40 Ignorant And Disrespectful Things People Witnessed American Tourists Doing In Other Countries
While the majority of tourists are some of the friendliest, most open, and curious people you’ll ever meet, unfortunately, a small but vocal minority can spoil everyone’s good reputation. When it comes to international travel, not everyone is as respectful to other cultures as the locals would like.
Redditor Bugginette asked people to share the weirdest things they’ve seen tourists do that would be considered disrespectful or inappropriate in their countries. In this case, Bugginette wanted to focus on American tourists. Have a read through some of the non-American locals’ stories below.
Keep in mind that is just a handful of people’s experiences with Americans, dear Pandas. This isn’t to say that all American tourists are uncultured or that visitors from other nations are complete angels. That’s absolutely not the case. So if you’re in the mood for some wholesome compliments about what Americans are doing great to balance things out, check out Bored Panda’s article right over here.
Meanwhile… let’s delve into the shadowy side of tourism and definitely how not to behave when on holiday abroad.
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Calling black people African-American despite many having never visited the USA. It’s stupid. Black is not a racist term
Claiming that Ireland isn't "properly" Irish, and that the only way to experience "true", "traditional" Irish culture is to visit Boston.
I saw an American father (with young kids in tow) explain to an elderly Japanese man why they just had to drop the bomb on Hiroshima, no way around it...
At the Peace Museum.
In Hiroshima.
At the time of writing, Redditor Bugginette’s viral thread had gotten more than 29.3k upvotes and 74 awards in just 2 days. Some of the responses were completely astounding. It’s hard to believe that anyone could be so rude.
Most of what makes up tourist etiquette is pretty much common sense. Treat others like you’d like to be treated yourself. Behave like you’d want tourists visiting your hometown to behave. Be a decent human being because we’re all people. Don’t shake koalas out of trees. Don’t try to sneak into the Paris catacombs with a bone that you stole. Don’t immediately assume that you can pay everyone in US dollars. It’s fairly straightforward, no?
German here. Never go to visit any concentration camp museum without understanding that in less than 10 minutes your blood will start to boil because of how disrespectful tourists can be. It's unbelievable.
I dished out the mother of all bollockings to four Americans visiting Auschwitz. They were taking selfies whilst shouting U-S-A when they did. As a mild-mannered British person, it was very uncharacteristic, but massively satisfying to educate those morons about where they were and what it meant. Last time I saw faces that red, they were fresh from a slap.
I once got told by an American tourist that I spoke English quite well.
I'm English and this was in England.
I overheard the guy standing in front of me in the queue at mc D's having a meltdown:
this was in Poland, Europe.
Professor Christine Vogt, the Director of the Center for Sustainable Tourism at Arizona State University, explained to me that we should do our best to do background research about the local customs and language before embarking on any trip.
“More than likely that is what draws a person to visit a certain place. The more local knowledge a traveler has, the more a traveler can feel like a local and fit in," Professor Vogt told Bored Panda during an earlier in-depth interview about tourist etiquette.
The best one I've heard was the American tourist complaining that they built Edinburgh castle so far from the train station.
'Well, I think the government should move it closer to the train station. Problem solved' - Said, the American tourist.
In Australia, shook a koala out of a tree at a wildlife park
Not exactly disrespectful or inappropriate, but certainly weird.
I meet an American tourist that seemed very confused so I walked up to her and asked her if I could help. She told me yes and asked me how to get to the famous alps and cuckoo clock workshops.
….. I had to explain to her that she was in Sweden, not Switzerland.
"Local customs can include how a traveler dresses, eats, uses a cell phone, etc. When a traveler is out in a community such as walking in a downtown area or eating in a restaurant, these local customs can come into play,” she explained what we should all take into account before going abroad, whether it’s for business or for pleasure.
“For example, in Buddhist countries, a woman who has not covered her shoulders or legs may not be allowed into temples or even a restaurant. Learn as many local customs as you can and a few key words to enhance your experience," the professor pointed out to Bored Panda.
While interrailing on France a couple of American dudes were very loudly talking [badly] about other passengers (I got my fair share). Apparently they tought nobody could understand them.
Shut them up by talking English to my friend.
When I was in France a couple of American tourists tried to sneak out of the Paris Catacombs with a bone they had stolen.
I'm an American but I was visiting England and touring the Tower of London. There was a cannon behind a rope with a "Do not touch or climb" sign.
This American woman lifted the rope and told her kid (maybe 7 years old) to go sit on the cannon so she could take a picture. The KID protested and said the sign said no... The woman said she didn't care, and ordered her kid to do it or she'd ground them.
I think sometimes tourists don't understand that they're seeing genuine artifacts and it's not a synthetic scene like they have in places like Vegas
Professor Vogt also went into detail about what historic sites can do to protect artifacts from tourists who want to steal themselves a souvenir or two. According to her, posting the penalties for stealing, setting up signs that discourage thieving, and using cameras to catch those who break the law are just some of the ways in which to control potential artifact-pilferers.
Something else that such sites can do is setting up a display of all the items that have been returned by thieving tourists over the years, showing that they’ve had a change of heart. According to Professor Vogt, the Petrified Forest National Park in Eastern Arizona has a display just like this one.
South African here; Americans tend to have this habbit where they will climb out of their vehicle in the middle of a game reserve, get attacked by a wild animal because they wanted to get closer or try to pet it, and then cry about it.
I thought people that come from the country that has Grizzly bears and mountain lions would be a bit more cautious around wild animals.
Also, the shock they experience when they realise there are cities here and not everyone is living in mudhuts.
Many people think Africa is made up of communities of mudhuts. The shock that these tourists get is usually funny to see. I live in Nigeria and I've never seen a mudhouse except in movies. You have to go into the remote villages to find them. And no, I don't walk around naked. Lol
Not inappropriate, just moronic and facepalm worthy.
Saw an American Karen scream at people in London (UK) at Britain for stealing America's place names.
An American tourist orders a turkey dinner at a restaurant, and then flags down the server to let her know that the kitchen forgot the cranberry sauce. The server comes back with it in a small dish. After she finished her meal, someone at the table pointed out that she’d forgotten to use the cranberry sauce that she asked for. She says: “Oh, I don’t like cranberry sauce” So the person at the table follows up with “Then why did you ask the server to bring you some?!” Her answer: “Because it comes with the meal.”
They did the nazi greeting in the middle of Berlin (Germany), not far from the jewish memorial
Where are the kangaroos?
Sir, you are in austria. Not Australia.
Iceland. We get a lot of tourism when there isn't a pandemic and about half are American. It's mostly just ignorance and the refusal to accept that things work differently here. Also, while most people here speak English to some degree there are a few tourists that are furious about it not being the default language in businesses that aren't even connected to tourism. God forbid we speak our own language at work.
Oh and Northern Lights. There's a ton of people who seem to think we can just flick a switch and have the Northern Lights appear.
My homewtown is famous for each year having a giant hay goat built in the middle of the city, and each year someone, illegally burns it down. It has become culture at this point to burn it down but if you are caught you still go down for arson.
One american who was visiting this town heard of this phenomenon and the fact that it was burnt down each year. Same night he goes out and burns it down, is apprehended by police and becomes the first person since 1966 to be Sentenced for burning the goat. (2003)
I'm French, I was chatting with an American women who was visiting (friend of a friend of a family member). At one point we start talking about the differences between our countries. She said "The USA is the only country in the world with true freedom". I thought she was joking but she was not. I told her "what do you mean? We are also free in France". She looked at me with a condescending smirk and said "Really?" like to make me admit something. I just nodded and left.
