My Neighbor Totoro is a classic anime movie brought to life by the one and only Studio Ghibli. Written by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki, the film tells the story of two young girls—Satsuki and Mei—who move into a house in the country together with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. The sisters discover that the nearby forest is home to a magical creature called Totoro, whom they soon befriend and have magical adventures together.

Though it was released back in 1988, the famous anime film hasn’t lost any of its appeal as Studio Ghibli is known for its hard commitment to artistry, designing anime characters, and empathetic storytelling. The films are loved not only by children, as every adult can find something there for themselves, too.

Therefore, with My Neighbor Totoro being so wildly admired and loved, it probably comes as no surprise that there’s a real-life replica of Satsuki and Mei’s house open for visitors (well, not at this particular moment, probably). Scroll down below to see the exterior and interior design photos of the house, as compared to the animated movie.

Have you ever visited Satsuki and Mei’s house in real life? Tell us in the comments below—we’re eager to hear your impressions!

More info: Trip Advisor


    In Nagakute, Japan, you can visit a real-life version of the house from My Neighbor Totoro

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    The animation powerhouse Studio Ghibli are known for depicting real-life things in careful detail. And this house in Nagakute has successfully depicted one of the most famous movies from Studio Ghibli—My Neighbor Totoro. Originally, it was built in 2005 as part of the 2005 World’s Fair. That year, the theme for the 185-day event was “Nature’s Wisdom.” Out of many international pavilions, this full-scale replica of the 1950s house from the beloved 1988 animation stood out the most and was crowd’s favorite.


    Which looks nearly identical to the one seen in the animated movie

    Image credits: geekologie

    The interior is well-thought out

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    And even the smallest details were taken into consideration when building it

    Image credits: geekologie

    The house includes the father’s study room

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    That’s full of books and all sorts of papers

    Image credits: unknown

    Even the lampshade is a bit crooked


    Image credits: Studio Ghibli


    The house, located in Aichi Commemorative Park, was actually designed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son Goro, who happens to make films, too. However, due to copyright issues, Totoro never actually appears in the park, despite an uncanny resemblance to the mascot of the exposition. Although the World’s Fair of 2005 ended fifteen years ago (oh my god), in 2006, the house was re-opened for the public to visit.

    Just like it’s supposed to be

    Image credits: geekologie

    The closets and dressers in the house are filled with clothes and other items shown in the movie

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    The kitchen is equipped with a cooker, ladles, and other utensils


    Image credits: geekologie

    While the windows and walls are also a spitting image of the animation

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    And the interiors perfectly recreate Japanese home life from the mid to late 50’s

    Image credits: geekologie

    Visitors to Satsuki and Mei’s house are welcomed to explore the space freely by looking inside the closets, drawers, and chests (just like the two sisters in the film did upon arriving at the house.) While there are some rules regarding taking pictures, people say the house is compulsory to visit for every Ghibli geek out there.

    In the real-life replica of the house, visitors can explore the space freely

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    And go through the closets, drawers, and chests


    Image credits: geekologie

    There’s a well outside the house in the animated film

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    Which is replicated in real-life as well

    Image credits: geekologie

    Should you ever decide to visit Nagakute city in Japan

    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    Make sure to book a reservation at Satsuki and Mei’s house

    Image credits: geekologie

    To feel the Totoro magic


    Image credits: Studio Ghibli

    They say that you can really feel the Ghibli magic there!

    Image credits: geekologie

    “We visited Nagoya because of the Totoro house,” one woman on Trip Advisor writes. “It was lovely and we brought our Totoro (bought many years ago from Hokkaido) along. The shaky pillar, the pail with a hole, the bathtub, the well… all little room decor details like books, toys, schoolbag, furniture are well taken care of. It seems like the sisters will be running around the house or laughing out in the bathtub. Even the tap is working. And we can pump water from the well. We can touch everything and open every drawer.” Seems like a dream, right?