“AITA For Reminding My Ex I’m Only Responsible For Our Children And Not All Of His Kids?”
After the emotional burden of divorce comes the equally hard task of figuring out how to manage what is left over. Property, assets and, of course, children. Some deadbeats feel like once the divorce papers are signed, their responsibilities end there. However, it takes a certain kind of person to think that an ex should also be in charge of children that aren’t even biologically theirs.
A woman vented her frustration at her ex-husband who had three kids with another woman and now wanted her to also babysit them. We reached out to the woman in the story via private message and will update the article when she gets back to us.
It’s not out of the ordinary to still help with childcare post divorce
Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko / pexels (not the actual photo)
But one woman put her foot down when her ex wanted her to babysit his kids
Image credits: Fernanda De Freitas / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Jep Gambardella / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Plus-Front-2690
It’s not clear why the woman even needed to get a second opinion
The first thing that might strike some readers is the fact that this woman felt the need to actually go online and ask “am I the [jerk] for not wanting to look after my ex-husband’s biological children?” as if it was ever a question. Generally, unless one is on very good terms with an ex partner and has already helped raise their kids, this is not something one is “supposed” to do.
This might demonstrate the fact that the ex-husband has repeatedly tried to talk her into this. Indeed, it was very likely a “normal” dynamic in their relationship where she simply picked up all the domestic tasks that accrued throughout the day, to the point where both of them assume it’s her job. Fortunately, she does seem to be able to draw the line here, as childcare of even one child is a lot of work, let alone three additional ones.
It’s actually quite surprising that the ex-husband could not or would not grasp the fact that this sort of behavior is what caused the divorce in the first place. He seems to believe that the mother is in charge of all the work and while he has fun with his friends. It’s surprising that he wasn’t even embarrassed to constantly ask his wife to pick him up when visiting some friends.
The woman does state that he has perhaps gotten a bit better, trying to offload three entire children on a mother of two is classic deadbeat behavior masked with a smile. Offloading school supply costs to your ex-wife because you are too cheap to even take care of your own is just immature behavior, no two ways about it.
Image credits: Karolina Kaboompics / pexels (not the actual photo)
The ex-husband’s behavior is textbook deadbeat
Telling one’s wife that she needs to be “part of the community” by helping him take care of his own kids is hilarious behavior when he seems to be retreating from said “community.” It is possible that he is immature enough to actually believe this, but more likely he is simply trying to manipulate her into picking up the mountain of slack he’s left behind.
As previously mentioned, the ex-wife already seemed a bit conflicted and wanted to ask the internet for advice. It does seem that the only tie keeping her close to him is the fact that their shared kids do enjoy his company, as she clarifies in the comments, some of which can be found below.
Ultimately, this is another tale of entitled partners thinking they can offload adult responsibilities to someone else because they don’t feel like doing their job as a parent, spouse or partner. Childcare and immaturity do not mix, nor is it comfortable to divvy up real responsibilities with a person suffering from an unhealthy dose of entitlement.
In the end, the ex-husband’s behavior, terrible as it is, perfectly reinforced why she was right to end the marriage. He can barely take care of his own kids, let alone his wife or the other children. An entire divorce doesn’t seem enough to make him understand the error of his ways. Hopefully, the woman got the positive reinforcement she needed from the much more helpful commenters.
Image credits: Tamba Budiarsana / pexels (not the actual photo)
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I was so ready to be YTA. I thought she wanted out of taking care of kids from BEFORE they were married. When my wife and I separated (not married at the time), I still took my stepkids to school, made dinner, did homework, and paid bills. Even if we weren't getting along, I had made promises to take care of those kids. But the kids in this story are ex post facto... she has absolutely no obligation.
What is it with this godawful community thing? Bringing up children doesn't take a community or a village: it takes parents. They are responsible for their children, not aunts, uncles, nephews, cousings, nieces, steps or what-have-you. This guy obviously can't afford/provide for his children with someone else, so that's on him. OP is responsible for her children with him and that's it. If you can't afford it, don't have so many children!