Im English sitting in an English train station one day on my way to work. On the bench to my left sit two massively obese American women in flowery dresses loudly talking about how old and s***ty our train stations look.
On my right sits an young Asian guy who gets up and walks toward the Americas to put something in the bin. When he's close to them one of them shouts
HER: 'you ain't Chinese are you?',
HIM: '..oh no I'm a Korean student miss'
HER: 'which part?'
HIM: 'South Korea miss'
HER: 'good, those North Koreans are crazy, we should bomb them!'
He just went and quietly sat back down as the women went on to rant about how Asian countries are all aweful and America should somthing about it.
Just general rude, loud, ignorant behaviour.
I had dinner with an American in China. He asked for water in English, and the waiter didn’t understand. He spoke up and repeated himself in a patronisingly slow voice, and again the waiter, not being able to speak English, didn’t understand. I asked for the water in Chinese and the waiter left. The American then said “it’s so infuriating here sometimes”.
There are many things that can be annoying and inconvenient in China, but simply expecting people to understand your language is unreasonable as f**k.
Im from South Asia, and from a country infamous for its war against terrorism. Since we have won it and the country has been safe for quite a few years, we have started seeing tourists return to our country. The people here are very generous and hospitable. They know about the bad name the war brought to the country, and everyone, regardless of how much they have, is trying to do what they can to improve the image. Based on this, it is very common to see street vendors/ restaurant owners refusing to receive payment for their food from tourists. They claim that “you are our guests. And we never take payments from guests” which I believe is a very sweet and kind gesture since these people dont have much and are struggling to break even most of the time.
However, since the past year or two, this thing has become really famous due to youtube, and a lot of foreign vloggers are abusing it. They often go to street vendors and dont even offer paying. More so, it is as if instead of going to popular restaurant which they could easily afford, they basically go to these vendors specifically so they shouldnt have to pay. Now that is okay and acceptable to some extent, but following this with the intention to abuse it is something that doesn’t settle well with me. Like i said, the street vendors are mostly struggling financially, and while many of the foreign vloggers are getting paid well, its as if they’re looting these low income people. I know part of this might seem inconsistent and what not. Like maybe the people can just stop offering them free food, but this has been part of our culture and tradition for generations, and it takes quite a while to abandon traditions. Anyway, my two cents is that sure, enjoy the hospitality. We do it out of love and it reflects how we really are. But please dont abuse it. Also, if someone does good to you, please pay it forward. Maybe by tipping someone well or something? Such a thing would be really nice:)
I was in a tour group in Tajikistan and we were inside a locals house who had invited us in for tea and he was telling us about his family and how many children they have etc. The only American in the group piped up and asked ‘what contraception does your wife use, does she use herbs or something?’….
Everyone was just aghast and he politely avoided the question, then there was a long awkward silence. And so the she asked AGAIN! At that point another tour member interjected and said ‘ok, I think it’s time for us to leave, thanks for having us’
Why would that ever be an OK question to ask a stranger in any country or situation?!
She asked me about the different churches in our city (we have quite a lot, some very old), which were the prettiest, etc, and asked me to point those on the map, and I obliged since she was polite. So far so good. Then she asked which one was my fave for sunday service. I said as respectfully as I could that I didn't, actually, go to church. Then she forcefully grabbed my arm, drew a cross sign on my brow, and told me she would pray for me
Lady, well, don't touch me, k?
That's when you look her dead in the eye and say "hail satan" just to enjoy the response.
I would've started hissing and snarling "It BURNS! It BURRRRRNS!!" But I'm a redhead, so the average religiot probably believes I'm a mere representative of the Ninth Circle anyway... hehe
Load More Replies...It's people like this that make the rest of us Christians look like zealots.
Please - this happens anywhere. I was grocery shopping - started what I thought was a harmless chit-chat with a lady - it took a turn far into left field when religion came up. She smugly said she was closer to G*d than I am. I responded with, "I commute by bike in Montreal - I'm pretty sure I'll meet Him before you."
She sounds like quite the name-dropper. I wonder what G-d thinks of her riding on G-d's coattails.
Load More Replies...Grab her arm and drag her all the way down to the police station, fine her, maybe put her to labor, just punish her
Ok, someone grabs *my* arm and draws something on *my* head, they get a smack in the teeth.
Imagine doing that to someone who was traumatized by Christianity or who's of a non-Christian religion, especially if there's a history of forcing conversions on them. That woman's gesture is so inappropriate and aggressive, it's hard to take it as simply good intentions. (My husband and I have had perfectly civil conversations with religious people and my husband joined a very liberal congregation, so we're not anti-theists)
Gently whispering "Hail Satan" into their ears usually takes care of the god-botherers when they attack.
If a muslim man did the same he would have been arrested without explanation!!
i’m american, aetheist, but i know a very large amount of very religious ppl (and my best friend faithfully goes to church every week, and signs up to voulenteer for almost everything(ik bc i go to hang out w her). many people see americans (especially religious americans) as horrible, bratty, and jerk-like people because that’s the extreme. for example: if two people were to approach you and one asked politely for directions, then thanked you, and the other grabbed your map, shouted at you to show them where x y or z is, and then threw it at you and stormed off, the rude one would likely make more of an impact. of course, this is just my view, so please don’t feel offended by it (dreadfully sorry if you do!!)
You might of encountered an angel, saving you from future satanic entanglements.
Any time I've seen interactions between Americans and the queens guard. Does make me laugh though when the guardsman yells at them or just plough through them when marching.
Just leave the lads alone they have job to do and they are professional soldiers.
I've been waiting tables during tourist seasons for about 4 years in Croatia, I've met many people, some good, some bad, but the Americans are by far the worst. The Poles come, eat, laugh, drink, pay, the French and Brits drink, laugh, but dont tip so well, the Italians are annoying but they have demands that are reasonable.
However when white Americans come, they just ruin everything. They ask for food that we dont have on menu, like pizza or fast food stuff like nuggets, they try to flirt with our waitresses even when told to stop, many leave without paying, and they always, for some reason, want to split the bill.
But this one guy, this degenerate, comes into the restourant, starts yelling at all of us that he can't eat, asks us "WHY IS IT SO LOUD?" and says we have to do something about it. This [friggin] guy couldn't eat because the church bell was too loud for him, and wanted us, waiters and cooks, to ask the guy ringing the church bell to stop so the American can eat. My coleague and me chased him out, told him never to come back.
F**k that guy.
a French here; just to explain the part concerning tips: "the French ... drink, laugh, but dont tip so well". The service is included in French bars and restaurants and in most European countries to guarantee a fair salary for the waiters. We leave an extra what we call "pourboire" which literally means "to drink" when the service is friendly, or superior. An amount that normally allows the waiter to afford a glass to drink ;-) So I don't know if in Croatia the service is included or not, but for us it is neither cultural nor intuitive if not explained (that the waiters need this tip to live and that it is not an extra).
When I came down from the Fuji summit after a 8 hour climb and 4 hour descent with 3 layers of clothing to protect myself from the weather, an American with a selfie stick, in t-shirt and shorts asked me where mount Fuji was. I told him we are on mount Fuji, it's a big mountain/vulcano. "But where is the summit" I pointed to the summit and told him it's about 8 hours that way. This guy thought he could just come in with his selfie stick, grab a few quick selfies on the summit and return to Tokyo lol.
