest of office... "I Understand your concerns however the Professional Ob-Gyn Colleges say it's cool, it is cool. I'm upset that you would call me a sh1t mother and encourage the rest of the office to do the same, perhaps we can sit down and discuss this?" Always take the upper hand and be polite when starting a fuqU that will involve HR
I agree. This is now work place harassment. And, it the leading health care providers don't make any mention of getting rid of cats, just that it's a best to have someone else clean up after them. But even then, they give suggestions on how to reduce the risk if the pregnant one must also be cat-poop-picker-upper.
Load More Replies...Ugh. These people are the reason cat rescuers are usually so swamped -- the vast majority of people who call themselves "animal lovers" literally think cats are accessories. You show them off, you brag about them, then you decide to clean your house and the cats go with the rest of the furniture and s**t that you get rid of because they "don't match the aesthetic" or something. In short, people like this are the reason I hate people.
Keep the kitties, ditch the "friend". I wonder what this "friend" would be saying if they had dogs or birds or any other household pet.
Get rid of the friend. Verbal abuse and workplace bullying can't be good for a pregnancy. My other recommendations: stand up for oneself (such as explaining why it's not dangerous so that bullies can't say they didn't know), document the bullying (dates, who said what, etc.), then make a complaint if they persist.
NTA If she was a true friend, she would know how much you love your cats, and she would never even suggest such a ridiculous idea, let alone tell other coworkers about it. I would focus more on my cats and preparing for the upcoming addition to the family, and much less on the "friend", because it's apparent that her values and opinions are different than those of you and your partner. She doesn't live in your house, so her opinion is irrelevant. Side note: Animals are very in tune with our thoughts and emotions, and they know what you're saying when you talk to them. Start now by telling your cats about the new baby that is coming, and talk with them about how the baby will be a blessing to your family, and ask them if they would like to help you raise the new member of the family. Once the baby is born, continue talking with them about the new addition. You will be very surprised at how well they will adjust to the baby.
We know what soft can-openers are saying. We just don't care.
Load More Replies...I've found that some people have a zealous hatred for cats, but dote on dogs.
Legitimately asking: are there any actual cases of this or is it causation: litter boxes and even residual feces on the cats or outside of litter box can potentially cause toxoplasmosis, which could be detrimental to a pregnant woman and the child??? I literally cannot find any case study of it occurring, but assume it must given it’s such a worry. I’d hate for pregnant women to be emphasizing the wrong concerns.
There are a few case studies but you have to do a little digging. The one I found was from NIH
Load More Replies...I was born into a home with an indoor/outdoor kitty. Can't remember NOT having cats. They slept with me, played with me, and were awesome siblings! We were a family! Sister and I never had a cat-induced ailment of any kind. Being in close proximity to cats all our lives have also made us tolerant of cat dander. No allergies to cats! And my whole family loves them; couldn't be a home without kitties. >^.,.^<
The "friend" sounds crazy. People has been living around cats for millenias without it being a major problem. She is grosely overreacting, and the "cost" does in no way compensate the "benefit in this case". Crazy as it may be, it can happen from time to time that someone misinterpret the situation, and says something irratic, but that a big part of the office jumped on the band wagon is beyond my comprehension. Are non of those people able to connect the dots and analyse the situations like rational human beings?
One is more likely to get toxoplasmosis from undercooked meat than from a cat directly. Additionally! Even if a cat were infected with toxo, the parasite is not able to cause infection until it’s been **at least** 24 hours since the cat pooped it out.Therefore if you make sure to scoop the litter box every 12 hours you can’t even be infected by the parasite. The Companion Animal Parasite Council website is a really great source for this type of information - highly recommended for detailed information about this and other zoonotic diseases.
This is insane and I don't believe that "all the ladies at work" agree. My husband changed the litter box while I was pregnant just to be safe. My mom had cats through all of her pregnancies. Like she said, since she has always had cats, she's probably already had it anyway. I'm so tired of people being so ignorant about pets and pregnancy. And it seems like most of the time your cat will adopt your baby too, you just have to make sure it doesn't sleep on their face.
I also found it hard to believe that all the ladies at work agree. It may be that Josie is the kind of person that others dare not gainsay, whatever their private opinions are.
Load More Replies...I've always had several cats and like the author feel I have probably developed immunity to toxoplasmosis But you can take precautions wear gloves, ask partner to empty litter tray . I had 2 very healthy pregnancies by just using common sense.Pets are good for humans of all ages
My husband's grandmother & her sister told me I had to get rid of my cat because he would "suck the baby's breath & kill the baby". I told them there is no way I was getting rid of the cat. They would literally sob each time they saw us because I was going to let my cat kill my baby. When our son was born they called CPS and told them we were abusing our son because of the cat. Spoiler alert: our son is now 45 and he was not murdered by my cat.