It takes a village is only valid if you actually live in a small village. I did, when I lived in the UK, and other parents DID help me raise my children, and I helped with their's. Lovely, but I can't see it happening in the US or any big city.
Load More Replies...OP ought to tell deadbeat dad to donate his sperm for money. Better to get some money out of it to feed his already crowded family than bringing in more mouths to feed. I hope OP remains "Dang Cold" or just become "Downright Frosty" and remind him that he spawned the extra kids with his new wife, his their responsibilities and not hers. -_-"
Maybe ask him, in writting if he can't aford to provide for the children. See if he gives any responses that can be used as evidences for full custody Orher than that, limit the interactions with the father on topics that only concerns her two children, then gray rock.
Maybe OP should ask the ex if he would like for their 2 boys to be back full time with her, as it would alleviate some of his financial burden. ie: extra food, utilities, sports and such.
That might be the best case scenario. But he may not be able to afford child support.
Load More Replies...Seems he is still treating his ex-wife as a mother to him. He seems to think that SHE should care for his whole family, forgetting that the additional kids are HIS responsibility, not hers.
My brother had primary custody of his son. Ex got kid for 2 months in the summer (lived 8 hours away). Nephew would arrive at mom's house with nice clothes, and be sent back in raggedy Walmart sweats - and just what he was wearing. No suitcase or anything. All the nice clothes he took with him disappeared- until his younger half-brother grew into them. Mom took Son1's nice things that his Dad bought, and gave them to Son2 by other guy.
Step-mom of 2 boys who have 2 other brothers, here. That's not a normal request and should not be expected of an ex.
Yeah, giving some of the kids' hand-me-down clothes to their half-siblings is *potentially* a reasonable thing to ask, especially if there aren't any cousins or whatever who would be the obvious recipients, but phrasing it as a demand makes even that out of line. Given the other unreasonable requests/demands, I can completely see why this woman has decided to make it a hard boundary that she doesn't give anything to the ex's new kids.
Apart from continuing as OP is, I would also make sure all her boys' stuff is labelled and named (indelibly) so there's no "confusion" about who the stuff belongs to.
I'm seeing a lot of these stories where the husbands divorce and move on to other women and have kids or have stepkids and somehow the ex-wife is expected to look after them as if it were her responsibility. Yeah, no it isn't.
""He told me I should...". Tell him he should have kept it in his pants and then he wouldn't have this problem. There, sorted. The cheek of it, how very dare he even try to tell her what she *should* do.
Paper trail is an absolute must here for evidence. Sooner or later their kids are going to be old enough to request moving back in with mom full time.
I wonder if he is taking what she provides and splitting up with the other kids. If that's the case there are ways to limit that. The first way is that anything purchased for her two boys stays at her home only. As far as supplies, if they are school supplies, those also stay at her home or in their school lockers. If no lockers then the supplies stay with a person of authority at their school.
To him, you are a wife appliance whose natural function is to serve him and make his life easier. Tell him to pound sand.
NTA and not responsible in the slightest. She can gift them if she so chooses but she holds absolutely no responsibility to do so and definitely not by demand. In circumstances like this I tend to gift all the children but at my discretion. Would I personally have a problem donating school supplies? Absolutely not because I’d do it just because. Am I babysitting? No, I value my down time, but in an emergency situation requiring hospitalization, yes without question. But everyone is different and views are varied. I was raised by a very giving mother and it comes naturally for me. But her boundaries are hers and should be respected to the utmost because she is definitely not wrong. Nobody has the right to pile on tasks and monetary stress onto her that she never signed up for. She knows him better than most. I’d bet money that he’s the type if she gives an inch he’ll take a mile.
Can you say ENTITLED? The BS "It takes a village to raise a child" is only something an entitled parent would say. No one was responsible, except ME, for raising my children. I certainly didn't expect (nor did I receive) any help from their father or any of his relationships.
