People Are Sharing Disturbing Photos That Look Normal Until You Find Out What’s Really Going On (30 Pics)
Interview With AuthorSeemingly innocent photos might be far more disturbing than you realize. And it goes to show just how important context is and that we should never judge a book (well, in this case, a photo) by its cover. There are secrets hidden behind sweet smiles and plenty of skeletons in happy-looking people’s closets. And don’t forget that even villains laugh and have fun.
Redditor KermitTheFraud92 started up a fascinating thread on r/AskReddit about the hidden sides of ‘normal’ photos. They asked people to share images that have incredibly disturbing backstories, and these are so vividly dark, they might keep you up at night.
Before you start scrolling down and upvoting the stories that drew you in the most, a small note of warning: make sure there’s plenty of light and people around you. We wouldn’t want to spook you too much, dear Pandas. I had a chat with the author of the thread, redditor KermitTheFraud92 from Australia. Be sure to read on for Bored Panda's full interview with them below.
A small note of warning: some of these stories might be too much for some of you Pandas. Read at your own risk.
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This Photo May Not Look Like Much At First
Now, have a look at the guy in the background, top left. Have a look what's in the background, top right.
That's the Tank Man from the Tiananmen Square massacre. Thought to be student Wang Weilin, this photo was snapped minutes before the famous one was taken.
Nobody knows what happened to Weilin. He may have been executed, he may still be in prison, he may have fled to another country.
Camp Staff Taking A Day Off
These photos of Auschwitz staff enjoying pleasant days off always stick with me. They look like camp counselors, but their job is killing people in horrible ways, and they enjoyed it. Most probably took lives not shortly before or after the photos were taken.
Jewish Children Holding Hands As They Unknowingly Walk To Their Deaths In The Gas Chambers At Auschwitz
Redditor KermitTheFraud92 was very open that they "can't really take credit" for the question that they posted on r/AskReddit. They were inspired by other similar questions, asked by other site users before. "I have seen similar questions posted on the sub in the past and they have always gained good results. It’s always interesting to ask it again every couple of years because you may get different results and even new ones," they told Bored Panda.
In the redditor's opinion, the thread appealed to people because of how interesting the topic was. "I'm pretty overwhelmed by the responses and am still yet to get through them all myself," they said that they got lots of feedback from other redditors.
This Is A Pic Of The 1970's-Era Gameshow, The Dating Game
The circled man is serial killer Rodney Alcala. By the time of that appearance on the show, he had raped several women and murdered at least one.
He won the game, but the woman never went on the date with him. You can imagine how relieved she is.
Yeah I remember the woman stating in an interview how she felt uncomfortable with him and there's just something about him that's off. Made me realize how I should always listen to my gut feeling.
This Photo Always Gets To Me Somehow
Just a couple of astronauts posing in zero gravity happy to have such an incredible opportunity, like astronauts often do. Meanwhile they have no idea that their space shuttle is irreparably damaged, and in fact will be dead in a few days during reentry (which was considered “safe” until then).
It’s the crew for Columbia for those who don’t know, whose tiles were damaged during the launch of the shuttle into space by foam. No one knew how bad the damage was until it disintegrated.
Father And Daughter In Omagh, Northern Ireland
This happy photo of the father and daughter was taken moments before the Omagh car bombing in 1998.
The bomb placed by a group known as the Real IRA was in this red car and killed 29 people, including the photographer who took this photo. Both the father and daughter survived.
We watched the movie about Omagh in high school. I excused myself to puke ten minutes in. So brutal.
In KermitTheFraud92's opinion, we "definitely" can't determine what a person's truly like, based on their photos alone. A photo "may give you hints and whatnot, but you can never truly tell what a person is like just from a photo." The redditor pointed out that the truth can be incredibly disturbing when you learn it: "Some of those photos show people smiling at the camera when they just murdered a loved one a few minutes ago."
Redditor Kermit’s thread went viral almost immediately. The question got more than 57.2k upvotes and got so many awards, it was declared to be a ‘Top Awarded’ post. The thread had nearly 17k comments at the time of writing. And it’s no surprise because the topic is absolutely fascinating. It draws you in and doesn’t want to let you go. Just like the abyss.
This Photo Creeps Me Out
John Lennon signed an autograph for his killer, Mark Chapman, just a few hours before the murder and then asked him "Is that all?". Chapman even had a gun on him at the time.
To think that just one single idiot is enough to eliminate the creative power even of the most prolific genius...scary world.
The Hartley Violin
This is the Hartley Violin, owned by Wallace Hartley, the bandmaster and lead violinist on the Titanic. It was the one he carried with him and played on the night the ship sank. Survivors reported seeing Hartley and his band on the deck of the ship during the sinking, playing to calm passengers as they boarded the insufficient lifeboats. Hartley and every member of the band died in the sinking. We have his violin because at some unknown point before his death, Hartley tucked the violin back into its monogrammed case for safekeeping. That's how it was found, floating in the debris field, by one of the ships sent to recover bodies from the wreck. They were able to identify it as Hartley's because of an engraved brass plate, and it was returned to his fiancé, who kept it until her death. Her family authenticated it and sold it for $1.6M to an organization that collects Titanic artifacts."
