“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is one of those lies some folks like to repeat, despite the fact that words can and will do a lot of damage. Experience shows that some folks are particularly adept when it comes to creating biting insults that might mortify the target, but make everyone else chuckle.
Someone asked “What is the most brutal insult you’ve ever heard in your life?” and people shared their best examples. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to comment your own examples and experiences below.
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Good old Oscar Wilde provided many harsh, yet eloquent ways of being rude.
"Some people bring joy wherever they go. Some whenever they go.".
During a teenage fight with my brother, I repeated what I thought was an iconic line:
"Did you roll off the changing table as a baby?!?!"
Before he could answer, our mom replied, guilt ridden, from the other room:
Absolute stuck up brat of a girl at school, to a teacher: "Do you know who my dad is?"
Teacher, without hesitating for a second: "No, does you mum?".
Bessie Braddock MP to Winston Churchill "sir, if I were married to you, I would put poison in your coffee "
Winston Churchill "Madame, if I were married to you, I would drink it".
When asked for his thoughts on the migration of New Zealanders to Australia, the then Prime Minister of New Zealand stated that the "annual exodus of Kiwis to Australia raised the average IQ of both countries".
There was a reddit thread about retail work awhile back where someone recounted a customer verbally abusing them. Another customer nearby chimed in
"Your adult children don't speak to you do they."
The reddit poster said they were looking at the problem customer when it happened and saw the insult land with devastating affect.
My sister delivered an insult in the form of advice when I was pursuing a girl...
"You can't play hard to get if you're hard to want."
I came back from the barbers and said to my daughter (12 at the time).
"Daddy looks good, doesn't he?"
She barely glanced at me before saying
"You look like something I drew with my left hand.".
"I'm so happy you're here. Give the people at home a break" Dylan Moran to a heckler at a comedy show i was at.
“He’s so dense light bends around him!”
That’s the best way I’ve heard to call someone stupid. Delivered by Malcolm Tucker from The thick of it.
“Usually they throw out the placenta and keep the baby, but I see in your case they did the opposite “ - a Jamaican sheet rocker I used to work with.
"Sending regrets I cannot attend your wedding. I'll be sure to catch the next one."
ETA: You seem like the type of guy who gets jealous of his girlfriend's dog.
I've said: "if you could understand why your wife was right to leave you then she wouldn't have left you".
"You're more annoying than the toe seam of a wet tube sock." To be fair, in that moment, I deserved it.