Sometimes, animals have extra limbs or body parts caused by unique genes. (examples: two heads, an extra leg, etc.) Not only are these things insane and cool, they can be really cute too! Here are 12 of the cutest and coolest animals with these extra genes.


    #1: Medusa, the Two Headed Snake.

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    Most two-headed snakes only live for a few months, though some have been reported to live a full life and even reproduced, with the offspring born normal. Medusa has two hearts, which also would normally cause a shortened life.

    #2: Lucky the Two Headed Calf, born on a Farm in Kentucky

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    Lucky was born with two faces, which is even more rare than two heads. Unlike some creatures, both faces were functional but not separate beings.
    Lucky unfortunately died at 108 days, still setting a record for two headed cattle.

    #3: A woman caught this two-mouthed fish in Lake Champlain, New York


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    #4: Rare Form of Two Headed Turtle found in Cuba

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    Many turtles have been found with multi-headed genes, but this form is quite rare (the two heads both come out from the front of the shell in most cases)

    #5: Dog named Toad adopted in Oklahoma

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    Toad was the first recorded case of a dog with an extra mouth. The second mouth (the one where the ear should be) has no jaw, so it serves no purpose, although the owner reports it salivates sometimes.

    #6: Narwhal the Dog, Born With an Extra Tail on its Forehead


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    There have been several cases of two-tailed dogs, but Narwhal was the first recorded case with a tail on their face.
    The tail does not function, but the owner claims “I was going to name him wipers if the tail wagged”

    #7: Two-Faced Cat named “Biscuits and Gravy”, born in Oregon


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    The owner calls it just Biscuits for short.

    #8: Rare Dog Breed that is Born with Split Noses

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    There are many cases of dogs being born with two noses. But the Andean Tiger Hound is so special because the dogs are always born like this, and the two noses act as one.

    #9: Two Headed Goat born on Farm


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    #10: Two-Headed Baby Shark found off the Indian Coast

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    #11: Ajeeb the Five-Legged Cat

    #12: Another Two-Headed Snake, found in Virginia