People Are Confused And Enraged About The Decision To Fine The Norwegian Women’s Handball Team For Choosing To Wear Shorts Instead Of Bikini Bottoms
When you go exercising or doing some kind of sport, you decide for yourself what you want to wear and what you would be comfortable with. But for professional athletes, it’s different, as they have uniforms that are appropriate for the sport they do, representing their country and oftentimes displaying sponsors’ logos.
However, the national women’s handball team of Norway has had enough of their uniforms as they thought they were too revealing, and in protest, they wore shorts instead of bikini bottoms. Now the team is facing a fine of €1,500 ($1,766) for breaking uniform regulations.
Norway’s women’s beach handball team is being fined €1,500 for appearing at a match wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms
Image credits: Expressen
According to the International Handball Federation’s rule book, “Athletes’ uniforms and accessories contribute to helping athletes increase their performance as well as remain coherent with the sportive and attractive image of the sport.”
When describing what the bottom part of women’s uniforms should look like, it is said, “Female athletes must wear bikini bottoms that are with a close fit and cut on an upward angle toward the top of the leg. The side width must be of a maximum of 10 centimetres.” Meanwhile, men’s shorts “if not too baggy, can be longer but must remain 10 centimetres above the kneecap.”
The International Handball Federation’s rules state that women “must wear bikini bottoms” but men are allowed longer shorts
Image credits: handballandslagene
The Norwegian players spoke up that they feel these uniforms are too revealing, making them feel uncomfortable and unnecessarily sexualized.
Before the championship started, Norway approached the European Handball Federation asking to let their team play in shorts; however, they were not allowed to and were reminded that breaching of the rules would be punished by fines or disqualification.
Women on the Norwegian beach handball team felt uncomfortable wearing them, so they wore shorts despite knowing that they would get fined
Image credits: norwaybeachhandballwomen
The Norwegian team complied with regulations until the game with Spain for the bronze medal in Varna, Bulgaria, where they wore shorts.
On Monday, the European Handball Association’s Disciplinary Commission concluded that the Norwegian team violated the athlete uniform regulations and each member was fined €150 ($176), for a total of €1,500 ($1,766).
The Norwegian Handball Federation was in full support of their country’s team and will continue to fight these unnecessary clothing rules
Image credits: The Home of Handball
The Norwegian Handball Federation president Kare Geir Lio was completely on the country’s players’ side and said, “Of course we would pay any fine. We are all in the same boat.”
His view on the uniforms was that “The most important thing is to have equipment that athletes are comfortable with.”
Image credits: The Home of Handball
Although Norway didn’t win a medal, the Norwegian Handball Federation wrote in an Instagram post, “We are very proud of these girls who, during the European Championships in Beach Handball, raised their voices and announced that enough is enough! We, the Norwegian Handball Federation, stand behind you and support you. Together we will continue to fight to change the international regulations for clothing, so that players can play in the clothes they are comfortable with!”
Image credits: LeneWestgaard
Social media has reacted in support of the Norwegian athletes and even politicians such as Lane Westgaard-Halle voiced their opinions.
People were surprised that the athletes were forced to wear bikini bottoms by the International Handball Federation’s rules and considered it to be unfair and discriminatory.
How do you feel about the women being fined and the Federation saying it is because they were not wearing the proper uniform? Do you support the Norwegian team or do you think it’s not that big of a deal? We would like to hear your thoughts!
People on the internet were calling the rule absurd and were of the opinion that athletes should wear what helps them perform the best
What the--? They have to wear bikini bottoms while men can wear shorts? At first I thought it was to make it easier for them to move, but then why can men wear less revealing clothes? Fully support those ladies.
Because it attracts perving men and so pushes their revenue up. I support those women too, it's a disgusting and sexist rule. It has no place in 2021.
Load More Replies...I’m sorry but many people have supported this for years, including the players. Unfortunately, for some people it is never about the sport and only about looking at women in bikinis jumping around and that’s why the industry is so mad about them wearing shorts. At the end of the day, it’s all about revenues. Sometimes it only takes one person to stand up and change the rules forever. Hopefully this is one of those cases.
