Most people have a certain skill that, even though very basic and mastered by most people around them, still doesn’t come easy for them.

Among the examples are activities and processes as basic as proper breathing or folding fitted sheets, while the reasons behind it may vary from a person’s innate qualities, lacking patience, good teachers, or practice to simply not caring enough about it.

And these people are listing these kinds of basic skills they aren’t very good at, answering one Redditor’s question: ”What is the most basic thing you are terrible at?”

Do you have something to add? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Doing anything while someone is watching.

Silent_Decay , Yan Krukau Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get that. It makes me nervous. The ridicule I get in my head is probably actually worse than it would be in real life if I messed something up. But we are.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Remembering somebody's name.

If a person comes up and says, "Hi, I'm Jim Peterson," I will have forgotten it by the time I've said "Hey. I'm NoxWild."

NoxWild , CHUTTERSNAP Report

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LakotaWolf (she/her)
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know the names of all of the dogs living in my neighborhood. I cannot, for the life of me, remember their owner’s names. I have the lady in the house next door entered in my phone as “Milo’s Mom” XD

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered My attempts at folding fitted sheets are a chaotic masterpiece. It's like wrestling an octopus into submission every time. Does anyone feel me?

KarmaKittenKiss , cottonbro studio Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fitted sheets are a nightmare to fold! I just roll them into a rough cylinder and call it good.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Sleeping. It takes so long to fall asleep. And I wake up wide awake multiple times a night. Nightmares constantly. I’ve tried all the things. Dark, light, silence, noise (tv, fan, white noise). I’m exhausted. I have a sleep study on April 29th. Cross your fingers they can help me cause your girl is sleepy.

nay2829 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Taking complete blood samples, to see if any is of. Deficiency, hormones or 'just' pescy thyroid gland.. and wonder how many sleep better at the sleep study, than at home?

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Comforting sad people. I'll literally just stand there and be like, "you .. .you want some water?"

Cressonette , Jack Sparrow Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Small talk. I turn every casual conversation into an awkward dance of random facts and nervous laughter lol

HallqPE03r4221 , Tim Douglas Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And oversharing! "How's the weather today?" Me: "my mom left with me terrible trauma because of her poor life choices"

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Sense of direction. I navigate around well due to memorization. I have no feeling of which way to go. I can get lost after using the restaurant bathroom easy. 

Emergencymama , Pixabay Report

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Jeremy James
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is why I love living on the coast. If you get lost, just walk toward the ocean. When you get there, your choices are Right or Left.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Handwriting. It doesn’t seem to matter how hard I try it always looks like a drunk spider has stood in ink and wandered across the page.
Edit: Not a Dr so please ignore any medical advice I give out

SpankyBluePanda , Report

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Ephemeral Mochi
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my mom remarked that my chinese handwriting is better than my english handwriting 😆

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Parallel parking. It's like my car has a force field that repels itself from the curb I swear

AndersontUI49f6221 , Maryia Plashchynskaya Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Love my backup camera but I will still only parallel park if there is absolutely no traffic nearby and lots of room.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered 1. Socializing

2. Making new friends

3. Making small talk

4. Dancing

That last one sucks because I come from the DANCINGEST family. Every goddamn wedding it's a line of people trying to get me on the dance floor. Don't get me started on bachelorette weekends and the hours of clubbing they inevitably entail. People think I'm shy but I'm not, if I could dance I WOULD dance. I just have zero rhythm. I look like an injured cow having an epileptic fit when I try. So I don't subject myself, or others, to a public performance. I shouldn't be criticized for this. I should be THANKED.

_hootyowlscissors , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered A signature that doesn’t look like a child forged it.

Sup3rB1rd , Pixabay Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I grew up in a family of teachers... all with perfect handwriting... you can read my signature. Maybe not my other handwriting.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Breathing.

My lungs have collapsed twice to fatal levels. Spontaneous Pneumothorax.

I had to have surgery to permanently glue my left lung to the skin of my back.

I still occasionally feel them have "mini collapses" once or twice a year. But Anything less than 25% or so (I am not a doctor) can fix itself.

