Mom Teaches Her Son That Chores Aren’t ‘Just For Women’, Gets Criticized Online
“I teach my son to cook and do household chores. Why? Because household work isn’t just for women.”
This is what mom-of-two Nikkole Paulun from Monroe, Michigan wrote about house chores and raising kids on Facebook recently. The post was accompanied by pictures of her 6-year-old son Lyle doing the laundry, doing some house cleaning, loading the dishwasher, and cooking on the stove. It’s since been liked more than 143k times and shared by over 57k people, but while Paulun has received a lot of praise for attempting to destroy heteronormative gender inequality stereotypes, she’s also received criticism for treating raising kids like “slaves.” The 22-year-old mom, who once appeared on MTV reality show 16 and Pregnant, defended her statements, but opinions seem to be divided. What do you think about chores for kids?
More info: Facebook (h/t: distractify)
Mom of two Nikkole Paulun recently posted pictures of her 6-year-old son Lyle doing chores on Facebook
Her post received more than 143k likes and been shared by over 57k people
Some people criticized the mom and accused her of treating her children like “slaves”
Others questioned whether she intended to treat her 1-year-old daughter the same way
But many people defended Nikkole’s post and revealed that they too raised their children to do the chores
A number of them even posted pictures of their children helping out with the housework
Image credits: Diana Malagon
In response to the negative statements, Nikkole later posted a picture of Lyle relaxing and playing video games. “He’s definitely not my slave lol,” she wrote
Share on FacebookThis women should be praised! me and my BF live together so we share the chores together....All kids need to learn to pull their weight so they are able for living alone in the real world!!
So true! I've known so many people who don't know how to cook or clean, because they're mother did everything for them. Even simple things like using a washing machine! All parents should teach their kids real life skills, regardless of gender.
Load More Replies...She was criticised? Gis future girlfriends will thank her. Also her daughter's future boyfriends, I believe... As long as the roles are not inversed, just neutralised, then this deserves all praise. And she's lucky her kids want to cooperate.
People care too much about EVERYTHING. Especially other people's business.
The only thing I would have a problem is that it would be better to put the boy on some sort of stepping stool while using the oven, so if anything spills out of that pan, it doesn't burn/scald his face. Even if you don't let him use oil, or or cook greasy/wet stuff, it's just safer.
At his height I think a step stool may actually hender him.
Load More Replies...To all those criticizing, I know people in their mid to late twenties still who wait on their mother to cook for them, do their laundry and shopping. These people have good education and some a great career, but they basically still can't wipe their a** when it comes to simple, everyday things. I don't know what will happen to them when their parents are no longer able to hold them by the hand. IT has nothing to do with slavery, it's learning crucial skills, being responsible and know how to pull your own weight and not be useless and constantly dependent on others.
She wasn't teaching her child to be "a slave," she was teaching him responsibility and not to expect a woman to do for him what he can do for himself. Believe me, women will be thanking his mother for what she instilled in him in youth. Those who criticized her are what's wrong with this society. Right now we have people graduating from college who can't even boil water or balance a check book, but they sure as hell can go on social media and complain or talk about the new outfit a Kardashian is wearing. Well done mom, son or daughter, you are raising a well round child.
Children should do chores. It teaches them how to do those tasks so they can one day be self sufficient adults. It teaches them that we each have to do our part to keep our home clean and comfortable, which will extend into keeping our community that way. It teaches that things take work, we do not magically have nice thing and are not entitled to them, we work for them, earn them, and take care of them.