Exactly, many women are fine with being sexualized, sexualize themselves, and than complain they are not taken seriously. Good for you Norwegian women, I'm glad that you are supported by your country.
Load More Replies...Just to add absurdity to this whole thing: This came in the same week that a world champion athlete was told that her bikini bottoms were too revealing and she needed to wear shorts.
This is absolutely awful. What is the problem with wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms? I would see more sense in a rule AGAINST bikini bottoms while you play -_-
Unbelievably sexist and exploitative using these ATHLETES to promote the "attractiveness of the sport". They're not there to be attractive. They're there to compete in an incredibly difficult sport. Volleyball at this level is challenging enough. But having to do the foot work and jumps on sand is even more challenging. Indoor volleyball athletes aren't treated like this. They wear shorts. Why aren't they being held to the same standards and wear teeny bikini bottoms? I guess it isn't a requirement for them to promote the "attractiveness of the sport". Maybe all the women's teams should decide to wear these shorts too. Thumb of their noses at the Federation. Everyone is wearing the shorts. What are you gonna do about it?🤨
The first picture tells it all: men's uniforms are practical, women's uniforms are revealing. Well done for standing against this!
The simple fact of the matter is, it's men making the decision about what women are allowed to wear, and they find it hard to w*nk to a woman in shorts. Maybe every country should withdraw and the guys in charge wear the bikinis and the rules are changed
This has been going on in Europe for a while now, so disgusting. Women are being sexualized on purpose in this sport and it's all about money, which is why it has been so difficult to change these clothing rules
They should take the International Handball Federation to court and accuse them of sexism and bigotry instead of paying a fine because the women refused to act as a stimulant and sex object for perverts.
I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be to play volleyball while your bikini bottom is climbing up your butt.
I guess it's not too hard. It's been the standard attire for women's beach volleyball pretty much since the inception of the sport.
Load More Replies...OK, let's be blunt, ladies and gents: They want to make money off these women's bodies. There, it's said. Now, don't buy the merch if th ey don't get to wear what they want. The end.
Yes, not speedos either, something that would require them to pull a wedgie out during the game.
Load More Replies...WTF. Those shorts don't impede their ability to play at all. Justify why bikini bottoms are required. Saying, "Well those are the rules," doesn't cut it.
While I certainly enjoy the bikini bottoms women volleyball players wear, I've always thought it was inappropriate since I learned it was actually a rule years ago. There's no reason other than tittilation. If they want to voluntarily wear bikinis, fine. If they want to wear shorts. Fine. Don't make them wear bikinis.
These women should not be doubling as soft core porn fantasies. I've tired of so many guys I know making remarks about how "hot" this is and how this one has a good body, that one doesn't this one is cute...etc. They're not meat. This isn't Victoria Secret Sports in Lingerie BS.
I’m so happy that the Norwegian Handball Federation told the players early in the championship that they would pay the fine if they wanted to play in shorts. There is no reason for the women to have to wear the bikini pants. If they had not been threatened with disqualification, I believe they would have played the entire championship with shorts.
The shorts look more professional. If the women are required to wear bikini bottoms, the men should have to wear mankinis.
I sent an email to to declare their stupidity. Feel free to do the same!
If women have to wear bikini bottoms, then I insist all the men be required to wear speedos
1. Beach handball? 2. Who cares if they wear shorts? Stupid rule. Then again, there are thousands of them, slowly strangling us all. And—if it’s about having these athletes appear more sexy (which it shouldn’t, they’re athletes not strippers )—those ladies could look hot wearing 3 pairs of overalls.
The bodies are strong. The sport is played. The clothing should be comfortable. Swim shorts are available to women for years now. This backwards, misogynistic objectification of athletes needs to stop.
If the European Handball Committee thinks there is nothing wrong with these rules, then let them go a week wearing crop tops and bikini bottoms out in public for the whole world to see. Add to it community service in which they have to bend, stoop and reach while in those outfits. Lets see how many times they're digging their bottoms out of the crack of their collective a$$es. Then see if they think fining a sports group for wearing shorts is justified.
