There are those moments we’ve all had that make us pause and think “huh, that seems odd.” The odds just don’t add up, everything starts to feel like a simulation. But the truth is coincidences happen even when they seem deeply unlikely.
Someone asked “What's the most bizarre coincidence you've ever experienced that still baffles you to this day?” and netizens shared the things that kept them up at night. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own strange experiences in the comments section below.


People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Oh, I've got another one. Sometime in the early 80s my mom was flying to Germany, with a layover in Reykjavik. On the tarmac in Iceland someone opened the overhead bin above her and a box fell out and hit her in the head with such force that she had to get off the plane and seek medical treatment. When she got back to the airport she found out that the next plane to her destination wasn't until the next day. A nice American couple who happened to be nearby overheard this and offered to let her sleep on the couch where they were staying so she wouldn't have to pay for a hotel, and she took them up on it. Just crashed for a few hours and never got their info.

Now it's roughly 2003, and my mom and I are stuck on the side of a road in Iowa trying to flag down someone for jumper cables. An older couple pull up and jump our car, and we all get to talking. My mom says they look awfully familiar, do they live near us in Des Moines? Ever stopped into her workplace? No, they're just passing through. Then it hits them both: she slept on their couch in Reykjavik 20 years earlier.

Tawny_Frogmouth , Jimmy Chan Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred When I was in 8th grade (around 1990) my family moved from one part of Houston to another, but it meant totally new schools, new friends, new everything. So, my dad being the adorable clueless guy he was bought pens with my name and number on them. He thought my skater punk a*s was gonna pass out sparkly purple pens with my number on them to 'make friends.' Well, I thought they were so hilarious that I gave them out like crazy and had given them all out by like day 2. Well, flash forward about 15 years and I'm living in LA. I stop at a gas station in like Barstow on a weekend trip to Vegas with friends. There I am, standing at the urinal, mind wandering when I happen upon a purple sparkly pen on the floor. I think, there's no way, nudge it with my foot and sure enough it's one of those f*****g pens! There it was, my name and old phone number. What are the damn odds?!

    EdithWhartonsFarts , wirestock Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I ran into a guy in Afghanistan that I went to high school with. This was ten years after we graduated, and in high school, we were arch nemesis...

    Fist fights 4 times... hated each other.

    When meeting in combat overseas, we welcomed each other and just talked about old memories for the evening .

    Next day, I got shot, and it went through my vest... he pulled me out as I would've died...

    He took a few rounds in back while pulling me out. 2 hours later he died in my arms while we prayed together, saying, I love you man!

    I went and saw his parents in our hometown after returning to tell them what occurred. They remembered we hated each other.

    I'll never forget this.

    Typing this has a tear rolling down my cheek...

    Cheers all!

    juliusnvincevega , Somchai Kongkamsri Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred 1.) I spent the night in a b&b in a small town in France and had a dream about my good friend. It was super vivid. Uncannily so. The next morning over breakfast I looked at the guest book and saw he had stayed there a few weeks before me. I waited until it was morning in the States and called him, figuring it was a sign to reach out. His wife answered and told me he had passed away earlier that night.

    2.) we had a picnic in a park for a free summer concert and someone took a picture of my wife and I. In the background is another family with a small kid staring at the camera. The woman was a foster mom and two years later we were matched with a kid - it was the same one staring at the camera. We didn’t notice this for a long time until the foster mom was over (she’s now family) and noticed herself in the background of our photo on our digital frame. Our first family photo before being a family!

    Zmirzlina , freestocks Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I sat next to my doppelgänger on a flight.
    Same name, same birthday—we were both headed to weddings. Here's the kicker: our dates were long-lost siblings reuniting. It felt like the universe hit copy-paste on our lives. Mind blown!

    iscarafolha , Suhyeon Choi Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I randomly met a boy on the beach while visiting my grandmother. I was 10 he was 14. I'm American, He's English.

    Years later I'm on a message board trying to find out if Dead Like Me is coming back. Begin conversation with random guy on message board.

    It's him.

    We meet up and get married within months. 20 years and 3 kids later....

    HmNotToday1308 , Vlada Karpovich Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I wore a simple silver pinkie ring every day for years until I lost it. For two years, I never wore anything else on that finger.

    Went shopping recently and found a cool ouroboros ring (snake eating its tail) and started wearing it on that finger. Literally thought to myself when I decided to buy it: "I guess it's time to give up on my other ring coming back to me."

    Less than 24 hours later, I pulled a plastic bag out of the tube I keep them in and my old ring fell out onto the floor.

    I'm wearing them both now since obviously the original ring was jealous.

    ToWhenTFor , nadezhdaz Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Maybe not that baffling, but I saw this girl (my age) at taco bell, I went over and said hi to her (briefly, but then left). I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.

    coincidentally just crossed paths with her at a bar that weekend. Hung out with her and chatted.