Hey ex-husband, I am getting interested in tennis as a new hobby, so I signed you up for some lessons. You need to pay $100 a week and your matches are every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 4pm. What's that? We are divorced and cannot obligate each other to new interests and pursuits? We cannot sign each other up for commitments like that because that is the whole point of divorce?
She has no responsibility or obligation to any children except her own. I would tell him to pound sand. Where is his wife in all of this? Doesn't she watch her own kids?
I feel like many of the supportive comments have gone off track. This isn’t a question of clawing back the time they are spending with their dad. There some interesting dynamics here. When all the kids are at the dad’s house I’m sure both him and his wife are contributing to all five. Of course that is a choice they took on. The other factor is that they are half siblings, so her two kids may feel some attachment and responsibility towards their siblings. It would be of some kindness to respect that even though it wasn’t a choice of the OP. However, is she responsible financially for them in any way - no. Does she need to keep guarded boundaries - yes. Could she donate her kids old stuff to the other siblings - why not? Could she afford to sometimes spend time with all five as siblings? Maybe, but it sounds like is she gives a little he’ll take her for all she’s got.
I'm the bleeding heart weirdo that probably would have fallen in love with all the kids anyway then bankrupted myself trying to take care of them even without being asked. I do recognize that that's not the most common response and definitely see where she's coming from. Not everyone wants to be part of the village and that's totally understandable.
Hm, I agree with basically everything OP wrote, except the part with the old clothes. If they are old and the boys have grown out of them, what´s the harm in giving them to the Ex for his kids?
She could be keeping them for younger relatives to wear or donate to a charity. Either way, if OP bought them then she can do whatever she wants with the clothes. It is absolutely not her responsibility to provide clothing to her ex husband's extra children, especially if she paid for the clothes.
Load More Replies...I was so ready to be YTA. I thought she wanted out of taking care of kids from BEFORE they were married. When my wife and I separated (not married at the time), I still took my stepkids to school, made dinner, did homework, and paid bills. Even if we weren't getting along, I had made promises to take care of those kids. But the kids in this story are ex post facto... she has absolutely no obligation.
What is it with this godawful community thing? Bringing up children doesn't take a community or a village: it takes parents. They are responsible for their children, not aunts, uncles, nephews, cousings, nieces, steps or what-have-you. This guy obviously can't afford/provide for his children with someone else, so that's on him. OP is responsible for her children with him and that's it. If you can't afford it, don't have so many children!
It takes a village is only valid if you actually live in a small village. I did, when I lived in the UK, and other parents DID help me raise my children, and I helped with their's. Lovely, but I can't see it happening in the US or any big city.
Load More Replies...OP ought to tell deadbeat dad to donate his sperm for money. Better to get some money out of it to feed his already crowded family than bringing in more mouths to feed. I hope OP remains "Dang Cold" or just become "Downright Frosty" and remind him that he spawned the extra kids with his new wife, his their responsibilities and not hers. -_-"
Maybe ask him, in writting if he can't aford to provide for the children. See if he gives any responses that can be used as evidences for full custody Orher than that, limit the interactions with the father on topics that only concerns her two children, then gray rock.
Maybe OP should ask the ex if he would like for their 2 boys to be back full time with her, as it would alleviate some of his financial burden. ie: extra food, utilities, sports and such.
That might be the best case scenario. But he may not be able to afford child support.
Load More Replies...Seems he is still treating his ex-wife as a mother to him. He seems to think that SHE should care for his whole family, forgetting that the additional kids are HIS responsibility, not hers.
My brother had primary custody of his son. Ex got kid for 2 months in the summer (lived 8 hours away). Nephew would arrive at mom's house with nice clothes, and be sent back in raggedy Walmart sweats - and just what he was wearing. No suitcase or anything. All the nice clothes he took with him disappeared- until his younger half-brother grew into them. Mom took Son1's nice things that his Dad bought, and gave them to Son2 by other guy.
Step-mom of 2 boys who have 2 other brothers, here. That's not a normal request and should not be expected of an ex.