Gah! The EHC stretchy old man bits in banana hammocks wobbling around a court! We'd laugh until we cried.
Load More's pretty obvious that a bunch of lecherous old perverts made this "rule"
Also worth mentioning since it's like the same but opposite is that a runner got in trouble for her shorts being "too short" for the Olympics when they were just a little bit longer than those bikini bottoms these women got in trouble for not wearing..... So women just can't win no matter what.
And Welsh sprinter Olivia Breen is chastised for her shorts being "too short". Olivia-Bre...b21ca6.jpg
I think it's time the men should be fined for wearing shorts. Clearly they should be wearing bikini bottoms too!
I for one think we should all be treated equal. Not equally. Perfectly equal. And since it is clearly very important for this industry for women to wear bikini bottoms and barely covering their boobies, I think men should wear the exact same uniform. And it's all for the better, because normal t-shirts rub against nipples, and that's very painful for these poor men. Yes. I stand by this.
I hear girls complain about dress codes and I think, "Get use to it, life sucks and if you are female you will always be judged and penalized for your appearance and wardrobe." You know because what a woman wears is far more meaningful than her ability. Glad people are shamming dress codes and crap like this. Sick and tired of seeing the never ending onslaught of critique and punishment for something as meaningless as cloth.
yes but i would rather fight to be able to wear what the hell I want instead of having to deal with s**t like this
Load More Replies...If they have a Go Fund Me, I'll contribute to help pay any fines. Buncha sexist AH men should NOT be in charge of athletes game apparel!
Beach volleyball used to have the same issue and then after enough complaints the international federation said, wait, you're right, this is stupid and now there is a range of approved options from full bodysuits (google egyptian beach volleyball for an image) through to bikinis. As long as your clothing is neither impeding you nor giving you an advantage the governing body shouldn't be getting involved in exactly what you wear.
"15 Jan 2004 — Sepp Blatter, the president of the world governing body Fifa, said women should have skimpier kit to increase the popularity of the game." This is the same Sepp Blatter who the world football's investigatory chamber found had accepted "an undue economic benefit" of 23m Swiss Francs (£18m) by the allocation and execution of extraordinary bonus payments. Says it all really
I think they look much better in those shorts than the ghastly bikini bottoms, much more practical. Bikinis I'm sure are fine for playing a casual game at the beach but not for a serious sporting event. I think all the teams should join in and stand with Norway.
For anyone upset about this gross and sexist rule, here are the ways to contact the IHF. I would recommend that everyone flood them with the same request, get rid of that rule. POSTAL ADDRESS Peter Merian-Strasse 23 P.O. Box, CH- 4002 Basel Switzerland PHONE +41 (0)61 228 90 40
Make the men wear mankinis then! It's outrageous in this day & age to sexualise female athletes 😠
If the rules stated women could wear loose fitting shorts and long vests, and the men had to wear brief budgie smugglers there would have been uproar a long time ago.
Sexist hypocrites can't even get their rules straight. Before the tournament in Qatar last March, the same body, the International Volleyball Federation updated its official dress code to require women wear a "short sleeve t-shirt... and wear knee-long sports shorts." Qatar officials said that it was entirely the choice of the Federation, not a national policy and the tournament was played in bikinis.
I just want to add, that I was on a volleyball team in high school. We wore shorts and jerseys that were modest and not like pro gals. We were dressed more like guys. I went to 4 different high schools and each time we were dressed like athletes. I always wondered why pros, had to dress like bikini models.
Can we stop with the clothes policing already? It's been ridiculous for more than a century. Women couldn't wear slacks, women couldn't wear bathing suits of any kind, men can't wear skirts, girls can't show shoulders. It's all so arbitrary and evolves to just different arbitrary terms over time. If there is no basis in function, then ditch the rules and let people just wear what they want to wear.
You're right about it being arbitrary. Men could/can (with only a very tangential, tenuous link to or whisper about Scotland) wear a kilt. At a formal occasion like a wedding, I don't even bat an eye if a man's formal wear includes a kilt. I shrug and think, "So what? Maybe he's got some Scots. What do I know?" I can't believe anyone's trying to defend the Bikini Mandate in this day and age.
