“My Forehead Is Still A Little Sore From That Face Palm”: 50 People Spoiled Beyond Reason
Talking to someone vaguely out of touch can be almost amusing at times, it’s like looking into a parallel universe. Some folks have the strangest assumptions, misunderstandings, or “princess and the pea-style” gripes about life.
But a few unlucky netizens have met people so comically entitled, spoiled, and out of touch that it almost beggars belief. So prepare yourself to read some downright infuriating stories, get comfortable, and be sure to upvote your favorites. Don’t forget to comment your own experiences and thoughts below.
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I grew up with a rich girl who never had a realistic view of the world. Her wedding gift from her parents was a $500k house built to her specifications. The house took a year (maybe two) to build, and during that time she and her husband lived at her parents' mansion. They had an entire floor to themselves. It was about 2,000 square feet and it consisted of a kitchen, two bedrooms, a rec area, etc.
Did she realize how good she had it? Of course not. She spent the entire time lamenting on Facebook about how "hard" it was to be "homeless".
That was a few years ago. She still posts "as someone who used to be homeless..." comments while sitting in her fancy, custom-built $500k house.
The only reason I haven't unfollowed her yet is because she's like a train wreck that's impossible to look away from.
Don't you hate when you have to pick up your feet all by yourself so the maid can vacuum there? There should really be a foot picker upper.
Two instances, one from each of my brothers. The first, my older brother stole money (around $700) from my parents and hid it at a friends house, hoping nobody would notice and they could buy an Xbox. When confronted (both by my parents and the cops) he said "it's fine- we're rich so it doesn't matter". No, we aren't.
Then, my younger brother is being sent on an all-expenses paid first class trip for two weeks to spend time with his friends across the country. He threw an actual honest to god fit because one of the stipulations is that he needed to spend a few days with our grandparents while he was out there. My 17 year old brother was screaming and crying because he didn't want to spend two days with our grandparents who literally would go and give anything for us, who have done nothing but love us to pieces, who are too old to come visit us and haven't seen him in two years.
I don't yell much, so imagine his surprise when I sit him down and scream at him for being an entitled piece of shit.
My wife's friend.
Her husband bought her a puppy, spend probably $600 on the actual dog, training, food, toys, etc.
He is the one that took it outside to pee, fed it, took it on walks, etc. Pretty much did everything to take care of it.
She throws an absolute ballistic fit because the puppy likes him more. Stopped wearing her wedding ring, changed all her profile pictures to not include her husband, etc.
Total spoiled b***h.
Guy from my old school was gifted by his parents a 24,000 new sportcar. 2 months later he totalled it while texting. His parents bought him a new suv same price. Crashed it next month. Parents bought him a used POS for $2000. He ranted for months.
This kid sounds too dangerous to be on the road. At least one of those wrecks was absolutely his fault, and given his parent's reaction the second was his fault as well.
A girl I have known most of my life. Her parents treat her like she is the queen of England or something. Growing up, if there was a new toy out that she wanted, her parents bought her 5 (and if possible, in each color) because she would break her toys.
She had 2-3 bedrooms. One was big enough to be a studio apartment alone. Where did she sleep? Her parent's bedroom.
If she wanted to go somewhere, like Disney World, her parents dropped everything to start planning that vacation.
When she started driving, she had 3 new cars in 8 months. Not because she crashed them or they broke down, but because she just had to have the newest model. I think she is on her 15th car now.
Never has had a job. Her parents pay for her and now her son.
In school, she had a "tutor." I say it in quotes because the tutor just did her homework for her. I'm surprised she can even read and write, honestly. Although, reading her Facebook statuses shows me she can't write much better than my 9 year old.
The worst part was... if she didn't like someone, she had her parents do their best to try to ruin that person's life. She got her 7th grade teacher fired, claiming he was being inappropriate with her. He wasn't, he never was in a room with her alone. He was a kind, old man, but he didn't put up with her not doing her homework. He failed her in a few subjects. He was never charged or arrested or anything, no legal trouble from it, but the school did force him into retirement because they were scared.
One time I asked a girl in my class if she wanted an orange. She said yes and I handed her one. She asked what it was. I was a little confused. "It's an orange..." I said. She said, "No, oranges don't have this rough skin, they're just sections that you break apart" I was shocked and explained that it was the peel and all oranges had them. She said "Oh, I guess my butler has always peeled them for me" She was 16 at the time. The entire class was furious.
I think she was coddled a little to much, and its not entirely her fault. That being said, did not one ever show her a photo of an orange?
