50 Clever Signs Spotted In Public That Deserved To Be Photographed (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertHave you ever wondered what civilization would be like without signs? Without diamond-shaped boards that warn us to give way or brightly colored banners informing us about the meal deal of our lifetime? My best guess would probably be chaos. In fact, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now, as language is an intricate system made up of many signs and symbols.
Indeed, the world would be very different than it is today if it weren’t for cavemen and cavewomen and their primitive drawings 20,000 years ago. To rekindle our appreciation for signs and everything they represent in our society, Bored Panda has gathered a list of some of the most genius and interesting ones down below. Be sure to upvote the placards that perhaps taught you something new, and don’t forget to share the coolest ones you have come across, dear Pandas!
While you're at it, make sure to check out a conversation with Bryant Gillespie, designer and founder of Better Sign Shop, a growth platform for sign and print shops, who kindly agreed to answer a few questions all about signs.
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This Sign On The Way From Islamabad To Nathia Gali, Pakistan
To learn more about signs and how they're made, we reached out to Bryant Gillespie, designer, and founder of Better Sign Shop, a growth platform for sign and print shops.
He told us that what inspired him to pursue a career in sign-making was a combination of love for design, solving challenges, and tinkering. "I’ve always been fascinated by how signs can influence behavior and convey important information quickly and effectively.
I also just kind of fell into it after moving to a different part of the country. Being able to apply many different disciplines—design, printing, construction/fabrication, electrical – along with the creativity involved appeals to a lot of us sign geeks."
Cassowary Warning Signs In Far North Queensland
I don't need the sign. That bird is huge and rude, and even looks like it is dangerous. No, I don't want to take photos with it. I guess the sign is needed for people with only one braincell. I hope they can read the sign.
"The sign-making process typically starts with understanding the client's needs and the message they want to convey," he explains. "This is followed by brainstorming and sketching design ideas. Once a concept is chosen, we move on to digital design, selecting materials, and finally, production.
To attract attention, signs should have a clear message, bold colors, and readable fonts. To educate, they should be informative yet concise. To amuse, incorporating humor or clever visuals can be very effective."
Singapore Has Nearly 700 Dementia Go-To-Points, Where People Appearing Lost Can Be Helped To Identify Themselves And Find Their Way Home
Gillespie believes that signs absolutely play a crucial role in our society. "They guide us, inform us, and sometimes even entertain us. From road signs that ensure our safety to informational signs that help us navigate spaces, their impact is significant. They also serve as powerful tools for branding and marketing, helping businesses attract customers and communicate their values."
My Local Brewery Had This Sign And Beer For Dads No Longer With Us
"This seat & beer are for the dads that are not with us today..."
The earliest signs created by humans, as far as historians can tell, date back to the Stone Age, 18,000 BC. Our ancestors drew symbols on cave walls to visually express that they had products for trade or barter.
Some experts call this symbolic advertising to other tribes, with visualizations of hunted wild animals, pots, and arrows dating back 40,000 to 45,000 years.
Let's Help Frogs Live Their Best Lives
It Feels Like This Is To Tell People To Get Their Horses To Slow Down
In early civilization, about 800–500 BC, craftspeople in Ancient Egypt painted and carved symbols on terracotta, stone, brick, and wood to advertise their services and stand out from others. Typically, they would be found in marketplaces, temples, and other public spaces. Later, they were discovered in the ruins of Pompeii and other cities.
Meanwhile, the Ancient Greeks used signs to communicate with citizens who couldn’t read. Many of them remain to this day, like the staff of Hermes, which often hangs on the corners of pharmacies, or the goddess Demeter, who symbolizes grain, bread, and harvest. In the Roman Empire, widely used signs were made from wood, brick, stone, and marble.
This Underwater Wet Floor Sign
The Glass Is Full
An engineer will tell you the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Sign At My Local Library
Things gained momentum in medieval Europe about 1000 AD–1700. This was influenced by the economic and cultural revival that opened new trade opportunities. Craftsmen began using unique, identifiable signs to differentiate themselves to customers. Business owners would hang the emblems on poles. They were more popular than letters, as the majority of the population was illiterate.
My Residential Neighborhood Has Signs For Your Dog
Different Terms For Book Lovers From Around The World
A Road Sign Near A Park In Istanbul, That Says “Watch Out For Cats And Dogs”
Interestingly, in 1389, England’s King Richard III ordered all taverns and ale houses in the country to display outdoor signs so the monarch would be able to easily locate them for quality testing. That’s why so many pubs nowadays still use signs from the 15th century.