Load More Replies...if the women have to wear bikini bottoms then the men have to wear Speedos. If the men get to wear shorts the woman should get to wear shorts. How about malicious compliance. Wear the bikini bottoms either over or under the shorts, cause then you are wearing them.....
I've read comments like "It's a beachball, thay are on the beach so they should wear bikini bottoms" but there was nothing about men wearing swimming trunks... Everything else apart, shorts are so much more comfortable to wear while playing any ball, rules are just rules, if they're stupid, they can be changed...
The league put forth the regulations regarding uniforms just like every other regulation governing the sport and those engaging in it. Everyone who is signed to play for that sport agrees to all of those regulations when they sign. That includes the types of uniforms they are required to wear. Those women are all adults and they agreed to the regulations when they were signed to play for the league. That constitutes a LEGALLY BINDING contract that they all signed when they signed up to play. If they didn't like the uniforms, then they shouldn't have agreed to wear them when they signed that contract to play the sport in the first place. Now their choices are simple: Either shut up and wear the uniforms, like they agreed to from the beginning, and play the sport they signed up for, or quit. Either way their whining about it now is just pointless.
I've been saying this for years. Why do they make women playing sports wear such skanky clothing. The bikinis are thongs. All sports for women make them show something which is WRONG. The long jumpers always have to adjust their clothing because it's so small. I believe normal length shorts would be comfortable and practical. After all you're suppose to be watching who wins and not the girls in particular. If the people who made those rules on bikinis are either perverts or trying to sell the sport for ratings. Shame on them all
FFS....we should just go back to the beginning of the Olympics and have everyone compete naked.
What kind of perverts are running these teams anyway? Get rid of them - QUICKLY!!!
Yes, and guys should be fined for wearing singlets too, because... "Top Gun."
Ah yes, I would very much like to wear bikini bottoms that exposed my skin to the sand as well as possibly getting sand in places where it ought not to be rather than shorts where my butt cheeks are safely covered. No, I want to make sure to sunscreen my rump. (Sarcastic post is sarcastic) Like honestly (and seriously) why not wear short? Make bikini bottoms an option, but not mandatory!?
This is some straight up bullshit. What damn difference does it make what they wear? If they wanna wear shorts, nothing at all or a 3 piece suit with combat boots and welding helmets, as long as they dont have an unfair advantage over the other teams,it shouldnt make a flying farts difference what they wear.
I do understand having a team uniform that is cohesive in appearance. But any given team could absolutely offer a range of items in theme for their athletes to choose from. Someone mentioned the body suits of the Egyptian volleyball team. What if a team has a Muslim player who isn't comfortable in shorts but her teammates are? Why not let some play in shorts, some in one-piece if they're comfortable, and even the body suit if someone chooses more modesty?
Load More Replies...Unless the shorts some how provide an unfair competitive edge, let them wear whatever the @#$&( they want!
Ok I was just really hot, now I'm really hot with a headache from the stupidity. Can't women even play a sport without their clothes causing debate?
Sex sells & they're obviously looking to pull a male audience. Next is wet t-shirt tops.
I agree with people who support Norway team and let rules to be changed and next games to be called "Short Beach Handball", so everyone will be happy. Or we can have booth, "Short Beach", and "Bikini Beach" Handball, so girls can choose what sport they want to play, and feel comfortable.
I mean who besides their relatives actually ever watched that naked play dressed play in jeans with a pineapple on your head....nobody cares
Same old annoying story everywhere: Do the job as good as some men Wear attractive clothes to look stunning while doing it And still earn not the same amount of money and reputation as the guys do
You do realize that people watch all kinds of sports where people aren't wearing bathing suits, right? Ever heard of Hockey? Baseball? Football? Basketball?
Load More Replies...What the--? They have to wear bikini bottoms while men can wear shorts? At first I thought it was to make it easier for them to move, but then why can men wear less revealing clothes? Fully support those ladies.
Because it attracts perving men and so pushes their revenue up. I support those women too, it's a disgusting and sexist rule. It has no place in 2021.