There was this girl in a class I had at the university that said she could not for the life of her understand how anyone could take a loan during their studies to pay for it all (at least here that is the most common way of doing it even though most people also work extra as well). She said people who did that are stupid and they make her sick.
So someone asked her how she does it and she said that her mom payed for her apartment, food, car, have fun money etc. Everyone basically just sat there with their mouths open in disbelief.
One time in elementary school my friend had a party for all the kids in the class and his mom ordered like 10 pizzas and when they arrived they were square cut. He threw a fit because he wanted triangles, so his mom threw the pizzas away and reordered new pizza.
Growing up my parents were never poor or even close to be considered poor by any standards. I had a friend in middle school whose family was insanely rich, and her mom was convinced we were dirt poor. She would always make comments about how sorry she was for me, and she knows how hungry I must be. But I was never poor, she was just absurdly rich. One day she calls my friend and I to the kitchen. She has two bowls of tortilla chips. She tells me to try one chip from both bowls. I do. I tell her something like "well those are tortilla chips." And her mom turns to my friend/her daughter "see that's why you don't want to end up like her parents, she can't taste the difference between brand name and generic!"
Imagine thinking you were too good for generic tortilla chips.
Imagine thinking there was a difference between brand and generic tortilla chips
My brother. He has this notion that because he's adopted our parents "owe him" forever. He treats them like garbage and they do all they can to help him and his son. He's a 27 year old man child and I can't stand him.
And in case anyone's curious, I'm adopted too though we're not related by blood. I love my parents and just see them as normal parents.
Wow. I got the opposite - my mom was always telling me that *I* should be grateful for being adopted XD I should have gone on OP's brother's tack and told her that SHE owes ME for adopting me! /s (though the first sentence is sadly true.)
When I was in high school, I was dating a guy whose family was relatively well to do. Living in the midwest, our winters were brutal, and this one was no exception. The pipes in his basement burst, filling the basement with sewage.
His darling mother (/s), instead of driving the few blocks to the nearby hotel, bought a last minute plane ticket to Denver to go to their condo and take a shower there, and immediately fly back home.
I wish I had money to spend as ridiculously stupidly as this woman did.
When you're a "problem" solver. When the problem is having to much money...
Myself, I was given a house and a car. Fancy stuff.
I don't deserve the help I get, and I tell you: I would rather have a tight-knit and loving family.
During one of my substitute teaching assignments, I had the joy of meeting the most spoiled teenage I had ever encountered before or since. Conrad was spoiled in a way only children of two rich divorced parents can be. Conrad was an only child whose parents used material goods and money to buy his affection.
On the first day of this particular sub-job, Conrad informed me he didn't have to do his work, he would just get his father to pay the teacher "a shitload of money" and he would get an A. I stated I didn't care what he did as long as he did not disturb his classmates and wrote his comments in my sub notes. He was placated for the day and dinked around on his cell phone until the period ended.
The second day really showed Conrad's true colors. The class was supposed to do group work and he was "working" with a group of his friends. He spent the work time continuously talking about how much he hated his mom because she bought him a used 2013 Ford Focus for his 16th birthday, instead of a brand-new BMW that he wanted. I made a comment that I would love if my parent gifted me a fairly new used vehicle, to which he commented, "Of course you would. You're a teacher and poor." I told him to get back to work and if I caught him off-task again, he would need to work alone. He was fine after that.
The third and final day of my assignment, Conrad was in an absolute tizzy about something his mother had done. Probably the BMW thing. Idk or care. What I did care about was that he kept commenting on how he was going to sabotage his mother's plane so "that b***h would fall out of the sky and die." I told him to rein in those comments as they were not appropriate for school and could get him in serious trouble. I left him with his group to continue work from the previous day.
Approxmately five minutes later, I hear nervous laughter coming from Conrad's group. He has his phone out and is showing the group something on it. I walked over and asked to see what was causing such a fuss. Conrad (the idiot) showed me his Snapchat story which consisted of a picture he took of his mother with an emoji gun pointed at her head and the text "Imma shoot dis b***h." I got to send him to the office, talk to the school social worker and the school resource officer. All because this kid didn't get a BMW and his parents couldn't be arsed to show him some actual love and affection for his entire life.
**TLDR: Kid didn't get a BMW and threatened to kill his "b***h" mother repeatedly.**
I saw a girl throw her brand new iphone on the ground to shatter the screen and get a new one because it wasn't the rose gold model.
My ex-girlfriend. She grew up in a really fancy town in Illinois called Evansville or something. We went to a really great sushi place, and she complained that the rice was too chewy and that they didn't know what authentic sushi tasted like. The sushi place. Owned by two elderly Japanese people who had lived in Okinawa for 30 years.
