40 People Share Things That Happened That Are So Rare, They Seem Nearly Impossible (New Pics)
InterviewWhen you zoom out and take a look at the larger picture, you can start to feel like the luckiest person on planet Earth. Well, alongside everyone else. Depending on whom you ask, the odds of you existing as, well, you are something to the tune of 1 in 400 quadrillion… or even less. But the seemingly-magical run of coincidences doesn’t necessarily end there.
The news and the internet are full to the brim with stories of amazing streaks of luck, and tales about people surviving seemingly impossible odds, and they can make almost anyone start believing that Fate and guardian angels might not sound so silly after all. The probabilities are so small that it makes the events that much more impressive to behold. (Though, at the same time, we’ve got to be aware that extremely unlikely events happen all the time.)
Scroll down for some of the most extraordinary, super rare occurrences, as shared by internet users on the popular r/nevertellmetheodds, aka the ‘Nearly Impossible Odds,’ online group. Upvote your fave pics, and tell us all about the (un)luckiest things that ever happened to you in the comments, dear Pandas. And when you’ve enjoyed this list to the max, you should definitely consider checking out Bored Panda’s previous article about r/nevertellmetheodds right here. Happy scrolling!
Bored Panda got in touch with the moderator team behind the awesome r/nevertellmetheodds project, and they were kind enough to answer our questions. Check out what they had to say below. Meanwhile, also read on for Bored Panda’s chat about aiming for success, the importance of resilience, and forming good habits with fitness expert Dan Bacon, the founder of ModernX and The Modern Man. After all, you can’t rely on luck your entire life to get to where you want to be.
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She Found Her Cat 16 Days After A Tornado
A few years ago my dog got out at a time it was cold and snowing. Looked everywhere for days. About a week after he left, I got a call from a friend I worked with, who lived in a residential neighborhood about 4 miles from my house. He said "I think your dog is in my yard!" I asked him to try to keep him there until I got there. I had been there several times but my dog had never been there. It was him, and he was in surpisingly good shape. It had snowed a few inches since he left and I don't see how even a Bloodhound could have tracked my scent even without the snow.
That's amazing. The look of elation on her face is priceless.
If my cat went missing for 16 days, I'd cry me a veritable Chattahoochee of happy tears upon being reunited!
Load More Replies...I suffer ailurophobia badly ...but this picture breaks my heart..poor kitty :( so happy she found the cat 💖
May I ask what ailurophobia is? This is genuine, I just can't search it up right now.
Load More Replies...the dilemma was solved once again-what is more precious, a gold or a friend ?
She is literally beaming from happiness, good to see that the cat is safe.
When it comes to spell casting, the first person that comes to my heart is Dr Amber after he made me a winner of 6 MILLION EUROS with the lottery spell and he can help you too. Reach him on amberlottotemple@yahoo. com
When it comes to spell casting, the first person that comes to my heart is Dr Amber after he made me a winner of 6 MILLION EUROS with the lottery spell and he can help you too. Reach him on amberlottotemple@yahoo.com
Cats seem indifferent even in a tornado situation. If it was a dog, it'd be so happy. The cat however thinks it had 16 peaceful days.
Cat looks more like: yeah hi, now put me down I want to look around some more
Redditor u/solateor, one of the moderators, told Bored Panda that the person who "keeps the place running" is u/Hats_Hats_Hats. There's obviously a lot of respect between the members of the r/nevertellmetheodds mod team, and that's awesome news for the members.
u/solateor shared with us how the online community formed. According to them, the sub started right in this thread (and here's an archived version showing all the comments, too). "The sub started when I submitted this gif to the r/combinedgifs subreddit. In the thread, a bunch of users started commenting about the chances of something like that happening, which lead to the creation of the subreddit. A few of us from the comments joined on as moderators, and it was up and running after that," they told Bored Panda that the sub was a hit right away.
The moderators are clearly fun-loving people. For instance, when r/nevertellmetheodds was nearing 100k subscribers, u/solateor made this gif right here, based on the famous Han Solo quote, from Star Wars. "The 'banned' graphic is a reference to the fact that we ban users who mention the odds," they explained why C-3PO got banned in the gif.
96 Year Old Man Saves 87 Year Old Woman From Choking To Death Using The Heimlich Maneuver. That Man Is None Other Than Dr Henry Heimlich, The Inventor Of The Technique. What A Bada**
The Good You Do Always Finds Its Way Back
The mod shared their thoughts about probability and rare events being seen seemingly 'everywhere.' "If you look at probability though the lens of a bell curve (and it could be argued a bell curve isn't representational here, but if we were) then improbable events are the statistical outliers you see on either end of the curve with very low chances of occurring but get 'air time' and visibility because they are in fact rare," they told Bored Panda.