Genie Standing For A Photo
Genie was a 'feral' child. She was tied to a chair in a room her whole childhood and punished when she made noise.
She was found, rescued, and they tried to teach her to speak, and she actually managed to learn to communicate a bit. By all we know now, she was curious, intelligent, and eager to learn. Her brain had just literally missed the window to learn language.
As far as we know, she's been in an assisted living facility somewhere.
Kermit’s thread touches upon the dark side of humanity and proves that we wouldn’t always be able to recognize complete monsters. Because they look and act just like us. Because they seem completely normal. And it’s only after you learn that you’re looking at photos of killers and kidnappers that you begin to search for any indication that beneath those innocent exteriors and friendly facades lie hearts and souls filled with malice and pure evil.
Despite the fact that some psychopaths blend into society like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, there are some subtle signs that you should keep an eye for. Keep in mind though that not everyone who’s evil is a psychopath and not every psychopath is necessarily evil. However, psychopaths do veer towards manipulating and hurting others, lacking empathy for their fellow human beings.
American Physicist Harold Agnew
This is physicist Harold Agnew holding the nuclear core of the Fat Man atomic bomb, which was dropped on Nagasaki in 1945.
The bomb ended up killing about 80,000 people, many of whom died from the long-term effects the bomb caused, like radiation illness and leukemia.
So, interesting how these reactions (edit: how the first reactions were) are so different from the Auswitz photo of the camp leaders having a day of
Yes, apparently history does not judge all crimes against humanity in the same court...
Load More Replies...I still wonder why the USA are never accountable, no matter how they "export democracy"
They warned the Japaness government numerous times and even aur dropped flyers warning civilians to leave the cities before hand. Japan refused to surrender, even AFTER the first bomb. How many other countries gave that much consideration to their enemies during a war, especially one on that scale? Not justifying it, but it was an unprecedented time, and Japan was obsessed with "honor" and saving face. They wouldn't have surrounded, and they were committing Nazi level atrocities of their own. Unfortunately, as with all war, it was innocents who suffered more than those in power responsible.
Load More Replies...I see that some of you are on the condemn bus for those two bombs being dropped. So you would rather that the war continued and instead of 250k people dying at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, 1 million more allied troops and 3 milllon more Japanese civilians, by conservative estimates, die in a conventional invasion of the Japanese mainland? You would rather that another 2-5 million more than that die from infrastructure collapse, then starvation? Then afterwards, how bad would it have been for Japan had Russia and China also gotten jnvolved? We would have seen a three way split akin to what happened in Germany, and it is very possible that Japan would no longer exist in it's form we know to this very day. I'd say Japan got off with a pretty good deal, considering the outcome otherwise. And lest we forget, the Japanese were not exactly know for their charity towards the lands and the people they conquered. Just ask any of their war prisoners, or their "comfort women".
Do you ever get embarrassed about how gullible you are? Imagine believing this propaganda 😂😂
Load More Replies...I once interviewed the head of the Asian Holocaust Museum. I do believe that the creation and use of nuclear weapons is a blight on humanity, but comparing ending the war to Nazis murdering children is a ridiculous comparison. If you have never heard of/looked into the Chinese Holocaust then you have no right to be a part of this conversation. The Japanese murdered and raped their way through Asia in a manner that was absolutely horrifying. As in kidnapping (largely Korean) women to be raped to death for the "comfort" of the soldiers as they were busy murdering. I feel like most Americans just think of it as "we were attacked and needed to end the war", and maybe that's all the thought that was put into it, but it needed to be done. I'm an American Jew and am no less distressed by what the Japanese did then what the Nazis did. The fact that so many civilians died is obviously distressing, but don't for a second equate the two. If you do you know nothing.
Yes. I read Sadako's book as a kid and had a very black and white view of it originally. I love Japan and have travelled there multiple times, its a wonderful country now. But I've also travelled around Asia a lot and until I went to Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and China I was not aware of the horrors inflicted on these nations by the Japanese until I went to their museums and learned about them. The plight of "Korean comfort women" In Korea was so awful. And I noticed all the temple and palaces are new replicas because the Japanese thought they were worthless things to be destroyed. These are things that are glossed over in Japanese history, too. Yes the atomic bomb was devastating but I understand now why they felt they needed to do it. The Japanese war machine was scary and brutal and they refused to surrender.