When I bought a new car, she complained all the time about how the seats weren't soft enough. B***h, those seats were like giant pillows!
We attended a friend's small party on a sports yacht in miami. She complained of the fish smell. We were on a f*****g yacht. On the ocean. It's going to smell like fish. I had to end things after that.
Girl I went to college whose parents paid her a 'salary' which was more than I earned in my job. She then used to tell her parents she needed extra money for course books and go spend it on booze. Her parents didn't want her to work because it would interfere with her studies. She got f****d up so much on booze and drugs that she ended up dropping out of college and then they bought her a flat to live in.
This kid I went to highschool with got a porsche for his 16th birthday. Keep in mind 16 in my state is when you can get a permit, so he didn't even have a license. He got a new one later in highschool after backing out into a tree. He basically was handed admission to an Ivy league school because his grandparents had donated a building.
Or the 22 year old who pushed his gifted BMW into the river https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zS-arBOWs8
My college roommate and former best friend. Grew up spoiled as an only child. Huge 5 bed house for the 3 of them, fancy truck to play with with bells and whistles, daddy's credit card. When I got engaged I asked her to be my maid of honor, and she told me no because she couldn't approve of my marriage. The reason? He didn't have a bachelor's degree, so she was just certain that we couldn't be happy. 8 years, 2 kids later... I'm still poor, but very happy and have my smoking hot karate instructor husband who turned out to be a much better deal than making a spoiled princess happy.
I had plenty of other issues that came up over the years, this was just icing on the cake. Also, by poor I mean what society believes to be poor. We make ends meet, and are not left wanting, but make less than the median income for our area by a decent stretch.
Hope I'm not too late.
Let me tell you about 'Rebecca'
Single mom who is a lawyer for a big phone company. Rebecca is the youngest child with a large gap, so she's basically an only child. Here are a few things that happened in the year we were friends:
(Sorry if formatting is weird; on mobile)
Mom would always buy her Cadillacs and she would wreck them within 6-8 months.
Has worked at two different locations of the chain restaurant we worked at together. Has been fired from one twice and the other (where we met) four times. (For reason below)
Shows up to work 2-3 hours late and is never in uniform so she spends an hour in the restroom getting ready. This happened more frequently than her actually showing up on time.
Only reason she even worked to begin with was her mom wouldn't pay for her boob job. She did earn enough to get them and they are not very good.
After she's been fired once, she'll wait until there are new managers at the store, (high turnover rate) apply and be hired again.
Rebecca is in college getting her undergrad. She's currently 24, but cannot pass most of her undergrad classes. She has stated multiple times to multiple people that she expects the university she attends to pay for her DOCTORATE degree that she will complete by the time she is 26. A doctorate degree in two years without being able to pass undergrad classes? Okay.
Emailed the same university (literally emailed [university]@emailaddress) to request them to buy a multi million dollar mansion for her so she can start an orphanage. She sent links of said mansion with the email.
When she didn't get any results from the university she email Harvard wanting to apply. She posted the email on SnapChat and the first line read something like, "I know I don't have the best grades but I would be a great addition to the community!" Harvard has not responded.
Her mom bought her a very large house in a nice neighborhood so she could get away from her "controlling" boyfriend. He asked her to get a job to pay her part of the bills so she begged her mom to buy her this house.
The last I've heard of her is she ran her car into the boyfriend's house and then texted him saying, "hope you like the new decor, kiss my rich a*s." He has a restraining order against her and the detective he hired said they could, "bury her rich a*s."
That is all kinds of crazy. It seems like these rich people can't drive. That said, my brother has done the wreck multiple cars thing. They were just a lot cheaper used cars and my dad said he's not going to buy him anymore cars. Well, actually I think my dad only bought one of the cars and my brother got the other one himself. The second time he was driving without insurance and his coverage had lapsed more than 60 days. They fine you $1000 for that. Plus he was at fault. Deliberately crashing your car into your boyfriend's house sounds like a felony.
This guy I knew stole $2000 out of his parents' bank account, spent all of it, and then proceed to scream at his parents for even acknowledging what happened. They didn't even punish him. Then for the next two weeks complained nonstop about how he hates his parents.
My Aunt and Uncle are wealthy. I was at breakfast with my my uncle and two cousins years ago. The younger of the two cousins, female, took 50 dollars from her father's wallet while he was in the rest room. She walked out and came back with a cd and some clothing item. The following exchange occurred. "Did you take money from daddy's wallet?" To which she replied "yes". He takes a roll of cash out gives the male cousin 50 and says "now that's fair".