Load More Replies...I’m sorry but many people have supported this for years, including the players. Unfortunately, for some people it is never about the sport and only about looking at women in bikinis jumping around and that’s why the industry is so mad about them wearing shorts. At the end of the day, it’s all about revenues. Sometimes it only takes one person to stand up and change the rules forever. Hopefully this is one of those cases.
Exactly, many women are fine with being sexualized, sexualize themselves, and than complain they are not taken seriously. Good for you Norwegian women, I'm glad that you are supported by your country.
Load More Replies...Just to add absurdity to this whole thing: This came in the same week that a world champion athlete was told that her bikini bottoms were too revealing and she needed to wear shorts.
This is absolutely awful. What is the problem with wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms? I would see more sense in a rule AGAINST bikini bottoms while you play -_-
Unbelievably sexist and exploitative using these ATHLETES to promote the "attractiveness of the sport". They're not there to be attractive. They're there to compete in an incredibly difficult sport. Volleyball at this level is challenging enough. But having to do the foot work and jumps on sand is even more challenging. Indoor volleyball athletes aren't treated like this. They wear shorts. Why aren't they being held to the same standards and wear teeny bikini bottoms? I guess it isn't a requirement for them to promote the "attractiveness of the sport". Maybe all the women's teams should decide to wear these shorts too. Thumb of their noses at the Federation. Everyone is wearing the shorts. What are you gonna do about it?🤨
The first picture tells it all: men's uniforms are practical, women's uniforms are revealing. Well done for standing against this!
The simple fact of the matter is, it's men making the decision about what women are allowed to wear, and they find it hard to w*nk to a woman in shorts. Maybe every country should withdraw and the guys in charge wear the bikinis and the rules are changed
This has been going on in Europe for a while now, so disgusting. Women are being sexualized on purpose in this sport and it's all about money, which is why it has been so difficult to change these clothing rules
They should take the International Handball Federation to court and accuse them of sexism and bigotry instead of paying a fine because the women refused to act as a stimulant and sex object for perverts.
I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be to play volleyball while your bikini bottom is climbing up your butt.
I guess it's not too hard. It's been the standard attire for women's beach volleyball pretty much since the inception of the sport.
Load More Replies...OK, let's be blunt, ladies and gents: They want to make money off these women's bodies. There, it's said. Now, don't buy the merch if th ey don't get to wear what they want. The end.
Yes, not speedos either, something that would require them to pull a wedgie out during the game.
Load More Replies...WTF. Those shorts don't impede their ability to play at all. Justify why bikini bottoms are required. Saying, "Well those are the rules," doesn't cut it.
While I certainly enjoy the bikini bottoms women volleyball players wear, I've always thought it was inappropriate since I learned it was actually a rule years ago. There's no reason other than tittilation. If they want to voluntarily wear bikinis, fine. If they want to wear shorts. Fine. Don't make them wear bikinis.
These women should not be doubling as soft core porn fantasies. I've tired of so many guys I know making remarks about how "hot" this is and how this one has a good body, that one doesn't this one is cute...etc. They're not meat. This isn't Victoria Secret Sports in Lingerie BS.
I’m so happy that the Norwegian Handball Federation told the players early in the championship that they would pay the fine if they wanted to play in shorts. There is no reason for the women to have to wear the bikini pants. If they had not been threatened with disqualification, I believe they would have played the entire championship with shorts.
The shorts look more professional. If the women are required to wear bikini bottoms, the men should have to wear mankinis.
I sent an email to to declare their stupidity. Feel free to do the same!
If women have to wear bikini bottoms, then I insist all the men be required to wear speedos
1. Beach handball? 2. Who cares if they wear shorts? Stupid rule. Then again, there are thousands of them, slowly strangling us all. And—if it’s about having these athletes appear more sexy (which it shouldn’t, they’re athletes not strippers )—those ladies could look hot wearing 3 pairs of overalls.
The bodies are strong. The sport is played. The clothing should be comfortable. Swim shorts are available to women for years now. This backwards, misogynistic objectification of athletes needs to stop.