Load More Replies...Nuclear bombing wasn't an option. come on people, i have tremendous respect for japanese culture, but the japanese back then were fanatized. just see the kamikazes. a Japan invasion would have meant a house per house fight. and lot of americans dead. Americans acted like any would have done in their position. they saved their citizens lives. I agree on the fact that war is horror tho. But like the wise chinese said once, in term of war, deception is endless
Americans were also fanatic and still are so should they be nuked? I can't believe the excuses some people come up with to defend unimaginable crimes. If Japan's crimes make you callous enough to justify nuking them and murdering hundreds and thousands of them, then American crimes that have been ongoing for the last 400 years against numerous innocent peoples should result in America being nuked several times. The double standards of some people are quite telling. Americans and their families are never responsible for their government's crimes but everyone else must be murdered because of theirs.
Load More Replies...It is tragic what happened to the civilians of Nagasaki, but preventable, since the Japanese government had not surrendered after Hiroshima, 3 days earlier. As for Japan, in the interest of making them a stable democracy & ally, we have not taught the horrible crimes against humanity that the Japanese Army inflicted on Asian, Australian, American & British P.O.W.s, as well as civilians!
Exactly. They also warned them 10 days before both bombs they should surrender or face "prompt and utter destruction" and they refused.
Load More Replies...An extremely sick , disgusting and evil thing that was done dropping those bombs!!!!!
It saved the Japanese people from total annihilation. They had trained their women and children to attack the Americans with sharpened bamboo poles. After we landed and found out what they had stashed it was doubtful we would have been able to take the place on the first run. Please be aware: we firebombed their major cities, wiping them out with an estimated 65% effectiveness and they still would not surrender. We dropped a nuke and asked for their surrender. They did not reply. We dropped our last nuke and flew over japan with over 1000 bombers. It made them think we had a new weapon and every plane could carry one. They couldn't and we didn't have any more. They were going to fight to the last person just like they did on the islands. It would have eliminated their culture.
Load More Replies...Many men of science created things that went on to be used for war. Nobel was horrified by what dynamite ended up used for. Yes Agnew knew this was a weapon of war, but this research also lead to things like nuclear power and the microwave. Also sad to say but there were a lot of advancement made from the concentration camps. I guess you could make the positive spin and say we didn't allow the deaths to be completely in vain
Exactly. Also he was long in the line of scientist world wide all racing towards the same thing.
Load More Replies...The Japanese were preparing to release the plague in San Diego a few weeks later.
My grandfather was on Iwo with the 5th Marines. After that battle they were transferred back to Hawaii to recoup and refit and were supposed to be part of the invasion of Japan. He was one of the first American troops to enter Japan after the bombings. He said the Japanese were asked to surrender after millions were firebombed to death. The didn't. He said the first bomb was dropped and they were asked to surrender. No reply. He said the second bomb was dropped and then they flew every bomber they could get into the air over japan. Kind of indicating that we can do this all day, which we couldn't as it was our last nuke. The Japs surrendered. Once they entered Japan and the Emperor told the people to relinquish their weapons (They revered him as a God) they had Mountains of small arms the equivalent of two football fields long to destroy. They had tanks and planes and weapons of war hidden under ground.
... and it was estimated that there would be the loss of 50,000 US military personnel in attempting to land on and capture Japan. .. and far higher losses of Japanese civilians due to bombings and that villages would be ordered to attack en masse with no care about casualties by the Japanese High Command.
I think the only saving grace with the people who built the bomb is that they were collectively horrified at the destruction they wrought, where the Nazis were proud of their genocide efforts.
…and effectively saved an unknown amount of people by ending the Pacific Theatre of the Second World War. Don’t forget that part.
…and saved an unknown number of people by ending the Pacific Theatre of WWII. Don’t forget that part.
We had to end the war in some way. I bet people in the Philippians were pleased when the bombing happened.
I have read many comments here many condemning the action of dropping the bomb. The reason you can make comments like these is because our men and women fought for that freedom and many more in wars like WWII. My dad was a navigator in the Army Air Force in WWII and I will stand for our flag and our freedoms until the day I die. If that bomb had not been dropped we would not be the free nation we are today. So unless you are over fifty years old and really understand what our country freedoms entail please don’t offend the great men and women who lost their lives fighting for those freedoms you enjoy today.
If those actions of the US weren't war crimes, I don't know what is.
And saved the the world from the deadly grip of continuing war in the Pacific Theatre. As brutal, inhuman and ultimately wrong the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were this endless revisionist guilt making tends to make me a little irate. The fact that the Japanese were the aggressors and opportunists and did not back down after the first bomb makes them somewhat complicit in their own punishment. None of us were there. None of us lived through the spectre of what it would be like to live in a world ruled by tyranny. As an Australian I grew up grateful to a USA that had assisted protecting my country during a time of such serious conflict. The luxury of changing the narrative in peacetime seems very peculiar to me. This picture does evoke a visceral reaction in the pit of my stomach. I feel sick and filled with dread. I hope no-one on this planet ever exercises this option again. But in hindsight my brain is relieved and thankful and very sorrowful for all those who died and suffered.