    Turns out, we both got hired by the same large factory (it had 4 different buildings). She was days, I was midnights. We were in different buildings.

    Then I got switched to afternoons (still a different building), then I got switched to days, then I got switched to a building closer to hers, then I got switched to her building, then I got switched to her area of the factory, then I got switched to standing right beside her.

    We basically would spend 8 hours every day facing each other about 10 feet apart.

    Been married for a couple of decades now.

    Apprehensive-Care20z , Mike Mozart Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I went to Iceland last year and didn't announce it to anyone or anything. I was driving the south coast and took a side quest to a waterfall. Was minding my own business and heard someone say 'you look just like my friend!'. I turned around and I WAS the friend. Ran into a girl I went to high school with (we grew up in a very small rural town) that I had not seen in probably 5 years? We just happened to be at the same waterfall, in Iceland, at the exact same time, with neither of us knowing the other was visiting the country. Definitely one of the most random and cool things that's happened to me in a while.

    congenitalstupidity , Chris Turgeon Report

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    Cat Chat
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    After my mom remarried and we moved to Washington, all our family on my dad's side went NC with us so he could move away and avoid child support. So they had no idea we later moved to a coastal town in Oregon. Years later after contact was re-established, we found out they had taken a vacation to the same town. Not only that, it was during the week of the July 4th and we found out all of us were on the same beach celebrating the day.

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    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred My then-girlfriend and I drove a couple hours to the beach, hiked into the dunes a 1/2 mile, set up tent in the sand and spent the night. Next day we take down the tent, hike back, and realize we don't have her car keys after looking through everything twice. I go back and start randomly, hopelessly sifting through the sand around the campsite, doing a grid, thinking there's no way I'm going to find her keys. Finally my foot hits keys! I reach down and pick up...MY keys, which I didn't know I'd even brought, which I would have never found when I got all the way home because I didn't think I'd even brought them.

    Then I kept sifting and found her keys.

    shimmerer , 1footage Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Joined a completely random guild on a very populated server in WoW years ago (Moon Guard - one of the busiest servers in the game). Nice folks, so I stuck around. I eventually came to realize that the GM and I lived in the same general area when we were both joking one night about missing some upcoming ingame event or another due to an impending hurricane. Thought that was neat and we joked about it but never really probed any further because that'd be weird, right?

    One night she was ranting about how much being a call center supervisor sucks, I empathized because been there done that, and cracked a joke about the particular local call center company I had previously worked for. That led to the following exchange:

    Her: Yeah, I used to work there too, they're the worst. Which client were you with?

    Me: *name of client*, you?

    Her: *name of different client*

    Me:: Oh cool, my husband worked with that client for a couple of years.

    Her: Who's your husband, I'm bad with names but what does he look like?

    Me: Big scary looking bearded blonde biker dude, usually wearing his leather vest and always smoked a pipe.

    Her: OMG YOU'RE (hubby)'s WIFE!! He sat right next to me for AGES, everybody's scared of him but he was SO nice, and he talked about you ALL THE TIME!

    So yeah... random WoW guildmaster ended up being an old coworker/friend of my husband's, who we later figured out lived like 5 blocks away.

    talidrow , gpointstudio Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred This happened recently. . .

    I was always a huge reader as a kid, and I was an English major in college as progression of this. There has always been one writer in particular (will leave this vague for anon) that I've always, from a young age, been really focused on. This person has written many books, but several are not well known to the general reader. In college, I did a year-long independent study on this writer's work and bought and read their complete works, but because I've made a lot of moves as an adult, I no longer have the same book collection. I've had to sell and rebuild a few times.

    Recently, I realized I didn't have a copy of one of the less well known novels. Since that won't do, I decided to order a used copy from Thriftbooks. The copy I chose was the same edition as the one I had previously owned, and the cover was the same. Cool. I'll tell you, my brain almost melted when I opened the book and saw my own margin notes from a lifetime ago. I had donated the book to a local used book store in ~2009. Somehow it ended up at Thriftbooks and was then returned to me in 2024. This is one of the author's lesser works, but the writer is well known, so there are still multiple editions of this book and many copies are available online.

    porcelina-g , Min An Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred A friend saw me at a busstop so he came and shook my hand. Then he said "Sorry, you look like someone I know."