According to them, even if rare events appear to be seen 'everywhere,' they're really just a fraction of the total events that take place "but make it in front of users to be 'consumed' because they are, in fact, rare."
Meanwhile, another moderator, u/Hats_Hats_Hats, added that one's perspective matters a lot when thinking about probabilities and rareness.
"If you shuffle a deck of 52 playing cards, the arrangement you get is one in about 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. So it's super improbable if you look at it that way. But it's also kind of trivial, which is why we would remove a post that's just 'I shuffled this deck of cards and the result I got will never, ever happen again,'" they said.
Cat Sitting The Exact Place
An Accidental Reunion
Filipino Fisherman Got Stuck On A Rock And He Decided To Bring It Home As A Good Luck Charm
And then he kept it under his bed for 10 years until one day his house burned down. then he found out this "rock" was actually the biggest pearl ever found and is valued at $100.000.000.
"That's obviously a trivial example, but think of things like, 'Yesterday I ate one egg for breakfast, found two pennies on the floor, passed three ambulances on my way to work, got four phone calls before lunch, and got five texts during lunch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!' It sounds like numerology magic but really that person just ignored the nine socks in their drawer and the eleven emails they got in the afternoon because those didn't contribute to the 'miracle,'" they explained how people tend to pick and choose what information they feel is relevant or should be ignored.
"Wild coincidences are one thing. Genuinely interesting ones that aren't trivial like the deck of cards or reverse-engineered like the 1-2-3-4-5 day at work are different and special and that's why I love this subreddit," u/Hats_Hats_Hat said.
Over the past year and a half, the r/nevertellmetheodds subreddit has grown from 1.7 million members to a whopping 2.1 million loyal fans. The online group is home to folks who document “nearly impossible feats of achievement” and celebrate the incredible odds of doing something that requires either massive luck or huge perseverance.
Naturally, everyone on the sub is expected to be nice and polite to one another, and bullying or harassment of any kind is not tolerated. However, something else that new members should keep in mind relates directly to the type of content shared on the subreddit. Submissions have to be about nearly impossible feats, and posts that are about deliberate tricks and stunts (i.e. requiring skill and persistence), aren’t allowed. What’s more, you shouldn’t mention the odds of something happening neither in the title of the post, nor in the comments.
One Lucky Dude
Man Narrowly Avoids Being Crushed By A Tree Struck By Lightning: "I Felt Like Buster Keaton"
What A Cute Couple
Dan, the founder of ModernX, stressed to Bored Panda that success isn’t a straight line. “You will experience detours and encounter obstacles, including failed attempts, on the way to true success,” he said.
“You just have to keep going and not give up. Winners don’t give up. When you win, you reach a new level that is beyond where the majority of people will ever get to. It’s an enjoyable feeling to be a winner,” he was candid that victory really does feel sweet. It’s even better when it’s the reward for your own effort and perseverance, not just due to random chance.
According to Dan, resilience is “essential,” however, it isn’t enough by itself alone. “You also need to have the right knowledge to succeed. If you keep failing, it may be because you're unaware of certain things that are needed to succeed in that particular area,” he shared.
“So, you may need to go back to the basics and relearn them, or learn new, advanced techniques that will allow you to succeed the next time you try. To be a true winner, you should always aim to learn more about your craft,” he told Bored Panda.
A Fish Jumps Right In Front Of The Camera And Creates Funny Picture
Captured Shark Helps Solve Murder
Actor Sean Astin Photo Bombing Me In ‘93 At D.c. Inaugural Ball And Again 26 Yrs Later At Disneyland
In Dan’s opinion, the old adage that knowledge is power isn’t completely true. He thinks there’s a twist to it, in real-life. “Knowledge isn't power on its own. Knowledge is power when used. Get the knowledge you need to succeed, use it and you will then enjoy the power that comes with it,” he said.
The fitness expert also shared how long it takes for someone to form a positive habit, on average.
“It takes about a month as long as a person is consistent and doesn’t try to change too much at once. Focus on changing one or two small things at a time, rather than trying to change too much at once, becoming overwhelmed by the pressure, and then stopping,” he noted that the slow-but-steady approach is better when building habits at first.
