The United States is the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 335 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Here, a child is born every 8 seconds.
In addition to Indigenous Americans who were already living there before the Europeans discovered it, the country was built on immigration.
Because of this, the United States is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. It is sometimes described as a "melting pot", in which different cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavors" to American culture.
But as much as the distinctiveness fascinates foreigners, it also has them raising their eyebrows. This is especially evident in a recent Reddit thread, started by user 421continueblazingit, who asked non-Americans on the platform to share which of the local customs make no sense to them.
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Why is medical bankruptcy not at the absolute f*****g top of this list?
Kids beauty pageants.
Parents are willingly sexualizing their children.
It’s weird.
Why do politicians finish their speeches 'God bless America' and similar? It gives me shivers! Theocracy is not a good thing. Let's have separation between church and state and between religion and politics, shall we? I believe, in fact, that your country was actually built on the principle of that separation, was it not?
I also hate it when they call the u.s. “the greatest country in the world”. No it’s not, and I’m American.
Cashiers who aren't allowed to sit during their work
Like.... Why??
The rational is that customers will think they are lazy and just sitting around, which is dumb. You can still tell if they are working, even if they are sitting.
Calling a team "World Champions' of a sport that only your country competes in.
Home owner associations dictating the smallest details of your own home.
Having to find somebody to cover shifts when you're off on leave/sick.
Isn't that literally what the manager is there for?
Normally the manager does take care of it. I never worked a job where I had to take care of it myself. But low-paying jobs often don't have sick days or sick leave, so that would probably be where that would happen.
Gender reveal parties, I couldn't give a f**k what you're having and you shouldn't give f**k what I'm having. I hate that it's slowly becoming a thing in the UK.
Maybe if we start calling them sex celebration parties, they will die off
Paid maternity leave not being legislated as a basic employment right.
The tipping culture. Working a job and then having to depend on charity seems extremely wierd. I don't understand how people put up with that, having employment but having to basically beg for money to survive.
Tye s****y thing is if you protest this in the US, and you don't tip, it only hurts your server, and not the establishment that employs them.
Fear of anything 'not capitalist' being somehow 'communist' . E.g universal healthcare. Yet at the same time being terrified of 'big pharma'. It literally works in 100s of other non-communist countries.
Most of these people couldn't tell the difference. A comedian hit up a MAGA rally recently and started pitching ideas from Marx's Das Capital, without using the words, communism, socialism, or capitalism and found some very enthusiastic supporters in red hats.
American flags literally everywhere.
The number of people who keep large 'collections' of rusty cars & farm equipment in the garden.
The startling difference between the attitudes to sex & violence. Kids will see literally 100's of violent deaths on TV and no one bats an eye, but god forbid they should see a nipple.
Sex and bodies all perfectly natural bit hey let's not show/talk about it but violence, shootings yeah let's promote death and misery
Sales tax not being included in the price already. Wild.
I know - here (Aust) it's illegal to not include GST (sales tax) in the retail price.
How owning, buying and carrying guns is not more controlled and supervised.
mindlessly voting along party lines, even though the party's candidate is a complete fool
More the having to pre-commit to a party despite the rotation of candidates. The 'undecided' voter thing. Shouldn't that be everyone, each election?
Commercials for drugs. That you can't even buy yourself. But 'ask your doctor!'
I’d say the weirdest thing is how many side effects that are listed with them
People enthusiastically defending the health-care system that bankrupts people, sometimes even in reddit threads where people show off their horrendous medical bills
I like that the picture is from Breaking Bad. Another commenter in another thread pointed out that this show’s premise probably could not have existed in another country, and I can’t forget that
At 18 you can join the army, carry guns, f**k, drive car. But buy and drink alcohol only 21???
If I remember correctly it had something to do with reducing the number of fatalities from teens driving drunk. The statistics were pretty high. I could start drinking legally at the age of 18, but a few years later they changed the age to 19, then 21. My poor sister kept missing the boat.