    That's when I realized it wasn't my friend and this guy just really looks like him. We both just happened to look like someone else in eachothers life.

    treearemadeofbark , Austin Kehmeier Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I was once in the military and stationed at a small base where everyone knew everyone. There was one guy who the girls thought a little strange, but harmless, I’ll call him, Joe Smith. Whenever my then wife or I would say or do something dumb, the other would say, “You’re as dumb as Joe Smith”. Fast forward 10 years. We haven’t said his name in all that time and we’re on the other side of the world. She did something dumb, I say the key phrase and we got a good laugh at that. 30 minutes later Joe Smith walks into the bar’s patio and comes up and greets us. Turns out he joined the Merchant Marines and his ship was in the local harbor.

    notahouseflipper , Mike Yakaites Report


    1st date- we're going over all our background stuff and it gets to "where did you go to school?" She mentions her high school and I mention that I was a camp counselor there for many summers. She whips off her sunglasses and says, "That's where I know you from!"

    I did the quick math and realized she wasn't another counselor when I was there. She was a camper! I asked her if this was weird, and she said she was cool. (I was 40 and she was 30 when we started dating)

    We're celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary this fall.

    JacPhlash Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had the 1st date conversation about school, realized that we had had a physics class together for a year - 10 years ago. Went to different school but the physics class was taught at his school because there weren't enough students for one at my school.


    I flew to a city I used to live in to attend two weddings in the same weekend. One on Friday night and one on Saturday night. The one on Saturday was actually in a nearby city about an hour away, and I was part of the ceremony by doing one of the readings during the wedding mass. My old roommate let me borrow his old beater car to drive to the Saturday wedding and as I was driving it started to chug and lurch and misfire. I pull off at the next exit and the car died and I coasted to a stop in front of the only building around and it was an auto repair shop filled with junk cars and surrounded by a large chain-link fence and gate. I was still about 25 miles away from where I needed to be. When I got out of my car there were two guys pulling the gate closed and they told me they were closing. I was panicking and told them that I was in a wedding in three hours and I need to get there. They look at me and said "You going to the Henson wedding?" I said yes and they said they were going to the same wedding and were closing the shop early to go home and get ready. They took me to the wedding and all was good.

    centexgoodguy Report

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    Stephen Andrews
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My wife got pulled over doing 100+ mph between McAllen and Laredo Texas (Laredo is a pretty big town over 250k people). We had a commuter marriage at the time and my son lived with me in Laredo. The policeman asked her “what in the Hell are you driving so fast for”? She tearfully explained it was my son’s high school graduation and she couldn’t let him down. Cop asked “What high school” she told him JB Alexander. Turns out this cop was only working because his boss (my son’s best friends dad) had to take the shift off as his son was in the same graduation class. He gave her an escort to the city limits (at a more tame 80mph) and told her to leave on time next time.

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    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I was studying abroad halfway around the world when I met a guy who asked if he could sit down and practice his English with me. He explains that he had learned as an exchange student in the US but hadn't had a lot of opportunities to speak it since. What part of the US, I ask? "Oh, they sent me to the middle of nowhere. A tiny little nothing town. You wouldn't have ever heard of it." Well, I'm from the midwest, it's worth a try. 

    It turns out he'd spent a year in my parents' hometown, a town of 5k in northern Missouri. I've spent months of my life in this town. I'm probably somehow related to his host family. But he's right, 99.99% of Americans would never have heard of it.

    Tawny_Frogmouth , George Pak Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Put an offer in on a house on a Friday. That same weekend Sunday, started using an online dating app after recently getting divorced. First and only girl I’m talking to seems pretty awesome. I ask if I can pick her up to take her out to eat. Tells me her address. Her house is 6 houses down on the same exact block as mine. Been married almost 3 years with 2 amazing kids.

    No_Angle875 , Jessica Bryant Report


    My (now ex) wife and I were heading down the interstate, we were in a neighboring state, and it was pretty late at night.

    We see a car pulled over with it's flashers on. It's late, we are in the middle of nowhere, so we decide to stop and see if they need help.

    We notice it's a lone woman. I'm a good dude, but I'm big (6'3, 240lbs) and a bit rough looking (prominent facial scars, arms tatted up), so my wife steps out with me. It's a good thing too, because it was her childhood best friend.

    We were all 3 hours away from home, it was just really bizarre. I changed her flat tire, and we headed home convoy style.

    skrilledcheese Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If two cars is a convoy then why the hell did C.W. McCall need so many goddamn trucks to help him?


    I arrive in Athens a day early late at night and the hotel I’m booked at can’t accommodate me until the next night. The front desk manages to find me a room at a different hotel down the street. I get to my room around 3 in the morning and head to my balcony to see the view. I hear two girls on the balcony below me speaking French. Suddenly one of them snorts and lets out a very distinct laugh and I very quietly call down “Jen?”. It was my college girlfriend who I hadn’t spoken to in seven years.

    tavariusbukshank Report


    During a pretty feeble thunderstorm I yelled to the sky "You call this a thunderstorm?" Two seconds later the world goes white and a sound like an explosion erupts. Our building was struck by lightning and we were only one floor down from the roof. I knew we had been hit because there were sparks cascading down from above. I am an atheist, but I gotta admit, this made me scratch my head.