Hi I live in the U.K and I think this is the best thing any mum can do for her children it teaches them hou to look after themselves and others, as well has that if you want things then you have to work for it, but has for treating them as slaves why don't you watch the Victorian slums channel 4 in the U.K I'm sure you can get it on catch up or omething over there, now they where tret like slaves and they did have all the mod cons of today, why don't you look at the adverts for charities that want you to give money to save children, they don't have a choice aether would you say they were tret like slaves. I wish these people would open there eyes and brains and look at the younger generation we have today where they think every thing come to them who waits. It don't
What do I think? Well, that this is a private facebook discussion and it belongs there, and it belongs to be private. Neither are the pictures enough to judge how she raises her children (if that would be the right things to do), nor do the comment snippets allow for a elaborated discussion of the topic as a whole. Besides, the fact that "lol" appears in some of the comments is reason alone not to jump into it. And finally, the fact alone that "16 and Pregnant" is mentioned asks for a biased discussion. What should that tell us? The one faction will say that she got the curve, the opposing faction will say that MTV participants are disqualified for raising opinions.
totally...well since it was shared by so many people I suppose it was of course published as "public" on facebook. MTV reality show participant explains why....
Load More Replies...In the past it was very common that the man was working his a*s off to earn enough money for the family so they could live a decent life, while the womans job was to take care off the house/kids. Which is understandable and fair. The work in the family was distributed based on each persons availability. Now is a different time and in most families it is not possible to live from a salary of only one member. Therefore both partners have to work (be slaves) to live at least decently. I know many women which would love to stay at home and take care of the house/kids,but then they will not have money to pay rent. I was raised to know everything and do what is currently needed. So if my gf is at work I can do laundry, clean the dishes, cook or whatever. If needed I can change the brakes or repair/change a flat tyre, take care of the garden or open a pickle jar. I will teach my kinds everything I know, so they are not lost in life and bring laundry to their mom as 40 yo.That's just pathetic
Why is this even a post?..... this is 100% normal, all children should be taught to do jobs and chores as part of their contribution to the running of the home, regardless of someone else applying a needless gender tag to a particular task. This does not make the OP a genius revolutionary parent FFS.
My husband does most of the cleaning and cooking at home, while I'm better at packing the car ond sorting out technical stuff. Doesn't make him liess of a man (on the contrary) or me less of a woman! :D
The ones criticism ingredients this woman got brats lol. My daughter helped me sweep when she was 1-1/2. I grew up doing chores I used to love and still love cooking. It is great for kids and they learn responsibility. They love to Help at a young age and if you start early it becomes second nature. I praise any parent that teaches their child to be responsible and contribute instead of teaching them that someone owes them something.
The people downvoting these sensible comments are most likely these brats. It's like they're thinking "oh my goodness...chores? THE HORROR!! This is child abuse!" Have chores really become so rare nowadays that it's perceived as slaving your own child?
Load More Replies...If only more moms would teach their sons to share the load it not only makes a happier married couple in the future but he will also not be a lazy slob like many kids are now. Both boys and girls should be given daily responsibilities to make them grow into adulthood with better standards and morals. Only a pig lives in a sty.
So people weren't pitching fits because he's a boy doing housework but because he's doing housework at all? Seriously? Kids don't do basic chores any more? Yeesh! We all had jobs to do that were age appropriate and they had to be done. Nothing was rocket science and we weren't chained in the kitchen, but we all learned all of those things - AND how to change oil, sharpen a chain saw, split wood, repair tile floors, and everything else that comes with living in a house.
Just teach him how to do those things. He'll feel awkward when the kids make fun of him at school. then you tell him why those kids are wrong. Knock it off with the statements.
Not only that if his parents are ill enough to notphysically not be able to do some of these things he can care for himself...and them until he can get help.
Have to assume the people that are complaining about children actually pitching in around the house are the same people that have or will have wild children that draw on walls with sharpies and play video games all day. Got to laugh !
Pretty offtopic, but it's quite nice to actually see someone ending a sentence using quotation marks in the "right way."
Wow she teachs his son to be responsible AND that women have not to do all the house care, WHAT A TERRIBLE PERSON SHE IS WOOOOOW
My boyfr never did washing etc, they always had maids! So it is super frustrating. Good job mom!
"Mother teaches her kid to do household chores" Me: Nice. "Sh'e been criticized for 'treating her son like a slave' " Me: *blinks* What the fck?