There was a kid in my fraternity whose parents were literally billionaires. We actually had a couple of them but this kid was just dumb rich. For making the deans list one semester, his parents let him get any car he wanted under $100,000 (I am not making this up). Kid got pissed because the package he wanted on his Jaguar F Type made it over 100k and his parents said fine after enough protest. At least I got to drive it sometimes though. Sick car.
My sister.
She is 17 and has a 1 year old daughter and is pregnant with her 2nd. She lives rent-free with my parents and has never had a job. My mother does all her high school work for her because she desperately wants her to graduate despite my sister not caring. She has never had a job and has no plans for a job in the near future even though she should be done with high school in December.
My mom just bought a new car and gave my sister her "old" 2011 Kia Sorrento. Her 18th birthday is coming up and my mom is buying her a macbook. Now I am older but had a job at her age, I pay for my own car, and my mom refused to get me a mac when I went off to college (too expensive).
My sister is headed nowhere fast because of how spoiled she is even after TWO teenage pregnancies.
I went to high school with a girl whose Dad was one of the top 10 highest paid trial lawyers in the country. Every year, she would invite a handful of friends to go with her on a Spring Break trip to The Atlantis in the Bahamas. This was an all expenses paid trip, including flying to and from the resort on her family's private jet. Still, she was always lowkey and surprisingly grounded given her wealth and privilege. Her friends? Not so much. Our junior or senior year, two of the girls she invited on the trip came back afterwards and immediately started bitching about how the trip was lame because the resort's nicest suite (literally one of the world's priciest hotels at 25K+ per night) was booked up that year so they had to slum it in one of their lesser, though still ridiculously luxurious private suites. TL;dr - Yes, these basic b*tches had the obscene entitlement to complain about their accommodations after being taken on a free, week-long vacation where their friend's family was shelling out upwards of a quarter of a million dollars per person on a Spring Break trip.
My friend; she gets whatever she wants whether it be tickets to expensive foreign concerts, albums/photobooks of music artists, a new car when she totaled her first one(I was in the car when it happened and she ran a red light like a freaking idiot) and she never does anything around the house. I was talking with her and her parents were amazed by the fact that I actually do chores around my house :/
Sometimes the concerts you want to see are only on other countries. What is one to do, but travel to them? /s
I go to school in a fairly well off school district. I once heard one of my classmates complaining that their Mercedes that she got for her 16th birthday wasn't the proper shade of red. So of course her dad dropped like $5k on a new paintjob for her, but then she apparently decided that she actually liked the old color better. She basically had a screaming match about it with her dad, during my lunch period, in front of probably 500 kids.
My cousin who's 8 years old.
My aunt is to blame for his spoiledness though.
He cannot except no for an answer. For example, Everytime he goes to the store with my aunt he gets a toy or a game. And if he goes with me or my grandparents or other aunt and we tell him, "No you're not getting a toy/game we're just here to pick some groceries" and the boy throws the biggest tantrums. It's so embarrassing.
Also because of this he always has to win whenever we play a game. Now not that I try to win all the time but when I play a video game or board game I play it usually with his twin sister who is a bit of a drama queen but is really mellow compared to him. We were playing this star wars millennium falcon game and his sister had won and he said "no I win" and proceeded to knock over all hers and my pieces to which I scolded him telling him that wasn't nice since he had upset his sister and I told him to apologize to which he did but still. I've heard from his sister that his friends at school don't really like to play sports or games with him because if that.
I feel bad for him to be honest, my aunt kinda screwed him up I feel by giving in to every demand he wanted his whole life and am worried how badly it'll affect him as he gets older.
I have cousins like that too. Entitled and spoiled rotten. One of those cousin’s own grandma used to dislike babysitting him when he was a toddler because he couldn’t take no for an answer after his parents have given into every demand of his. Rest of us relatives also disliked the child’s behavior. I totally cut off contact with one such family of cousins but have minimal contact with this younger cousin. Last I’ve heard he’s barely doing well at school because in his own words he can one day just get a low-stress low-pay job and live off the family money he would eventually get.
In a few years this kid's gonna go on a shooting spree and then fake cry until the judge lets him off.
My cousin has two daughters ( 8 and 6). They're prety good kids, but sometimes they act spoiled. Especially younger one. When her parents refuse to give her candy she or something she wants , she does not throw tantrum. She goes and hide something, like car keys, wallets, etc. And miraculously find it when they give her candy. While I don't approve of this behaviour, I like how resourceful she is.
