The “My Fall Plans Vs. The Delta Variant” Is The Saddest, Most Relevant Meme On The Internet Right Now
Just when it seems like we've contained the pandemic, it comes back with a roundhouse kick to our groins.
The Delta variant continues to spread across the U.S. and around the world. Modeling shows that it now accounts for more than 90 percent of new infections, ccording to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
No wonder. The CDC estimates that Delta can be as infectious as chickenpox and only slightly less contagious than measles, which is considered one of the most transmissible viruses.
"The delta variant is showing every day its willingness to outsmart us and to be an opportunist in areas where we have not shown a fortified response against it," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Walensky said in July.
All of this gave rise to a new meme, called "My Fall plans Vs. the Delta variant" - a painful but relatable and funny take on the ambitious new strain.
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My mum collects tins. Nothing is ever as advertised, but they do look lovely!
Delta is very effective; for every person that the original variant would have infected, delta infects three people. A part of the reason why it's so much more contagious is because an infected person with the delta variant carries 1,000 times more virus than they would have with the original strain.
But that's not all. General practitioner, medical researcher, and founder of PrimeHealth Clinical Research, Iris Gorfinkel, M.D., told Bored Panda that many call delta almost a different disease because of the way it seems to affect children.
"One recent study suggested that long Covid with its ongoing symptoms is a very serious problem for children and that it should not be underestimated," Gorfinkel said.
Weird Science. She (Kelly LeBrock) is the product of bringing a barbie doll to life. The green thing is Chet, the brother, and what she did to him for being horrible and a bully.
Load More Replies...Most people who catch Covid-19 don't fall severely ill and get better relatively quickly. But a significant number of people have had long-term problems after recovering from the virus - even if they weren't very ill in the first place. That's long Covid.
Guidance for UK health workers describes long covid as symptoms continuing for more than 12 weeks after an infection - severe or mild - and can't be explained by another cause.
According to the NHS, symptoms include:
- extreme tiredness;
- shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain or tightness;
- problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog");
- changes to taste and smell;
- joint pain.
A study by University College London (UCL), identified 200 symptoms affecting 10 organ systems in people with long Covid, at higher levels than in people who were fully recovered.
They include hallucinations, insomnia, hearing and vision changes, short-term memory loss, and speech and language issues. Others have also reported gastro-intestinal and bladder problems, changes to periods, and skin conditions.
How severe these symptoms are varies, but they're definitely not something you'd like to be stuck with yourself or see your loved ones battle.
Gorfinkel said that depending on which study you read, up to 30% of children can be affected by long Covid. "Other estimates are much lower than that. But in any case, even if it's 5% (the traditional number was said with previous variances to have been around 10%), what's frightening is that delta is affecting children whereas with other variants, it was mainly adults who comprised long Covid."
Long story short, the Delta variant changes the game. And it very well might change our Fall plans too.
duolingo has found yet another way to remind me to do my daily course!!!!!
Julie Andrews - incredibly talented and a superstar. But not a diva and certainly not the delta option.
I think most intelligent people saw this coming. The anti maskers and vaxers are stupid but I think we are too. We have listened and obeyed politicians during a pandemic they have no medical background, don't be saying that they have medical advisors guiding them. They choose to tell us what they think will make us happy or the large corporations they are in league with. If we had had a proper lockdown on the first go- round and the proper maintenance of the gradual reopening with safeguards in place we would not be in this deadly fix!!!!!!!!!!!!
All it takes is 2 vaccinations and you can live your life in freedom. It's quite sad that a minority of utter serpents is actively blocking every possibility to get out of this situation. "I'd rather die than give up my freedom and constitutional rights." Well point is, that your freedom and constitutional rights won't cure you nor the people you've infected with a deadly disease. Makes a nice epitaph on your headstone though: "I fought for my freedom and my rights. Now I have none, lying in my coffin that's too tight."
Vaccinated people can still get it, get sick, and pass it around. Fact, not fiction.
Load More Replies...I've seen "the kool-aid guy" mentioned on here a few times. Yankee thing?
Load More Replies...No. Because YOUR choice to not vaccinate or wear a mask impacts other people. It’s not the same.
Load More Replies...I think most intelligent people saw this coming. The anti maskers and vaxers are stupid but I think we are too. We have listened and obeyed politicians during a pandemic they have no medical background, don't be saying that they have medical advisors guiding them. They choose to tell us what they think will make us happy or the large corporations they are in league with. If we had had a proper lockdown on the first go- round and the proper maintenance of the gradual reopening with safeguards in place we would not be in this deadly fix!!!!!!!!!!!!
All it takes is 2 vaccinations and you can live your life in freedom. It's quite sad that a minority of utter serpents is actively blocking every possibility to get out of this situation. "I'd rather die than give up my freedom and constitutional rights." Well point is, that your freedom and constitutional rights won't cure you nor the people you've infected with a deadly disease. Makes a nice epitaph on your headstone though: "I fought for my freedom and my rights. Now I have none, lying in my coffin that's too tight."
Vaccinated people can still get it, get sick, and pass it around. Fact, not fiction.
Load More Replies...I've seen "the kool-aid guy" mentioned on here a few times. Yankee thing?
Load More Replies...No. Because YOUR choice to not vaccinate or wear a mask impacts other people. It’s not the same.
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