Happens to people of most nationalities wherever there are mountains, tbf. I have been walking down from Ben Nevis in the afternoon before and passed a woman strolling up in fipflops and a halterneck. People just don't realise how different mountain summits are from the foot of the mountain.
I was in the American War Museum in Vietnam, really incredible of place which shows the history of the American Vietnam war, there's victims of agent orange on the top floor which was so upsetting to see.
There was an American chap going around the museum with a t-shirt with an American flag and loads of guns on it and right in the middle with big bold writing Freedom the American Way.
I know people are Patriotic but there's a time and place, I thought it was pretty vile tbh.
Not buy their round. In a pub in Ireland. When the pub round system had been explained to them. And they had happily taken drinks from everyone. And when it was their round, and everyone had empty glasses. and it was Mentioned that "Think it's your round.." and they responded " I think I'm good now thanks" Mortified for bringing them with me!! (and yes I bought the round for everyone else on their behalf.)
Wow try that in NZ and they will have certain things explained less than politely to them.
I was told "You are very bright for a Mexican". Not only was that slightly racist but, I am also Spanish. .
I’m a Brit who was in Rome on a food tour. There was a pair of women form Chicago (I know because they told us 20 times) and one of them would interrupt the tour guide at every opportunity to tell him Chicago invented pizza and how the pizza here wasn’t as good because “real pizza is deep dish”, while the other woman agreed. It was a 4 hour tour and they mentioned it every 20 mins at least. The pizzeria stop on the tour was unbearable.
Lectured me for 3 hours on a train on why Australia needed to stop free healthcare.
3 hours is a very long time to listen to that.
Australia - and the rest of us - needs to stop free healthcare, because it makes the US looks really bad when they give their citizens the choice between dying from illness or going bankrupt and dying of poverty.
The guy got pretty angry that my English sucked when asking me for directions, I mean yeah It can be frustrating but Im taking the time to help you wtf dude.
He said I lived in Canada so I was supposed to speak it flawlessly like dude I spoke French my entire life but I’m doing my best over here to communicate sorry for the accent.
I was at a lavender farm in the South of France a few years ago. Two coach loads of American tourists pull up, they all got out on the standard "you won't get long enough to really see this place" type tour. One lady very proudly states she is an expert on lavender and that this place was "cute but it's all fake, the lavender isn't the right colour". There were bees and other insects all over it, the whole farm smelled amazing and there was a harvest taking place! It was very real
An American exchange student who complained to me in anger that book stores in Germany have so many books in German. I mean, it's not unusual here for every book store to even have a small section of books in other languages including English so it's not like she never got to buy a book here, she could read...
I was working a bar in Scotland. There was a woman one night with her daughter and she refused to pay with anything other than American cash. It was a super uncomfortable situation, me trying to explain how stupid it all was, her daughter (who I think was living in Scotland) was trying to calm her down and trying to pay but the mother kept pulling the her hand away from the card machine saying “you people love our money, our money is more important than yours”. She kicked on for a solid 5 to 10 minutes, her daughter ended up paying and leaving. Then she had a go at me for embarrassing her daughter and she even left a review on trip advisor explaining the situation, she explained it perfectly literally wrote herself as the bag guy in the review. F**king mind boggling how delusional this bird was.
I don't think I've ever heard a sentence that started with "you people" end well.
India. Subway has seats designed for ladies. American guy in his twenties totally refused to move and let the ladies who were standing, sit. He was requested by everyone for like 5 minutes.
Not disrespectful but kinda funny, Bruges in Belgium is a nicely preserved town with many medieval elements. Apparently a lot of American tourists ask the locals “when does this theme park close?”
They made fun of our money and how it looked. They claimed they couldn't figure it out because it was so weird, so they threw a bunch of bills at my sister and asked her to figure it out and give them change.
We're Canadian. The number is literally on the bill. We all spoke English. They gave my sister several hundred dollar bills. This was at an apple festival and the fries only cost $5. Wtf
Stupidity is universal. I’ve met arseholes from every continent. And wonderful people from all parts of the world.
So have I. But berating Americans is easy and doesn't take much effort, so why not.
Load More Replies...I'm so glad I can depend on BP to make sure I know how stupid I am. I'd gone almost a week without seeing a list of reasons my country sucks. Now I can relax and enjoy my week.
I'm Italian and having worked as a tour operator for several years in the past, I met so many disrespectful people of different nationalities. I just do not get this anger directed only towards US people. Stupidity is universal and has no boundaries.
Load More Replies...More anti-Americanism. This is a great site... except for the constant attacks on America.
It's such a shame, what with Americans being so generous and accepting of other cultures and viewpoints.
Load More Replies...Jfc bored panda. Please stop dragging Americans through the mud. Seriously.
I agree, Americans are perfectly capable of dragging themselves through the mud.
Load More Replies...I think Bored Panda has reached beyond the saturation point on bashing Americans. Perhaps they're saying our presence is unwelcome here. I get that. It's been real.
Yeah *snort*, Lol. We're SO dumb!! Ha! *snort*. My god it never stops with this site...
From someone who worked in a tourist town and dealt with Americans, they said "Tourists from different countries act different ways, and I can easily spot the Americans... they are loud, arrogant and ignorant. But one day I noticed that only about 10% of the American tourists acted that way, the other 90% just blended in with the crowd. The thing is, at the end of the work day, you don't remember the customers that blend in with the crowd, you remember the ones that stuck out, and the Americans that stuck out were annoying as hell"
Well everyone, you know what time it is. Time for BP’s often xenophobic lists about how shitty the US and all of its citizens are!! 🎉🎉 Rejoice at this totally accurate, not at all repetitive, and extremely high-effort content!
Ok but seriously, could ya please f*****g stop? All you have to do is briefly look at the comment section to realize no one gives a s**t.
Load More Replies...Think this is totally unfair to American tourists. I've seen poor behaviour from many nationalities when I've travelled including my fellow Aussies. Let's not point the finger at one group.
Aussies also have a really bad reputation as tourists - or more accurately as travellers
Load More Replies...And we present you this weeks xenophobic post about americans who are complete idiots because they are americans.But tomorrow we will fight again for justice about how a mother was upset because people talk differently to her daughter because they thought it was a boy.And after that we will present you how upset a store owner was because a customer told him that the banana is yellow.But don't worry,we will get back to americans very soon,because they are stupid idiots.Your boredpanda
You do realise that the majority of entries here is about idiots who happened to be from the USA? It's not about anything particular to americans' behaviour. Idiots are everywhere
True but why only talk about the US and not ANY tourists who behave badly.
Load More Replies...and again Americans are being dragged on. You can find idiots from everywhere.
The thing is that most people understands English (or it's at least the most understood 2nd language), so even though other tourists may say incredibly stupid things, one would be unable to understand them in most cases.
Load More Replies...I always get so upset when I see tourists taking "cute" selfies on the train tracks leading to a concentration camp. These trains have taken millions of people right into their death, how can they not understand how disrespectful their behavior is?
Because they are young , ignorant , and self obsessed . People do some really stupid stuff to get likes . People will also do negative things like posing on the tracks because that will get their post traffic from the people that they make mad .
Load More Replies...First, enough with the America-bashing articles. Go bash some other country for a change. Second, as if the article wasn't bad enough, some of the commenters were complete asses, acting as if all 300+million Americans are exactly the same, and all 3,797,000,000 million square miles of land are exactly the same. Guess what? You don't see the well-behaved American tourists because we're respectful and appreciative, we frequently speak the language of the country we're visiting, and we stay TF away from the loud, ignorant ones. Last, stupidity is not confined to the US. I met several French morons while in France, and several German idiots while in Germany. Why not write a positive article on Americans instead of shitting on us at every opportunity?
