Designer Created 79 Fake Funny Movies, TV Shows And A Website To Parody Netflix
There are millions upon millions of movies and TV shows out there. One of the most popular platforms to watch them on is Netflix. You can find almost anything there, from comedies to horror, to action movies.
Designer Lynn Fisher decided to parody this popular platform and created her own website called Nestflix. The website is filled with fake movies, TV shows, and documentaries. They all have funny descriptions of the plot and images from actual movies. The description of the website reads: "Welcome to Nestflix. The platform for your favorite nested films and shows. Fictional movies within movies? Got ‘em. Fake shows within shows? You bet. Browse our selection of over 400 stories within stories." The point of this project is to just make fun and have someplace to go to have a good laugh.
More info: nestflix.fun | twitter.com
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Or do the real one, a horror movie about Teresas forced baptism on dying, the living hell her hospital was, search of where the large sum if money went... IRL is worse then any horror movie.
He straight up stole this on from a comedy flick about old Hollywood. Not cool bro.
I would totally watch a Ghostfacers movies or series! You hear that Kripke?! *hint hint*
The title of the article is a bit inaccurate. These are all movies/films/shows within other movies/films/shows. The creator made movie descriptions/posters for fake films from other franchises. They aren't her own creation. Definitely funny, but the article should be retitled.
In today's world one should not believe what cannot be seen, Words are just to convince you i feel and i dont want others to suffer what i have been through, Being in a long distance i tried accessing my partner phone remotely, And as i went through his chats and other things i came to know he did not started cheating on me when he was far, But when we were together at that time also he used to cheat on me. So guys technology gives us access to many thing which can save us too, I can share the number of the person who helped me accessing my partner's phone +91-8657-399-601. Harish Negi. They dont charge you in advance they explain you thoroughly, if you dont feel secure you can try this method too, God bless You all
The title of the article is a bit inaccurate. These are all movies/films/shows within other movies/films/shows. The creator made movie descriptions/posters for fake films from other franchises. They aren't her own creation. Definitely funny, but the article should be retitled.
In today's world one should not believe what cannot be seen, Words are just to convince you i feel and i dont want others to suffer what i have been through, Being in a long distance i tried accessing my partner phone remotely, And as i went through his chats and other things i came to know he did not started cheating on me when he was far, But when we were together at that time also he used to cheat on me. So guys technology gives us access to many thing which can save us too, I can share the number of the person who helped me accessing my partner's phone +91-8657-399-601. Harish Negi. They dont charge you in advance they explain you thoroughly, if you dont feel secure you can try this method too, God bless You all