Twelve years ago, a little brown puppy came into my life and changed it forever. He has been my first dog and together we have gone on life’s journey taking on challenges and hardships during these tough times. He has made me a better person for it, and we were put to the test when we lost our home in a forest fire last summer.

Now that he has reached his elder years and slowed down, I decided to share our relationship to show the love and devotion a senior dog has and how it should be treasured not discarded when it is inconvenient.

There are far too many dogs in shelters and for a dog to be left by their family, regardless of the reason, to die at a shelter is beyond sad, so I created a Facebook page about him and the joy he brings to me and those that meet him.

Buster is a mix breed -unconfirmed mix of beagle, pug, corgi, and American Eskimo and weighs in at 31 pounds. His hearing and sight is diminished to some extent, his legs have stiffened up causing him to walk and waddle slowly and has trouble jumping up on furniture or a bed. He has always had plenty of attitude and that has not changed now that he is old and grey. He still chases cats and squirrels and keeps a German Shepherd in line. .

More info: Facebook