They Were Talking About My Local Animal Shelter On National TV, And They Focused On Alys, The Cat We Adopted 7 Months Ago! We Got To See Where She Came From! We Were In Awe
The Same Injured Whale Photographed 35 Years Apart At The Coast Of Mexico
The Cat Had A Secret Life
Previously, Bored Panda spoke to financial expert Sam Dogen, the author of ‘Buy This, Not That’ and the founder of Financial Samurai, about what to do if you happen to win the lottery. One major issue is that some of your relatives and friends might start fighting over your winnings because of greed or money problems.
“If the winner doesn’t magnanimously share their winnings with family members and friends, they will be seen as selfish and greedy,” the expert warned what might happen.
Perfect Angle
Mind Blowing
Meet the Jim twins. Two identical twins separated and adopted to different families at birth. Both were named James, married and divorced women named Linda, remarried women named Betty, and each had a dog named Toy. They even both named their sons James Allan. They reunited at age 39.
Why hasn't there a movie about this yet? (Or is there a movie out there that I don't know about?)
Unexpected Reunion
“I’m all about Stealth Wealth. If you win the lottery, do your best to keep it a secret. Furthermore, if you win the lottery at work or in your investments, never brag about how much you make either. Instead, try to blend in as much as possible. You can always then be more generous with your money if you wish, without expectations,” he said that keeping things on the down-low is a very good strategy that’s far better than blabbing about your amazing winnings to everyone.
“The first thing to do is sit on your winnings for at least three months and live your life as usual. During this time, read as much financial literature online from sources who have no interest in your money. Once you get educated and have formulated a good idea of what you want to do, you can then seek professional advice from a fee-based financial advisor. Or, you can implement your capital allocation yourself. Take your time! There is no rush. You just won the lottery!” he said.
Getting Photobombed By A Bee
Snorkeller Finds Lost Wedding Ring Wrapped Around A Mullet Fish Off Of Norfolk Island
Rainbow From Window Lines Up Perfect On Stove
But why is it that so many people seem to rely on luck? Recently, Bored Panda spoke about the psychology behind believing in Fate, as well as good and bad luck with Suzanne Degges-White, a Licensed Counselor, Professor, and Chair at the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University.
“As long as there have been humans, there has been a desire to imagine that somewhere some thing or some being or some force is helping direct us along our paths to a positive destination. Many people want to believe in luck because that gives us hope that one day maybe it will be 'our turn' to win the lottery, find true love, be at the right place at the right moment,” she told us.
Dude Meets Keanu Reeves 3 Years Apart, But Keanu Wears The Same Shirt
Carpenter Got The Ride Of A Lifetime When His Electric Wheelchair Became Lodged In The Grille Of A Semi-Trailer And Was Accidentally Pushed Down A Highway For Several Kilometers At About 80 Km/H And Survived Uninjured
3 Generation Of Twins
According to Suzanne, what we believe tends to come true: “Life has a funny way of confirming our self-biases.”
"If we believe we're going to fail at something, we've already set ourselves up for failure. Believing that we carry bad luck around like a cloud gives us a reason not to do our best, not to try our hardest, and to make it 'okay' to fail. While we'd think that a strong belief in good luck would work totally in our favor, there are drawbacks to this belief, too," she explained to Bored Panda.
"When we don't take ownership of our good choices, our effective actions, or our hard work, we are selling ourselves short. It's true that sometimes circumstances can 'work in our favor,' or we can meet the right person at the right time, but we still need to recognize our own part in taking advantage of positive circumstances or setting things up so that we can succeed."
This Apartment Building In Shanghai Fell Over, And Remained Mostly Intact
The Man Who Angered Thor
Bubble Got Stuck On One Small Strand Of A Spiderweb
Rather than seeing ourselves as ‘victims’ of life or luck, it’s much more preferable to see that we have some control over our own lives.
“If we have an internal locus of control, we see ourselves as agentic in our world—we know that we can make things happen and we take ownership of both our good decisions and our poor decisions. But this lets us learn from our decisions—how to continue to do things that work out for us and how to avoid things that do not. An external locus of control sets us up to be 'victims' of life or luck," Suzanne told us.
A Couple Found Each Other In The Same Childhood Photo Taken Years Before They Got Married
They lived 300 miles apart and were only on the beach at the same time because the boy's family was vacationing there. they only interacted later in life when they found each other again.
It's The Only Logical Explanation
In 1943, Ball Turret Gunner Alan Magee’s B-17 Bomber Was Hit By Flak And Began To Spin Out Of Control. He Fell Over Four Miles Without A Parachute Before Crashing Through The Glass Roof Of A Railroad Station. He Survived The Fall And Lived To Age 84
"Research suggests that the people who have 'good luck' are just being more aware of their surroundings, making smart decisions based on current conditions, and actually 'believe' that good things will happen for them. That's a positive bias in our favor—we look for the good, so we're more likely to see it."