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...American- when I have traveled to other countries I always would research culture and cuisine. In Peru, the best river trout ever, caviar in Russia, Ahi in Tahiti.. apparently I like fish! People who don't explore the world are missing out. I've seen s**t behavior from many nationalities, still love to see past that and soak in other cultures.
This post is the same like the one, where they shamed „rich“ people. Most of these comments could have been about stupid tourists from other countries as well. I have travelled a lot in my life and there are many tourists, where i live. I can confirm, that stupidity is universal as i‘ve met rude/ stupid people from many different countries. Actually most american tourists i talked to where quite intelligent and respectful.
It's not just Americans.Brits get the same said about them abroad as do other Europeans who visit countries such as those in East Asia and Africa. The reason for this is that people from the west have strong passports and a strong currency. So even the less cultured and ignorant lot from those countries get to travel. Tourists from developing countries with crap passports tend to be richer and thus more educated and culturally exposed. So they tend to be less annoying abroad. Exceptions do exist of course. Not trying to be classist or anything but that's just how it is.
Brits can be awful tourists. Especially in Spain and the other cheap sunny tourist traps. Ugh.
Load More Replies...I wonder what would happen if BP decided to berate...let's see..everyone from Mexico or China. Heads would roll. Please stop f'ng with Americans. Find someone else to pick on. I know. How about Lithuanians..??
The thing is, it's safe to hate on Americans, because that's a nationality, they could be talking about any race of people who are American. If hate on the Chinese, though, you're definitely being racist.
Load More Replies...Sigh. I will again apologize for the actions of a few yokels who think the world revolves around America. I swear the majority of us are decent, intelligent people who are curious about the world and your country/culture.
just once, i wish i could read an article talking about the stupidity of europeans or Australians, instead of it always being Americans.
It’s no use complaining about the wrongness of American-bashing and wishing it unto someone else.
Load More Replies...I apologize on behalf of all the uncouth, rude, ignorant American tourists. I promise you we are not all like that.
Why should we apologize? We have nothing to do with it. This is just BP’s cherrypicking to fit their “America sucks pls give me validation” narrative.
Load More Replies...American bashing Blah Blah Blah. Went to Canada 2 years ago. Asian tourists were aggressive, rude, loud and obnoxious. Every country has them.
Those weren't just "Asian" tourists, those were tourists from Hong Kong. It all comes back to wealth. Hong Kong has a lot of rich people who like to travel, and have an entitled attitude where they treat people working in retail like absolute crap. Many American tourists who travel the world are also wealthy and arrogant (not all, but of course MORE wealthy people can travel more often, when compared to people with a smaller income)
Load More Replies...And this is why I try not to be a jerk when visiting other countries, and I really hope I’ve done a good job
Very likely you have, but unfortunately, the people working in tourist towns won't remember that you were a decent human being... because the loud tourist beside you ruined their day, and that's the sort of thing that people remember.
Load More Replies...Much of this is caused as Americans rarely go abroad, due to limit number of holidays and living in such a huge country, where you need to travel a very long distance to meet somebody "different". They are not so easily confronted with different cultures as somebody in Europe. Only travelling a few km drops me in another culture, with their own food, habits, language. It made me culturally richer, but I do not blame others for not having had this opportunity (and struggle).
There's a reason the term "ugly American" exists with reference to American tourists. We've seen so many when we travel. We make it a point to be the most anti-ugly American tourists we can be. We do our best to fit in, respect the places we visit, and present that there are at least a few exceptions to that term.
While I agree that we have some idiots in our country (USA), the majority are respectful and kind. But please, stop posting articles like this unless you're going to post one for every country and not single out just the US.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...Some of these are really bad, but also, as a European and a fanatic American-hater (trying to change that), this doesn't help anyone. I have seen countless articles like this. I hate Americans, I despise them before ever having met them, but how is this a good article? We're judging millions and millions of people by the actions of a small handful. We're all grabbing our torches and pitchforks when other countries or groups of people get bashed, how is this still a thing? The US is the youngest country among us. It's our little brother/sister. And yes, we get to hate on our little sibling a little, but we should also defend them against hate from others. And we as their big brothers should also know better. I have a deep seated hate against (north)Americans and I've only ever met 2 of them, both were such lovely people. Ok, of course the stupid cheeto didn't do the image any good, but that's no excuse. I found myself more often than not joining in on the "stupid american" bashing (1/2)
(2/2) All "harmless jokes" of course. But they're not. They're not harmless jokes, they hurt people. And when they hurt people they aren't jokes. And all the stuff I have seen online for years and years are not jokes, no harmless comments. It's hateful. And I fell for all of it. And I found myself joining in, ridiculing people just for being from the Us. It's so easy to point out "the wallmart people" for example. But at the end of the day they are still human beings, still just regular people tired from their jobs, trying to purchase some food before they get home and fall asleep from being exhausted. Bp please, my country even has a name for this, it's "leedvermaak". It translate to getting enjoyment out of the suffering of others. It's common here. But this is no "leedvermaak", this is bashing people, this is insulting, shaming and ridiculing people for no other reason than that you are bored. And that is no ok
Load More Replies...Shitting on America again? I'm an American and hate the people at times, more often than not these days. But why the negative post at all? We don't have enough with the news?? Come on.
These stories are what make me nervous to visit foreign countries. I don't want to go somewhere where the slightest mistake in language or looks would get me thrown on a list like this. I try not to be loud and obnoxious anywhere I go but some of these I've read in the past it's like the zeroed in on the "American" part and it doesn't matter what you do they will pick on you and hate you.
Stupidity and rudeness are universal, not strictly reserved for Americans. I've met assholes from many different countries.
I don't know, I don't take these posts personally. These specific tourists sound awful though
As much as some Americans stupid arseholes that think the world revolves around them, not all of us are like this, and most of us do try hard to be kind and considerate people.
i lived abroad for 13 years and saw the same things described here from SEVERAL OTHER nationalities...UK, AUS to be specific. Can you please find another country to sh*t on? Stupidity is universal.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...English family on my mom's side. Visited when I was 18. She took me to all around London on our own and it was very enjoyable. However we signed up for the tour bus to Shakespeare's house and Hampton Court. My relatives were telling me Americans were all loud and rude except us. Then we took the tour. We picked up another bus load that had broken down and boy did they ever get loud together. Sung horrible old songs that made me cringe. The worst was My Bonny Lives over the Ocean. My name is Bonny. I wanted to crawl under my seat. We were told we had a certain amount of time to wander around town and eat lunch at any of the nice restaurants there. Mom and I quietly walked off until we found a nice place. Sat at a small table on the side and talked quietly while we enjoyed our meal. In comes the group. Apparently they followed us. Very loud. Insisted tables moved together to seat all and then bad mouthed everything including the food. Embarrassing.
Us Americans aren't perfect but I don't think we're even considered the worst tourists anymore. But, whatever, easy targets and all. And here we are getting defensive about yet another article about Americans, so well played, I guess.
Guys stop bashing this kind of content in your comments, my upvote finger’s getting tired
I once went to a restaurant in Viet-Nam. Everything was nice and quiet, there was a big group of French tourists speaking very softly, some locals, the key word is really "quiet". And then, some American tourists came in and started speaking loudly. Very loudly. Never have I heard people being so loud. Several French tourists complained or asked them to speak quieter but they refused to do so. I had to leave the restaurant because it was unbearable.
