This story begins in one of the most popular and important party streets in Paris, France – the Rue Oberkampf.

Located in the 11th district, between the Place de la Republique and Bastille, the Rue Oberkampf is very well known for it’s eclectic bars open until 7am, cheap crepes, endless drink choices and a infinite variety of international food. From Lebanese to Vietnamese, Thai to Turkish, French to American – you name it.

I happen to live there and while I make great food too, invite people over all the time and recreate the same street atmosphere pretty much every single day/night in my flat- I take decent pictures too!

I woke up today (a Saturday), still tipsy from the wine that I drank yesterday night whilst working on my projects and saw clearly the mess I have left on postpone for nearly 3 days.

This is, ladies and gentlemen, my little Parisian flat.