My mother also taught me to cook food and also the other chores. I could cook at least a few of those dishes which were quick and easy to prepare. This helped me when i was living alone during my graduation studies. Cooking has turned my hobby now and i prepare food sometimes so as my wife can relax and enjoy food cooked by me.
I don't understand what's the problem with what she's trying to do. Is it that her kid can and will be able to do so many things that the kids of her trollers cannot do or will learn those things much later? The kid looks happy to me and as long as he's hail and hearty and enjoys helping out his mom, it's fine!
Man the people commenting are so full of themselves. On the internet you can never be ideal - there's always gonna be a wise-a*s telling you how you're wrong. Yes, even for something as simple and mandatory as teaching kids to do chores.
Im with her.. kids dont learn on their own they must be taught,that is a parents roll to teach their children how to manage when an adult
I agree to teach it jong and not let them do it all by themselves alone or when they are older and are not capable of understanding that you try to teach them a life lesson that you can call slavery its best to prepare them jong because life might not always be bright in the future
Props to this lady. Not only is she doing a good job raising her son to be self sufficient. But she also handled all the negative and ignorant comments with grace.
my boys did chores and so glad they did, as now they know how to keep their home clean and tidy, not all men marry and have wives that do it, so some one has too. Good for her i say.
Yasss this is how you raise productive members of society! Kids who never had to do chores end up being lazy useless adults. Your doing parenting right Nikkole, keep it up!
Why is this even an issue of gender? If the house is dirty, clean it up. Whether or not you have a vagina is irrelevant.
:) This woman is amazing :) iam a single mother too and my son (he is 5, in jan. 6 years old) he love it to helps me :) he always say "i am a big and strong man, if my mother needs help, i help her" :D when ppl think my son is a slave or anything like this, ppl can think it :) i know the true, my friends and my family know the true too and That's the only thing that counts. (sry for my bad english)
I grew up with a stepdad who did almost all the cooking. A man who would come inside from changing the tires to check on the roast and now as an adult I treally get surprised when I see people acting like this is a new thing. He is over 60 and there is nothing around the house he cannot do. I grew up expecting team work at home. Sure my mom does the laundry because he doesn't enjoy it and isn't good at it but he does all the cooking and shopping etc so they split the work. As any couple should
What the heck?? What is wrong with chores? Jeez good for her though, I know some adults can't f*****g figure out how to boil water. The world needs more common sense and responsibilities.
My son is a bachelor, where would he be if he didn't know how to cook, clean and do laundry? My other son is a husband and father of two little girls, he knows how to do all those things AND can manage a pig tail or braid, his wife is glad to have the help. My daughter is the mother of a 18 month old son, his first chore was to pick up the food around his high chair. Guess what, he doesn't throw food on the floor anymore! I say, good job Nikkole!
Lol "slaves"... Probably the same people that say a simple slap on the wrist or back of the head is child-abuse. No I'm not saying you should beat your kids, but there's a difference between beating and a simple slap on the wrists... (Pretty sure alot of people who were kids back then who got a slap on the wrist or whatever turned out okay.) When my brothers and I were kids, we had to help clean our animals stuff (ferret/hamster cages, cats litterbox,...) or we weren't allowed to have pets. Also had to help in the household, doing the dishes or help our mom prepare food. (When she would make a huge batch of soup to store in the freezer, we each got 1 job: 1 peeled the veggies, 1 cut them and 1 made the meatballs etc) It's not slavery to get your kids to help around in the household...
I see negative people not understanding a simple post of an intelligent MOM!
This makes me sad. Simply because so many people think it is sooo wonderful this boy is doing household chores. Why is this wonderful? Why is this any different than a picture of a girl using the stove? I didn't realize in my little bubble that this gender stereotypes still exist in such an extend that this would go viral. My son's 28 and he did his laundry and made his dinner and ran a vacuum as did his father. Why is this even a thing?
