Post pics of your bunnies if you're a bunny parent!
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Misty & Belle
The Mighty (Small) Samson
It's not clear in this picture, but lil man has a mullet- the fur on the back of his neck is as long as his ears.
Sexy Rexy Saffron!
Not Really My Bunny, But There's Lots Of Rabbits In My Garden, And I Think Of Them As My Bunnies—or Maybe They Think Of Me As Their Human In A House-Like Enclosure! :)
That is one chilled out bun. I think your buns are okay with you around, OP
This Is Our Massive Unit, Kuro. No Bananas But A Stalk Of Broccoli For Scale
Dupsy On Her Way To The Vet
My Lil Bunny
Marble - Loving Beach Life
Peggy And Freddie
Our Buns, L-To-R, Piglet, Toad, Forrest
Parsley My Rabbit 8 Years Old
Our Cuties Steve, Lexi And Daisy
He Has Good Humor
Lovely. I lost all my buns so long ago I don't have decent pics of them. Not ones that would stand up to modern screens, at least. But thank you all for sharing. Hopefully I will be in a position to be a bun mum again one day and share then
Lovely. I lost all my buns so long ago I don't have decent pics of them. Not ones that would stand up to modern screens, at least. But thank you all for sharing. Hopefully I will be in a position to be a bun mum again one day and share then