    Edit - I also failed to mention that me and my roommate were on the balcony when this happened. You have never seen two people try and three-stooges there way back through the door so fast!

    DanoGuy Report


    Was at the state fair with some friends in high school. My friend ran into his 1st grade teacher and was surprised that she still remembered him after all of those years. After they're done talking, we walk away and I say "That's so cool. I wonder if my first grade teacher would remember me".

    Immediately after I say that, I hear my name and turn around to see my first grade teacher standing right behind me, totally remembered me and my family. Was such a weird experience.

    danitykane Report

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    5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A drunk driver caused a major accident with me in a spartan area. My passenger and I were injured fairly badly. It was late evening and I sprinted through fields and over a fence to the only visible lights. It was the home of my first grade teacher. We kept in touch and would joke that my broken bones were not to be easily patched up as a skinned knee.😅 RIP, Mrs. Carter.

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    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Story time!

    Back in college, a buddy of mine and I were hanging out in his dorm, looking for mischief to make. We decided to head over to the Student Union Building (the SUB). On the way out the door, we grabbed his roommate's pocket knife. It was a little Old Timer switchblade, maybe two inches long, that he had received from his grandfather.

    In the SUB, we played a little ping pong, watched some TV, etc. Then my buddy got the idea to compete to see who could be the first to throw his roommate's pocket knife in such a way that it would stick in the carpet. We had each made a few unsuccessful attempts when I threw the knife in such a way that it hit the floor and kicked off at about a 30 degree angle, and shot into the space between an ATM and the wall.

    We went over to the ATM, one on each side and, not really communicating, each reached behind it to retrieve the knife. I was the one who found it, and I pulled it out only to notice that the tip was pretty severely bent. Alarmed at having bent his roomies knife, I stood up and looked at him and held up the knife with my look of dismay evident on my face...

    **Only to see him looking back with a similar look of dismay, holding a 2 inch Old Timer switchblade with a broken tip.**

    ***Meaning that within a space of about two linear feet were two virtually identical switchblades with mangled tips.***

    But wait, there's more!

    Fast forward about 15-20 years. I'm listening to *This American Life* and the episode is about coincidences. The whole time, I'm listening unimpressed, thinking "My pocketknife story is way cooler than any of these stories. I'm actually pretty bummed I didn't hear when they were taking submissions, or I would've submitted it." I ho-hum my way through the episode until I get to the final act. It's a story about a boy at camp. Losing his pocketknife. That he received from his grandfather. And broke off the tip throwing it at the floor. And then having a confrontation with another boy holding what looked like his pocketknife with the broken tip.

    ***Meaning that there were two separate coincidences about mistaken identity of pocketknives with mangled tips that guys received from their grandfathers.***

    I still can't think about this without my brain melting.

    sickmission , Stephen Ruppe Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Here's mine:
    A few years ago, I was randomly paired with a guy for a group project in college. We didn't know each other at all, but we worked really well together and got an A. Fast forward a couple of years, and I walk into a new job on my first day, and guess who’s there? The same guy! We end up becoming best friends. The bizarre part? We discovered our parents had been high school sweethearts and almost got married. Now, our families joke that it’s fate bringing them back together through us.

    No-Investigator-4030 , Artem Podrez Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Husband, me and kids were out for the day chatting about the football team husband coaches and explaining to the kids that as child A's parents are divorcing, husband has to notify both parents of things separately, etc.

    We go to queue for a drink. Right behind said parent and child.

    In Disney World.

    We live in Scotland.

    Scotsburd , Madison Santangelo Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I, completely by chance, got tattooed in my mom's childhood bedroom.

    I made an appointment with a tattoo artist, and when I was on my way there, the address sounded familiar. So I texted my mom, and she confirmed that it was her childhood home, a pastor's house built next to a church.

    By pure coincidence, she was also in the same city that day (she never visits it and lives about 2 hours away. I lived 2 hours away the other way as well). We ended up going for lunch together and she showed me around her old house. It turned out I got tattooed in her old bedroom. The old built-in closet she used to climb in was still there.

    Still the craziest coincidence ever, I don't think my mom at 9 years old expected her own daughter to get tattooed in that room 45 years later.

    Art-Soft , Antoni Shkraba Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred I grew up next to a farm that has been bought by developers and their intent is to create a massive quarry. I wanted it stopped, to protect the beautiful landscape surrounding it, and started a campaign. We started brainstorming what celebs we could try to get to endorse our idea, and James Camerons name came up. He named a character in Titanic after our town, Cal Hockley, so we joked he might have A connection.