Because there are so few kids that do ANY thing at home to earn their keep. Not that this is anything new but it was good to see it and for kids that don't do a thing at home to also see. If the parent doesn't enforce rules, nothing will ever be accomplished. Kids need boundaries.
Load More Replies...People has always words to say but to me i'm with that MOM. That is raw training for his child to be better person and will contribute a lot in his future life. We know everything starts at home. Your parents are your first teacher. They know what is the best for you and not to harm you. For me it is very practical thing to let your child be exposed in those simple chores. Me as growing child our parents taught us well to do things while they are working... in that manner we slowly understand that we need to work as a team to accomplish big things and we understand that we need to value what we've learned and be responsible enough.
This is whats wrong with the world not teaching children responsibility shame on the people who say this child is treated like a slave you are idiots to my thinking.
This is nothing new, back in the 50s and 60s my grandmother taught me how to cook and sewing how to raise vegetables and take care of chickens and rabbits. I started learning to cook at 5yrs old she was in her 60s. I taught my son and daughters to cook and take care of themselves. My grandmother said if a man can't take care of himself how can he take care of someone else.
I did the same for my tow sons when they were that age. They now cook really well and help their partners with everything. Great husbands and fathers. Hopefully they will do the same for their children.
Perfect. Good for her. Boys will be almost exactly like girls, it turns out.
When I was about 14 I came home from school to an empty house - both parents working, or dad away working elsewhere. I built the fire, and then vacuumed the downstairs, tidied up, and made my own tea (dinner, whatever you call it; evening meal). Guess what, when I left home and lived in flats with friends, and then got married, home building was a piece of p**s (UK for very easy). Not a problem. I'm now old and live alone, and my tiny flat is a place you'd be happy to live in - 'cept for the cold. She's did him a big favour. It's her job as a mum.
My mom did the same with me, now I'm 31 and I don't need a girl to wash my clothes, cook, iron my clothes or cleaning the house. I know to do everything, indeed if I invite a girl to my house I cook for her and I wash the dishes, also in my office not all the girls know to cook and the end I'm the one who cook.
My 9 year olds boy empties there dishwasher, helps with laundry, and cooks ones meal a week for the family with supervision.
Why was she criticised? Me and my older siblings helped round the house when we were growing up.
I think she was criticized because of the number of pictures of him doing different things she had posted. Gave people the impression she had him doing all the housework for her rather than just some chores.
The world needs more responsible adults in this world, less people riding IN the cart sort of speak. I commend her and hope I've done the same with my children to prepare them for the real world.
Wonderful! I have nothing but praise and admiration for the mum, it's amazing that she's teaching her kids how to take care of themselves and others! I was taught all kinds of things by my grandparents, and to this day I am beyond grateful for that - from cooking, cleaning and knitting/sewing, to woodwork, basic house repairs and yardwork. Everything has come in handy, and I've never felt helpless in my own home. Not to mention, I can actually lend a hand to others! :)
In theory, if you felt so entitled to comment on everything somebody posted on Facebook, you could. Doesn't mean you should. It's called willpower, haha.
kids need to learn responsability at Young age. not to makes slaves, but to learn period. my older boy his 8 and make breakfast himself. i didn't do it myself at his age. got at 12 i didn't pick my own clothes in the morning. i try to don,t make the same mistake my parent did
Those people who reacted negatively to this were most likely sheltered and spoiled when they were younger, not required to do any chores around the house as children. But regardless, they should not be saying anything about this mother's parenting. Who are they to judge? Different people have different parenting styles. I hate when some parents talk in a matter-of-fact type of way and tell other parents they're doing it wrong. Every child is different and there's not a single parenting style that works universally for every parent or child. I think it's great that this mom is teaching him to be capable of taking care of himself starting at a young age. Children who were coddled until they're older and sent off to live on their own are probably lost and don't know how to cook for themselves, do their own laundry, clean their own living space, etc. and will need their moms to come over and do all of that for them.