The thing is, back home for those Americans, that would be the "normal" volume level to talk at a restaurant. They weren't being deliberately rude, they just didn't realize that the "restaurant culture" from their hometown did NOT match with the "restaurant culture" where they were. The problem though, is that many Americans have an attitude of "don't tell me what to do!" For example, a large # of Americans complain about being told to wear masks for Covid, where as the Vietnamese said "OK" when asked to wear masks. Likewise, the "Average" American would take offense to being told to be quiet, where as the average Vietnamese would say "oh, sorry"
Load More Replies...I've met nice, well informed and well behaved Americans. I've also met some dumb and misbehaving non-Americans. Generally Americans tend to be very friendly however there seems to be a lack in education in relation to what happened/is happening outsides the States. A lack of education does not necessarily means that person is dumb. There is also the tendency to consider the American way as the only right way but most of us will show a tendency to prefer our own culture (but maybe being a tad less vocal about it).
I didn't finish reading these. Yes, we have plenty of rude people in America why would I want to read about them sharing their stupidity with the world!!
This hurts my heart. I am American and I swear up and down that I'll never do something like this. People, at least Google something about the country that you're going to do you at least have a general idea of the history and culture
Oh God this is getting tedious. And it's also rather racist. Also, Americans, as an Englishman I feel your pain (and admit we have far too many idiots to be smug). I remember after the Euros Bored Panda had an article about how badly the 'English' behaved at the football matches. Because we're all racist hooligans, huh? For what it's worth I have met plenty of astoundingly intelligent and culturally sensitive Americans, often on my travels. And by the same token have met plenty of rude and arrogant ones from the UK and the Continent.
Please, just please do a separate article about how annoying and impolite are Italians. I visited Italy many times, but every single time I'm shocked by their arrogance
For all the good things Americans can be, I am always Abhorred by the behavior of American tourists in other countries. They have no respect for anything or anyone. Let alone find out about the area they are in and the culture as well as acceptable things to do and not do. And Not change their money over!!!
I'm an American and see exactly what others see in us. Respect, manners and a better educational system would go a long way to help.
Seriously? Another slam on America ? We aren't perfect , but nobody else is either . I think if I see one more BP post about how awful Americans are I'm done. It's unfortunate , I really like this app. I'm just so over the massive amount of shite talking about how awful we are. If you knew some of us you'd know the impression that you have from the media, is not who we really are. There are a lot of good people here as well as the bad, and it's the same way no matter where you're from.
Where I come from, stupid Americans thinking all "Asian women" are poor, uneducated, and easy to be bought by USD. These people usually watch too much of 90-Day Fiancé and thinking we all need saving for a better life, even though they're actually a douchebag working in IT making $35K a year but acts like he's royalty. Nothing wrong with the profession, just trying to make a point. This is why a lot of Americans or Canadians are "missing" when they're traveling.
Oh also many stupid North Americans not knowing what bidet is and thinking they're water fountains!
Load More Replies...Sorry, but the Chinese tourists win. Loud, pushy, rude. Every tour guide I speak with agrees. Many hotels won't book Chinese tour groups.
I agree, saying "not all Americans" is like saying "Not all men" and "All lives matter". I agree, not all Americans, but enough to make us weary of how stupid some of them can be. I also agree that BP is obsessed with dissing the U.S AND obsessed with praising Japan for how "Unique and Different it is". What the heck? I mean, I get why a country would want to put another one down, but why is it praising Japan? BP is Lithuanian-based, right?
Just here for the whiny comments from Americans not realising how stupid they are
Anyone who is sick of this, please remember to downvote. And I posted a link in the replies to anyone who complained in the comments - here it is again: Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post And sorry about all the redundancy, but wanted to make sure anyone who complained would see the link in their replies, in case they don't read all the comments. I want people to have a positive action that they can take, instead of just ranting here. And if BP wants to keep on posting so many America-bashing posts, at least let them balance it with an equal number of posts bashing other specific countries - not 'countries in general' or 'people in general' or 'tourists in general' - but actually bashing specific countries by name. Let's see if they do it.
Why does this have to be specifically Americans. I know American tourists are often awful or ignorant but man... this country shaming is getting a bit much. I couldn't help that I was born here. And there are good things about my culture just like there are bad things. Like everywhere else. There is no perfect country.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...I read this here three days ago, and then again on Buzzfeed today by a completely different author. What's up with that?
maybe BP is using writing bots now too...
Load More Replies...Well, us Brits can be pretty bad too. We've only just discovered the hell we put our European neighbours through every summer, as Covid has meant all our louts are on holiday in the UK instead of the Algarve or Ibiza.
Has BP been infiltrated by Chinese and Russian operatives? Enough with the America bashing.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...OK, the Monday no-edit got me. *Meant to say*: Grew up with wonderful intelligent friend. She will not even eat Tex-Mex as it is not "American food" , and also avoids all Asian cuisines, preferring "American" food. Love her dearly, but she thinks Olive Garden is exotic. So you can find these folks *without leaving the US*... or any other nation. My UK in-laws refuse to eat "non British food". Idiotic beahviors are everywhere.
It always puzzles me when US and UK are countries that have dishes from all over the world as part of their everyday cuisine. When was it the 'right' British food moment for your in-laws I wonder? Britain is a multi-invaded country over many centuries so the food has changed and adapted throughout this time. At what point do they think it was most perfectly British for them? Would they eat the UK dish of Chicken Tikka Masala? Or must it be the jelly moulds and blancmanges of the Victorian Era? Oh well, they are the ones missing out on the wonderful foods from different countries - we just have to try and feel sorry for them! Don't worry - most of us really do know that we notice the loud and lairy b'stards from any country and that most US citizens are perfectly decent people. I genuinely have only met really nice people from the US (both there and in other countries).
Load More Replies...We were in Kiev. This was 1975. I spoke some German, enough to ask questions and some Russian. There were six of us trying to get back to the hotel. We were at the opera, trust me you have not lived until you have heard Don Quixote in Russian, anyway we were trying to get a cab, it was about ten PM. My friend was fluent in Russian. We finally flagged down a taxi and my friend, in Russian [we're in Kiev, remember] asked him to take us to the hotel. He kept saying no, no, adamantly. I realized the problem. I said, in English, to my friend "he thinks that we are Russians." He heard me speak English, his face lit up he said "you Americans?" I said yes, he said "where go?" We told him he said "get in, get in." It was quite distance, and he talked to us the whole trip, when we got to the hotel he said, "I take you tour tomorrow, OK?" Well we were leaving the next morning so we had to say, no, and we tried to pay him, but he refused to allow us to pay him.
We finally just "pushed 20 American dollars on him." He was so nice, so grateful, he wanted to take us home to meet his family, take us to dinner, we really hated to leave, but next morning, Moscow. EVERYWHERE we went in Eastern Europe and Russia, the MOMENT they found out we were Americans they just were as wonderfully sweet and kind as they could be. And we were traveling "Sputnik" which was the "student tourist" group. We were a college group and the guides KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT US.
Load More Replies...I could write a book on tourists because of the jobs I've had. One of my favourite memories was in the Victoria Falls Hotel in (gasp) Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. A group of us were chatting in the lobby and a very flustered American man marched up to the service desk and demanded that we "turn off the tape." It took a few back and forth questions to work out what he was talking about. He did not like the fact that the hotel was playing an animal recording because it was really loud outside his window and he couldn't sleep. He actually thought the night sounds of Africa were a cassette tape being played by the hotel. He refused to believe it was the sound of nature. Even when led to the front entrance to hear the noise for himself, he refused to believe he was hearing nature. He said he was going to lodge a complaint in the morning and move to the other hotel in town (the Makasa Sun, some meters down the road), because they wouldn't have stupid animal noises playing all night.
