Last Friday, October 7th, the Comic Con Fest In New York City was home to some pretty amazing cosplays. The highlight this year? Rebecca Lindsay’s awe-inspiring Mystique cosplay.

Mystique is a supervillain from X-Men who has the ability to shapeshift. Her natural appearance is blue skin and red hair. “Making it was tough and I totally had my mom sew me into the thing and help glue on the sequins,” Lindsay told Cosplay In America. “I used an army costume from Ebay and a cheapo body suit from Amazon. We just cut off the extra and sewed the uniform on top of the blue. The sequins helped cover up all the seems. I also used two wigs and sewed those things together (so tough!!!) and sprayed the mystique hair bright red.”

Jody Houser photographed and posted a photo of Lindsay’s Mystique costume on Instagram on the second day of NYCC, and it has gone viral since – within a few hours the photo had made its way to sites such as Imgur, Reddit, Twitter, and beyond. Check it out below!

More info: Facebook (h/t: mashable, cosplayinamerica)