was taught the same by my mum but was getting paid for it lol so now I don t do anything coz I ain t getting paid no more
It seems parents are not able anymore to teach anything without taking a picture and posting it on FB
Well done. Exposing her young boy on Facebook for likes and attention. There's nothing wrong with involving kids in the household chores. There's nothing wrong with teaching boys and girls the same stuff (I would be happy to know better how to sort the bloody laundry ;) ). But posting this under the label of feminism, with this "first he does the man things and then returns to the kitchen to do the rest" attitude, as if she was taming a male and training him to serve his mistress...this makes me really sick.
Don't do that! Dr. Wakina is haunted by a fallen angel and possessed by the devil! Once he has you bound to his spells, your soul is lost!
Load More Replies...This women should be praised! me and my BF live together so we share the chores together....All kids need to learn to pull their weight so they are able for living alone in the real world!!
So true! I've known so many people who don't know how to cook or clean, because they're mother did everything for them. Even simple things like using a washing machine! All parents should teach their kids real life skills, regardless of gender.
Load More Replies...She was criticised? Gis future girlfriends will thank her. Also her daughter's future boyfriends, I believe... As long as the roles are not inversed, just neutralised, then this deserves all praise. And she's lucky her kids want to cooperate.
People care too much about EVERYTHING. Especially other people's business.
The only thing I would have a problem is that it would be better to put the boy on some sort of stepping stool while using the oven, so if anything spills out of that pan, it doesn't burn/scald his face. Even if you don't let him use oil, or or cook greasy/wet stuff, it's just safer.
At his height I think a step stool may actually hender him.
Load More Replies...To all those criticizing, I know people in their mid to late twenties still who wait on their mother to cook for them, do their laundry and shopping. These people have good education and some a great career, but they basically still can't wipe their a** when it comes to simple, everyday things. I don't know what will happen to them when their parents are no longer able to hold them by the hand. IT has nothing to do with slavery, it's learning crucial skills, being responsible and know how to pull your own weight and not be useless and constantly dependent on others.
She wasn't teaching her child to be "a slave," she was teaching him responsibility and not to expect a woman to do for him what he can do for himself. Believe me, women will be thanking his mother for what she instilled in him in youth. Those who criticized her are what's wrong with this society. Right now we have people graduating from college who can't even boil water or balance a check book, but they sure as hell can go on social media and complain or talk about the new outfit a Kardashian is wearing. Well done mom, son or daughter, you are raising a well round child.
Children should do chores. It teaches them how to do those tasks so they can one day be self sufficient adults. It teaches them that we each have to do our part to keep our home clean and comfortable, which will extend into keeping our community that way. It teaches that things take work, we do not magically have nice thing and are not entitled to them, we work for them, earn them, and take care of them.
Hi I live in the U.K and I think this is the best thing any mum can do for her children it teaches them hou to look after themselves and others, as well has that if you want things then you have to work for it, but has for treating them as slaves why don't you watch the Victorian slums channel 4 in the U.K I'm sure you can get it on catch up or omething over there, now they where tret like slaves and they did have all the mod cons of today, why don't you look at the adverts for charities that want you to give money to save children, they don't have a choice aether would you say they were tret like slaves. I wish these people would open there eyes and brains and look at the younger generation we have today where they think every thing come to them who waits. It don't
What do I think? Well, that this is a private facebook discussion and it belongs there, and it belongs to be private. Neither are the pictures enough to judge how she raises her children (if that would be the right things to do), nor do the comment snippets allow for a elaborated discussion of the topic as a whole. Besides, the fact that "lol" appears in some of the comments is reason alone not to jump into it. And finally, the fact alone that "16 and Pregnant" is mentioned asks for a biased discussion. What should that tell us? The one faction will say that she got the curve, the opposing faction will say that MTV participants are disqualified for raising opinions.
totally...well since it was shared by so many people I suppose it was of course published as "public" on facebook. MTV reality show participant explains why....
