They say you need a licence to own a dog but not to be a parent and that’s true. It’s also true that kids don’t come with an instruction manual. By modern, western standards I became a parent at the reasonably young age of 21. I was so naive. I also felt like I didn’t have a plan beyond “the opposite of anything Mum did” (and yes I learned not to judge her so harshly once reality set in but that woman had her moments!). I fumble through parenthood with my fingers crossed and the hope that my kids can survive me!

Nasty Little Critters is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek reflection of childhood and parenthood. With the passing of several family members and my children reaching adulthood I find myself reflecting both on the sweet highlights and the painful losses of family relationships. As I embark on this new chapter in my life, I’m happy to poke a little fun at my past.

Most of the main characters in this series are toys from both my and my children’s childhood, albeit a little altered! There are also items from my parents and siblings. These images represent the darker side of how we feel about those we love unconditionally and those who we know intimately through shared history. We are all nasty little critters!

You can also see my previous works here and here.

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    Sugar & Spice

    Frogs & Snails

    Bad Bunny


    Monty’s Picnic

    The Creation Process