    When I researched into it, it turns out Cameron named the character after our town bc his family are all from here, and he spent his youth on his grandparents farm here. ON THAT FARM.

    Then it hit me that our town actually might have meant a lot to on a hunch I checked if there was any other Jack Dawsons around.

    In the cemetary NEXT to the farm, where all of Camerons family are buried are the graves of J Dawson and Rose.

    Whats even crazier, is that next to them all is the grave of an eastern european family...named Titanic.

    I cant decide if its all coincidence or inspiration.

    MYSTERees77 , Pixabay Report


    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred Went on vacation to another continent to celebrate my birthday. Met a member of staff at the hotel with my name, my age and the same birthday.

    anon , Mikhail Nilov Report


    Several years ago my family hosted a foster child for about seven months. This was a kid who came from a small town about two hours away from me. (We live in a metro area of about 600K.) He entered the foster system after his father died, and his mother wasn't interested in raising boys, so he got left to his own devices for a while, with disastrous results. After a stint in juvenile detention, he moved into a transitional home and then eventually landed with us.

    Through all this time he maintained contact with his biological uncle (dad's half brother), who was pretty well put together. We supported weekly visits with the uncle, who lived on the other side of the metro area from where we live, maybe 30 minutes away through average traffic.

    Several months into this arrangement, we learned the uncle owns several houses around our city and leases them out as rental properties. We learned this when he stopped by one of his houses, looked over into the yard next door, and saw a cat that he recognized from the kid's Facebook photos.

    It was our cat. Out of all the foster families he could have been placed with, he landed with the one family that lived next door to a house his uncle rented out.

    CaptainTime5556 Report


    I'm a graphic designer and live in a beach town. Fifteen years ago a client asked me to design an oval sticker for a tidal island they liked to visit and had named - think like an OBX sticker. Last year a friend was on vacation in Caribbean and saw that sticker on a wall of a bar they were in, she texted me a picture of it since it was a coincidence to see this sticker about a little island in our town. Then I blew her mind when I explained I designed it and had them made.

    Sunny_eloise Report

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    As a kid, maybe when I was 12 years old, I remember having a dream once where I walked into my 6th grade class and all the desks where in different positions (my 6th grade teacher would move desks around and make me and my classmates change desks and sit next to other classmates once a month) and I remember finding my seat in the front row, and to my right was this girl and to the left was this boy, and in this dream they were randomly arguing about the correct way of how to pronounce tomatoe.

    I remember waking up from the dream thinking it was strange. Fast forward three months later, I walk into class and the desk had been changed in the exact way it was in my dream, so I instantly went to check where my seat was because I knew exactly where it was going to be. And it was exactly like my dream, and that very girl was to my right and that very boy was to my left.
    Fast forward two weeks, and they started arguing about how to pronounce tomatoe.

    I remember being super freaked out when that actually all happened.

    WastedPenguinz95 Report

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    It's not that crazy but I was listening to a podcast talking about weird synchronicities and specifically about a phenomenon where people start thinking about someone moments before they call.

    This suddenly made me start thinking about a friend who I had not called in years and how I wanted to reconnect. Phone starts ringing and it's that friend... They said I just popped into their head and felt like they should give me a call.

    LemmeLaroo Report

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    Linda R
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That happens to me when I think about not talking to my brother or sister, who both live about 600 miles from me. Usually whichever I was thinking about calls me shortly after before I get a chance to call them first.

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    I'm American but was briefly living in Halls Gap, a tiny town in the middle of nowhere of the wilderness in Victoria, Australia. By "tiny" I mean the population is under 500 people. I had previously lived in Spain as an au pair and my Spanish was getting really rusty in Australia without practice. So when I met a Colombian cook at one of the two restaurants in the town, I was excited and asked if he wanted to have a weekly language exchange where he practiced his English and I practiced my Spanish. He told me his English was solid so he didn't need to practice, but his Spaniard girlfriend had just moved to Halls Gap and she would want to practice. I met up with his girlfriend and we started talking. She said she was from Madrid. I said that's where I had lived too. She said actually I'm from a suburb just outside of Madrid called Alcobendas. I said that's where I lived too! She asked what street I had lived on and I said Calle Colibri. She said she used to be the lifeguard at the exact apartment complex I used to live in. I asked her if she remembered three boys and I said their names she finished my sentence by describing the boys I had been an au pair for. It was absolutely wild. We were hanging out near a bunch of kangaroos, both of us thousands of miles away from our home countries, yet we had this link between us.

    BagApprehensive1412 Report

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    Was selected to work in a group with 4 randomly paired people at a course I was taking. 2 of the women found out that they had the same first name as the other’s last name and vice versa. Relatively uncommon names too! We were pretty baffled and they showed their ID’s to prove it. It would be about the equivalent (using pseudonyms of course) as Taylor Kennedy and Kennedy Taylor but probably even more rare than that. Very bizarre and we all had a perplexed laugh.

