Person Gets An Angry Letter From An Anonymous Neighbor Claiming Her Garage Door Is “Ghetto Graffiti”, But The Internet Thinks It’s Awesome
Becoming genuine friends with your neighbors is not meant for everyone, and that’s fine. But getting along, more or less, is something we all strive for, no matter how annoying, loud, or plain difficult the people next-door may be.
In some cases, passive aggression turns out to be too much. You see, the Imgur user soundguy has just posted a note his neighbor was mailed anonymously. And it’s not a thank-you card. Apparently, someone in the neighborhood got so mad at a woman who decorated her garage door, they spilled it in a lengthy, pretty nasty letter.
Others started wondering how come the anonymous sender could have been so unhappy as to allow something this minuscule to ruin their and others’ day. So let’s see the “infamous” door that caused the controversy down below, and be sure to leave your thoughts on dealing with passive-aggressive neighbors in the comments!
One Imgur user has shared this nasty letter his neighbor received from an anonymous source living in the area
Image credits: soundguy
And this is the “graffiti” which angered the anonymous neighbor
Image credits: soundguy
The people you live next door to can have a bigger impact on your overall well-being than we’d like to think. The problem is that you cannot really pick the neighbors you’re going to live with. Problematic people exist everywhere, and sometimes it’s only a question of time until you have to face one.
But it turns out, many Americans find this to be quite a big deal. A recent poll revealed that single-family homeowners would pay $157 extra a month, on average, to pick who lives next door. Similarly, apartment, condo, townhome, and duplex dwellers would be willing to pay $179 monthly, on average, for the same privilege.
Meanwhile, according to the 2015 City Observatory Report, only about 20 percent of Americans spent time regularly with the people living next to them. A third said they’ve never interacted with their neighbors. In comparison, a separate Pew Research Center survey from a decade ago revealed that 43 percent of Americans know most or all of their neighbors.
The decline can be attributed to the disappearance of the necessity to reach out and build bonds with people who live nearby. According to a report by Bloomberg City Lab, “One of the very things that led to this decline in neighborliness may be key to reversing the trend: technology.”
No wonder so many people were left confused about the whole situation
I don't especially like it but if that's the worst thing that has happened to you in 2020 you should count your blessings.
Wow. I don't hate it. I think I kinda like it..? Controlling how another person decorates their own property...I just don't get it. It's not like its a massive painting of a d**k. If the letter writer got given a taste of their own medicine you can bet they'd be shouting that it's their choice and how dare you, etc etc.
HOA is all about controlling how people decorate their own property.
Load More Replies...We once lived in a neighborhood where a man painted the entire exterior of his brick house at least once a month. Not soothing calm colors....but bright neons and other festive colors such all red, green, bright blue, yellow...we would make bets on what the next color would be. The rumor was that a neighbor had been bugging him for years to paint the trim. The house guy got fed up and went all passive aggressive on the neighbor.
I hope that even with all the different colors that he left part of the trim unfinished each time just as a little extra, f$&# you to the neighbor.
Load More Replies...Imagine going out of your way to make someone's life more miserable, like this letter-writer. Imagine thinking you had the right to be such a complete a*****e. Some people choose hate all the damn time and it makes them miserable angry shells of human beings. Choose kindness; it's better for you as well as everyone else.
Please, a friend of mine lives on a block that used to be all big old gracious homes. The people across the street tore down one of the prettiest ones and built a green concrete and steel bunker. It actually did bring down the friend's property value. I doubt this garage door will have quite the same effect.
I actually agree that it's pretty ugly. My response, however, would be to shrug it off and if it ever came up with that neighbour I'd lie through my teeth about how nice it is and how great it is to have some colour in the neighbourhood.
What's the yellow representing? The Sun? Also don't really like it, but as already commented on, it's not my house.
I saw it as moonlit golden fields of wheat or something...
Load More Replies...I love it and that letter was the rudest thing I have ever seen if I found that person then I would punch them in the face
If resale value is a major concern for you then you probably don't give a c**p about your neighborhood in the first place.
I'd paint my garage in solidarity if I was her neighbor. I feel like the note writer gets triggered easily so that'd be fun. I'd watch John Waters films to truly be inspired on a good art piece.