When I was a kid my mom told a doctor (jokingly) that she would get rid of me before she'd get rid of the cats. :)
I took care of our cat's litter throughout my wife's pregnancy because of fear of toxoplasmosis, only to discover that, since my wife had cats growing up, she either had it already or was immune. On the other hand we had to rehome that cat because it actually attacked the baby twice. Nothing happened because we never left the cat alone with the baby. The cat went to a friend who had always loved him, and went on to have a long and good life. Interestingly, they had kids as well, but the cat was OK with those kids. And no, our kid was especially quiet and calm for the few first months of her life, so it wasn't the noise, and our kid was an infant, and could not even turn over, much less crawl after the cat or even grab the cat's tail. Sometimes just happens. Ironically, when the kid was a pre-teen, we ended up getting her an emotional support cat, who worked wonders. The kid's left home and my wife is the cat's emotional support human...
Test your cats for toxoplasmosis and if they have it, I believe you can give your cat meds to rid it of this infection so it won't pass it on to your fetus. BUT TAKE TOXOPLASMOSIS SERIOUSLY, ESP BY KEEPING TODDLERS OUT OF PARK SANDBOXES which are used by 40 neighborhood cats on average. Kids eat sand and new research suggests that toddlers' brains might be at risk if they eat infected sand.
Where do people in the workplace get off telling calling others names and swearing at them? Or even telling them what they "must" do for their own health? She isn't a friend, she isn't a relative (neither of whom have that right either!) As someone else suggested, I would go to HR and ask if that is acceptable behaviour from another staff member. I've always had cats, (all outdoors cats) had 3 pregnancies/children, cleaned out all the litter boxes with no help from sperm donor (ex), and also didn't know in those days about toxoplasmosis. Nor did anyone else in my generation. We all survived - we all had healthy children, and I don't know of anyone having issues with toxoplasmosis until it became the "in thing" a couple of generations ago.
She should consider ending the friendship with the troublesome individual and compose a formal complaint to Human Resources regarding the harassment, including a detailed account of each incident, the exact remarks made, and the identities of those involved.
Where I'm from, pregnant women have to do several blood work during the first trimestre and they check for immunity to toxoplasmose. I was immune and the Ob-Gyn said that it was totally fine to interact with cats, just be careful with litter, that was all. We had a cat (we lost him a month ago) who was constantly outside. I had cats all my life, all had free range and my ob-gyn said that I was immune probably because of that. So, keep the cats. You're helping their immune system.
UK cat lover and mum (& nurse) - In UK the advice is as detailed in many of these responses - Good hygiene practices, cleaning of work surfaces regularly is recommended. Very few UK cat owners keep them as indoor pets, there is no reason to keep your usually indoor/outdoor cats inside. Any health concerns with the cats, get them to the vet promptly to minimise risk. I agree that the "friend" is not a friend and her treatment of you should be treated as an HR discussion. Her behaviour is completely unacceptable.
The four cats are family members. The friend expects someone to give up members of the family. There's always automatic litter boxes
First, you can be tested to know if you are immuned or not. In France, it's done as soon as you see your obgyn. Then, if you're not immune, cats are not the more dangerous way to be infected (in fact, you would have to clean the litter bare hands and lick your fingers after that to have one little risk IF your cat has been infected in the last 10 days...). My sister is really allergic to cats so she doesn't have any. She never approached a litter and stayed away from any feline friends. But she cought toxo anyway and her doctor thought it was by eating some vegetables in restaurants with her colleagues.
The saddest thing about the trying to get OP to get rid of the cats is that there is a lot of evidence, that children from households with pets or that grew up on a farm has less risk of becoming allergic.
Funny thing is she not knowing if she had toxoplasmosis or not. Such an easy test and all OB-GYN I know test routinely. I found out that I had Igg antibodies (had the infection) at 15yo after my first ob-gyn consultation. Her being casual about it concerned me a little as it is very serious for the fetus.
I'm more concerned about babies hurting cats, tail grabbing ect
Can't be pregnant and have cats at the same time? What does she tell pregnant women that live and work on a farm? Operate an animal hospital? RUN. Seal yourself in a clean room for nine months! Have the baby in this hazmat suit! Basic hygiene should be enough to avoid whatever psychosomatic mutant germ warfare she read in an article in a magazine someplace. OP should find another workplace that doesn't have over reactive militant ninnies telling her how to raise her children.
Your co-workers are horrible people. I think there are far more dangerous things in the world than a cat. Jeez.
A quote from an Ob-Gyn I used to know 'the only cases of toxoplasmosis I have actually come across are from women who have never had a cat, and who might have accidentally been exposed while gardening, or engaged in other such activities. Most of the women who have cats have already been exposed, and it is that initial infection that actually poses a risk to the baby... still, it is a great excuse to get out of kitty litter duty'. I wish more people, and doctors, would take that view.
