Folks On Twitter Shared 30 Stories Of When Celebrities Proved Themselves To Be Actually Nice People
We all would like to know what kind of people celebrities are in real life. Are some of them really that over the top in every aspect of their lives? And are others as down to earth as they seem on TV or on social media? Probably the worst-case scenario is when you realize that the celebrities you looked up to turned out to be not as nice or even really rude or snobby.
There are certainly stories of unpleasant encounters with well-known people. However, there are many stories of heartwarming encounters too. Twitter user @therecordon was interested to know who was the nicest celebrity people have ever met.
There are more than 10k responses in this thread and Bored Panda collected some of the best stories. Find out which celebrities are actually lovely people in real life!
More info: twitter.com
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aw rip chadwick he was an amazing black panther and an even greater man F in the chat
It is so nice to know that many big celebrities whose names are known all over the world have still managed to remain just good human beings. From these stories, we see that they have not been corrupted by the amounts of money they've earned and the permanent spotlight has not made them think that they are better than others. Or it’s just that they were like that all along, if you look from the point of view that money makes good people even better and bad people worse.
Whether we like to admit it or not, famous people live different lives than ours and we don’t really know what it's like to always be observed, talked about, to have such a huge amount of people admiring them. Fame and money can get to one’s head, make them think that they deserve it more than others do, and that someone that doesn’t reach their status isn’t worth their time. At least that’s the stereotype.
But the celebrities on this list seem like cool people. Looks like they’re not taking their fame for granted and appreciate their fans for the support. Some people shared that the famous people they’ve met had a long working day, but still agreed to a photo, while others shared how polite and chatty some celebrities were, making them feel like they were talking with a friend.
I imagine having a conversation with him would be like trying to play improvisational jazz with an instrument you just learned.
He was once a New York Firefighter and retired in the 1990's. On 9/11 he showed up at his old firehouse and went down with them to ground zero and helped people. He had no insurance for this like the firefighters did if anything had happened to him, he had not been active for a several years at that point, and took those risks to help others, and serve with his old firehouse. Till today he raises money for 9/11 workers and has admitted to having health problems from being at ground zero, but is proud of what he did and says he would do it again. The best part of this story, he never told anyone, a NY Post photographer was snapping pics of firefighters that day and realized he had Buscemi in one of them and the NY Post made the pic famous.
This isn’t the first time that people have joined a conversation highlighting the nice encounters instead of the bad ones. They always attract attention and people are always willing to tell the good stories. Bored Panda also wanted to spread some positivity and already has a couple of articles where we gathered the best answers from Reddit. After finishing reading the best answers from this Twitter thread, go and check out this older article that people really loved and a more recent follow-up.
I can't remember the people I've worked with for 7 years. This is impressive and heart warming.
Have you ever met a celebrity and just casually struck up a conversation with them? Or maybe it was them who approached you? Maybe you have met a celebrity mentioned in this list and you have a different story? Share your experience in the comments! And don’t forget to upvote the tweets that were most unexpected or that just filled your heart with joy.
I love Daniel Radcliffe! I’ve heard so many fantastic stories about him!
Jim Nabors is from my hometown and his mother and my grandmother were friends. I taught his two great nieces dance when they were little.
She's a human being making a living the best way she knows how. Don't judge.
One of the times i met a celebrity is Billy joel i was out in a bar somewhere in california and my friends and i were drinking and next thing that happened was a stranger unbekest to know that it was billy joel we were drunk so my friend asked him if he played the piano we didn't know it was him until later when the bartender said that was billy joel and billy joel PLayed the song PIANO MAN while we were drinking
Adam West. He was signing autographs at a convention, and the line was suuuuuper slow. Turned out that was because he was taking the time to chat with each and every fan who came to see him. His agent (who was a bit of a jerk, sad to say) was insisting that Adam would only sign your flimsy plastic con bag, or a photo purchased at the booth. I said I didn't have money for a photo, having spent it all at the art auction, and while the agent continued to insist that it was the bag, the photo, or nothing, Adam reached over, gently took the Batman video I'd brought & signed it. He also wanted to see every art piece I had bought. He was only scheduled to sign autographs on Saturday from 10a to 11a. He stayed & signed literally the entire day, then came back on Sunday and did it again.
I once met Lindsay Littleson. She’s not very well known, but she writes books for people about 11. She came to my school to give a presentation, and signed books at the end. She was super polite to everyone signing them, and it was just awesome. She was one of my favourite authors, and still it.
One of the times i met a celebrity is Billy joel i was out in a bar somewhere in california and my friends and i were drinking and next thing that happened was a stranger unbekest to know that it was billy joel we were drunk so my friend asked him if he played the piano we didn't know it was him until later when the bartender said that was billy joel and billy joel PLayed the song PIANO MAN while we were drinking
Adam West. He was signing autographs at a convention, and the line was suuuuuper slow. Turned out that was because he was taking the time to chat with each and every fan who came to see him. His agent (who was a bit of a jerk, sad to say) was insisting that Adam would only sign your flimsy plastic con bag, or a photo purchased at the booth. I said I didn't have money for a photo, having spent it all at the art auction, and while the agent continued to insist that it was the bag, the photo, or nothing, Adam reached over, gently took the Batman video I'd brought & signed it. He also wanted to see every art piece I had bought. He was only scheduled to sign autographs on Saturday from 10a to 11a. He stayed & signed literally the entire day, then came back on Sunday and did it again.
I once met Lindsay Littleson. She’s not very well known, but she writes books for people about 11. She came to my school to give a presentation, and signed books at the end. She was super polite to everyone signing them, and it was just awesome. She was one of my favourite authors, and still it.