    AquamarineCheetah Report

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    People Can’t Explain How These 30 Coincidences Occurred When I was 19 I lived alone in a big city. I am female and was always careful to put the wooden dowels in the windows at night. Didn't want anyone to break into my studio apartment. I had a very vivid dream that my father floated in from a window in my living room and was now floating off to the side of my bed and apparently in a lot of pain. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was saying "Help me! Help me!" He was wearing just a white t shirt and looked disheveled and covered in dirt. His t shirt was all ripped. Then all of a sudden I hear loud banging! The banging continues and as I am about to wake up I see my dads apparition fall to the floor. And he is gone! The banging continues. It takes a few minutes to realize that someone is banging on my door. So I get up and run to the door and look out the peep hole and it's my oldest sister and her husband. I let them in and they are freaking out and saying "You have to get dressed and come with us now! Daddy fell down a mountain and he is in the hospital and we don't know how bad it is." So I quickly dress and get some things to take. And my sister says "Oh, lets make sure that the windows are shut." I told her, "Oh no it's fine I always put the dowels in when I sleep. " Well, guess window was open 1/4 of the way. I still remember it vividly to this day. We went to see him it was over a 45 minute drive and he was ok. He had broken all his ribs and was in an awful lot of pain but otherwise ok.

    Dayana2 , nina_p_v Report

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    My brother married a girl from a very tiny town in northern Ireland. (We live in Canada and he met her while at school in the states). Fast forward a couple years and we are having Christmas with my family and my (at the time) husband's family...his sister had just started dating a guy who was also from northern Ireland. She met him in a city in Ontario, Canada. As my sis in law and this guy started talking, not only did they realize they were from the same little town in N.I, but that their grandparents were neighbors AND best friends. The odds of it are so wild. It really is such a small world.

    carrmu Report

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    The most remarkable coincidence of my life occurred during my motorcycling days in the UK in the mid-1970s.

    One weekend my friend Pete and I arranged to meet at his house in Cosham, near Portsmouth. He lived in Cardiff and I in Coventry, cities 120 miles apart and each approximately 150 miles from Cosham. Normally we would both have ridden motorcycles, but his was inoperable at the time so he planned on hitchhiking. Other than agreeing on where we would meet, we didn’t coordinate our trips, routes, or departure times. I was therefore surprised, as I navigated the Chieveley Interchange at Junction 13 of the M4, to see Pete stepping out of a car pulled over on the roundabout. I circled the interchange and returned to where he was just about to extend his thumb soliciting a lift for the ride south. At that point we had each traveled for a couple of hours and were roughly 100 miles from our points of origin.

    He jumped on the back of my Suzuki GS750 (he had his helmet with him) and I piloted us both to Cosham. What are the chances?

    TheGoldTooth Report

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    Cat Palmer
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I lived just down the road from Cosham until a few months ago, and wasn't expecting to see it mentioned on BP this morning, or indeed at any point. Not exactly a fascinating insight, I know, but 🤷‍♂️

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    I was on Kijiji looking for a Google pixel Chromebook to buy. This was in 2019. I moved to Calgary in 2016 from the Toronto area.

    Ended up finding one that was in great condition, great price and had a bunch of extras included too, but it was located in Edmonton which is about a 3 hour drive away. I say, f**k it, I'll make a little trip out of it with my husband.

    So we drive up to Edmonton and meet the seller. As we are exchanging goods, I'm like... You know, you look very familiar and he goes so do you but particularly your name (we actually both have super unique, one off ethnic sounding names)... We stopped for a minute and realized that we had worked together during our 20's for a brief period in time in Toronto 10+ years prior to that! It was a... What are the odds kind of moment... To meet again half way across the country like this.

    H3rta Report

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    It’s not too crazy - but a few years ago I was in Asheville NC for a weekend and just walking around downtown in the morning - decided to stop at this tiny truck in a small alleyway that was serving coffee and sandwiches. I was there with my partner and kids; didn’t touch base with friends about the trip or anything.

    As I am waiting for my coffee, sitting on a bench, I get tapped on the shoulder - and it was one of my best friends from home (we lived 10 hours away from NC).

    He was in Asheville that weekend for bachelor party with friends from a different group - just happened to walk by that alley at the same time I was waiting for coffee, noticed me, and came over to say what’s up.

    We were both like NOOO WAYYY! Chatted for a few minutes, and that was it - went our separate ways and then didn’t see each other again until we were both back home.