You are absolutely correct. We cannot judge the past with our modern day insight. We need to understand what and how was going on at the time. I am absolutely flabbergasted that the horrors of what the Japanese did during the war is not even a consideration. And that the firebombing of Tokyo killed more people than the bomb and they refused to surrender doesn't seem to rent all that much space in our minds. Maybe because of the pictures available of the suffering of the nuke is in our heads and the murder of 600,000 civilians by the Japanese, mostly in horrible ways, is just a number. But make no mistake, Truman was not a fan of the bomb and if the Japanese would have surrendered once they were surrounded none of their civilians would have died. They were a fanatical group that died rather than surrender.
Load More Replies...And they didn't have a bloody clue about the Havoc they would bring. Idiots.
They had every idea about what this bomb meant to the world. They were even asked there thoughts by president Truman. Could we have some type of demonstration, maybe on some island somewhere? Show the Japs what they were in for? It was decided that no demonstration would change the minds of the fanatical Japanese. The military advised that if the firebombing of Tokyo with about 100,000 deaths didn't get them to agree to surrender than the bomb won't do it. All it will do is allow the Americans to more effectively bomb the Japanese without having to put 700 bombers into the sky before they hit the beaches. Truman hated the idea of using the bomb but with the Japs incorporating 28 million civvies into a militia with sticks and the kamikaze doctrine and the estimated 1 million American casualties he didn't see an alternative. Bomb them into surrender or hit the beaches and kill everyone that charges at you with a stick .. which was every male from 15-60 and every female from 17-40.
Load More Replies...Just remember the Japanese treated their prisoners just as badly as those in Auswitz before you comment.
Did he even realize how his invention would be used? If he didn't, that's too sad. If he did, well, that's an entirely different kind of monster, right there.
I highly recommend visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum if ever given the chance. The number of children that were killed is staggering.
Please also remember that the Japanese happily murdered, torture and raped an enormous amount of civilians all through Asia. They would have had no compunction about brutalizing their enemies and would have happily used nukes while the US president agonized over the use of these weapons. Our sympathies for the victims is unlimited, especially as we can see the horror of it all with our own eyes. But where are our sympathies for the massive amount of tortured and murdered innocent people all through Asia? Events such as throwing a baby in the air to catch it on a bayonet, an actual picture of babies being held by the ankles and smashed into a wall. The incredible torture conducted all over their theater of war. It was war and this guy might very well have felt that he was saving a lot of lives by destroying a monstrous enemy. In truth, these two bombs saved them. They were training women and children to attack us on the beach with sticks. They didn't surrender on the islands an
Load More Replies...What do you think the Nazis would have done if they had developed the bomb first?
I think you should know that all of the high-level scientist were spoken to by President Truman. It was discussed if they could detonate it on an island to show the Japanese what it was capable of, a demonstration if you will. However everyone, even those scientist, agreed that no demonstration would change the total war stance of the Japanese. If the horrific firebombings wouldn't make them surrender then a nuke was the next step. And a far better step then annihilating their entire civilian population as they attacked the Allies with sticks.
Load More Replies...More insanity. This was over and above the necessary reaction to Pearl Harbour it led to the USA being forever paranoid and fearful of its enemies to the extreme and is still happening today with Russia and China in potential Space Wars.
I think you need to put yourself into the time and place of these events. Germany surrendered in WW1, it was not unconditional surrender. Just three years afterward there were complaints that they were not following the treaty. As they started their aggression the world was in an economic slump. No one wanted another war. No one thought they could afford one. Once the world was forced to war nobody wanted a repeat. It was unconditional surrender. The aggressors that committed the most horrific of crimes on civilians would not be allow to do it twice (Japan) nor a third time (Germany). Paranoia or an attempt to avert another war? then Russia tried to take over the world, the only folks able to push back was the Americans. We had a full continent with a modern and un-bombed infrastructure. Stalin killed and tortured more people then Germany ever did. The most brutal group on our planet. If American didn't push back against the Reds they would have happily taken all of Europe
Load More is so weird. Looking at this picture, and knowing of what happened, and just seeing it there in his hands so...harmless looking. I'm speechless
Oh my God!! 80,000 dead in time. Not to mention the fire bombing of 20 square miles of Tokyo before this. How can the Japanese even bare to look at Westerners-i.e USA ?Imagine the Crimes against Humanity Trials if the WEST HAD NOT WON. SURE-- COUNTLESS Japanese military AROCITIES, BUT ON THIS SCALE?