I had a friend like that growing up! Living in the country side, he was living in a house with a yard, trees, apple trees, etc. As kids, whenever we would want an apple, we weren't allowed to pick an apple from the tree by ourselves, but he brought us the apple he wanted (rotten and bad, always). Living in a country that had just got out of communism, candy and other similar things were hard to find, but he always had huge bags full of them, and whenever we would want one, he was the one that got to choose which we got, and it always was the candy he did not like! Another thing that will always stick with me is playing any kind of games with him, as he had every game he could want: usually there was more of us playing, and the winner would stay and play on with the next one, and so on; if he lost, we had to play again, and again, and again, until he won and then you would have to get up and allow the next friend to play with him... He grew out of it, but still funny!
My sister used to be like this. we just refused to play with her no matter how much she asked.
my cousin was like this. he would hurt people if he didn't win and threw so many tantrums. i have scars from where he tried to choke me after i wouldn't let him open my presents on my birthday. he's in high school now, though, and is much better. maybe it improves with age? i hope lmao
This is why spanking was invented! Mind, the mother's a total dingbat.
This was about 35 years ago at a high school. An 18 year old girl was drunk, sitting on the hood of her BMW, yelling at a cop saying "You can't arrest me! My Dad is a doctor, he's rich! You can't touch me!"
My nephew, and I feel sorry for him. His parents are going through a s**t show of a divorce and because of debts both his parents are going to be financially hit very hard, he's 8 and only knows having a luxurious lifestyle. He has a room full of toys, most of them never opened, every piece of technology that comes out (iPad, laptops, consoles etc) and goes abroad a few times every year. His Parents aren't wealthy in the slightest mind you but they love to spend and show off, especially his Mum. She dresses in all designer gear so so does her son, she will not buy him normal kids clothes, all of his stuff is super expensive. His Dad is also not good with money so as a couple they were a disaster. Because he's so young I don't know how he'll cope with the change. He's already a little nightmare at times, we took him to the zoo with his neices and he had a right strop in the gift shop because there was a limit to how much we'd spend on him, even his neices who are the same age had a go at him for his behaviour!
My son is seven and in second grade. These kids do not have any idea about fashion, brands, etc. They know video games, YouTube, stuff like that sure. So an Ender Dragon backpack is cool but a fancy brand the kids wouldn’t know let alone care. So initially I was thinking the kid probably didn’t care about fancy clothes but the meltdown in the gift shop reminded me it has nothing to do with the clothes, he’s just used to getting what he asks for. So yeah, this is going to be rough for him if the money goes away, although it sounds like they may have already been living beyond their means so who knows.
My brother: After parents paid for college he moved to Chicago to get a masters degree, parents paid for that year, as in full tuition / room and board.
Next 5 years, brother decides he needs to live in Lincoln Park because the rest of Chicago is too dangerous. Only is able to find a part time job so parents pay his rent.
Brother goes to Law School, parents pay his tuition and all expenses for next 3 years.
Year after that unable to find a job, still lives in lincoln park, parents cover all expenses.
Next 7 years, still doesn't make enough money to support himself, parents cover his expenses. He is 37 and is still supported by my folks, even has a wife and kids. Still treats my parents / rest of family like garbage when we visit.
They should cut him off and set up a college fund for his kids instead.
My sister threw a fit a few years ago because she got a black iPhone instead of a white one.
Classmate complained and spoke poorly of her parents because they got her the $600 purse she wanted.... In the wrong shade of brown. Now, these shades were incredibly close to the point where you really couldn't tell the difference. It was wild, very ungrateful girl.
Then there was a guy in my grade who thought he could buy female classmates with Apple products and would threaten to rape the ones who refused. We all came up to the school office and police station to report him once, parents threatened to sue the school and all of us if he got in trouble and cops said it was 'boys being boys'
Tldr: Grew up in wealthy area, girls threw fits over stupid shit and a guy thought he could buy female classmates.
Boys will be boys is building a rope swing over a lake and being covered in mud without a change of clothes, not threatening to sexually assault someone who says no to them.
My mom's old good friend was one of the most spoiled brats I know. She grew up poor, humble and lived on a farm. Worked hard to support herself and eventually was the first one in her family to go to college. Mom said that she was the smartest girl and had everything going for her. Then she met a man who was almost twice in her age and they got married when she was 25. He wasn't rich but had enough money to support her so she quit school and became a SAHM. The husband died when she was 29 and she found herself a single mom with a very large insurance policy. Enough for her to travel around the world and buy a few mansions if she wanted.