    In the moment that was a real crazy experience, tho maybe doesn’t sound that crazy as I write about it.

    tobybells Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've been to a coffee bus in Asheville, but not a tiny coffee truck, lol

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    A day or two after I got back from my mom's funeral I was working my retail job. I was ringing up a customer for beer and they didn't have their ID. After a bit of complaining they said " My name is ..." and said my mom's entire name...first middle and last name. Freaked me out.

    Longjumping_Golf_954 Report


    I grew up in a religious household so going to a week long church camp was fairly normal in my family.

    I went to two, one when I was 14, one when I was 16. These camps are in colleges in the summer all over the country and many times they run these back to back all summer long so probably 12-15 different ones at each college. Each person is not allowed to go to two in a year. You can go with someone you know and be in the same dorm room, or you can go on your own and get a random person. There are around 50,000 people going to these every year.

    I had the same roommate both times, we both randomly picked two separate colleges to go to both times, randomly picked the same week, and we're both randomly assigned as dorm roommates both times.

    Sarcastic_Rocket Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The one time it's a "coincidence" instead of a "Jesus miracle".

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    I didn’t meet my farher until I was in my early forties. As in never met him, never spent time with him, no contact.
    He had a thing where he would buy my newfound brother in law hot sauce from different places around the us.
    My father passed away and I was going to visit my newfound sister and brother in law. I remembered that he liked hot sauce and picked up a few bottles locally.
    Mind you, he lives overseas and I bought the hot sauce in the us.
    When I arrived, I gave him the hot sauces and he just looked at one of them kinda weird. He reached in the pantry and showed me a nearly empty bottle of hot sauce that was the exact same one as one I bought him. Same brand, size, flavor.
    I know it’s super minor but considering how many hot sauce brands there are out there, the chances of finding the exact same one is pretty slim I would say.

    Edit:a word.

    Reaper-fromabove Report


    In 2017, I was 10. Last year, I was going through Phnomh Penh on Google Maps, when I saw a girl who looked 10 and looked *exactly how I did*. Same haircut, glasses and clothes, checked and the photo was taken in July 2017. Found a doppelganger.

    strawberrycereal44 Report


    I worked as a parking lot auditor for a few months. I wrote up my girlfriend's car 2 years before we met. She had the ticket in her saved documents and knowing that I had worked there, asked me if I could tell who wrote it. My initials in my hand writing were on the ticket.

    Dementid Report


    In the same year I had two:

    Walking to my gate in Amsterdam I bumped into a childhood friend. We were both flying to London. I was on vacation, he was on business. He sat in the row in front of me. We were both from Brazil. We hung out in London.

    Back in Brazil some months later I was in a World Cup game. Behind me sat a couple speaking English. I turn around and it was my another friend and his wife.

    skinando Report

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    Traveling in Asia, met another couple speaking english. Turns out she grew up in our our town....and had frequently gone to our family business as a child!

    dandan14 Report

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    The most bizarre coincidence I've ever experienced was running into a childhood friend on a remote island while on vacation. Neither of us knew the other was traveling, and it still baffles me how we both ended up in the same obscure location at the same time.

    AccordingAstronaut8 Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one's easy. You both wanted to go to the same place, and when your budgets allowed it, you both picked the time period you were able to afford. Being friends most likely meant you had similar interests, so choosing that location probably wasn't as random as you think.


    I was walking around Santiago, Chile and somehow bumped into another American.

    Turns out she was from the same city as me and went to school with my cousin. She even had him on Facebook.

    It was pretty surreal.

    Plantayne Report

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    I was heading to Colombia for a couple of weeks when I was a teenager. Our flight had a layover in Texas(I think? One of the southern states) to Colombia. And the same layover on the way back.
    For 3 of the 4 flights I was sat next to the same old couple. They were nice enough, and I had no issues with them, it was just crazy to have
    They were on my plane for the 4th flight too, just a couple of rows in front of me.

    Chandysauce Report

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    Used to work at a place where all the employees were different nationalities, but all Asian. Lots of Burmese, Vietnamese, Hmong and Cambodians. Me and one British fellow were the only two white people in the whole company. And we had the same two names. His first name was my last name and vice versa.

    I dont give out my personal info, but it was basically like he was named Fred James and I was named James Fred.

    Now imagine you are an Asian person who is still learning English. Yeah it was like a sitcom. Everyone always confused our names. And whenever someone new started they thought we were messing with them.

    The baffling part is that both of these names we share are not as common as Fred or James.

    Calaveras-Metal Report

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    My sister-in-law moved away from home (Ohio) to Texas for a few years after college and started babysitting for this random family for some extra cash. She eventually decides she wants to move back home to Ohio - and as she’s telling the Texas family it will be her last time watching the kids, she finds out the dad of the family was my brother’s childhood best friend. Small a*s world we live in.