We fire bombed Every major city with an average effectiveness of 60+%. It was the initial bombing of Tokyo that forced the emperor, his family and his entourage to seek shelter in bunkers. This was his first indication that the reports he was receiving from the military was not all that factual. He hired a new prime minister to work with the heads of the military for a peace agreement. They would not have any of it and wanted to fight to the last man, women and child. The were teaching their women and children to fight with sharp sticks. Using the bomb to force them to capitulate saved most, if not all, of their culture and population. The Japs did not surrender on the islands and their civvies killed themselves rather than be captured. On a side note, the Japanese, Germans and Russians sanctioned murder and torture of civilians, the US and Briton did not. Japan performed heinous crimes. I am continuously amazed that we have sovery little sympathy for those we can't hear from.
Load More Replies...Nobody wanted to do this, but the other option to stop Japan from constantly invading was to go door to door in Japan and kill everyone they could find. I still have no idea how they arrived that this was a better option. War is hell.
The Marines wanted to slaughter every soldier and officer for the horrors the japs dished out from prisoners of war to the horrific medical experiments but MacArthur saved them. I think the world would have been a lesser place if we wiped out the culture, their innovations are pretty spectacular. But in the day, they were a brutal group. You absolutely cannot measure what happened back then to what you live in today. It doesn’t fit. Apologies for the long post
The women and children gave up their weapons also . . sharpened bamboo sticks that they were supposed to attack the Americans on the beaches while the men mowed down the Americans with weapons fire. Can you image how it would feel to shoot women and children? The estimate of 1 million allies casualties was upped to 1.7 million if we invaded. And the eradication of the Japanese people. The Japs fought to the last man on the islands, the only captives we were able to take were shell-shocked or wounded. When they surrendered they would stick grenades under their armpits or in their buts to take the Marines with them. That’s why all captives were made ot strip, raise their arms, rotate in place and bend over. That is why you see them in a loin cloth in the vids. They were going to fight to the last women and child. The Bomb saved their culture. The Marines wanted to slaughter every soldier and officer for the horrors the japs dished out from prisoners of war to the horrific
My grandfather was on Iwo with the 5th Marines. After that battle they were transferred back to Hawaii to recoup and refit and were supposed to be part of the invasion of Japan. He was one of the first American troops to enter Japan after the bombings. He said the Japanese were asked to surrender after millions were firebombed to death. The didn't. He said the first bomb was dropped and they were asked to surrender. No reply. He said the second bomb was dropped and then they flew every bomber they could get into the air over japan. Kind of indicating that we can do this all day, which we couldn't as it was our last nuke. The Japs surrendered. Once they entered Japan and the Emperor told the people to relinquish their weapons (They revered him as a God) they had Mountains of small arms the equivalent of two football fields long to destroy. They had tanks and planes and weapons of war hidden under ground. The women and children gave up their weapons also . . sharpened bamboo st
Say what you want about the bomb but you can't deny the fact that it saved millions by ending the war quicker.
Not really. Japan was pretty much about to surrender anyway. And even if not, a single nuclear bombing would probably have done the trick. The US Army simply wanted to test both bomb designs, plutonium and uranium core, to see which one would work better
Load More Replies...They saved at least a million lives by dropping that bomb. The indoctrinated Japanese imperials would have fought to the last man for their god/king.
That is a lie that schoolchildren have been taught for 75 years. The Japanese Empire was on the verge of surrender. The bombs were not dropped to end the war. They were hurriedly deployed to ensure that they could be dropped BEFORE Japan surrendered. This was a political move, to show the overwhelming force the US was willing to use as a means to intimidate the Soviet Union. Yes, a formal order had been issued by Hirohito for all Japanese citizens to arm themselves with spears, but that was an order to satisfy cultural demands. The generals knew the war had already ended.
Load More Replies...This is going to be a long one and I apologize. I find it interesting that so many people are horrified and refuse to believe the statement “the bomb saved the Japanese” Let me throw out some information to help understand that horrific statement. We learned while island hopping our way to Japan that they would fight to the last man. Most of the time the only prisoners we had were wounded or shell shocked individuals. They would also put grenades under their armpits or in their butt cheeks to try and take a Marine or two with them. They had no problem hiding in a hole then running under a tank to set off a bomb. Their civilians would throw themselves off a cliff holding their children rather than be captured by the Americans. - Once Japan surrendered we found out a lot of terrifying facts: We did not have a full blockade around their island like we thought. They were resupplying from Asia with troops and munitions.
They managed to ‘import’ two divisions of well trained and tested troops and even their 1st armored division from Manchuria. They had a waiting kamikaze air force of over 10,000 planes. Yes, over 10,000. Think about that one. At Okinawa they attacked our Navy with 2000 kamikaze’s that had to travel about 350 miles. We saw them coming, we attacked them with fighters and anti-air. We lost 30 ships and had over 300 damaged with over 10,000 dead or wounded sailors. At Japan we would have a hard time intercepting them with fighters as the range was so close and with little warning for the gun crews. The Japanese also had conscripted, require service from, every male from 15 to 60 and every female from 17 to 40 into their Patriotic Citizens Fighting Corps later renamed The National Volunteer Corps. They were given everything from sharp bamboo sticks to muzzle loading rifles to bows and arrows. Mostly sticks.