Mom said that money changed her but I think it drew out her real personality to the surface. She treated people like servants, only associated with the best brands and would throw tantrums if things didn't go her way. I met her and her two daughters a few times. She would comment about my clothes, life style and that it was so sad my mom didn't have enough money to use on me. That it was so unfortunate my mom had to work and couldn't give me a free house like she did to her own kids. I'm like, b***h, you got money from your husband. The same husband who was driving in the rain, the night he died, to go visit his lover because he couldn't stand your whiny limpy cold a*s anymore.
I don't see her as much anymore, thank god. Last I heard, she had lost most of her money due to carelessly spending it and had to move out of state to get away from the debt collectors. Good riddance.
My stepdaughter because when she was in college she had a checking account and the only rule was don't overdraft. Dad never said a word about what she spent money on, just please please please pay attention to the balance and let him know when it got low. Sure Dad, okay Dad, of course Dad.. but she would time and again be in the red. Spoiled because he never cut her off. He would lecture and she would disrespect him.
I'm not her biggest fan
I've worked at a private school in the UK this past year, and I have a few examples of kids just having no idea they were spoiled, which just made it worse.
-16yr old comes into school on Monday complaining how unfair it was that his dad grounded him for crashing their plane. I asked him how bad it was, and he said 'it was only £40,000 worth of damage, which his dad can afford so what's the problem'. My jaw dropped.
-Another 16yr old asks me what I'm doing for the summer break. I tell him working mainly, with perhaps a weekend to visits a few friends. He COULD NOT wrap his head around why I wasn't travelling, going on holiday etc, then followed to go on about how he'd spend his summer at his private lake.
Saving the best one for last folks.
-On his birthday, one of the 18yr old students received a chain of hotels. A fully operating 5* chain that would all be officially owned under his name. The nerve of this kid to complain it wasn't what he wanted made me really resent working there for a while.
Edit: To those doubting the truthfulness of these statements, this was the only 3 outlandish moments I had over the year so out of 800 kids, it's a small percentage.
And to clarify, the 18yr old with the hotel was not expected to run it, he simply would get the owners share of the profits from then on.
Had a client a few years ago who was a single woman in her early forties. She didn't work. Her father was in his 70s and still working as a psychiatrist, affluent but not what I would consider rich. He paid her rent of around $3k/month, her health care expenses, plus gave her around $30k per year. And yet she was super rude to him. For instance she screamed at him on the phone to "send me your f*****g tax return right now." During this time, the father's best friend was murdered by a patient. She was just mad that he told her this because it was her birthday and brought down her mood
I have met more indulged people, but never more spoiled
My cousin's daughter is the worst spoiled brat I've ever encountered. My boyfriend only refers to her as Satan.
She and her mom live in my Aunt and Uncle's house. The father was a nice enough, hard work guy who owned a business and got along well with the family. For whatever reason there was some blow out fight that ended their marriage and he lost custody. To make up for everything that my little 2nd cousin went through my 1st cousin gave her EVERYTHING she asked for (and didn't ask for). They had a don't say no policy with her, which has turned her into a selfish little b***h.
If the little one wants to eat chips for dinner, she gets to eat a whole family size bag of Lays for dinner with a bowl of ice cream on the side. The kid wants a new kitten, screw the old cat, let's get a kitten. Oh, she screams that her friend has a pool and she wants one, guess we're digging up the backyard and installing a pool. The latest issue was she wanted a sleepover on a school night with all her friends and made my Uncle drive all over town to pick these girls up at their houses and take them out for pizza.
My cousin makes very little money so everything is coming out of my Aunt and Uncle's pockets. They both should have retired by now but they can't.
My neighbors. They moved in 8 years ago as a newly wed couple and when my family tried to introduce ourselves to them, they ignored us. Their parents bought them a $1.5 million home (all paid for, no mortgage), a new Maserati Granturismo, and new Mercedes G wagon all as wedding gifts.
All of us other neighbors have tried to be nice, but we hate them.
Has a $2,000 purse, grew up in a million dollar house, has been on multiple expensive vacations to Europe and Asia with her family, then claims that she grew up middle class and that the reason why she's not a doctor or engineer is because of the patriarchy keeping women from doing it.
My sister.
My parents built her and her new husband a $200,000 house for free. And then she still hangs around there place so she can bum stuff off them and ask for s**t.
My wife and I can't stand it. We live in a one bedroom apartment getting by, because we would much rather earn our way then feel indebted to my parents for giving us everything in our life.
Interesting to see how siblings turned out to be complete opposites in this regard despite the same upbringing.
My brother's girlfriend's daughter screams whenever she can't have what she wants. They give her what she wants so she'll stop screaming.