Yeah, giving some of the kids' hand-me-down clothes to their half-siblings is *potentially* a reasonable thing to ask, especially if there aren't any cousins or whatever who would be the obvious recipients, but phrasing it as a demand makes even that out of line. Given the other unreasonable requests/demands, I can completely see why this woman has decided to make it a hard boundary that she doesn't give anything to the ex's new kids.
Apart from continuing as OP is, I would also make sure all her boys' stuff is labelled and named (indelibly) so there's no "confusion" about who the stuff belongs to.
I'm seeing a lot of these stories where the husbands divorce and move on to other women and have kids or have stepkids and somehow the ex-wife is expected to look after them as if it were her responsibility. Yeah, no it isn't.
""He told me I should...". Tell him he should have kept it in his pants and then he wouldn't have this problem. There, sorted. The cheek of it, how very dare he even try to tell her what she *should* do.
Paper trail is an absolute must here for evidence. Sooner or later their kids are going to be old enough to request moving back in with mom full time.
I wonder if he is taking what she provides and splitting up with the other kids. If that's the case there are ways to limit that. The first way is that anything purchased for her two boys stays at her home only. As far as supplies, if they are school supplies, those also stay at her home or in their school lockers. If no lockers then the supplies stay with a person of authority at their school.
To him, you are a wife appliance whose natural function is to serve him and make his life easier. Tell him to pound sand.
NTA and not responsible in the slightest. She can gift them if she so chooses but she holds absolutely no responsibility to do so and definitely not by demand. In circumstances like this I tend to gift all the children but at my discretion. Would I personally have a problem donating school supplies? Absolutely not because I’d do it just because. Am I babysitting? No, I value my down time, but in an emergency situation requiring hospitalization, yes without question. But everyone is different and views are varied. I was raised by a very giving mother and it comes naturally for me. But her boundaries are hers and should be respected to the utmost because she is definitely not wrong. Nobody has the right to pile on tasks and monetary stress onto her that she never signed up for. She knows him better than most. I’d bet money that he’s the type if she gives an inch he’ll take a mile.
Can you say ENTITLED? The BS "It takes a village to raise a child" is only something an entitled parent would say. No one was responsible, except ME, for raising my children. I certainly didn't expect (nor did I receive) any help from their father or any of his relationships.
Hey ex-husband, I am getting interested in tennis as a new hobby, so I signed you up for some lessons. You need to pay $100 a week and your matches are every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 4pm. What's that? We are divorced and cannot obligate each other to new interests and pursuits? We cannot sign each other up for commitments like that because that is the whole point of divorce?
She has no responsibility or obligation to any children except her own. I would tell him to pound sand. Where is his wife in all of this? Doesn't she watch her own kids?
I feel like many of the supportive comments have gone off track. This isn’t a question of clawing back the time they are spending with their dad. There some interesting dynamics here. When all the kids are at the dad’s house I’m sure both him and his wife are contributing to all five. Of course that is a choice they took on. The other factor is that they are half siblings, so her two kids may feel some attachment and responsibility towards their siblings. It would be of some kindness to respect that even though it wasn’t a choice of the OP. However, is she responsible financially for them in any way - no. Does she need to keep guarded boundaries - yes. Could she donate her kids old stuff to the other siblings - why not? Could she afford to sometimes spend time with all five as siblings? Maybe, but it sounds like is she gives a little he’ll take her for all she’s got.
I'm the bleeding heart weirdo that probably would have fallen in love with all the kids anyway then bankrupted myself trying to take care of them even without being asked. I do recognize that that's not the most common response and definitely see where she's coming from. Not everyone wants to be part of the village and that's totally understandable.
Hm, I agree with basically everything OP wrote, except the part with the old clothes. If they are old and the boys have grown out of them, what´s the harm in giving them to the Ex for his kids?
She could be keeping them for younger relatives to wear or donate to a charity. Either way, if OP bought them then she can do whatever she wants with the clothes. It is absolutely not her responsibility to provide clothing to her ex husband's extra children, especially if she paid for the clothes.
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