Load More Replies...The only country that has ever fired an atomic bomb. And did it twice. The Imediate death is not as tragic as the ilness and severe pain it caused.
We all have great sympathy for their suffering. We are not the same people that saw the atrocities that the Japanese performed on countless innocent lives. Because this was well documented we can see the suffering and our hearts bleed for them. We should also dredge up a well of sympathy for the baby thrown into the air to land on a Japanese bayonet. Or the innocent women that were rapped until they were practically catatonic, then had knives thrust in their privates. Or the bamboo torture of prisoners. Or the testicles sown into the victims mouth. Or water pumped into a prisoner until their stomach inflates . . then jump on it. They pull the nails off and pepper it with something that rots the fingers off. Or stand on your head and scrunching your face into gravel until it kills you. Locked in small cages while ants and mosquitoes ate you for days, living in your own excrement. Tortured as close to death as possible, then treated and brought back, to be tortured again.
Load More Replies...Ask yourself how the japs can live with the realization that they tortured and murdered thousands. How can they live without shame when they tortured and murdered their way through Asia, beating children's brains against walls or throwing them in the air to catch them on their bayonets. If you surrendered, in their culture, you forfeit your life. You are less than nothing are treated as such. They did not surrender and the were brutal to anyone that did.
Load More Replies...If we didnt have men who are warmongers, sitting behind a desk, there would be no wars. 😡😡😡
nope not how that works there still would be wars
Load More Replies...One bomb, 80,000 lives vs millions of lives. This ended the war faster than anything else could have.
The only way? Seriously? To what? Jesus, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are one of the greatest crimes in history.
Load More Replies...only USA have ever use nuclear as weapon in war. twice!
Load More Replies...BUT the victims were mostly civilians. Are we justifying the horrible massacre of innocent civilians now?
Load More Replies...Franklin Delano Floyd And Suzanne Marie Sevakis
This is the leading image on Franklin Delano Floyd. In actuality, the little girl is Floyd's stepdaughter, Suzanne Marie Sevakis, who he'd kidnapped around 1974, when Suzanne was under 10 years old.
He would go on to raise her as his daughter, putting her through high school under several pseudonyms, have a son with her in 1988, and marry her in 1989, under the name Tonya Hughes.
By 1990, Suzanne had decided to leave Floyd and take her son, Michael, with her. In April of that year, she was found beaten and bruised on the side of a highway, and she subsequently died in the hospital. Michael went into foster care and was adopted, only to be kidnapped by Floyd in 1994 and to never be seen again.
If You're British, And Of A Certain Age, You'll Probably Be As Haunted By This Grainy Image As I Am
I still distinctly remember the first time I saw it. At the time, James Bulger was only missing, and it was regarded as a cause for optimism that he was last seen with other children. The truth was far worse than anyone imagined, and still inspires a visceral reaction unlike any other crime in my lifetime.
I'm not British but I think I know the story behind this and if it's what I think it is then...
Healthline points out that psychopaths are often deceitful, reckless, and take part in risky behavior. They’re also socially irresponsible, tend to completely disregard the rights and opinions of others, and have a very difficult time distinguishing between what’s right and what’s wrong. In other words, their metaphorical moral compass is either dysfunctional (i.e. they’re acting immorally because they choose to do the wrong thing) or non-existent (they’re being amoral and can’t tell between good and evil).
What’s more, psychopaths also rarely show empathy or remorse for their actions, lie often, manipulate and hurt others, and generally disregard responsibility and safety. As a result, they can often have continuous problems with the law. However, you wouldn’t be able to tell these things just from a picture. Evil smiles, too.
American Volcanologist David A. Johnston
13 hours after the photograph was taken, on May 18, 1980, the volcano erupted and killed 57 people including the volcanologist.
This Photo Of Howard Ashman And Alan Menken, Who Wrote The Lyrics And Music Respectively For The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast And Aladdin. In This Photo They Had Just Won Oscars For The Little Mermaid
That night Ashman told Menken they needed to have a serious talk when they got back to New York, and when they got back a couple days later, Ashman told Menken he had AIDS and was going to die. They had been songwriting partners for over a decade and were in the middle of working on Beauty and the Beast.
So it looks like a happy photo of two men achieving their wildest dream, but it's really a record of the last normal moment they had together. And while Menken is all smiles, if you look closely at Ashman you can tell something's wrong.
His music will live on forever. I’m glad they were honoured before he died.
John Edward Robinson And His Family
This is serial killer John Edward Robinson (yellow sweater) holding baby Tiffany Stasi, whose mother he murdered the day before.
He later gave baby Tiffany to his brother, saying she was adopted. His brother, along with Tiffany, didn’t find out the truth for 15 years.