"The best advice it to have someone else clean up after kitty during your pregnancy. However, if that's not an option, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting infected with toxoplasmosis." Mayo Clinic https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-pregnancy-and-toxoplasmosis/ ... We note the complete lack of a suggestions to get rid of cat.
Load More Replies...I'd be going to HR if this shiz continues with harassment charges. I'd start a paper trail of email first for proof if outnumbered by rest of office... "I Understand your concerns however the Professional Ob-Gyn Colleges say it's cool, it is cool. I'm upset that you would call me a sh1t mother and encourage the rest of the office to do the same, perhaps we can sit down and discuss this?" Always take the upper hand and be polite when starting a fuqU that will involve HR
I agree. This is now work place harassment. And, it the leading health care providers don't make any mention of getting rid of cats, just that it's a best to have someone else clean up after them. But even then, they give suggestions on how to reduce the risk if the pregnant one must also be cat-poop-picker-upper.
Load More Replies...Ugh. These people are the reason cat rescuers are usually so swamped -- the vast majority of people who call themselves "animal lovers" literally think cats are accessories. You show them off, you brag about them, then you decide to clean your house and the cats go with the rest of the furniture and s**t that you get rid of because they "don't match the aesthetic" or something. In short, people like this are the reason I hate people.
Keep the kitties, ditch the "friend". I wonder what this "friend" would be saying if they had dogs or birds or any other household pet.
Get rid of the friend. Verbal abuse and workplace bullying can't be good for a pregnancy. My other recommendations: stand up for oneself (such as explaining why it's not dangerous so that bullies can't say they didn't know), document the bullying (dates, who said what, etc.), then make a complaint if they persist.
NTA If she was a true friend, she would know how much you love your cats, and she would never even suggest such a ridiculous idea, let alone tell other coworkers about it. I would focus more on my cats and preparing for the upcoming addition to the family, and much less on the "friend", because it's apparent that her values and opinions are different than those of you and your partner. She doesn't live in your house, so her opinion is irrelevant. Side note: Animals are very in tune with our thoughts and emotions, and they know what you're saying when you talk to them. Start now by telling your cats about the new baby that is coming, and talk with them about how the baby will be a blessing to your family, and ask them if they would like to help you raise the new member of the family. Once the baby is born, continue talking with them about the new addition. You will be very surprised at how well they will adjust to the baby.
We know what soft can-openers are saying. We just don't care.
Load More Replies...I've found that some people have a zealous hatred for cats, but dote on dogs.
Legitimately asking: are there any actual cases of this or is it causation: litter boxes and even residual feces on the cats or outside of litter box can potentially cause toxoplasmosis, which could be detrimental to a pregnant woman and the child??? I literally cannot find any case study of it occurring, but assume it must given it’s such a worry. I’d hate for pregnant women to be emphasizing the wrong concerns.
There are a few case studies but you have to do a little digging. The one I found was from NIH
Load More Replies...I was born into a home with an indoor/outdoor kitty. Can't remember NOT having cats. They slept with me, played with me, and were awesome siblings! We were a family! Sister and I never had a cat-induced ailment of any kind. Being in close proximity to cats all our lives have also made us tolerant of cat dander. No allergies to cats! And my whole family loves them; couldn't be a home without kitties. >^.,.^<
The "friend" sounds crazy. People has been living around cats for millenias without it being a major problem. She is grosely overreacting, and the "cost" does in no way compensate the "benefit in this case". Crazy as it may be, it can happen from time to time that someone misinterpret the situation, and says something irratic, but that a big part of the office jumped on the band wagon is beyond my comprehension. Are non of those people able to connect the dots and analyse the situations like rational human beings?
One is more likely to get toxoplasmosis from undercooked meat than from a cat directly. Additionally! Even if a cat were infected with toxo, the parasite is not able to cause infection until it’s been **at least** 24 hours since the cat pooped it out.Therefore if you make sure to scoop the litter box every 12 hours you can’t even be infected by the parasite. The Companion Animal Parasite Council website is a really great source for this type of information - highly recommended for detailed information about this and other zoonotic diseases.
This is insane and I don't believe that "all the ladies at work" agree. My husband changed the litter box while I was pregnant just to be safe. My mom had cats through all of her pregnancies. Like she said, since she has always had cats, she's probably already had it anyway. I'm so tired of people being so ignorant about pets and pregnancy. And it seems like most of the time your cat will adopt your baby too, you just have to make sure it doesn't sleep on their face.
I also found it hard to believe that all the ladies at work agree. It may be that Josie is the kind of person that others dare not gainsay, whatever their private opinions are.