The pledge of allegiance things at school. What in the actual f**k?
When I was in 5th grade there was a student who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag. He was made to stand in the hallway every morning because of it and was rumored to have detention once a week because of it, too. From what I remember, he never gave in.
The electoral college. WTF?
The opposite of democracy but the Republicans love it because Otherwise they would always lose.
Doing your own taxes, and being punished if you get it wrong by mistake.
Average UK tax paying person: 'Oh look, new financial year'. Carries on with their day knowing that the tax office will tell them if they've been paying too much or too little tax.
Televangelists springs to mind, there is one absolutely morally repugnant one with a massive house and private jets whose name I can't recall. I vehemently dislike organised religion at the best of times but why people actually listen to the ones that are very obviously money-grabbing lying scum is totally beyond me.
Edit: The one I was thinking of was Kenneth Copeland, seems to me he might be "worst among equals" as it were.
Oral Roberts was an evangelist from the '60's and '70's. My grandma sent him over ten thousand dollars. He sent her a Bible with our Lord Jesus Christ's words in red-- and Oral Roberts' name embossed in gold. Other than Roberts' name, I could have gotten Grandma the same Bible for less than ten bucks.
Black Friday. You spend Thanksgiving saying how grateful you are for what you have, and then have a massive free-for-all over stuff you want.
Putting quite a bit of sugar in things that don't require it, like bread and casseroles.
refusing to use metric
It is confusing for many of us too. A lot of our technical work does try to use metric instead
Having one week of paid vacation or sometimes not any time at all
Anything and everything related to belonging and participating in a Fraternity/ Sorority. ESPECIALLY the selection and hazing. ETA: actually, the selection and hazing are the problems
Absolutely. Fraternities and Sororities used to have a purpose, now it just seems like an excuse for bad behavior.
Baby showers. Here in Sweden it is generelly considered bad luck to give baby gifts before the baby is actually born. When the baby is born and the parents have gotten a few weeks alone with their newborn they usually start inviting people to meet them, but one or a few at a time, and then you bring a gift.
Pickup trucks as daily use cars. Of course I know that at this point most pickups are just SUVs with a small open bed in the rear, but it still boggles my mind how many people believe they absolutely need a pickup.
Mainly in certain parts of the country, and often in rural areas. To be fair, in rural areas they have their uses, but it has also become a status symbol in parts of the country, like the South.
The level of monitoring expected around children is wild to me. Over here, six-year-olds walk to school alone. (Of course within reason.)
It’s not usually anything the children are doing that causes this. ☹️
Too many children in the USA can't go to school by bicycle or on foot, because the roads are not designed for walking or cycling, it's as good as exclusively the territory of cars and trucks. This means that whole generations of children younger than sixteen grow up on the backseat of a car, not knowing what their surroundings look like. The YT channel Not Just Bikes gives a nice comparison between Northamerican infrastructure and car dependency and the European way of getting around.
Many US students don't live within walking distance from their schools.
My kid is 17 and I remind him that 18 is NOT a magic number. Although once he is 18, he is free to leave legally at any time, he does not have to. I want him to leave when there is little chance of him ever having to come back. Do you're thing, work, go to school, be a decent human and you can effectively stay here until you truly have somewhere better to go. No pressure. Take your time.
There are a number of reasons for this. Some are practical and some paranoid: -because so much of our infrastructure is car centric, it really isn't very safe to be a pedestrian or cyclist in many places -after a couple of high profile kidnappings in the late '70s and early '80s adults became paranoid and did a 180. Before that generations had a lot more freedom afterwards less so -there are not a lot of third spaces that prioritize children that are also free, so where are the kids going to go without their parents? -parents that don't comply with these rules particularly if they are people of color tend to be penalized by the law, meaning that others who think that these cultural norms are ridiculous are going to comply regardless
That's because we don't have pedestrian friendly towns & suburbs. Cars are a serious hazard to kids. Plus we sprawl out, making a walk to school or grocery store an unreasonable distance. Heck, Propublica brought attention to freight trains that were blocking kid's path to school daily, forcing them to climb under & over the it with no idea when it could start moving again.
