Today is World Mental Health Day! This topic is very near to my heart, and I believe it deserves a larger part of our digital conversations.

The US is one of the most affected countries with a disorder that can be supported and even prevented through greater kindness and empathy.

The statistics show the demand for more conversations around mental health is necessary!

Major depressive disorder affects approximately 17.3 million American adults.

Major depressive disorder is more prevalent in women than in men.

1.9 million children, 3 – 17, have been diagnosed with depression.

Those of us who live with depression and anxiety develop limiting beliefs about our mental health, making it harder to cope.

As we struggle to keep our heads above water, these limiting beliefs chip away at our sense of self and ability to cope.

We can develop these beliefs from the people around us, from the cultures we live in, and from the woundedness within us.

The good news is we do not have to choose to live in this space. There are many ways to better our minds.

As a survivor of both depression and anxiety, I know there is light after the release of limiting beliefs. When we show up for ourselves with more kindness, and understanding, and less demand on the need for perfection; joy, happiness, and enlightenment fill the space limiting beliefs use to take up.


When we are no longer silent, the beliefs we allowed others to define, and the control we let it have over us, cease to have a place in our hearts and mind. Color returns to the world. Hope comes back. Confidence shows up again, and there is a new day to breathe and be your best self.

The creation of this shoot is needed. A visual voice gets to continue this conversation. We get to experience positive mental health to the point it is contagious. EVERYONE deserves to feel the beauty of overcoming the darkest parts of our minds.

I am excited to continue this conversation!


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