A lot of John Waters movies are about solidarity. P****r is one of my favourites.
Load More Replies...The whinger doesn't even live in the same street? What an obnoxious and self righteous git
I think the person who wrote that letter would consider the Starry Night a low income ghetto graffitti. :D
It seems this Karen was not able to learn the proper use of capital letters... :D
A coat of paint can change this any time. Obviously the mean letter writing person has no art in their life and no life at home, looking for something that offends them. May they get ticked off more often and more art enter their life. Could be worse -- could be a mirror and they would have to look at their own ugly face as they pass by . . .
I hate to let my mind go there, but since they happened to call the garage door "ghetto", I have to they think constellations are gang signs? o.O I see zero problems with this picture
Housing values are based upon an estimate using other home recently sold in your area. So unless this home sells it doesn't effect anything. I personally like it, its unique and gives me a feel of the home owners personality. It's not a prison, its your home, make it your own.
I'm not especially a fan but it's easy enough to paint over it. It is definitely not enough to lower house prices. If they had done something structural, that's a different story. People who think that needing to paint something will be an issue clearly know nothing about housing markets. HOAs exist to control people - a very US thing. So grateful we don't have them on normal freehold properties in my country.
Load More Replies...Well, I don’t particularly like it, but it looks nothing like graffiti from the ghetto. Silly person obviously only knows the ghetto from tv.
It's not great art, but it sure as hell isn't graffiti! What a miserable SOB.
I would post a sign in my yard thanking her for her personal knowledge of what the "hood" looks like and that you will repaint the door monthly until a letter of appreciation is sent.
This artwork is not my taste, but like a lot of other people said, it's not my house and therefore none of my business. The letter writer was very rude and had no right to write a letter like this. I have no idea how a painting like this could bring down the property value of the neighborhood. It's not like it's gang signs or anything like that.
I would make a huge sign with that letter on it and put it in front of my house. Because whether you agree or not on what this person is saying (and I agree on it's content, it is ugly and it by painting your garage you neighbors have no choice but to accept it), but the way it is said makes them awful on so many levels, there is no question they are wrong. Just talk to each other. Don't paint your garage door like it would fit in a child's room and don't be an a*****e if it does happen. Communicate in an adult fashion
Also, do as I say, not as I do ;) I cuss too much... I know.
Load More Replies...It's someone not even on their street?! This is what you get outraged about in 2020? A painting on a garage?
If the letter writer is so concerned with property values and rules about exterior paint colors, etc they should just move to a neighborhood with an HOA where you can pay a committee to make rules that everything has to be beige and look the same
I don`t see anything wrong with it at all. In my opinion the person who wrote the letter has some a stick up the bum.
they'ed hate my house during halloween, 13 dragons on my lawn.
I've never understood why some people worry so much about others bringing down property values in their neighborhood. In my state, property values are used to set property taxes, so higher property values would actually make one's tax bill bigger.
That’s such a mundane painting to say that about. It isn’t even graffiti style, it’s just normal art. I agree the art isn’t classy but it’s moreso because it looks amateurish and basic / childish. But it’s kinda cute in its own way and not offensive to the eye. I don’t think it will do anything to property values. I work in real estate but I don’t know much about how it is in England (I’m assuming by the spelling), but the object just isn’t enough of an eyesore or hindrance to being values down. It’s chintzy but real estate is about location mostly, and if this is just a regular neighborhood, location and proximity are what buyers will look at first. Not neighbor’s movable decorations.
I have some friends who painted their house a nice shade of purple and some of their neighbors complained.
In Italy you are not allowed to paint the exterior of your house/condominium the colour you want. It must match the colours that are approved by your municipality. And I think it's not wrong at all.
Load More Replies...“Low Income”. Maybe they should just paint “I’m comfortably well off” their garage if that’s the kind of message they want to send. Same type of person would probably brag that they’ve seen a Banksy.
That is really cool! And Karin, dear, it is people like you who devalue things
Not what I would put on my garage door, but definitely not worth complaining about. It’s not offensive, or anything. Damn, it’s not even on the complainer’s street!