Only eight of his victims have been identified, and he's been on death row since 2000.
The Final Picture Of The Webster Sisters And Their Friend
Taking a selfie, they all look so carefree and then you see the bright light behind them and just want to yell at them to get out of the way of the train
Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571
This picture was taken of a group of survivors of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crash in the Andes. They were eventually saved but had to resort to cannibalism to survive. They are all smiling in the photo, but it becomes eerie when you see the human spine to the right of them in the picture.
Polish Constitution Day Celebration In Chicago
This is a picture of First Lady Rosalynn Carter in 1978 shaking hands with serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who was active in politics at the time. By that time, he had already killed over 20 young men. He's wearing an "S" on his lapel, which was given to him by the Secret Service to indicate that he'd been given security clearance. The picture was even signed, "To John Gacy, best wishes, Rosalynn Carter."
JP Morgan And Lya Graf
This photo of JP Morgan and Lya Graf, a performer for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus, caused her to become an overnight sensation, but she couldn't deal with all the attention. So she moved back home to Germany, where she was later arrested and sent to Auschwitz for being Jewish and she was deemed an unfit human.
Not much is known about her, but it's assumed that she and her family did not survive.
Two Trails In The Snow. Only One Is Leading Back To Life
This is the photo Kurt Diemberger took after his companion, the illustrious alpinist Hermann Buhl, fell into the abyss on the Himalayan mountain Chogolisa. Buhl was walking behind Diemberger and momentarily left the trail after which he fell through an overhanging cornice. He remains in the ice.
Roughly 1 in 6 people going up Everest die on the mountain. An excellent example of how all this happens is Jon Krakauer's book "In to thin air" detailing an expedition that killed multiple climbers in just 24 hours. Its a very good book.
A Still Photo From A Video
A man who swam to his girlfriend in their underwater hotel room while on vacation in Tanzania, and proposed to her with a note and a ring. He died before he could resurface from the water.
La Mataviejitas, Juana Barraza
Here is Juana Barraza, former Luchadora and Mexican serial killer. Her mother sold her to a man for three beers when she was 12 until her stepdad found her at 17. Ended up with four failed marriages and four kids and worked doing odd jobs as a cleaner. She strangled old ladies that reminded her of her mother by pretending to work for the government.
Is it weird that I understand her motives? No way does it mean she was right to kill other people, but makes me think of all the horrible things she had suffered that made her mind break. EDIT: corrected my mistake about which gender the killer was. Should read more carefully next time. The point remains the same though.
Photo Of Serial Killer Christopher Wilder Lurking In The Background During A Seventeen Magazine Fashion Show At The Meadows Mall In Las Vegas On April 1, 1984
Wilder would kidnap and kill 17-year-old Michelle Korfman after meeting her at this fashion show (Standing in the foreground)
Missing Big Island Hiker
A kid went missing while hiking a spot on the Big Island of Hawaii. He texted some pictures of the scenery while he was hiking. After he never showed up at home, his family noticed somebody lurking in bushes in the photos he sent. [If I remember correctly], my family that live in Hawaii said the spot is illegal to hike at, so it’s not like it would have been a heavily populated trail.
Tyler Hadley's Florida House Party
This is a photo of Tyler Hadley, the one holding a cup, at a party at his house.
Just before this party, he murdered his mother and father with a hammer and hid their bodies in the master bedroom.
During the party, Tyler showed his best friend, Michael Mandell, the room where he killed his parents, and he took this photo because he wasn't sure when he'd see Tyler again.
In The "Old Days" It Used To Be Common To Take Pictures With Dead Relatives. The Woman In The Middle Is Already Dead
Thats why she is the only one who is not blurry I guess...she didnt move...
The Menendez Brothers Appeared In The Background Of A Basketball Card With The Photo For The Card Being Taken After They Had Killed Their Parents
Two Guys Going For A Coffe At A Gas Station
That's Salah Abdeslam and his driver on their way back to Belgium. The night before he ordered the 2015 paris attack that killed 131 people
This Photo Of Travis Alexander By Jodi Arias... Moments Before She Killed Him. It's Haunting To Me
The Whitakers At A Graduation Dinner
These were very interesting but there wasn't a whole lot of info about the circumstances...If you didn't already know the stories, you might not know the significance of the photos...
The post on Reddit has more info for many of these:
Load More Replies...Since I don't go on Reddit, I don't mind these posts. This one was very interesting.
Precious historical evidences, but I feel so bad upvoting some of these, even if to honor the innocents (depicted or not) - the sheer malignancy of the circumstances is just so dark…
I can't stand anything related to killing and torture, especially children and animals. I wish there was a warning. Those little children, I can't stand internet sometimes, I feel like I have seen too much evil.
There is a warning - Read at your own risk! If you're easy to get triggered why click on a post with the word disturbing in the headline?
