It can be anything, cars included!
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I Inherited My Great Great Grandmother’s Autograph Booklet That All Her Schoolmates Wrote In.
This Doll Was Made By My Grandma For My Mom (Its In Pretty Good Condition Except For The Thread That Holds The Head To The Body Is Loose)
I Also Have An Old Wooden Chest From My Great Grandparents As A Heirloom. I Use It To Hold The Precious Gemstones I Find.
This Gone With The Wind Book, Published 1936 Bought For .25 Cents.
Great-Grandmother's Chanel No5 With Original Perfume. Unsure How Old, But I've Had It Since The 80's
Wow! i have a feeling it might be older than the Titanic!(since it was your great grandmothers, and you gto it in the 80s' so she might have been around 80 yr old then, right?)
The Original Wedding Photo Of My Grandparents, In The Original Frame. January 30, 1927.
My 1984 Panasonic Radio
This Is A Small Change Purse My Great-Granddad Bought His Girlfriend.
My "Woods Illustrated Natural History" Copyright 1886 By J. L. Blamire. It Was In My Grandma's House And I Thought It Looked Really Cool And She Gave It To Me
My Car, Almost 20 Years Old
Teddy Bear On The Left Is 25 Years Old
awww! I have a stuffed rabbit named Peeps that was my dads. but that's not bad, especially for a stuffed animal!
Antique Cast Iron Fire Starter Pot
My Late Grandmother’s Book Of Classical Music Vinyl Records And Composer Biographies, Google Says It’s From 1958
My camera quality is bad... But the oldest item in my possession is an 1962 D penny
oh your fine! that's pretty cool! (my oldest penny is 1946 I think, but there's barely anything left, since the silver corroded.)
Load More Replies...My camera quality is bad... But the oldest item in my possession is an 1962 D penny
oh your fine! that's pretty cool! (my oldest penny is 1946 I think, but there's barely anything left, since the silver corroded.)
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