Load More Replies...I've always had several cats and like the author feel I have probably developed immunity to toxoplasmosis But you can take precautions wear gloves, ask partner to empty litter tray . I had 2 very healthy pregnancies by just using common sense.Pets are good for humans of all ages
My husband's grandmother & her sister told me I had to get rid of my cat because he would "suck the baby's breath & kill the baby". I told them there is no way I was getting rid of the cat. They would literally sob each time they saw us because I was going to let my cat kill my baby. When our son was born they called CPS and told them we were abusing our son because of the cat. Spoiler alert: our son is now 45 and he was not murdered by my cat.
When I was a kid my mom told a doctor (jokingly) that she would get rid of me before she'd get rid of the cats. :)
I took care of our cat's litter throughout my wife's pregnancy because of fear of toxoplasmosis, only to discover that, since my wife had cats growing up, she either had it already or was immune. On the other hand we had to rehome that cat because it actually attacked the baby twice. Nothing happened because we never left the cat alone with the baby. The cat went to a friend who had always loved him, and went on to have a long and good life. Interestingly, they had kids as well, but the cat was OK with those kids. And no, our kid was especially quiet and calm for the few first months of her life, so it wasn't the noise, and our kid was an infant, and could not even turn over, much less crawl after the cat or even grab the cat's tail. Sometimes just happens. Ironically, when the kid was a pre-teen, we ended up getting her an emotional support cat, who worked wonders. The kid's left home and my wife is the cat's emotional support human...
Test your cats for toxoplasmosis and if they have it, I believe you can give your cat meds to rid it of this infection so it won't pass it on to your fetus. BUT TAKE TOXOPLASMOSIS SERIOUSLY, ESP BY KEEPING TODDLERS OUT OF PARK SANDBOXES which are used by 40 neighborhood cats on average. Kids eat sand and new research suggests that toddlers' brains might be at risk if they eat infected sand.
Where do people in the workplace get off telling calling others names and swearing at them? Or even telling them what they "must" do for their own health? She isn't a friend, she isn't a relative (neither of whom have that right either!) As someone else suggested, I would go to HR and ask if that is acceptable behaviour from another staff member. I've always had cats, (all outdoors cats) had 3 pregnancies/children, cleaned out all the litter boxes with no help from sperm donor (ex), and also didn't know in those days about toxoplasmosis. Nor did anyone else in my generation. We all survived - we all had healthy children, and I don't know of anyone having issues with toxoplasmosis until it became the "in thing" a couple of generations ago.
She should consider ending the friendship with the troublesome individual and compose a formal complaint to Human Resources regarding the harassment, including a detailed account of each incident, the exact remarks made, and the identities of those involved.
Where I'm from, pregnant women have to do several blood work during the first trimestre and they check for immunity to toxoplasmose. I was immune and the Ob-Gyn said that it was totally fine to interact with cats, just be careful with litter, that was all. We had a cat (we lost him a month ago) who was constantly outside. I had cats all my life, all had free range and my ob-gyn said that I was immune probably because of that. So, keep the cats. You're helping their immune system.
UK cat lover and mum (& nurse) - In UK the advice is as detailed in many of these responses - Good hygiene practices, cleaning of work surfaces regularly is recommended. Very few UK cat owners keep them as indoor pets, there is no reason to keep your usually indoor/outdoor cats inside. Any health concerns with the cats, get them to the vet promptly to minimise risk. I agree that the "friend" is not a friend and her treatment of you should be treated as an HR discussion. Her behaviour is completely unacceptable.
The four cats are family members. The friend expects someone to give up members of the family. There's always automatic litter boxes
First, you can be tested to know if you are immuned or not. In France, it's done as soon as you see your obgyn. Then, if you're not immune, cats are not the more dangerous way to be infected (in fact, you would have to clean the litter bare hands and lick your fingers after that to have one little risk IF your cat has been infected in the last 10 days...). My sister is really allergic to cats so she doesn't have any. She never approached a litter and stayed away from any feline friends. But she cought toxo anyway and her doctor thought it was by eating some vegetables in restaurants with her colleagues.
The saddest thing about the trying to get OP to get rid of the cats is that there is a lot of evidence, that children from households with pets or that grew up on a farm has less risk of becoming allergic.
Funny thing is she not knowing if she had toxoplasmosis or not. Such an easy test and all OB-GYN I know test routinely. I found out that I had Igg antibodies (had the infection) at 15yo after my first ob-gyn consultation. Her being casual about it concerned me a little as it is very serious for the fetus.
I'm more concerned about babies hurting cats, tail grabbing ect
Can't be pregnant and have cats at the same time? What does she tell pregnant women that live and work on a farm? Operate an animal hospital? RUN. Seal yourself in a clean room for nine months! Have the baby in this hazmat suit! Basic hygiene should be enough to avoid whatever psychosomatic mutant germ warfare she read in an article in a magazine someplace. OP should find another workplace that doesn't have over reactive militant ninnies telling her how to raise her children.
Your co-workers are horrible people. I think there are far more dangerous things in the world than a cat. Jeez.