This makes strenuous activity, like going for a jog, a bit difficult. If I feel that familiar pain, everything stops for that day.

gummby8 , Oleksandr P Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered mental arithmetic

5minbeforemidnight , Gustavo Fring Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Used to be able to do it, but I’ve lost that skill the last few years (76 yrs old). Doesn’t seem to matter much.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered I'm Filipino, I'm supposed to sing like an angel.

I'm part of the 10% of the population who cannot sing to save their life.

ikaimnis , Pixabay Report

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Pandasizing World Peace
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cannot come close to carrying a tune, just awful noises come from my vocal chords. If I forget myself and break into a TV show song, my compassionate cat runs up to my face in a panic, i'm sure, thinking I am suffering some horrific ailment. At church, I have learned to either sit in the front row so I'm singing into a wide open space, or I silently lip sync the words.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Holding a conversation.

EducationCommon1635 , Jopwell Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm bad at holding a conversion , but I'm even worse at starting one. I just never know what to say. Maybe I'm not made to talk.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Making pancakes. I can cook otherwise, I can bake, but for whatever reason, I can’t make pancakes.

Horror-Lion111 , Ash Report

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Jeremy James
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The last time I made pancakes, it put my partner in the hospital. There was nothing wrong with the pancakes themselves; they were delicious. That was just the day we found out that he has type II diabetes now.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Self-care.

llc4269 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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Lydsylou (she/her)
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a shower and might occasionally splash my face with some water but that's my limit. I own literally no skin care or makeup products. Shampoo, conditioner and body wash are the extent of my self care

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Throwing.

I can throw a ball, but not far or fast. Never been able to. I'm in good shape, I got a good build, but don't count on me to be QB in your football game or pitcher on a baseball team. Something about my arm I just can't get it very fast.

OrangeChihuahua2321 , Davide Buttani Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to play cricket for our local village team, twice awarded "fielder of the year", but everybody (on our team) knew that I could not throw the ball from the boundary. My reactions were sharp and I could run it down quickly, but there always needed to be someone half-way to the stumps to relay it back. But it's a brave batsman who takes another run when the ball is in the fielder's hands.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Well, as my mom will tell you, in kindergarten I failed at skipping. They even put a note on my report card. So don't ask me to skip for you, I can't do it.

TwoAmoebasHugging , cottonbro studio Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They put a note in your report card about skipping at school, or skipping school?

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taekookieberry Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My knitting efforts are often labelled 'religious' ... as in (very, VERY) holey - although I can finger knit like a pro. :D

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Any DIY. I grew up with a father that could do anything and really well, electrics, plumbing, plastering, carpentry, mechanics, you name it. I can drill a hole in a wall, and that's about it.

Mark-Might-Lose , Bidvine Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Cooking, like I'll literally mess up the most basic stuff. I even managed to burn instant noodles once lol

Designer_Primary_144 , cottonbro studio Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Driving. 29, never learned.

coqueluxo , Ingo Joseph Report


Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Cutting anything in half,no matter how even it seems it will be, it ends up stupid.

crowfren , CA Creative Report

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Grabbing just one beer.

Thin-Air2055 , Tembela Bohle Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One bottle of booze is too much & a bathtub of booze isn't recovery here, so one beer for me is equivalent to throwing away my life

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zeblootothdivais Report

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Tucker Cahooter
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me too, embarrassing from a nation where 85% of us live close to the ocean and which thrives on winning swimming medals at the Olympics. I'm the sort of person who would even drown in the Dead Sea

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Peeling a hard boiled egg.

dopm_me_your_strange , Nataliya Vaitkevich Report


Cooking rice well

deezirae Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Uncle Roger would have a heart attack if he saw me cook rice. Though I recently got a rice steamer but I'm yet to use it. I'm looking forward to not drowning my rice in the future.

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Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered Reading an analog clock.

I am 30.
I am a teacher.

Edit to clarify: I know how it works. I can tell the time but I can't look at it and tell instantly. I have to go through a whole process, the same as when you're learning this. So it goes like this in my mind: okay, the big clock hand is at 6 so it's half, then look at the small one..

I taught myself how to read and write when I was 4 and have an iq of 124 but my brain won't let me tell how to read a clock instantly.

JulesFGM , Mike Bird Report

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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I couldn't either, until I took Spanish. Learning it in a different language sidestepped the crossed wires in my brain. After awhile, I was able to do it in English without having to translate first. A shame OP won't see this.

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