Load More Replies...I get what you mean- I read the whole reddit thread the other night. Nightmare material. The one that haunted me was one where a nightclub caught fire- the OP posted a link to the video and you could hear the screams- I turned it off straight away but the screams got to me. I am one of those peopleswho can't stop themselves from looking at the link knowing that I will regret it.
Load More Replies...Are you addicted to sadness? Need help? Call 18004003697 6-9am m-f they will help you
Load More Replies...The pictures of murderers perfectly illustrate the banality of evil.
I looked the james bulgar case up cause i hadnt hearf about that and i highly regret it
Load More Replies...This is Katherine May Knight and her partner John Price.She was a highly skilled meatworker who killed and skinned John putting his skin on display on a meat hook.Police found his head cooking on a stove and steaks made from his buttocks roasted in the oven with vegetables, planned to be served to his children. You can read all about it in the book Beyond Bad: The Life and Crimes of Katherine Knight, Australia's Hannibal.It's a fantastic read! 25305656-0...b601e7.jpg
Some of these I already knew. But these articles are always interesting despite being disturbing
If you want some examples of the intellectual sidestep you must make to believe there is an all loving, and omnipresent god in charge of everything, then this list provides 33 of them. And this is a VERY short list.
Religious justification is always the same BS. "God gave us free will, this is all our fault"
Load More Replies...A significant botch by BP editors: these are not disturbing photos. They are perfectly ordinary photos with disturbing backstories.
i can tell i'm depressed and medicated, i don't get the visceral reaction to any of these that many people seem to. cerebrally, i can appreciate that this person was awful, that person was evil, but my only real reaction to these was "huh, that's interesting".
The title of this article should be more like "If You Aren't Depressed Enough About Humanity on Your Day Off, Just Read This."
I'd like bored panda to include citations for the information they share on these posts.
Amy and Guinny, speak for yourselves... Some of us don't follow Reddit or Buzzfeed and we find these topics interesting... If it is redundant for you, move on... noone will mind...
Load More Replies...Maybe if you actually *read* the article, you could understand how iconic they really are.
Load More Replies...These were very interesting but there wasn't a whole lot of info about the circumstances...If you didn't already know the stories, you might not know the significance of the photos...
The post on Reddit has more info for many of these:
Load More Replies...Since I don't go on Reddit, I don't mind these posts. This one was very interesting.
Precious historical evidences, but I feel so bad upvoting some of these, even if to honor the innocents (depicted or not) - the sheer malignancy of the circumstances is just so dark…
I can't stand anything related to killing and torture, especially children and animals. I wish there was a warning. Those little children, I can't stand internet sometimes, I feel like I have seen too much evil.
There is a warning - Read at your own risk! If you're easy to get triggered why click on a post with the word disturbing in the headline?
Load More Replies...I get what you mean- I read the whole reddit thread the other night. Nightmare material. The one that haunted me was one where a nightclub caught fire- the OP posted a link to the video and you could hear the screams- I turned it off straight away but the screams got to me. I am one of those peopleswho can't stop themselves from looking at the link knowing that I will regret it.
Load More Replies...Are you addicted to sadness? Need help? Call 18004003697 6-9am m-f they will help you
Load More Replies...The pictures of murderers perfectly illustrate the banality of evil.
I looked the james bulgar case up cause i hadnt hearf about that and i highly regret it
Load More Replies...This is Katherine May Knight and her partner John Price.She was a highly skilled meatworker who killed and skinned John putting his skin on display on a meat hook.Police found his head cooking on a stove and steaks made from his buttocks roasted in the oven with vegetables, planned to be served to his children. You can read all about it in the book Beyond Bad: The Life and Crimes of Katherine Knight, Australia's Hannibal.It's a fantastic read! 25305656-0...b601e7.jpg
Some of these I already knew. But these articles are always interesting despite being disturbing
If you want some examples of the intellectual sidestep you must make to believe there is an all loving, and omnipresent god in charge of everything, then this list provides 33 of them. And this is a VERY short list.
Religious justification is always the same BS. "God gave us free will, this is all our fault"
Load More Replies...A significant botch by BP editors: these are not disturbing photos. They are perfectly ordinary photos with disturbing backstories.
i can tell i'm depressed and medicated, i don't get the visceral reaction to any of these that many people seem to. cerebrally, i can appreciate that this person was awful, that person was evil, but my only real reaction to these was "huh, that's interesting".
The title of this article should be more like "If You Aren't Depressed Enough About Humanity on Your Day Off, Just Read This."
I'd like bored panda to include citations for the information they share on these posts.
Amy and Guinny, speak for yourselves... Some of us don't follow Reddit or Buzzfeed and we find these topics interesting... If it is redundant for you, move on... noone will mind...
Load More Replies...Maybe if you actually *read* the article, you could understand how iconic they really are.
Load More Replies...