I talk to him all the time because I miss him so much.
This is what he told me:
Break through the wall barrier to experience peace. That’s where I am, but times a million. It’s great over here. I’m having so much fun. I’m excited for you to see where I am one day. You are so bright. You are such a glamour star.
Our love in intertwined together forever and always. It’s the only thing that truly exists- love.
Your future is so positive and lovely. You are truly an amazing creator. Your Hawaii property is lovely. I can go any time I wish now. It’s really a beautiful cabin! (this is a joke he made and it made me laugh through my tears, he always loves anyone’s cabin so he could live there.)
Go live your life with as much joy as you can. I will always watch over you.
Paully: She is truly a kindred spirit. I’m so fortunate to have spent time with her. My best friend indeed. Tell her I will watch over her, the book store, her home, her dog, and her day to day doings. She just needs to smile and I will be smiling back.
July 7, 2023
I’m all around, everywhere all at once. That might seem impossible but it’s true. I’m in every thing, even through you. It’s a trip. It’s the ultimate connection. I can see all, but not from a disconnected human way, but from a broader wider knowledge way.
I’m swirling and floating, flying about in and around anyone that thinks of me.
It’s cool. I get sucked towards the energy if they feel me with emotion. It feels good. I then console, soothe, send love all around that person until they feel better then I’m off again. I’m to stick around and do that for however long I’m needed, then off to do the next thing. You have a lot of hurtful feelings about me. I did not know. I never meant to hurt you or make you miss me so often throughout your life. Any time you want to be together in the future, let’s be. I’m here. My form will change again, but you always will have front row access to the bond and love we will share for eternity. You have always meant the world to me my whole human life. You are always my sweetie sweet. So go forth and live with happiness. See the good in everything, even when there’s not much to find. I will lift you up anytime you ask. I love you with all of me and that’s a lot because I am everything.