Everyone has a gun over here. Children are sexualized. The cost of Healthcare means mentally ill people go untreated and roam the streets. Religious law means people are sexually repressed.
Actually a minority of the population owns the majority of guns in the US. Which is still bad because there are more guns than people. That means people are hoarding the weapons.
Load More Replies...Good reasons for child monitoring in the US: 1) Human trafficking is a very real and terrible problem here. (I'll let readers look up more details.) 2) Here in Arizona, a danger for toddlers is unsupervised pool access. (A local paper reported 68 drownings in 2022.) 3) Coyotes. We have neighborhoods sprawled well into natural habitat and the wildlife has little choice but to invade our backyards. Coyotes frequently kill cats and small dogs and they occasionally attack kids. (There are laws against shooting coyotes in suburbia since a stray bullet could hit a neighbor.) 4) Lately, loose, over-aggressive dogs are a proven threat to kids and small pets. 5) Northern states have moose, wolves and bear to worry about. 6) Alligators in Southern states. 7) Serious teen on teen violence, all over the US. 8) School shootings. 9) Distracted drivers may not be watching for little pedestrians ... These things happen not daily, but randomly, so parents must be on their toes. :(
Walked to and from school, half hour to three quarters hour walk next to a main thoroughfare, at five. Things were different then.
I walked to school from day one (with an older sister or neighborhood kids) and it was a 20 min walk. My girls could walk to school in 5 minutes, and usually do. But we also often drive them for safety reasons because we live along a busy street and drivers aren't always as attentive when the walk coincides with rush hour. I was babysitting for neighbors for entire weekends when I was 13. Now, my sister still has us babysit her 14 and 17 year olds. They aren't the most trustworthy of kids, even when not left alone, however.
I guess you're lucky you don't have child stalkers and molesters. I'm a senior woman and I don't feel safe on the streets. Different culture here..
Anyone see the show "Watch Old Enough" about Japanese children running errands on the own at very young ages. Here in the US, parents wait for the school bus with their kids at the end of their driveways. Of course, the US is in the top 5 countries for child sexual assault.
Exactly. I'm a teen, and like 5th graders are biking to school, on one of our busiest roads in our town. Me and my friend still have to take the bus. What. The. Hell.
Children in my city used to have to walk by a motel where numerous pedophiles where housed less than 1/4 of a block from the school and across the street from a church. ( The offenders were moved after allot of complaints and a news story)
In the US kids get shot at school , grocery stores, very often. So you find find many little ones unattended. Poor kids can't even play outside safely anymore , in public areas. Our " Great American " system has imploded. Even grocery stores seem to be a likely place to get shot. So, yeah we hover tight by our little ones
I live in national forest 15 miles from town. Pretty sure it would be child abuse if I made my kid walk to school alone
My parents moved to Fredericksburg, Texas in 1978 and when I went to visit them, I saw kids out all over the place. By the time I moved there in 1988, I never saw a kid outside, except maybe in a fenced back yard. I'm not talking little kids. I'm talking of 12-15-year-olds. The 'stranger abduction' fear fueled by the media had set in, in spite of proof that most child abductions are by a family friend or family member. Parents of 15-year-olds were reported to Child Protective Services for letting their kids ride their bicycles to school. I'm glad I grew up back when I could be free-range. At ten, I could be gone all day, as long as I was home for supper.
That's because here, you let your 6 year old walk to school and there's a real good chance they may get snatched!
To be fair, the perception of those dangers are much more severe than the number of occurrences of those dangers. Except for gun violence. We're f****d on that.
Load More Replies...A lot of the High School stuff, like all the formal dances, Football, cheer leading. They’re such a big deal in the USA.
College sports. Why are they so popular, especially among fans who never attended any university, let alone the one they cheer for?
Not sure if it's a custom but i hate the fact that all children are expected to leave their family's house and live on their own by at least their 20s.
