My sister’s just married. I was her primar hotographer, but there was more people, who takes a pictures. One of theese pictures she posted to me and asked me to edit it, deleted that fence and put some “nonclonflict” background.

So I did my best. Im not a photoshop master, so she knows, that I cant do miracles.

First of all I get rid of that fence, well i put some bushes to camuflage it. But then I decided to make some fun from it. I add demilitarized zone between South and North Korea like “nonconflicted background.”… She didn’t like it :D.

Ok, stop with this play. That photo was not a great quality, I know that everything I could do, would look weird, but i tried to add some nice bacgroud from our city park in Marienbad.

She said that “the romace is litteraly pisses from this picture.”, so whe didn’t like it either.

Well, I tried something a little more decent, by just clonning that tree background from the picture and also adds more bushes, so it would look more “realistic”.

“Did we just jump the Taxis Ditch from Pardubicka Steeplechase?” she said.

I gave up… I tried my best, I really did. So I postet her my last piece of work… At least, Im on one of the wedding photo now :D. I was her official photographer, so I don’t have any photo with her from her wedding day…


    Original photo, she want me to edit

    She said Nonconflicted background, demiliratized zone in Korea is the most “nonconflicted” place I know :D.

    She said that “the romace is litteraly pisses from this picture.”


    “Did we just jump the Taxis Ditch from Pardubicka Steeplechase?” she said.

    Well take that you ungrateful sister!!!

    my photo from her wedding day