It looks like another weird internet thing might be coming back into the spotlight. And this one, well, it’s a bit wild (pun very much intended). Dear Pandas, meet… the monkey tail beard. Also known as the cat tail, this beard style is both bold and utterly bizarre. But nobody can deny that it’s eye-catching and definitely deserves to be shown off in the zoo that is the internet.
Scroll down to check out some of the best/worst examples of guys ever having sported the monkey tail beard, collected by Bored Panda, and be sure to let us know which ones you loved/hated the most and why.
I feel like this deserves a warning: don’t try this at home, folks. But if you do... (and some part of me hopes that some of our readers are brave and fun enough for this), send us photos of your magnificent beards! I’d do the same, but I was born in the year of the monkey, so I do enough monkeying around as it is.
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Imo this one works better than the others because of his "that one crazy history teacher" vibes
It’s not the first time that the world has seen the great/awful beard style appear online. The monkey tail beard made chunky splashes on the net in 2012, 2013, 2016, 2019, and a bit in mid-2020. We just hope that this style doesn’t spread too wide: it might be quirky and fun, but can you imagine people showing up to work like this?
One of the most famous people associated with the monkey tail beard style is Mike Fiers, the pitcher of the Oakland Athletics. The internet (and Twitter in particular) went absolutely wild over this in the Fall of 2019, sparking a whole lot of memes and fascination.
The A’s, who have a wonderful sense of humor, actually put Fiers’ beard on their face masks in the Summer of 2020 and proudly showed it off to everyone. A’s manager Bob Melvin also wore one of the items showing the swirly beard. There had been rumors that Fiers himself may have given the items to his teammates.
What do you think about the monkey tail beard, dear Pandas? Do you love it? Hate it? Is this something that you’d sport for fun or even to the office once the lockdown regulations loosen? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
This looks SO much like my friend who I was just about to message to tell him to do this
I like it, looks like it's coming from the back of his hair!!
Looks like his young daughter was playing with the scissors last night
As I scroll through all of these It is kind of making me agitated for some reason.
Ladies, Gentleman, Gentlefolk, And Assorted Steves: I present to you the New Mullet
I'm not a fan but you know what; women have done so many different things with their hair and make-up; some good and some not so good. It's now the men's chance so why not!? It's not permanent and it's fun to them. Let's stop judging people on their looks or trends. This is SO not important.
Well woman always come with strange trends and innovations(remember the eye brows, eye lashes, and so on?)...If they like and are happy why not? download-1...2484fe.jpg
I really cannot tell how I feel about this. Do I hate it? No. Do I like it? No.
I didn't know this was a thing...I wish I didn't I know this is a thing
I guess if you want to draw possibly unflattering attention to yourself....
I have never seen one of these. I really think it's funny, but far too distracting. I can't imagine any of these men having a job in a professional setting, like a doctor or businessman.
This looked okay on one dude, and the rest of them thought it would look okay on them too, and they were wrong.
There have been times where I have shaved off my beard for one reason or another... I would always think of crazy 1/2 shaved things to do. Like a handlebar mustache with massive sideburns, or something like that. This is something I would have tried if I knew about it. It isn't something that I would keep. It would just be 1/2 way through shaving, take a pic, laugh, then finish the job.
Eh. I remember 90s boy bands beards (not bearding) that looked far more offending to the eyes. If these guys want monkey tail beards more power to them.
Based on the comments, I am clearly in the minority of people who think this is funny. It's not hurting anyone. The world is such an awful place already. Let people have some fun.
Didn’t know this was a thing, but honestly I didn’t even notice a difference.
While it's not to my taste, I don't think it's terrible. Men have very few ways to play with their appearance.
Dudes do what you want. Can't say that I am delirious with delight at the sight.
So ugly! (actually I'm envious of the beard growth of these guys) A little ugly too tho
Looks like the guy passed out drunk at a frat party- and this is how he woke up.
I don't know if it's really a thing or not but they all have something in common, they look stupid.
Ladies, Gentleman, Gentlefolk, And Assorted Steves: I present to you the New Mullet
I'm not a fan but you know what; women have done so many different things with their hair and make-up; some good and some not so good. It's now the men's chance so why not!? It's not permanent and it's fun to them. Let's stop judging people on their looks or trends. This is SO not important.
Well woman always come with strange trends and innovations(remember the eye brows, eye lashes, and so on?)...If they like and are happy why not? download-1...2484fe.jpg
I really cannot tell how I feel about this. Do I hate it? No. Do I like it? No.
I didn't know this was a thing...I wish I didn't I know this is a thing
I guess if you want to draw possibly unflattering attention to yourself....
I have never seen one of these. I really think it's funny, but far too distracting. I can't imagine any of these men having a job in a professional setting, like a doctor or businessman.
This looked okay on one dude, and the rest of them thought it would look okay on them too, and they were wrong.
There have been times where I have shaved off my beard for one reason or another... I would always think of crazy 1/2 shaved things to do. Like a handlebar mustache with massive sideburns, or something like that. This is something I would have tried if I knew about it. It isn't something that I would keep. It would just be 1/2 way through shaving, take a pic, laugh, then finish the job.
Eh. I remember 90s boy bands beards (not bearding) that looked far more offending to the eyes. If these guys want monkey tail beards more power to them.
Based on the comments, I am clearly in the minority of people who think this is funny. It's not hurting anyone. The world is such an awful place already. Let people have some fun.
Didn’t know this was a thing, but honestly I didn’t even notice a difference.
While it's not to my taste, I don't think it's terrible. Men have very few ways to play with their appearance.
Dudes do what you want. Can't say that I am delirious with delight at the sight.
So ugly! (actually I'm envious of the beard growth of these guys) A little ugly too tho
Looks like the guy passed out drunk at a frat party- and this is how he woke up.
I don't know if it's really a thing or not but they all have something in common, they look stupid.