Ok, this is not looking great, but the person who wrote that note has clearly never seen a real graffity.
It's really not good or attractive. And what the neighbors do does affect your house value. (Imagine losing $30,000 because of your neighbor?) However, the person who wrote this has never lived in the "hood". It doesn't look low-class, just looks like someone has bad taste. The person who wrote it sounds just awful. The person who painted that garage needs a new hobby.
No one is going to lose $30k for something that can be remedied with a pot of paint. I don't like it particularly but it would not stop me buying that property or any others in the area.
Load More Replies..."and lots of flamingos" Hahahaha. We live in a condo complex and have pretty strict HOA regs, so this would never be an issue (we also don't have a garage). To the coward who wrote the letter, be thankful you have freedom of expression you punk-a*s little b***h.
Again with escaping the censorship! How?! Teach me!
Load More Replies...That's just awesome! What is the matter with the derp who wrote that angry letter?
i love it, whoever posted the note needs to lighten up and mind their own business. unless there's a homeowner's association involved, people can do art on the outsides of their houses as long as it's not obscene or otherwise inappropriate, IMO.
Hey, if she ever gets bored and wants to tackle a bigger project, I got a double car garage door she can tackle next. I don't have to worry about neighborhood associations complaining or neighbors either.
I've never understood why people give so much credence as to what "the neighbours" think about them.
While I wouldn't go so far as to write a letter like that I have been financially impacted to the tune of losing $100k because of neighbors who started making a bunch of questionable "design choices" and not maintaining their properties. It had been an established neighborhood that was quiet and full of older people who took pride in maintaining their homes and yards, but went downhill quickly. Since then I just make sure I buy homes in areas with very strict HOAs and my homes have all held their values. It was an expensive lesson learned.
So, let me get this straight: there are people on the internet who have opinions about things that are none of their business? I can hardly believe it...
I think it's AWESOME! The person who painted this garage door would be very welcome in my neighborhood! It's beautiful (but you have at least one disgusting neighbor, there's one in every neighborhood I guess."
Oh and you know it's from the neighbours next door! That's a total bluff and diversion tactic saying they live on the next street!! Cowards! If they have something to say, do it face to face! It's not even graffiti! It's art!
Then have then internet buy into that neighborhood...oh wait, most are young kids who have no concept of property value and deprecation....
They don't know what a "devaluing" graffiti is! Come to Montevideo, I dare you.
Some racist BS in that letter -- mentioning the "ghetto" and the "hood." Let me guess -- the family who received the letter is Black? Racists all need to f**k off and die.
tbh it's not very good. but I guess angry neighbor wouldn't like it even if it was good
I don't agree with the letter that this person wrote and the way they acted. But at the same time it does lower value and it really isn't that good of a painting. But it's not my home and must mean something to them I guess. I applaud them on being artistic though, maybe just somewhere else and somewhere where it makes sense.
Ight, where is this b***h?
Load More Replies...What's racist about the complaint? If you're implying that all poor people are black, then you are more likely racist than the letter writer.
Load More Replies...Classism maybe, not racism. The painting isn't a race, nor is the ghetto.
Load More Replies...I don't especially like it but if that's the worst thing that has happened to you in 2020 you should count your blessings.
Wow. I don't hate it. I think I kinda like it..? Controlling how another person decorates their own property...I just don't get it. It's not like its a massive painting of a d**k. If the letter writer got given a taste of their own medicine you can bet they'd be shouting that it's their choice and how dare you, etc etc.
HOA is all about controlling how people decorate their own property.
Load More Replies...We once lived in a neighborhood where a man painted the entire exterior of his brick house at least once a month. Not soothing calm colors....but bright neons and other festive colors such all red, green, bright blue, yellow...we would make bets on what the next color would be. The rumor was that a neighbor had been bugging him for years to paint the trim. The house guy got fed up and went all passive aggressive on the neighbor.
I hope that even with all the different colors that he left part of the trim unfinished each time just as a little extra, f$&# you to the neighbor.