Load More Replies...In the past it was very common that the man was working his a*s off to earn enough money for the family so they could live a decent life, while the womans job was to take care off the house/kids. Which is understandable and fair. The work in the family was distributed based on each persons availability. Now is a different time and in most families it is not possible to live from a salary of only one member. Therefore both partners have to work (be slaves) to live at least decently. I know many women which would love to stay at home and take care of the house/kids,but then they will not have money to pay rent. I was raised to know everything and do what is currently needed. So if my gf is at work I can do laundry, clean the dishes, cook or whatever. If needed I can change the brakes or repair/change a flat tyre, take care of the garden or open a pickle jar. I will teach my kinds everything I know, so they are not lost in life and bring laundry to their mom as 40 yo.That's just pathetic
Why is this even a post?..... this is 100% normal, all children should be taught to do jobs and chores as part of their contribution to the running of the home, regardless of someone else applying a needless gender tag to a particular task. This does not make the OP a genius revolutionary parent FFS.
My husband does most of the cleaning and cooking at home, while I'm better at packing the car ond sorting out technical stuff. Doesn't make him liess of a man (on the contrary) or me less of a woman! :D
The ones criticism ingredients this woman got brats lol. My daughter helped me sweep when she was 1-1/2. I grew up doing chores I used to love and still love cooking. It is great for kids and they learn responsibility. They love to Help at a young age and if you start early it becomes second nature. I praise any parent that teaches their child to be responsible and contribute instead of teaching them that someone owes them something.
The people downvoting these sensible comments are most likely these brats. It's like they're thinking "oh my goodness...chores? THE HORROR!! This is child abuse!" Have chores really become so rare nowadays that it's perceived as slaving your own child?
Load More Replies...If only more moms would teach their sons to share the load it not only makes a happier married couple in the future but he will also not be a lazy slob like many kids are now. Both boys and girls should be given daily responsibilities to make them grow into adulthood with better standards and morals. Only a pig lives in a sty.
So people weren't pitching fits because he's a boy doing housework but because he's doing housework at all? Seriously? Kids don't do basic chores any more? Yeesh! We all had jobs to do that were age appropriate and they had to be done. Nothing was rocket science and we weren't chained in the kitchen, but we all learned all of those things - AND how to change oil, sharpen a chain saw, split wood, repair tile floors, and everything else that comes with living in a house.
Just teach him how to do those things. He'll feel awkward when the kids make fun of him at school. then you tell him why those kids are wrong. Knock it off with the statements.
Not only that if his parents are ill enough to notphysically not be able to do some of these things he can care for himself...and them until he can get help.
Have to assume the people that are complaining about children actually pitching in around the house are the same people that have or will have wild children that draw on walls with sharpies and play video games all day. Got to laugh !
Pretty offtopic, but it's quite nice to actually see someone ending a sentence using quotation marks in the "right way."
Wow she teachs his son to be responsible AND that women have not to do all the house care, WHAT A TERRIBLE PERSON SHE IS WOOOOOW
My boyfr never did washing etc, they always had maids! So it is super frustrating. Good job mom!
"Mother teaches her kid to do household chores" Me: Nice. "Sh'e been criticized for 'treating her son like a slave' " Me: *blinks* What the fck?
My mother also taught me to cook food and also the other chores. I could cook at least a few of those dishes which were quick and easy to prepare. This helped me when i was living alone during my graduation studies. Cooking has turned my hobby now and i prepare food sometimes so as my wife can relax and enjoy food cooked by me.
I don't understand what's the problem with what she's trying to do. Is it that her kid can and will be able to do so many things that the kids of her trollers cannot do or will learn those things much later? The kid looks happy to me and as long as he's hail and hearty and enjoys helping out his mom, it's fine!
Man the people commenting are so full of themselves. On the internet you can never be ideal - there's always gonna be a wise-a*s telling you how you're wrong. Yes, even for something as simple and mandatory as teaching kids to do chores.