Stereotypes are bad, even when about how stupid Americans are. Bored Panda should not be featuring articles about this negative trash. Keep it positive!
Things never improve if you "keep it positive". You have to face problems if you want to fix them.
Load More Replies...I get a sense this will inspire a fair few "not more America bashing, I'm out of here!" comments from thin-skinned yanks. But while American tourists are often visibly loud/rude/obnoxious, in my experience, groups of Chinese tourists can rival them (though mostly in Asia) - I've seen more than one kid egged on by his parents rip coral reef out of the ocean, for example. Maybe a BP post on that to even things out? Would probably soothe the butthurt Americans here complaining about America bashing...
How about we post 2-3 threads each week bashing your country and see how much you enjoy seeing your country portrayed by the absolute worst your country has to offer?
Load More Replies...Keep these post up it so fun to look at those butthurt American's commenting
I am friends with a lot of Americans who live and work in London and they are great people. As tourists though they can be quite nasty. An elderly American couple once interrupted an important phone call to ask me to translate Roman numerals on a building. Its just an attitude of utter entitlement combined with a cosmological level of stupidity. I told them to f*** off.
Oh no we aren't allowed to say this now on Bored Panda, because they overdid the "america is different" articles, and now we arent allowed to mention america in any kind of non positive way 😱 do i have the freedom of speech to say this? We shall see...
You have freedom of speech. We have freedom of upvoting and downvoting. Caution, your Republican understanding of the first amendment is showing.
Load More Replies...You heard it here first folks, US citizens have a monopoly on ignorance and being entitled.
Load More Replies...Stupidity is universal. I’ve met arseholes from every continent. And wonderful people from all parts of the world.
So have I. But berating Americans is easy and doesn't take much effort, so why not.
Load More Replies...I'm so glad I can depend on BP to make sure I know how stupid I am. I'd gone almost a week without seeing a list of reasons my country sucks. Now I can relax and enjoy my week.
I'm Italian and having worked as a tour operator for several years in the past, I met so many disrespectful people of different nationalities. I just do not get this anger directed only towards US people. Stupidity is universal and has no boundaries.
Load More Replies...More anti-Americanism. This is a great site... except for the constant attacks on America.
It's such a shame, what with Americans being so generous and accepting of other cultures and viewpoints.
Load More Replies...Jfc bored panda. Please stop dragging Americans through the mud. Seriously.
I agree, Americans are perfectly capable of dragging themselves through the mud.
Load More Replies...I think Bored Panda has reached beyond the saturation point on bashing Americans. Perhaps they're saying our presence is unwelcome here. I get that. It's been real.
Yeah *snort*, Lol. We're SO dumb!! Ha! *snort*. My god it never stops with this site...
From someone who worked in a tourist town and dealt with Americans, they said "Tourists from different countries act different ways, and I can easily spot the Americans... they are loud, arrogant and ignorant. But one day I noticed that only about 10% of the American tourists acted that way, the other 90% just blended in with the crowd. The thing is, at the end of the work day, you don't remember the customers that blend in with the crowd, you remember the ones that stuck out, and the Americans that stuck out were annoying as hell"
Well everyone, you know what time it is. Time for BP’s often xenophobic lists about how shitty the US and all of its citizens are!! 🎉🎉 Rejoice at this totally accurate, not at all repetitive, and extremely high-effort content!
Ok but seriously, could ya please f*****g stop? All you have to do is briefly look at the comment section to realize no one gives a s**t.
Load More Replies...Think this is totally unfair to American tourists. I've seen poor behaviour from many nationalities when I've travelled including my fellow Aussies. Let's not point the finger at one group.
Aussies also have a really bad reputation as tourists - or more accurately as travellers
Load More Replies...And we present you this weeks xenophobic post about americans who are complete idiots because they are americans.But tomorrow we will fight again for justice about how a mother was upset because people talk differently to her daughter because they thought it was a boy.And after that we will present you how upset a store owner was because a customer told him that the banana is yellow.But don't worry,we will get back to americans very soon,because they are stupid idiots.Your boredpanda
You do realise that the majority of entries here is about idiots who happened to be from the USA? It's not about anything particular to americans' behaviour. Idiots are everywhere
True but why only talk about the US and not ANY tourists who behave badly.
Load More Replies...and again Americans are being dragged on. You can find idiots from everywhere.
The thing is that most people understands English (or it's at least the most understood 2nd language), so even though other tourists may say incredibly stupid things, one would be unable to understand them in most cases.
Load More Replies...I always get so upset when I see tourists taking "cute" selfies on the train tracks leading to a concentration camp. These trains have taken millions of people right into their death, how can they not understand how disrespectful their behavior is?
Because they are young , ignorant , and self obsessed . People do some really stupid stuff to get likes . People will also do negative things like posing on the tracks because that will get their post traffic from the people that they make mad .
Load More Replies...First, enough with the America-bashing articles. Go bash some other country for a change. Second, as if the article wasn't bad enough, some of the commenters were complete asses, acting as if all 300+million Americans are exactly the same, and all 3,797,000,000 million square miles of land are exactly the same. Guess what? You don't see the well-behaved American tourists because we're respectful and appreciative, we frequently speak the language of the country we're visiting, and we stay TF away from the loud, ignorant ones. Last, stupidity is not confined to the US. I met several French morons while in France, and several German idiots while in Germany. Why not write a positive article on Americans instead of shitting on us at every opportunity?
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...American- when I have traveled to other countries I always would research culture and cuisine. In Peru, the best river trout ever, caviar in Russia, Ahi in Tahiti.. apparently I like fish! People who don't explore the world are missing out. I've seen s**t behavior from many nationalities, still love to see past that and soak in other cultures.
This post is the same like the one, where they shamed „rich“ people. Most of these comments could have been about stupid tourists from other countries as well. I have travelled a lot in my life and there are many tourists, where i live. I can confirm, that stupidity is universal as i‘ve met rude/ stupid people from many different countries. Actually most american tourists i talked to where quite intelligent and respectful.
It's not just Americans.Brits get the same said about them abroad as do other Europeans who visit countries such as those in East Asia and Africa. The reason for this is that people from the west have strong passports and a strong currency. So even the less cultured and ignorant lot from those countries get to travel. Tourists from developing countries with crap passports tend to be richer and thus more educated and culturally exposed. So they tend to be less annoying abroad. Exceptions do exist of course. Not trying to be classist or anything but that's just how it is.
Brits can be awful tourists. Especially in Spain and the other cheap sunny tourist traps. Ugh.
Load More Replies...I wonder what would happen if BP decided to berate...let's see..everyone from Mexico or China. Heads would roll. Please stop f'ng with Americans. Find someone else to pick on. I know. How about Lithuanians..??
The thing is, it's safe to hate on Americans, because that's a nationality, they could be talking about any race of people who are American. If hate on the Chinese, though, you're definitely being racist.
Load More Replies...Sigh. I will again apologize for the actions of a few yokels who think the world revolves around America. I swear the majority of us are decent, intelligent people who are curious about the world and your country/culture.
just once, i wish i could read an article talking about the stupidity of europeans or Australians, instead of it always being Americans.
It’s no use complaining about the wrongness of American-bashing and wishing it unto someone else.