I come from the middle east where it's very common to live in multi generational houses. You'd probably never leave your family's house unless you are getting married or they literally just kick you out or something lol.
Actually many people choose to remain in their family's house even after marrying and having kids and what not. It's very normal here for a house to have like 3-4 different generations of the same family in it.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each system. The kind of system described here works well for a communal society, but it can also be stifling. I wouldn't have wanted to continue living with my very dysfunctional, overprotective and critical family far into my adulthood.
The whole "building credit" thing. Not sure it's a custom or just plain stupid. The amount of money that I can borrow is a reflection of my income and what it is that I want to borrow money for. The idea that you can't get a mortgage because you didn't pay for groceries with a credit card 10 years ago is absurd.
I suppose part of it is how the housing market works, it weird that if you can't pay your mortgage, then you can just drop the keys in the mailbox and it suddenly becomes a problem for the bank. Here if you can't pay your mortgage it's still your house and your problem. Sure the bank can use the law to make the government force you to sell to pay of debt, but that's different.
Paying your rent or your normal bills doesn't show up on your credit report is stupid.
Everyone is unbelievably so patriotic but also incredibly proud of their Irish or Italian roots. It’s fun to be American until someone mentions your natural tan.
An American lady once said to me '...of course, i'm Swedish'. She had been born in the US, no-one in her family had lived in Sweden since the late 19th century, she'd never been to Sweden, and spoke no Swedish. But, she maintained that she was 'Swedish'.
Putting ice in every drink no matter the temperature, season, or anything.
Whenever I can I actually avoid getting ice because it just waters down the drink
Ah, thank goodness! Another America bashing thread. I was worried since its been 5 days since they posted the last one
We should always boycott them - only way they'll stop. Trouble is people went to comment and defend, not unreasonably. Ignoring it completely would be the only way to deal with it really. BP only care about advertisers and want clicks and comments.
Load More Replies...yaaaaay the weekly America sucks to foreigners article. such talented writers at bp
I had a small break from the internet, it was rather nice, now I’m back and BP hasn’t let me down. An article listing all the things I already knew about tiny bits of life in the U.S. that are both predictable and repetitive. FFS BP move on, let’s have a 50 things in the U.S. that’ll make you smile.
Yeah, why not something positive for once? Why not include good things from all aver the world?.
Load More Replies...My god has this site become a hate filled cesspool. So Rokas, you think it’s funny to constantly stereotype you readers?
That you are more likely to be shot attending school than being in the armed forces
Sadly, this one is heartbreaking and true. It deeply saddens me and I know so many people who are trying to change this and are receiving nothing but pushback from hyper conservatives in the government.
Load More Replies...I am getting oh so f-ing tired of the abundance of America bashing threads on this site. One of these days will be the last straw, and I"ll decide this site is no longer worth my time. There must be plenty of other things to write about.
Stupid gross generalizations. The US is pretty large and diverse regionally and state by state.
Maybe there are so many American bashing posts because this country is quickly turning to hell in a handbasket and people want to rant about why the U. S. sucks 🙃
The differences are in some cases legitimate, some cases stereotypes maybe based on watching TV? Most of the comments are pure snark from ignorance.
Come on you two, you can do better. Your stuff is typically good now you're going for low hanging fruit.
Pffft, BoredPanda has been good since the pandemic. All they do is repost listicles from Reddit about angry Karens and AITA posts. Plus, they have some of the worst censorship I’ve seen. What other site censors the words die, prostitution, blood, twat, c**p, and w***y in their “listicles.”
Load More Replies...It's funny the amount of defensive people on here. Such small minds. What BP wrote another article pointing out absurdities in America!?! No way. You mean they write this that got clicks and then repeat the concept. No way it like that's how entertainment businesses work. Doing things to get attention. Mind blowing. Oh no BP doesn't do "yay American yay"... oh wait it does! Oh no BP only picks on America... oh wait it doesn't. Sorry to burst your bubble but your bubble is tiny and misses a lot.
