My Summer In Sweden Was Surreal, And Here Are 14 Photos That Prove My Point
My name is Lillwihlen and I like to capture special moments with my iPhone and publish them on Instagram.
Sometimes I add a surreal/comic twist to my photos or use a forced perspective. Here’s a few examples from my summer in Sweden.
More info: Instagram
Let’s alter the horizon!
“The magic is inside you. There ain’t no crystal ball”
“Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…”
“When feeling low, it’s time to sew!”
“Always make sure your heart is bigger than your head.”
Paranormal day at the beach
Take me to the sea
“May your life be like toilet paper. Long and useful!”
South of Sweden by night = crops and twilight!
Keep your oceans close, but your waves closer.
Golden sunsets are AU-some.
For good luck. Catch a ladybird!
AirForced Perspective.
After the holiday, it’s time to wash up!
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