Load More Replies...I apologize on behalf of all the uncouth, rude, ignorant American tourists. I promise you we are not all like that.
Why should we apologize? We have nothing to do with it. This is just BP’s cherrypicking to fit their “America sucks pls give me validation” narrative.
Load More Replies...American bashing Blah Blah Blah. Went to Canada 2 years ago. Asian tourists were aggressive, rude, loud and obnoxious. Every country has them.
Those weren't just "Asian" tourists, those were tourists from Hong Kong. It all comes back to wealth. Hong Kong has a lot of rich people who like to travel, and have an entitled attitude where they treat people working in retail like absolute crap. Many American tourists who travel the world are also wealthy and arrogant (not all, but of course MORE wealthy people can travel more often, when compared to people with a smaller income)
Load More Replies...And this is why I try not to be a jerk when visiting other countries, and I really hope I’ve done a good job
Very likely you have, but unfortunately, the people working in tourist towns won't remember that you were a decent human being... because the loud tourist beside you ruined their day, and that's the sort of thing that people remember.
Load More Replies...Much of this is caused as Americans rarely go abroad, due to limit number of holidays and living in such a huge country, where you need to travel a very long distance to meet somebody "different". They are not so easily confronted with different cultures as somebody in Europe. Only travelling a few km drops me in another culture, with their own food, habits, language. It made me culturally richer, but I do not blame others for not having had this opportunity (and struggle).
There's a reason the term "ugly American" exists with reference to American tourists. We've seen so many when we travel. We make it a point to be the most anti-ugly American tourists we can be. We do our best to fit in, respect the places we visit, and present that there are at least a few exceptions to that term.
While I agree that we have some idiots in our country (USA), the majority are respectful and kind. But please, stop posting articles like this unless you're going to post one for every country and not single out just the US.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...Some of these are really bad, but also, as a European and a fanatic American-hater (trying to change that), this doesn't help anyone. I have seen countless articles like this. I hate Americans, I despise them before ever having met them, but how is this a good article? We're judging millions and millions of people by the actions of a small handful. We're all grabbing our torches and pitchforks when other countries or groups of people get bashed, how is this still a thing? The US is the youngest country among us. It's our little brother/sister. And yes, we get to hate on our little sibling a little, but we should also defend them against hate from others. And we as their big brothers should also know better. I have a deep seated hate against (north)Americans and I've only ever met 2 of them, both were such lovely people. Ok, of course the stupid cheeto didn't do the image any good, but that's no excuse. I found myself more often than not joining in on the "stupid american" bashing (1/2)
(2/2) All "harmless jokes" of course. But they're not. They're not harmless jokes, they hurt people. And when they hurt people they aren't jokes. And all the stuff I have seen online for years and years are not jokes, no harmless comments. It's hateful. And I fell for all of it. And I found myself joining in, ridiculing people just for being from the Us. It's so easy to point out "the wallmart people" for example. But at the end of the day they are still human beings, still just regular people tired from their jobs, trying to purchase some food before they get home and fall asleep from being exhausted. Bp please, my country even has a name for this, it's "leedvermaak". It translate to getting enjoyment out of the suffering of others. It's common here. But this is no "leedvermaak", this is bashing people, this is insulting, shaming and ridiculing people for no other reason than that you are bored. And that is no ok
Load More Replies...Shitting on America again? I'm an American and hate the people at times, more often than not these days. But why the negative post at all? We don't have enough with the news?? Come on.
These stories are what make me nervous to visit foreign countries. I don't want to go somewhere where the slightest mistake in language or looks would get me thrown on a list like this. I try not to be loud and obnoxious anywhere I go but some of these I've read in the past it's like the zeroed in on the "American" part and it doesn't matter what you do they will pick on you and hate you.
Stupidity and rudeness are universal, not strictly reserved for Americans. I've met assholes from many different countries.
I don't know, I don't take these posts personally. These specific tourists sound awful though
As much as some Americans stupid arseholes that think the world revolves around them, not all of us are like this, and most of us do try hard to be kind and considerate people.
i lived abroad for 13 years and saw the same things described here from SEVERAL OTHER nationalities...UK, AUS to be specific. Can you please find another country to sh*t on? Stupidity is universal.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...English family on my mom's side. Visited when I was 18. She took me to all around London on our own and it was very enjoyable. However we signed up for the tour bus to Shakespeare's house and Hampton Court. My relatives were telling me Americans were all loud and rude except us. Then we took the tour. We picked up another bus load that had broken down and boy did they ever get loud together. Sung horrible old songs that made me cringe. The worst was My Bonny Lives over the Ocean. My name is Bonny. I wanted to crawl under my seat. We were told we had a certain amount of time to wander around town and eat lunch at any of the nice restaurants there. Mom and I quietly walked off until we found a nice place. Sat at a small table on the side and talked quietly while we enjoyed our meal. In comes the group. Apparently they followed us. Very loud. Insisted tables moved together to seat all and then bad mouthed everything including the food. Embarrassing.
Us Americans aren't perfect but I don't think we're even considered the worst tourists anymore. But, whatever, easy targets and all. And here we are getting defensive about yet another article about Americans, so well played, I guess.
Guys stop bashing this kind of content in your comments, my upvote finger’s getting tired
I once went to a restaurant in Viet-Nam. Everything was nice and quiet, there was a big group of French tourists speaking very softly, some locals, the key word is really "quiet". And then, some American tourists came in and started speaking loudly. Very loudly. Never have I heard people being so loud. Several French tourists complained or asked them to speak quieter but they refused to do so. I had to leave the restaurant because it was unbearable.
The thing is, back home for those Americans, that would be the "normal" volume level to talk at a restaurant. They weren't being deliberately rude, they just didn't realize that the "restaurant culture" from their hometown did NOT match with the "restaurant culture" where they were. The problem though, is that many Americans have an attitude of "don't tell me what to do!" For example, a large # of Americans complain about being told to wear masks for Covid, where as the Vietnamese said "OK" when asked to wear masks. Likewise, the "Average" American would take offense to being told to be quiet, where as the average Vietnamese would say "oh, sorry"
Load More Replies...I've met nice, well informed and well behaved Americans. I've also met some dumb and misbehaving non-Americans. Generally Americans tend to be very friendly however there seems to be a lack in education in relation to what happened/is happening outsides the States. A lack of education does not necessarily means that person is dumb. There is also the tendency to consider the American way as the only right way but most of us will show a tendency to prefer our own culture (but maybe being a tad less vocal about it).
I didn't finish reading these. Yes, we have plenty of rude people in America why would I want to read about them sharing their stupidity with the world!!
This hurts my heart. I am American and I swear up and down that I'll never do something like this. People, at least Google something about the country that you're going to do you at least have a general idea of the history and culture
Oh God this is getting tedious. And it's also rather racist. Also, Americans, as an Englishman I feel your pain (and admit we have far too many idiots to be smug). I remember after the Euros Bored Panda had an article about how badly the 'English' behaved at the football matches. Because we're all racist hooligans, huh? For what it's worth I have met plenty of astoundingly intelligent and culturally sensitive Americans, often on my travels. And by the same token have met plenty of rude and arrogant ones from the UK and the Continent.
Please, just please do a separate article about how annoying and impolite are Italians. I visited Italy many times, but every single time I'm shocked by their arrogance
For all the good things Americans can be, I am always Abhorred by the behavior of American tourists in other countries. They have no respect for anything or anyone. Let alone find out about the area they are in and the culture as well as acceptable things to do and not do. And Not change their money over!!!