If the European Handball Committee thinks there is nothing wrong with these rules, then let them go a week wearing crop tops and bikini bottoms out in public for the whole world to see. Add to it community service in which they have to bend, stoop and reach while in those outfits. Lets see how many times they're digging their bottoms out of the crack of their collective a$$es. Then see if they think fining a sports group for wearing shorts is justified.
Gah! The EHC stretchy old man bits in banana hammocks wobbling around a court! We'd laugh until we cried.
Load More's pretty obvious that a bunch of lecherous old perverts made this "rule"
Also worth mentioning since it's like the same but opposite is that a runner got in trouble for her shorts being "too short" for the Olympics when they were just a little bit longer than those bikini bottoms these women got in trouble for not wearing..... So women just can't win no matter what.
And Welsh sprinter Olivia Breen is chastised for her shorts being "too short". Olivia-Bre...b21ca6.jpg
I think it's time the men should be fined for wearing shorts. Clearly they should be wearing bikini bottoms too!
I for one think we should all be treated equal. Not equally. Perfectly equal. And since it is clearly very important for this industry for women to wear bikini bottoms and barely covering their boobies, I think men should wear the exact same uniform. And it's all for the better, because normal t-shirts rub against nipples, and that's very painful for these poor men. Yes. I stand by this.
I hear girls complain about dress codes and I think, "Get use to it, life sucks and if you are female you will always be judged and penalized for your appearance and wardrobe." You know because what a woman wears is far more meaningful than her ability. Glad people are shamming dress codes and crap like this. Sick and tired of seeing the never ending onslaught of critique and punishment for something as meaningless as cloth.
yes but i would rather fight to be able to wear what the hell I want instead of having to deal with s**t like this
Load More Replies...If they have a Go Fund Me, I'll contribute to help pay any fines. Buncha sexist AH men should NOT be in charge of athletes game apparel!
Beach volleyball used to have the same issue and then after enough complaints the international federation said, wait, you're right, this is stupid and now there is a range of approved options from full bodysuits (google egyptian beach volleyball for an image) through to bikinis. As long as your clothing is neither impeding you nor giving you an advantage the governing body shouldn't be getting involved in exactly what you wear.
"15 Jan 2004 — Sepp Blatter, the president of the world governing body Fifa, said women should have skimpier kit to increase the popularity of the game." This is the same Sepp Blatter who the world football's investigatory chamber found had accepted "an undue economic benefit" of 23m Swiss Francs (£18m) by the allocation and execution of extraordinary bonus payments. Says it all really
I think they look much better in those shorts than the ghastly bikini bottoms, much more practical. Bikinis I'm sure are fine for playing a casual game at the beach but not for a serious sporting event. I think all the teams should join in and stand with Norway.
For anyone upset about this gross and sexist rule, here are the ways to contact the IHF. I would recommend that everyone flood them with the same request, get rid of that rule. POSTAL ADDRESS Peter Merian-Strasse 23 P.O. Box, CH- 4002 Basel Switzerland PHONE +41 (0)61 228 90 40
Make the men wear mankinis then! It's outrageous in this day & age to sexualise female athletes 😠
If the rules stated women could wear loose fitting shorts and long vests, and the men had to wear brief budgie smugglers there would have been uproar a long time ago.
Sexist hypocrites can't even get their rules straight. Before the tournament in Qatar last March, the same body, the International Volleyball Federation updated its official dress code to require women wear a "short sleeve t-shirt... and wear knee-long sports shorts." Qatar officials said that it was entirely the choice of the Federation, not a national policy and the tournament was played in bikinis.
I just want to add, that I was on a volleyball team in high school. We wore shorts and jerseys that were modest and not like pro gals. We were dressed more like guys. I went to 4 different high schools and each time we were dressed like athletes. I always wondered why pros, had to dress like bikini models.
Can we stop with the clothes policing already? It's been ridiculous for more than a century. Women couldn't wear slacks, women couldn't wear bathing suits of any kind, men can't wear skirts, girls can't show shoulders. It's all so arbitrary and evolves to just different arbitrary terms over time. If there is no basis in function, then ditch the rules and let people just wear what they want to wear.
