I was 23 years old and wasting my life away, and at nearly 200 lbs I didn’t even recognise my own reflection. The last five years were spent drinking every weekend, eating anything I could get my hands on and spending every evening locked in my room playing the Xbox.

I tried to figure out what had happened to me. I blamed everything on everyone else until I realized only I could change my life! I decided to write a list of the things to do to get myself out of this rut.It started off small like climbing a hill or dying my hair pink.

The satisfaction gained from crossing something off gave me an idea. The bucket list! I wanted no regrets. Over the last three years I have been working my way through the list completing many items such as sky diving, swimming with sharks, flying a plane, going in a submarine and many more. The more new experiences I had the more my life changed!

More info:


    Leaving school at 15 due to bullies my confidence was low and so were my grades

    Later, I felt like wasting my life away, and at nearly 200 lbs I didn’t even recognise my own reflection


    I blamed everything on everyone else until I realized only I could change my life

    I stopped drinking, ran my first 5k, climbed hills

    I left a job I hated, finally gained some qualifications

    The more I got out the more energy I had

    Through all of this I had lost 45lbs!


    I moved in with my boyfriend who became my husband


    I was finally happy again!

    I still have so many life experiences, and bucket list items to cross off

    These are the things that changed me for the happy person I am today