An English language website that supports hatred of the country where over half the English speakers live. Maybe generates the clicks that attracts advertisers, but not if they look closer.
How is stating facts "hatred"? And I'm sorry but just because BP is in English doesn't mean only English speakers visit it. Typical American viewpoint.
Load More Replies...@Emma S, it's a religion here. I've never understood it myself. I live in Michigan and the newspapers are lousy with stories about the college teams.
Load More Replies...Yeah, sure we 'forget' despite having history lessons making it possible for us to see where you've got it wrong. Actually, most Europeans don't think about America much at all, certainly not to the extent BP would make it seem.
Load More Replies...No, you can't get hormones at age 5 or own a gun at age 2. You're an idiot if you actually think that, especially about the hormones.
Load More Replies...Ah, thank goodness! Another America bashing thread. I was worried since its been 5 days since they posted the last one
We should always boycott them - only way they'll stop. Trouble is people went to comment and defend, not unreasonably. Ignoring it completely would be the only way to deal with it really. BP only care about advertisers and want clicks and comments.
Load More Replies...yaaaaay the weekly America sucks to foreigners article. such talented writers at bp
I had a small break from the internet, it was rather nice, now I’m back and BP hasn’t let me down. An article listing all the things I already knew about tiny bits of life in the U.S. that are both predictable and repetitive. FFS BP move on, let’s have a 50 things in the U.S. that’ll make you smile.
Yeah, why not something positive for once? Why not include good things from all aver the world?.
Load More Replies...My god has this site become a hate filled cesspool. So Rokas, you think it’s funny to constantly stereotype you readers?
That you are more likely to be shot attending school than being in the armed forces
Sadly, this one is heartbreaking and true. It deeply saddens me and I know so many people who are trying to change this and are receiving nothing but pushback from hyper conservatives in the government.
Load More Replies...I am getting oh so f-ing tired of the abundance of America bashing threads on this site. One of these days will be the last straw, and I"ll decide this site is no longer worth my time. There must be plenty of other things to write about.
Stupid gross generalizations. The US is pretty large and diverse regionally and state by state.
Maybe there are so many American bashing posts because this country is quickly turning to hell in a handbasket and people want to rant about why the U. S. sucks 🙃
The differences are in some cases legitimate, some cases stereotypes maybe based on watching TV? Most of the comments are pure snark from ignorance.
Come on you two, you can do better. Your stuff is typically good now you're going for low hanging fruit.
Pffft, BoredPanda has been good since the pandemic. All they do is repost listicles from Reddit about angry Karens and AITA posts. Plus, they have some of the worst censorship I’ve seen. What other site censors the words die, prostitution, blood, twat, c**p, and w***y in their “listicles.”
Load More Replies...It's funny the amount of defensive people on here. Such small minds. What BP wrote another article pointing out absurdities in America!?! No way. You mean they write this that got clicks and then repeat the concept. No way it like that's how entertainment businesses work. Doing things to get attention. Mind blowing. Oh no BP doesn't do "yay American yay"... oh wait it does! Oh no BP only picks on America... oh wait it doesn't. Sorry to burst your bubble but your bubble is tiny and misses a lot.
An English language website that supports hatred of the country where over half the English speakers live. Maybe generates the clicks that attracts advertisers, but not if they look closer.
How is stating facts "hatred"? And I'm sorry but just because BP is in English doesn't mean only English speakers visit it. Typical American viewpoint.
Load More Replies...@Emma S, it's a religion here. I've never understood it myself. I live in Michigan and the newspapers are lousy with stories about the college teams.
Load More Replies...Yeah, sure we 'forget' despite having history lessons making it possible for us to see where you've got it wrong. Actually, most Europeans don't think about America much at all, certainly not to the extent BP would make it seem.
Load More Replies...No, you can't get hormones at age 5 or own a gun at age 2. You're an idiot if you actually think that, especially about the hormones.
Load More Replies...