    Ready-Step7668 Report

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    Cat Chat
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most of my childhood we lived in Utah, but I lived in Oregon during my highschool years. After graduating I moved back to Utah. Years later, after graduating college, I was interviewing for a job. The doctor interviewing me noticed from my resume the highschool I graduated from. He going on about remembering our mascot, and describing the campus. He had grown up in a neighboring town in Oregon and his highschool was one of our athletic rivals. I got the job and we reminisced about the area often.

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    Mother's Day 2006 I was visiting my mother's grave to put flowers on it. She had passed away in January of that year. Early morning. 7 a.m. My mother drove a 1981 Mercury Zephyr. She liked it because it was the only one in town. Probably one of the only ones left on the road at that point. I was headed home, there was some fog. I was waiting to pull out onto a main road from the cemetery. Headlights are coming toward me so I wait. Different color than my mom's, but it's a 1981 Mercury Zephyr.

    reduff Report


    When I was in college I went to a birthday party with a friend that was for one of his friends I had never met before. It was at a bar in Chicago. While at the bar my friend gets into a fight over the phone with his gf who was at her apartment. He wants to go to her place to smooth things out and leave me there with a bunch of people I dont know. So he takes me around and starts introducing me to his friends and people at the party. 2 of the girls there I graduated high school with and they recognized me. I was baffled that I would run into 2 people I went to High School with in one of the many thousands of bars in Chicago. Our graduating class was not that big.

    TraditionalTackle1 Report

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    Moved to Dublin from the UK in the early 90s. Rented an apartment in a 3 storey town house. Was letting myself in the front door as a guy was coming out. The other guy was a friend of mine from the uk who I used to hang out with in the UK 5 years previously. Not seen or heard from him since I had left my home town for Uni. We are both English with no ties to Ireland. Edit: No ties to Ireland.

    Stevemachinehk Report

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    Found out my old best friend and I lived in the same apartment complex. Never ran into each other and found out when a mutual friend called and told me.

    m_nieto Report

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    Ali H M Salehuddin
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Miracles and coincidence are bound to happen. It would be an utter miracle if there is no coincidence ever happening.


    When I was using dating apps, I was chatting with this girl a town over (45 minute drive). Nothing had happened but we had been talking for a few weeks.

    My boss at the time invited me over to his house for a guys poker night. I showed up and met a few dudes and was having a solid night. One of the guys, who it seemed had never had much luck dating, started catching some strays from the others in attendance about this. To defend himself he says, "look who I have been chatting with on Match" and he holds up the profile of the girl I had been chatting with.

    It was truly a "Camera zooms in, slow motion moment". I had no idea what to do. I didn't end up saying anything because I didn't want to take the wind out of this other guy's sails. Was just a WTF moment.

    Bursan Report

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    Brandi VanSteenwyk
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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would be willing to bet that their "date" was a romance scammer. RS's spam connect with MANY MANY MANY targets in a certain geographical area. The RS studies up on this area (and sucks info out of the connections) so they sound legit and local. By targeting a lot of prey in a specific area, they can concentrate their learning to a certain area and have more time to steal from victims.


    Walked into a meeting with two other people, started off chit-chatting. Boss got back from vacation for his birthday. Other person asks when his birthday is. Boss tells her the date, and she says, "no way, that's my birthday, too." At which point I pull out my driver's license, slap it on the desk, showing the same birthday as the other two people in the room.

    Month/day, not year. I wouldn't say I'm "baffled" but it was still a pretty wild coincidence.

    LilOpieCunningham Report

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    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In a group of 23 people (iirc), the chance of two people having the same birth date is actually over 50%, which blew my mind when I first heard it. But three people all having the same one is pretty wildd, especially in a group of three :)

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    My grandma was living in Arizona the morning that the space shuttle Columbia was supposed to land. She had a dream that a bolt came off a wing and the shuttle ripped apart and crashed. She woke up and went to turn on the news and saw the story about it crashing. It wasn't really due to a bolt coming off, though.

    EligosTheAncient Report


    A few years ago, 23 and Me Genetic Testing, randomly matched a VERY distant cousin, "Allen" to me who's parents used sperm donation to conceive a baby. He was hoping to find the anonymous sperm donor AKA "Donor Dad" and the donor was from my side of the family.

    Using a few clues he had, my elite genealogy skills and chromosome analysis from 23 and Me; I was able to identify his anonymous sperm donor from 30 years ago. 23 and Me also connected him to 8 other 1/2 siblings after they did the genetic testing as well.

    The coincidence is..The amount of DNA I share with Allen is so miniscule, I still have no clue how 23 and Me recommended me as a strong connection with him. Finally, the chromosome # we share is 8 and I finally located sperm donor on August 8... 8/8.

    calihzleyes Report

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