I’m Addie, I live in Germany but my family, my family is stuck in Wuhan, China.
First, a little back story:
My dad, moved to Wuhan over 10 years ago for work, there he met his (now) wife, Nana. 10 years later and now they have 2 kids, my siblings, Liam (6 years old) and Emily (3 years old)
It’s been over a month since the Corona Virus outbreak in their very own city, Wuhan, and over *3 weeks* since they have been stuck in their home, without any option to leave, not even to go downstairs and take a walk in their neighborhood. (a few corona cases were discovered in their neighborhood, one even in their building and every since then no one is allowed to enter nor leave.)
I am a big, proud introvert so the idea of being stuck at my home for days doesn’t sounds so bad to me… But imagine being stuck for over 21 days in the very same place, without the option to see your friends or even strangers, without the option the get a break. Well, this is the life of my family currently, and although i’m not a parent, being stuck for so long with 2 very energetic kids that enjoy fighting more than they enjoy playing with each other, sounds like a nightmare.
***And here’s the part where I actually talk about the filter:***
Living in a different continent, in a completely different time zone, doesn’t allow me to do much but to try keep up with them on a daily basis… And at this point, they’re getting frustrated, there’s no “due date” to the lockdown, let alone the virus.. and the kids? they are slowly losing it, they’re scared and tired and over it.
And so, I decided to put for a good use the latest thing I’ve learned to do, making filters for instagram. First, I took this whole “which …. are you” trend and made it into a little game, personalized for them, as they really enjoyed it, I’ve made another one, this time, I took the same concept and used all kind of positive sayings to keep their spirit up…
I might not be able to find a cure for this virus (sorry mom and dad, I’ll never be a scientist or a doctor.) And I can’t be there physically to hug them or hold their hand. But I’ve found a simple way to put a smile upon their faces and maybe keep their hope a little longer and i’m so grateful for that (oh, and for the vpn.)
More info: Instagram
Nana, one of the strongest people i know.
Nana, one of the strongest people I know, taking care of 2 little “monsters” in the middle of this whole Coronavirus chaos.
My brother Liam, playing with the filter for the first time.
Liam staying positive.
Emily (3) playing with the filter
Well, she can’t read but she still likes to play with the filter..
I added another message on the filter and wrote “Lots of love, Big Sister”.
in China, that’s how refer to me.
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