47 Of The Best History Memes For Anyone Wanting To Learn More About Our Past
It's a universal truth that a school subject is as interesting as its teacher or the materials they provide. Take history, for example. Memorizing dead people's names, distant places, and so many dates; at the wrong hands, it can become quite boring.
But at the right ones, it becomes a valuable tool, showing how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures, and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. Not only does this knowledge make people more rounded, but it also inspires and accelerates one's critical thinking, a skill that transfers to every intellectual pursuit.
Plus, it can also be fun! We at Bored Panda expanded on our earlier list and put together a new collection of the best history memes on the internet.
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Nestlé Biting Their Tongue
It Really Do Be Like That
Those Cows Are Beautiful
Canadians Are So Nice
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!
Home Of KFC’s Secret Recipe
Effective & Efficient
Fashion Is A Matter Of Historical Perspective
The Strike Was Truly An Up And Down Kind Of Affair
'look Who's Laughing Now, Pierre!'
Like Father Like Son
Funny How Pop Culture Can Change How We Remember History
You Know, I'm Something Of A Philosopher Myself
Anyone Know Her Of?
Alice Roosevelt with her dog Leo. She smoked cigarettes in public, chewed gum, placed bets with bookies, rode in cars with men, stayed out late partying, and kept a pet snake named Emily Spinach, which she often wore wrapped around one arm and took to parties. Her father President Theodore Roosevelt once said of her “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.” 1902.