Probably my ex. Her dorm room was absolutely covered in trash probably 2-3 inches deep. At no point would you ever actually walk on bare floor. She was that way because she was used to her parents and weekly maid cleaning up after her so she'd just throw trash everywhere. She lived off her mother's credit card and apparently spent 800 dollars a month on fast food. Had her college tuition paid for by her mother than dropped out three years in. After we split and she moved out of my place because we couldn't stand each other anymore, she went and lived with her mom. AFAIK she's still living in her mother's basement rent free 7 years later. I think what irritated me even more about her is that she's one of those "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" sort of people that have never needed to lift a finger to do anything in their entire lives. But to be fair, she was very pretty.
I worked at a summer camp in Maine this summer, where the kids parents paid well over $10k for them to go to this camp. One day a kid was telling me about how his mom gets mad when he rides the first floor hover board onto the elevator and on the second floor. Instead she wants him to use the stairs to the second floor and then use the second floor's hover board.
Tl;Dr kid I know doesn't like using stairs or multiple hover boards, would rather use one hover board and an elevator in his house.
I once attended a kids nature event organized by an expensive hotel (a friend’s mom/dad managed to get us tickets for free/cheaper) and there was a young boy like this who spent the whole day boasting about all the expensive electronics his parents have bought him including accessories like games for the X-box, etc. Was wearing all branded clothes as well. He was probably just 7-8 years old. He was so loud and snotty that all the adults managing us as well as most of the kids steered well clear of him. There are rich kids who grow up not knowing that they’re privileged and then there are kids like this who seek every opportunity to flaunt the luxuries they have.
My cousins. My aunt and uncle can never say no to them and they have now drained my grandmothers small fortune. My other uncle contributed to that as well but now my grandmother is selling her place and moving to a smaller one because of how much money she has had to give to that side of the family. I love them but they are just spoiled as can be
My girlfriend...apparently her ex did everything for her and her parents were loaded so she never worried about money. As we were walking one time, she casually mentioned she didn't know how to fill up gas in her car. My forehead is still a little sore from that face palm.
I had a friend in college who had no idea how to fill her car with gas. I completely judged her, then I realized she’s from New Jersey. It’s illegal to pump your own gas there so she literally never had the opportunity. She just needed to be shown and she was fine doing it herself. Lol. Not spoiled, just from Jersey.
A previous housemate refused to take his clothes off the washing machine and got extremely pissed if I took them out to use it (he had no bucket for the clothes and refused to buy one).
He told me that I was expected to take his clothes out and put them on the dryer. When I had finished using the washing machine and needed to use the dryer, I was expected to put his clothes on my bucket until I was finished, then return them to the drier and leave them there for him.
He refused to understand how spoiled that c**p was and he left his clothes on the machine for 3~5 days straight. There's a list of s****y things this spoiled brat did and it escalated to the point where the police was involved multiple times. Sigh.
My cousins. Both of them are drug addicts and have six figure trust funds. They went to college but when they graduated they did nothing. They literally just sit on their as*es and bring nothing to the world.
My ex gave me this speech when we broke up. "I worked hard for everything I have. I hustled and put the work in and put a roof over our heads and food on our table. I go to work for 12 hours a day to better my career..."
It went on for a while.
He was put through a $100,000 trade school for film, had every apartment paid for until he was about a year and a half out of school. When he graduated, his mom spent about 30? 40? Thousand dollars on equipment for him to go to work. He also got a new car around this time because his old car was about 8 years old. His mother funded both of us to move to Los Angeles and eventually bought us a house.
She did help with my portion of the rent. Because of her, I was able to invest the money I made working as a barista to start my own business. The first 6 months, business was slow, as it goes... I was soon making 2-4 thousand a month (this month, for example, I'm about 3,500 in) and I became good at my job. I also cleaned, cooked/organized meals and took care of our dogs.
Because of his mother, When we broke up, I was 100% independent financially. He called me lazy every day but his house fell apart without me. His dogs were dirty. The yard was destroyed. I dog sat and the only food in his fridge was Little caesars. He finally admitted that I wasn't lazy, I just couldn't do it all on my own. He still thinks he put that roof over his head all on his own.
Kid I know gets I wanna say 150-200 (has no job) a week from his mom (she has a very high paying job). He blows through it and asks her for more. He buys all this expensive jewelry (watches and s**t) and clothing (like $100 pairs of paints) gets anything he wants and never had to actually earn it.
Edit: kid is also in his 20s.