Load More Replies...Imagine going out of your way to make someone's life more miserable, like this letter-writer. Imagine thinking you had the right to be such a complete a*****e. Some people choose hate all the damn time and it makes them miserable angry shells of human beings. Choose kindness; it's better for you as well as everyone else.
Please, a friend of mine lives on a block that used to be all big old gracious homes. The people across the street tore down one of the prettiest ones and built a green concrete and steel bunker. It actually did bring down the friend's property value. I doubt this garage door will have quite the same effect.
I actually agree that it's pretty ugly. My response, however, would be to shrug it off and if it ever came up with that neighbour I'd lie through my teeth about how nice it is and how great it is to have some colour in the neighbourhood.
What's the yellow representing? The Sun? Also don't really like it, but as already commented on, it's not my house.
I saw it as moonlit golden fields of wheat or something...
Load More Replies...I love it and that letter was the rudest thing I have ever seen if I found that person then I would punch them in the face
If resale value is a major concern for you then you probably don't give a c**p about your neighborhood in the first place.
I'd paint my garage in solidarity if I was her neighbor. I feel like the note writer gets triggered easily so that'd be fun. I'd watch John Waters films to truly be inspired on a good art piece.
A lot of John Waters movies are about solidarity. P****r is one of my favourites.
Load More Replies...The whinger doesn't even live in the same street? What an obnoxious and self righteous git
I think the person who wrote that letter would consider the Starry Night a low income ghetto graffitti. :D
It seems this Karen was not able to learn the proper use of capital letters... :D
A coat of paint can change this any time. Obviously the mean letter writing person has no art in their life and no life at home, looking for something that offends them. May they get ticked off more often and more art enter their life. Could be worse -- could be a mirror and they would have to look at their own ugly face as they pass by . . .
I hate to let my mind go there, but since they happened to call the garage door "ghetto", I have to they think constellations are gang signs? o.O I see zero problems with this picture
Housing values are based upon an estimate using other home recently sold in your area. So unless this home sells it doesn't effect anything. I personally like it, its unique and gives me a feel of the home owners personality. It's not a prison, its your home, make it your own.
I'm not especially a fan but it's easy enough to paint over it. It is definitely not enough to lower house prices. If they had done something structural, that's a different story. People who think that needing to paint something will be an issue clearly know nothing about housing markets. HOAs exist to control people - a very US thing. So grateful we don't have them on normal freehold properties in my country.
Load More Replies...Well, I don’t particularly like it, but it looks nothing like graffiti from the ghetto. Silly person obviously only knows the ghetto from tv.
It's not great art, but it sure as hell isn't graffiti! What a miserable SOB.
I would post a sign in my yard thanking her for her personal knowledge of what the "hood" looks like and that you will repaint the door monthly until a letter of appreciation is sent.
This artwork is not my taste, but like a lot of other people said, it's not my house and therefore none of my business. The letter writer was very rude and had no right to write a letter like this. I have no idea how a painting like this could bring down the property value of the neighborhood. It's not like it's gang signs or anything like that.
I would make a huge sign with that letter on it and put it in front of my house. Because whether you agree or not on what this person is saying (and I agree on it's content, it is ugly and it by painting your garage you neighbors have no choice but to accept it), but the way it is said makes them awful on so many levels, there is no question they are wrong. Just talk to each other. Don't paint your garage door like it would fit in a child's room and don't be an a*****e if it does happen. Communicate in an adult fashion
Also, do as I say, not as I do ;) I cuss too much... I know.
Load More Replies...It's someone not even on their street?! This is what you get outraged about in 2020? A painting on a garage?
If the letter writer is so concerned with property values and rules about exterior paint colors, etc they should just move to a neighborhood with an HOA where you can pay a committee to make rules that everything has to be beige and look the same
I don`t see anything wrong with it at all. In my opinion the person who wrote the letter has some a stick up the bum.
they'ed hate my house during halloween, 13 dragons on my lawn.
I've never understood why some people worry so much about others bringing down property values in their neighborhood. In my state, property values are used to set property taxes, so higher property values would actually make one's tax bill bigger.