Im with her.. kids dont learn on their own they must be taught,that is a parents roll to teach their children how to manage when an adult
I agree to teach it jong and not let them do it all by themselves alone or when they are older and are not capable of understanding that you try to teach them a life lesson that you can call slavery its best to prepare them jong because life might not always be bright in the future
Props to this lady. Not only is she doing a good job raising her son to be self sufficient. But she also handled all the negative and ignorant comments with grace.
my boys did chores and so glad they did, as now they know how to keep their home clean and tidy, not all men marry and have wives that do it, so some one has too. Good for her i say.
Yasss this is how you raise productive members of society! Kids who never had to do chores end up being lazy useless adults. Your doing parenting right Nikkole, keep it up!
Why is this even an issue of gender? If the house is dirty, clean it up. Whether or not you have a vagina is irrelevant.
:) This woman is amazing :) iam a single mother too and my son (he is 5, in jan. 6 years old) he love it to helps me :) he always say "i am a big and strong man, if my mother needs help, i help her" :D when ppl think my son is a slave or anything like this, ppl can think it :) i know the true, my friends and my family know the true too and That's the only thing that counts. (sry for my bad english)
I grew up with a stepdad who did almost all the cooking. A man who would come inside from changing the tires to check on the roast and now as an adult I treally get surprised when I see people acting like this is a new thing. He is over 60 and there is nothing around the house he cannot do. I grew up expecting team work at home. Sure my mom does the laundry because he doesn't enjoy it and isn't good at it but he does all the cooking and shopping etc so they split the work. As any couple should
What the heck?? What is wrong with chores? Jeez good for her though, I know some adults can't f*****g figure out how to boil water. The world needs more common sense and responsibilities.
My son is a bachelor, where would he be if he didn't know how to cook, clean and do laundry? My other son is a husband and father of two little girls, he knows how to do all those things AND can manage a pig tail or braid, his wife is glad to have the help. My daughter is the mother of a 18 month old son, his first chore was to pick up the food around his high chair. Guess what, he doesn't throw food on the floor anymore! I say, good job Nikkole!
Lol "slaves"... Probably the same people that say a simple slap on the wrist or back of the head is child-abuse. No I'm not saying you should beat your kids, but there's a difference between beating and a simple slap on the wrists... (Pretty sure alot of people who were kids back then who got a slap on the wrist or whatever turned out okay.) When my brothers and I were kids, we had to help clean our animals stuff (ferret/hamster cages, cats litterbox,...) or we weren't allowed to have pets. Also had to help in the household, doing the dishes or help our mom prepare food. (When she would make a huge batch of soup to store in the freezer, we each got 1 job: 1 peeled the veggies, 1 cut them and 1 made the meatballs etc) It's not slavery to get your kids to help around in the household...
I see negative people not understanding a simple post of an intelligent MOM!
This makes me sad. Simply because so many people think it is sooo wonderful this boy is doing household chores. Why is this wonderful? Why is this any different than a picture of a girl using the stove? I didn't realize in my little bubble that this gender stereotypes still exist in such an extend that this would go viral. My son's 28 and he did his laundry and made his dinner and ran a vacuum as did his father. Why is this even a thing?
Because there are so few kids that do ANY thing at home to earn their keep. Not that this is anything new but it was good to see it and for kids that don't do a thing at home to also see. If the parent doesn't enforce rules, nothing will ever be accomplished. Kids need boundaries.
Load More Replies...People has always words to say but to me i'm with that MOM. That is raw training for his child to be better person and will contribute a lot in his future life. We know everything starts at home. Your parents are your first teacher. They know what is the best for you and not to harm you. For me it is very practical thing to let your child be exposed in those simple chores. Me as growing child our parents taught us well to do things while they are working... in that manner we slowly understand that we need to work as a team to accomplish big things and we understand that we need to value what we've learned and be responsible enough.