Decided to get some waffles as a way to take a break from helping out at my grandfather's funeral. Saw my friend there. It turns out that she has been messaging me and thought i refused to reply when i was busy entertaining guests and my friends. She wailed loudly, saying that she has been doing too much and she feels that I don't need her in my life. All these happened in the full view of the crowded cafe and my other friends. So much for taking a break from all the ongoing drama at the funeral...
Our school organised a skiing trip in the alps for my class. One of the girls went two weeks early to practice. Majority of the year could only just afford the trip.
as someone who grew up poor as f**k in post-soviet russia, i couldn’t finish this list without absolutely seething and attempting to quell the writhing anger in my stomach lol. 💀
I just finished reading the first part of Baby Doe Tabor's life, who had no problem wasting money on frivolities. "She’d spared no expense on Lily’s exquisite layette: diamond-tipped gold diaper pins, fine French lace gowns, booties and hat tipped with peacock feathers." Source: Gold Digger: The Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor
And here I am with my brother sleeping in our car at a rest stop. We live off of my monthly $1k disability money. I just want to win enough in the lottery to get us into an apartment. Is that asking for too much?
My cousin, through a very wealthy upbringing and also untreated grief/depression from losing her father at 13 and a neurotic mother whose tendencies completely passed onto her, is so out of touch with reality. The way she treats restaurant staff (front end and back) is embarrassing. She has admitted openly, "I don't have the patience to be empathetic." We recently had a lunch date and I showed up late, the front end immediately realized I was with her table, and automatically began telling me how they had their best staff on hand for us and to let them know if anything wasn't up to par. I knew right away she had given them some a**hole speech about needing the best. It was so awkward the entire time. She then proceeded to complain about the "terrible service" b/c her toast was a little too toasted on one side.
It hurts me to hear about such blatant wastes of money in a world where many people can't even survive on the wage from their full-time jobs.
I grew up poor in a community of mostly rich people. These people don't need life skills because they inherited their parents' money and don't really ever have to work if they don't want to.
After working at a school, I've seen a handful of really spoiled kids that are going to grow up to be awful adults all because their parents don't say no and can't admit their kids aren't perfect. When your kid gets in trouble and you claim the adults and other kids involved are liars, you are the problem. If your kid gets in trouble at school, they should have consequences at home. Had one girl say her mom said she didn't have to listen to us and would just go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted. She was a bully so she was always in trouble and her mom didn't believe it.
Are you saying this be be a troll? Because about 40 of the 50 posts here are 100% about spoiled, entitled brats, who could have used MUCH better parenting than they received!
Load More Replies...as someone who grew up poor as f**k in post-soviet russia, i couldn’t finish this list without absolutely seething and attempting to quell the writhing anger in my stomach lol. 💀
I just finished reading the first part of Baby Doe Tabor's life, who had no problem wasting money on frivolities. "She’d spared no expense on Lily’s exquisite layette: diamond-tipped gold diaper pins, fine French lace gowns, booties and hat tipped with peacock feathers." Source: Gold Digger: The Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor
And here I am with my brother sleeping in our car at a rest stop. We live off of my monthly $1k disability money. I just want to win enough in the lottery to get us into an apartment. Is that asking for too much?
My cousin, through a very wealthy upbringing and also untreated grief/depression from losing her father at 13 and a neurotic mother whose tendencies completely passed onto her, is so out of touch with reality. The way she treats restaurant staff (front end and back) is embarrassing. She has admitted openly, "I don't have the patience to be empathetic." We recently had a lunch date and I showed up late, the front end immediately realized I was with her table, and automatically began telling me how they had their best staff on hand for us and to let them know if anything wasn't up to par. I knew right away she had given them some a**hole speech about needing the best. It was so awkward the entire time. She then proceeded to complain about the "terrible service" b/c her toast was a little too toasted on one side.
It hurts me to hear about such blatant wastes of money in a world where many people can't even survive on the wage from their full-time jobs.
I grew up poor in a community of mostly rich people. These people don't need life skills because they inherited their parents' money and don't really ever have to work if they don't want to.
After working at a school, I've seen a handful of really spoiled kids that are going to grow up to be awful adults all because their parents don't say no and can't admit their kids aren't perfect. When your kid gets in trouble and you claim the adults and other kids involved are liars, you are the problem. If your kid gets in trouble at school, they should have consequences at home. Had one girl say her mom said she didn't have to listen to us and would just go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted. She was a bully so she was always in trouble and her mom didn't believe it.
Are you saying this be be a troll? Because about 40 of the 50 posts here are 100% about spoiled, entitled brats, who could have used MUCH better parenting than they received!
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