Two Brothers Won The Lottery On The Same Day
Wasps Made A Nest On My Anti-Wasps Spray Bottle
Perfectly Placed Web
Redditor Was Involved In A Hit And Run, But The Idiot Left Their Plate In Their Wheel
I Got A Pic Of My BF Falling Off A Floaty And Just Realized There Was A Guy Falling Off A Boat At The Same Time
This Fish Just Fell Out Of The Sky At The Dog Park - Dropped At My Feet By A Bald Eagle
One Of Our Chickens Just Laid A Jumbo Egg With Another Egg Inside
Truck Goes Over Bridge, Is Saved By Safety Chains Hooked Up To RV
Oh man, my life would have flashed before my eyes! And my pants would have flash flooded.
I Unintentionally Smudged KFC Grease On A Reciept, Revealing A Redback Spider From An Ad On The Other Side. Heart Missed A Beat When I Took It From My Wallet
Evergreen Truck Getting Stuck In A Highway In China In The Same Way As It Happened For The Ship In The Suez Canal
some of these are downright trippy, like how did they even happen?
Aliens 👾, the answer is always aliens. Well, at least according to the History Channel.
Load More Replies...What will I do to appreciate Lord Bubuza? I contacted him after reading comments on the internet about his lottery spell. So many people thanked him for casting a lottery spell and revealing the lottery winning numbers to them which they played and won the lottery jackpot. I showed my husband the testimonies I read about lord Bubuza spell and he insisted that we give it a TRY. I spoke to lord Bubuza for help to win the LOTTERY, he requested my name and some information and said he needs them to cast a lottery spell to reveal the lottery winning numbers. I doubted Again but my husband said GO AHEAD so I provided the information and his requirements to cast the spell, after casting the spell he gave me some digit numbers and said it was revealed when casting the spell. I bought the ticket and played the numbers. I was shocked when I was announced the winner of $60 million from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), join me appreciate him via website: Lordbubuzamiraclework.com
What will I do to appreciate Lord Bubuza? I contacted him after reading comments on the internet about his lottery spell. So many people thanked him for casting a lottery spell and revealing the lottery winning numbers to them which they played and won the lottery jackpot. I showed my husband the testimonies I read about lord Bubuza spell and he insisted that we give it a TRY. I spoke to lord Bubuza for help to win the LOTTERY, he requested my name and some information and said he needs them to cast a lottery spell to reveal the lottery winning numbers. I doubted Again but my husband said GO AHEAD so I provided the information and his requirements to cast the spell, after casting the spell he gave me some digit numbers and said it was revealed when casting the spell. I bought the ticket and played the numbers. I was shocked when I was announced the winner of $60 million from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), join me appreciate him via website: Lordbubuzamiraclework.com.
some of these are downright trippy, like how did they even happen?
Aliens 👾, the answer is always aliens. Well, at least according to the History Channel.
Load More Replies...What will I do to appreciate Lord Bubuza? I contacted him after reading comments on the internet about his lottery spell. So many people thanked him for casting a lottery spell and revealing the lottery winning numbers to them which they played and won the lottery jackpot. I showed my husband the testimonies I read about lord Bubuza spell and he insisted that we give it a TRY. I spoke to lord Bubuza for help to win the LOTTERY, he requested my name and some information and said he needs them to cast a lottery spell to reveal the lottery winning numbers. I doubted Again but my husband said GO AHEAD so I provided the information and his requirements to cast the spell, after casting the spell he gave me some digit numbers and said it was revealed when casting the spell. I bought the ticket and played the numbers. I was shocked when I was announced the winner of $60 million from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), join me appreciate him via website: Lordbubuzamiraclework.com
What will I do to appreciate Lord Bubuza? I contacted him after reading comments on the internet about his lottery spell. So many people thanked him for casting a lottery spell and revealing the lottery winning numbers to them which they played and won the lottery jackpot. I showed my husband the testimonies I read about lord Bubuza spell and he insisted that we give it a TRY. I spoke to lord Bubuza for help to win the LOTTERY, he requested my name and some information and said he needs them to cast a lottery spell to reveal the lottery winning numbers. I doubted Again but my husband said GO AHEAD so I provided the information and his requirements to cast the spell, after casting the spell he gave me some digit numbers and said it was revealed when casting the spell. I bought the ticket and played the numbers. I was shocked when I was announced the winner of $60 million from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), join me appreciate him via website: Lordbubuzamiraclework.com.