You're right about it being arbitrary. Men could/can (with only a very tangential, tenuous link to or whisper about Scotland) wear a kilt. At a formal occasion like a wedding, I don't even bat an eye if a man's formal wear includes a kilt. I shrug and think, "So what? Maybe he's got some Scots. What do I know?" I can't believe anyone's trying to defend the Bikini Mandate in this day and age.
Load More Replies...if the women have to wear bikini bottoms then the men have to wear Speedos. If the men get to wear shorts the woman should get to wear shorts. How about malicious compliance. Wear the bikini bottoms either over or under the shorts, cause then you are wearing them.....
I've read comments like "It's a beachball, thay are on the beach so they should wear bikini bottoms" but there was nothing about men wearing swimming trunks... Everything else apart, shorts are so much more comfortable to wear while playing any ball, rules are just rules, if they're stupid, they can be changed...
The league put forth the regulations regarding uniforms just like every other regulation governing the sport and those engaging in it. Everyone who is signed to play for that sport agrees to all of those regulations when they sign. That includes the types of uniforms they are required to wear. Those women are all adults and they agreed to the regulations when they were signed to play for the league. That constitutes a LEGALLY BINDING contract that they all signed when they signed up to play. If they didn't like the uniforms, then they shouldn't have agreed to wear them when they signed that contract to play the sport in the first place. Now their choices are simple: Either shut up and wear the uniforms, like they agreed to from the beginning, and play the sport they signed up for, or quit. Either way their whining about it now is just pointless.
I've been saying this for years. Why do they make women playing sports wear such skanky clothing. The bikinis are thongs. All sports for women make them show something which is WRONG. The long jumpers always have to adjust their clothing because it's so small. I believe normal length shorts would be comfortable and practical. After all you're suppose to be watching who wins and not the girls in particular. If the people who made those rules on bikinis are either perverts or trying to sell the sport for ratings. Shame on them all
FFS....we should just go back to the beginning of the Olympics and have everyone compete naked.
What kind of perverts are running these teams anyway? Get rid of them - QUICKLY!!!
Yes, and guys should be fined for wearing singlets too, because... "Top Gun."
Ah yes, I would very much like to wear bikini bottoms that exposed my skin to the sand as well as possibly getting sand in places where it ought not to be rather than shorts where my butt cheeks are safely covered. No, I want to make sure to sunscreen my rump. (Sarcastic post is sarcastic) Like honestly (and seriously) why not wear short? Make bikini bottoms an option, but not mandatory!?
This is some straight up bullshit. What damn difference does it make what they wear? If they wanna wear shorts, nothing at all or a 3 piece suit with combat boots and welding helmets, as long as they dont have an unfair advantage over the other teams,it shouldnt make a flying farts difference what they wear.
I do understand having a team uniform that is cohesive in appearance. But any given team could absolutely offer a range of items in theme for their athletes to choose from. Someone mentioned the body suits of the Egyptian volleyball team. What if a team has a Muslim player who isn't comfortable in shorts but her teammates are? Why not let some play in shorts, some in one-piece if they're comfortable, and even the body suit if someone chooses more modesty?
Load More Replies...Unless the shorts some how provide an unfair competitive edge, let them wear whatever the @#$&( they want!
Ok I was just really hot, now I'm really hot with a headache from the stupidity. Can't women even play a sport without their clothes causing debate?
Sex sells & they're obviously looking to pull a male audience. Next is wet t-shirt tops.
I agree with people who support Norway team and let rules to be changed and next games to be called "Short Beach Handball", so everyone will be happy. Or we can have booth, "Short Beach", and "Bikini Beach" Handball, so girls can choose what sport they want to play, and feel comfortable.
I mean who besides their relatives actually ever watched that naked play dressed play in jeans with a pineapple on your head....nobody cares
Same old annoying story everywhere: Do the job as good as some men Wear attractive clothes to look stunning while doing it And still earn not the same amount of money and reputation as the guys do
You do realize that people watch all kinds of sports where people aren't wearing bathing suits, right? Ever heard of Hockey? Baseball? Football? Basketball?
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