Netflix Asks Brands For X-Rated Jokes On Twitter, And The Replies Are Hilarious (65 Tweets)
We've seen brand Twitter accounts tweet much more than news about their company, sales, or exclusive items. Like that one time whoever was responsible for Wendy's social marketing went off and roasted everyone like no brand did before. And people loved it! And while there are surely times when the general public is dissatisfied with brand tweets and interactions on the social media platform, more often than not, people tend to keep an eye for such funny Tweets.
This time, it was no other than Netflix Twitter and the people behind it who decided to bring brands together for a witty challenge. They posted a prompt for the companies to share the best innuendos, and some delivered pretty cool jokes. Scroll down below to check the sneaky double meaning lines out and don't forget to comment and vote for the best Tweets!
A new meme format has been floating on Twitter where people try to come up with best double entendres
Probably inspired by that, Netflix decided to challenge fellow brands to come up with their own
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Because the bag is mostly empty and it's the only way to reach the chips
I thought this was going to be stupid, but most of these are clever and very funny!
I thought this was going to be stupid, but most of these are clever and very funny!