That’s such a mundane painting to say that about. It isn’t even graffiti style, it’s just normal art. I agree the art isn’t classy but it’s moreso because it looks amateurish and basic / childish. But it’s kinda cute in its own way and not offensive to the eye. I don’t think it will do anything to property values. I work in real estate but I don’t know much about how it is in England (I’m assuming by the spelling), but the object just isn’t enough of an eyesore or hindrance to being values down. It’s chintzy but real estate is about location mostly, and if this is just a regular neighborhood, location and proximity are what buyers will look at first. Not neighbor’s movable decorations.
I have some friends who painted their house a nice shade of purple and some of their neighbors complained.
In Italy you are not allowed to paint the exterior of your house/condominium the colour you want. It must match the colours that are approved by your municipality. And I think it's not wrong at all.
Load More Replies...“Low Income”. Maybe they should just paint “I’m comfortably well off” their garage if that’s the kind of message they want to send. Same type of person would probably brag that they’ve seen a Banksy.
That is really cool! And Karin, dear, it is people like you who devalue things
Not what I would put on my garage door, but definitely not worth complaining about. It’s not offensive, or anything. Damn, it’s not even on the complainer’s street!
Ok, this is not looking great, but the person who wrote that note has clearly never seen a real graffity.
It's really not good or attractive. And what the neighbors do does affect your house value. (Imagine losing $30,000 because of your neighbor?) However, the person who wrote this has never lived in the "hood". It doesn't look low-class, just looks like someone has bad taste. The person who wrote it sounds just awful. The person who painted that garage needs a new hobby.
No one is going to lose $30k for something that can be remedied with a pot of paint. I don't like it particularly but it would not stop me buying that property or any others in the area.
Load More Replies..."and lots of flamingos" Hahahaha. We live in a condo complex and have pretty strict HOA regs, so this would never be an issue (we also don't have a garage). To the coward who wrote the letter, be thankful you have freedom of expression you punk-a*s little b***h.
Again with escaping the censorship! How?! Teach me!
Load More Replies...That's just awesome! What is the matter with the derp who wrote that angry letter?
i love it, whoever posted the note needs to lighten up and mind their own business. unless there's a homeowner's association involved, people can do art on the outsides of their houses as long as it's not obscene or otherwise inappropriate, IMO.
Hey, if she ever gets bored and wants to tackle a bigger project, I got a double car garage door she can tackle next. I don't have to worry about neighborhood associations complaining or neighbors either.
I've never understood why people give so much credence as to what "the neighbours" think about them.
While I wouldn't go so far as to write a letter like that I have been financially impacted to the tune of losing $100k because of neighbors who started making a bunch of questionable "design choices" and not maintaining their properties. It had been an established neighborhood that was quiet and full of older people who took pride in maintaining their homes and yards, but went downhill quickly. Since then I just make sure I buy homes in areas with very strict HOAs and my homes have all held their values. It was an expensive lesson learned.
So, let me get this straight: there are people on the internet who have opinions about things that are none of their business? I can hardly believe it...
I think it's AWESOME! The person who painted this garage door would be very welcome in my neighborhood! It's beautiful (but you have at least one disgusting neighbor, there's one in every neighborhood I guess."
Oh and you know it's from the neighbours next door! That's a total bluff and diversion tactic saying they live on the next street!! Cowards! If they have something to say, do it face to face! It's not even graffiti! It's art!
Then have then internet buy into that neighborhood...oh wait, most are young kids who have no concept of property value and deprecation....
They don't know what a "devaluing" graffiti is! Come to Montevideo, I dare you.
Some racist BS in that letter -- mentioning the "ghetto" and the "hood." Let me guess -- the family who received the letter is Black? Racists all need to f**k off and die.
tbh it's not very good. but I guess angry neighbor wouldn't like it even if it was good
I don't agree with the letter that this person wrote and the way they acted. But at the same time it does lower value and it really isn't that good of a painting. But it's not my home and must mean something to them I guess. I applaud them on being artistic though, maybe just somewhere else and somewhere where it makes sense.
Ight, where is this b***h?
Load More Replies...What's racist about the complaint? If you're implying that all poor people are black, then you are more likely racist than the letter writer.
Load More Replies...Classism maybe, not racism. The painting isn't a race, nor is the ghetto.
Load More Replies...