This is whats wrong with the world not teaching children responsibility shame on the people who say this child is treated like a slave you are idiots to my thinking.
This is nothing new, back in the 50s and 60s my grandmother taught me how to cook and sewing how to raise vegetables and take care of chickens and rabbits. I started learning to cook at 5yrs old she was in her 60s. I taught my son and daughters to cook and take care of themselves. My grandmother said if a man can't take care of himself how can he take care of someone else.
I did the same for my tow sons when they were that age. They now cook really well and help their partners with everything. Great husbands and fathers. Hopefully they will do the same for their children.
Perfect. Good for her. Boys will be almost exactly like girls, it turns out.
When I was about 14 I came home from school to an empty house - both parents working, or dad away working elsewhere. I built the fire, and then vacuumed the downstairs, tidied up, and made my own tea (dinner, whatever you call it; evening meal). Guess what, when I left home and lived in flats with friends, and then got married, home building was a piece of p**s (UK for very easy). Not a problem. I'm now old and live alone, and my tiny flat is a place you'd be happy to live in - 'cept for the cold. She's did him a big favour. It's her job as a mum.
My mom did the same with me, now I'm 31 and I don't need a girl to wash my clothes, cook, iron my clothes or cleaning the house. I know to do everything, indeed if I invite a girl to my house I cook for her and I wash the dishes, also in my office not all the girls know to cook and the end I'm the one who cook.
My 9 year olds boy empties there dishwasher, helps with laundry, and cooks ones meal a week for the family with supervision.
Why was she criticised? Me and my older siblings helped round the house when we were growing up.
I think she was criticized because of the number of pictures of him doing different things she had posted. Gave people the impression she had him doing all the housework for her rather than just some chores.
The world needs more responsible adults in this world, less people riding IN the cart sort of speak. I commend her and hope I've done the same with my children to prepare them for the real world.
Wonderful! I have nothing but praise and admiration for the mum, it's amazing that she's teaching her kids how to take care of themselves and others! I was taught all kinds of things by my grandparents, and to this day I am beyond grateful for that - from cooking, cleaning and knitting/sewing, to woodwork, basic house repairs and yardwork. Everything has come in handy, and I've never felt helpless in my own home. Not to mention, I can actually lend a hand to others! :)
In theory, if you felt so entitled to comment on everything somebody posted on Facebook, you could. Doesn't mean you should. It's called willpower, haha.
kids need to learn responsability at Young age. not to makes slaves, but to learn period. my older boy his 8 and make breakfast himself. i didn't do it myself at his age. got at 12 i didn't pick my own clothes in the morning. i try to don,t make the same mistake my parent did
Those people who reacted negatively to this were most likely sheltered and spoiled when they were younger, not required to do any chores around the house as children. But regardless, they should not be saying anything about this mother's parenting. Who are they to judge? Different people have different parenting styles. I hate when some parents talk in a matter-of-fact type of way and tell other parents they're doing it wrong. Every child is different and there's not a single parenting style that works universally for every parent or child. I think it's great that this mom is teaching him to be capable of taking care of himself starting at a young age. Children who were coddled until they're older and sent off to live on their own are probably lost and don't know how to cook for themselves, do their own laundry, clean their own living space, etc. and will need their moms to come over and do all of that for them.
was taught the same by my mum but was getting paid for it lol so now I don t do anything coz I ain t getting paid no more
It seems parents are not able anymore to teach anything without taking a picture and posting it on FB
Well done. Exposing her young boy on Facebook for likes and attention. There's nothing wrong with involving kids in the household chores. There's nothing wrong with teaching boys and girls the same stuff (I would be happy to know better how to sort the bloody laundry ;) ). But posting this under the label of feminism, with this "first he does the man things and then returns to the kitchen to do the rest" attitude, as if she was taming a male and training him to serve his mistress...this makes me really sick.
Don't do that! Dr. Wakina is haunted by a fallen angel and possessed by the devil! Once he has you bound to his spells, your soul is lost!
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