This Sign On The Door Of A Local Business
Stop Sign In Mohawk Native American Language In Norther NY State
My Local Hospital Has Examples Of When You May Need An Urgent Care vs. An ER
Here in NC if you have a cat or dog bite you have to go the ER so you can get the first rabies shot and then to Urgent Care for the rest of the rabies shots. Animal control in the county the animal is in is called so they can go to the owners house or if it's a stray to pick it. Up.
The barber pole that many men's hair salons use also originated from medieval times, when barbers were not only cutting hair but also extracting teeth and performing surgeries. Such services were provided for poorer people who couldn’t afford to go to a physician.
A Resort I’m At Has A Sign To Warn Tourists About Seals Sleeping On The Beach
This Sign On The Bathroom Door Of A Local Seafood Restaurant
An Incredibly Down-To-Earth Sign At My Son's Baseball Field
The red color represents drawing blood to cure diseases or infections. White symbolizes a stick that a person would hold to make the veins more prominent during the procedure so they would be easier to find. As for the blue stripe, some attribute it to the colors of the American flag, while in Europe it may have differentiated barbers from doctors.
This Sign Letting You Know That Forrest Gump Ran Here
This Sign For Temporary Fencing To Protect Birds
So shadberry gets them high or drunk. No wonder they come back every year..
This Sign Near A Lake
With the growth of cities and populations, outdoor signage significantly increased in number, and English law required every establishment to have one. Signs illuminated with candles were also just appearing before electricity was invented. By the 18th century, the placards had become larger and heavier than ever, marking the start of the painted storefront emblems outside businesses.
This Sign Asking You To Walk On The Grass
This Brewery Patio Has Rules For Dogs
Now if only they'd apply these rules to the feral kids parents bring in.
A Sign That Forbids Adults Who Are Not Accompanied By A Child In A Public Park
Finally, we reach modern history, when companies grew bigger, as did the need to grab the attention of consumers. With newly discovered commercial printing and the revolution of sign design, it became a new art form. The invention of gas and electric power was also a game-changer, as signs could be visible at night too.
This Incredibly Specific Stop Sign
Signs like this attract your attention where a ‘wait 30 seconds’ one doesn’t. We have odd speed limits on some construction and industrial sites, they’ll be 13mph or 17mph, you are so conditioned into seeing and not acknowledging the regular signs that you encounter. When you spot a ‘31 seconds’ sign your brain says ‘that’s a very specific amount of time, how odd’, that means you either accept that you have to wait or even better you see a challenge and you actually count the seconds, either way you stop, it’s done its job!
At My Work There’s An Original Sign From The 40s About Wearing Your Safely Goggles
Road Sign In Mozambique
Advertisers were constantly trying to find new and advanced ways to produce better, more efficient, and larger quantities of signs. This brings us to today, where large-format printing and digital technology make mass production even faster, and the industry is worth over $37.4 billion.
They Could've Just Made A Stop Sign Instead Of This Sign, But They Were Like, "No Let's Build Excitement Before The Big Drop"
Custom Restroom Sign In Hawaii-Themed Restaurant
A Sign Over A Urinal In Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean And Binary
Had to do a bit of digging, but in fact the binary is UTF-8 code for the Original Chinese/Japanese characters at the top, and yes, it and the Korean translation are apparently based on the Neil Armstrong quote of "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Odd that they chose a completely different text for the English version.
Town Of Roswell’s Alien Abduction Welcome Sign
The Shadows From The Sign Have A Different Spelling From The Actual Sign
This Hotel Has Different Soda Brands On Different Floors
This Parking Space Is Reserved For People Who Commit Random Acts Of Kindness
This Is The Only "No Smoking" Sign For Any Of The Hotel Room Numbers
"No Parking" Sign Under The Water At A Harbor In Malta
A Sign Warning Of Falling Cattle
Launched by French soldiers defending their castle from King Arthur?
Don't Do It
$100 Fine For Eating Durian Fruit In My Hotel In Vietnam
This Hotel Has More Exit Signs On The Ground Than On The Ceiling
Very good if smoke has filled the building and guests are crawling out.
It's The Hands For Me
My Local Gas Station Has To Put A Sign In The Milk Section Cause People Open The Milk To Put It In Their Coffee, Then Put It Back
The Strangest Road Sign I've Ever Seen, This Is At Tongue Causeway. Does Anyone Know What It Means? Beware, Octopus Likes To Play With Cars?
This Stop Sign In Rome Has A Stick Figure Sawing The Hyphen
This Tiny Stop Sign
On I-385 In South Carolina, There’s Just A Sign That Reminds You When The Korean War Took Place
No Horses Allowed In The Sea Sign
The Signs On The Side Of The Highway In Texas Warn Against Stopping On The Road For The Solar Eclipse
This Sign In A Karaoke Room Imploring Patrons Not To Open A Door
Clever way to raise money. I bet a lot of people have been too tempted to resist.