I'm an American and see exactly what others see in us. Respect, manners and a better educational system would go a long way to help.
Seriously? Another slam on America ? We aren't perfect , but nobody else is either . I think if I see one more BP post about how awful Americans are I'm done. It's unfortunate , I really like this app. I'm just so over the massive amount of shite talking about how awful we are. If you knew some of us you'd know the impression that you have from the media, is not who we really are. There are a lot of good people here as well as the bad, and it's the same way no matter where you're from.
Where I come from, stupid Americans thinking all "Asian women" are poor, uneducated, and easy to be bought by USD. These people usually watch too much of 90-Day Fiancé and thinking we all need saving for a better life, even though they're actually a douchebag working in IT making $35K a year but acts like he's royalty. Nothing wrong with the profession, just trying to make a point. This is why a lot of Americans or Canadians are "missing" when they're traveling.
Oh also many stupid North Americans not knowing what bidet is and thinking they're water fountains!
Load More Replies...Sorry, but the Chinese tourists win. Loud, pushy, rude. Every tour guide I speak with agrees. Many hotels won't book Chinese tour groups.
I agree, saying "not all Americans" is like saying "Not all men" and "All lives matter". I agree, not all Americans, but enough to make us weary of how stupid some of them can be. I also agree that BP is obsessed with dissing the U.S AND obsessed with praising Japan for how "Unique and Different it is". What the heck? I mean, I get why a country would want to put another one down, but why is it praising Japan? BP is Lithuanian-based, right?
Just here for the whiny comments from Americans not realising how stupid they are
Anyone who is sick of this, please remember to downvote. And I posted a link in the replies to anyone who complained in the comments - here it is again: Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post And sorry about all the redundancy, but wanted to make sure anyone who complained would see the link in their replies, in case they don't read all the comments. I want people to have a positive action that they can take, instead of just ranting here. And if BP wants to keep on posting so many America-bashing posts, at least let them balance it with an equal number of posts bashing other specific countries - not 'countries in general' or 'people in general' or 'tourists in general' - but actually bashing specific countries by name. Let's see if they do it.
Why does this have to be specifically Americans. I know American tourists are often awful or ignorant but man... this country shaming is getting a bit much. I couldn't help that I was born here. And there are good things about my culture just like there are bad things. Like everywhere else. There is no perfect country.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...I read this here three days ago, and then again on Buzzfeed today by a completely different author. What's up with that?
maybe BP is using writing bots now too...
Load More Replies...Well, us Brits can be pretty bad too. We've only just discovered the hell we put our European neighbours through every summer, as Covid has meant all our louts are on holiday in the UK instead of the Algarve or Ibiza.
Has BP been infiltrated by Chinese and Russian operatives? Enough with the America bashing.
Link in case you want to register a complaint about all the anti-American posts on BP: https://www.boredpanda.com/contact-us/?your-recipient=Report%20Post
Load More Replies...OK, the Monday no-edit got me. *Meant to say*: Grew up with wonderful intelligent friend. She will not even eat Tex-Mex as it is not "American food" , and also avoids all Asian cuisines, preferring "American" food. Love her dearly, but she thinks Olive Garden is exotic. So you can find these folks *without leaving the US*... or any other nation. My UK in-laws refuse to eat "non British food". Idiotic beahviors are everywhere.
It always puzzles me when US and UK are countries that have dishes from all over the world as part of their everyday cuisine. When was it the 'right' British food moment for your in-laws I wonder? Britain is a multi-invaded country over many centuries so the food has changed and adapted throughout this time. At what point do they think it was most perfectly British for them? Would they eat the UK dish of Chicken Tikka Masala? Or must it be the jelly moulds and blancmanges of the Victorian Era? Oh well, they are the ones missing out on the wonderful foods from different countries - we just have to try and feel sorry for them! Don't worry - most of us really do know that we notice the loud and lairy b'stards from any country and that most US citizens are perfectly decent people. I genuinely have only met really nice people from the US (both there and in other countries).
Load More Replies...We were in Kiev. This was 1975. I spoke some German, enough to ask questions and some Russian. There were six of us trying to get back to the hotel. We were at the opera, trust me you have not lived until you have heard Don Quixote in Russian, anyway we were trying to get a cab, it was about ten PM. My friend was fluent in Russian. We finally flagged down a taxi and my friend, in Russian [we're in Kiev, remember] asked him to take us to the hotel. He kept saying no, no, adamantly. I realized the problem. I said, in English, to my friend "he thinks that we are Russians." He heard me speak English, his face lit up he said "you Americans?" I said yes, he said "where go?" We told him he said "get in, get in." It was quite distance, and he talked to us the whole trip, when we got to the hotel he said, "I take you tour tomorrow, OK?" Well we were leaving the next morning so we had to say, no, and we tried to pay him, but he refused to allow us to pay him.
We finally just "pushed 20 American dollars on him." He was so nice, so grateful, he wanted to take us home to meet his family, take us to dinner, we really hated to leave, but next morning, Moscow. EVERYWHERE we went in Eastern Europe and Russia, the MOMENT they found out we were Americans they just were as wonderfully sweet and kind as they could be. And we were traveling "Sputnik" which was the "student tourist" group. We were a college group and the guides KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT US.
Load More Replies...I could write a book on tourists because of the jobs I've had. One of my favourite memories was in the Victoria Falls Hotel in (gasp) Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. A group of us were chatting in the lobby and a very flustered American man marched up to the service desk and demanded that we "turn off the tape." It took a few back and forth questions to work out what he was talking about. He did not like the fact that the hotel was playing an animal recording because it was really loud outside his window and he couldn't sleep. He actually thought the night sounds of Africa were a cassette tape being played by the hotel. He refused to believe it was the sound of nature. Even when led to the front entrance to hear the noise for himself, he refused to believe he was hearing nature. He said he was going to lodge a complaint in the morning and move to the other hotel in town (the Makasa Sun, some meters down the road), because they wouldn't have stupid animal noises playing all night.
Stereotypes are bad, even when about how stupid Americans are. Bored Panda should not be featuring articles about this negative trash. Keep it positive!
Things never improve if you "keep it positive". You have to face problems if you want to fix them.
Load More Replies...I get a sense this will inspire a fair few "not more America bashing, I'm out of here!" comments from thin-skinned yanks. But while American tourists are often visibly loud/rude/obnoxious, in my experience, groups of Chinese tourists can rival them (though mostly in Asia) - I've seen more than one kid egged on by his parents rip coral reef out of the ocean, for example. Maybe a BP post on that to even things out? Would probably soothe the butthurt Americans here complaining about America bashing...
How about we post 2-3 threads each week bashing your country and see how much you enjoy seeing your country portrayed by the absolute worst your country has to offer?
Load More Replies...Keep these post up it so fun to look at those butthurt American's commenting
I am friends with a lot of Americans who live and work in London and they are great people. As tourists though they can be quite nasty. An elderly American couple once interrupted an important phone call to ask me to translate Roman numerals on a building. Its just an attitude of utter entitlement combined with a cosmological level of stupidity. I told them to f*** off.
Oh no we aren't allowed to say this now on Bored Panda, because they overdid the "america is different" articles, and now we arent allowed to mention america in any kind of non positive way 😱 do i have the freedom of speech to say this? We shall see...
You have freedom of speech. We have freedom of upvoting and downvoting. Caution, your Republican understanding of the first amendment is showing.
Load More Replies...You heard it here first folks, US citizens have a monopoly on ignorance and being entitled.
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