Alex Pick brings Disney back in the most unexpected ways. Last time, the German artist, known to his 123k followers on Instagram as apicollodraws, 'humanimalized' Disney's universe by turning our favorite animal characters into humans and the other way around in his spot-on illustrations. This time, Pick took his creative ideas around Disney fanart in another direction and drew mashups of Disney and Hollywood. He replaced stars in the posters of iconic movies and a few TV series with Disney characters. Have you ever wondered which princesses would play Mean Girls, who would be able to replace Jack and Rose in Titanic, or who would be able to pull off the emotional Brokeback Mountain? Pick has you covered and reimagined them all. Find out how he got this idea and how the series came to life in an interview with the artist below!

Comment down below if you agree with these poster transformations and share your own ideas! As usual, don't forget to upvote your favorite illustrations!

More info: Instagram


    Alex Pick was inspired by other artists who supply us with regular Disney content and put his own twist on it to create this series of reimagined posters.

    "I saw some other artists doing mashups of historical art with Disney characters or music videos with Disney Princesses instead of Britney Spears or Ariana Grande! So I thought it would be fun to do these crossovers with movies and movie posters!!! And there is an unlimited amount of stuff I can choose from," Pick told Bored Panda.

    The artist admits he can draw inspiration from everyday life, anything as mundane as something seen on TV or on the streets, and because of his "big imagination" and a fair share of talent, he is able to turn these ideas into art.


    Pick's reimagined posters are never random; he carefully selects characters that would replace the actors perfectly or looks for humorous ways of transforming the original.

    "Normally, I check the physical and visual appeal of the existing characters in the poster and check which Disney character would fit the best! But sometimes it’s more or less a simple joke behind the story which makes it even funnier or absurd! For example, the Snow Fiction (Pulp Fiction) or the Forest Gump with Kronk."

    The artist says the time spent on each illustration depends on the characters and details involved and can take up to 8 hours to complete. This was the case with a more complex poster, The Greatest Showman/Snowman.

    His favorite piece so far is the poster of A Star Is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper replaced with Tarzan and Jane because of "the purity of it and the soft color scheme."


    We asked Pick what's so special about Disney: "I've been a Disney fan since my childhood and I love this content! It’s a magical artistic work full of fun adventures and the style and characters bring me so much joy."

    124k followers on Instagram share this joy and love for Disney with the artist.

    "My motivation is to share what I love to do with other people who might love this too or at least put a little smile on someone’s face!"


    "The most challenging thing to me is to get enough time to draw because sometimes, it’s hard not to draw, but necessary to take breaks and reset and relax. The most rewarding is when people write me personal messages that they love my art or that they have laughed a lot or that it brightens their days. I absolutely love to read these messages," Pick shared the struggles and rewarding moments of his artistic journey. Although he meets hate online (who doesn't), he doesn't let negative comments affect his life.

    As a child who has been drawing since he could hold a pencil, he dreamed of working for Disney and having a spot in the credits of the biggest movies and his dream has come true on a local level so far. Besides illustrating Disney fanart for our entertainment in his free time, Pick proudly works as a designer for an animation studio in Germany.


    "I think the proudest moment was when I first saw my name in the credits of an animation movie on the big screen," the artist recollects the proudest moment of his career.

    We asked Pick to give a piece of advice to any upcoming artist who dreams of making it in the industry, and although he said he is not good at giving advice, the answer he gave works perfectly for most of us, even those who don't have any ambitions of becoming artists.

    "Try to find something that brings you joy no matter what, that inspires you to go on and be creative every day and minute! Take breaks and don’t take everything too seriously because life is serious enough! Have fun and stay magical!"



    apicollodraws Report

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    Jayne Kyra
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The book is terribly inaccurate and the geisha it was based on sued the author. He changed things and listed her as acknowledgment in the book, which caused awful backlash. Mineko Iwasaki wrote her own book later that is better than this tripe.

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    apicollodraws Report

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    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why the RiverDale version? They butchered the original!

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    apicollodraws Report

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