My Animated Sitcom About A Jazz-Playing Cow Who Reluctantly Leads A Group Of Musicians, Poets And Misfits (5 Pics)
In the last few years, we’ve had a steady diet of TV shows and films based on books, games, toys, comics, sequels, and reboots. Want to know why? It's what gets commissioned. It's what the data told the boffins in HQ. The same data that has got us all hooked on phones.
What's the solution, a Jazz playing cow of course! Completely original like a just like Jazz solo! This cow and his misfit friends are fighting the algorithm. I assumed my own misfit team of working shows like Rick and Morty, Miranda, Epic Micky, Animanicas, Castlevania, Jojo, and Gran Gran. Actors who have been a spitting image, Sex Education, Curb your enthusiasm. And a soundtrack by world-class Jazz musicians from the exciting UK Jazz scene Robert Mitchell, Dominic J Marshall, Heidi Vogel, and LayFullstop.
Will you be part of Jazz Cow’s resistance?
We need your help to finish the task
So, let’s get this revolution televised!
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