This Online Group Is Dedicated To Shaming Horrible Men, And Here Are 30 Of Their Top Posts
The internet is the perfect seedbed to grow animosity. It provides rapid and easy access to like-minded people all over the world, which is one of the reasons hate culture prospers online.
Renowned for their bitter and misogynistic commentary, incels are one of such odious groups. They use different platforms to blame everyone but themselves for the sores of their (lack of) romantic relationships. Yet, at times, non-members use incels’ weapons against them and go online to do karma’s job.
Reddit is home to an entire community, dedicated to shaming these misogynists, called “Incel Tear”. They emphasize not condoning animosity towards the non-violent romantically unsuccessful and invite redditors to denounce the content shared by the so-called blackpilled incels.
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This Is What A Real Chad Looks Like, What A Chad Move
The new Sultan of Bamoun in Cameroon, HRH Nabil Mbombo Njoya, has declined offer of a 14-year-old virgin in marriage as tradition demands. According to tradition, the wife of a new Sultan must come from the Njim Monchouh family to terminate traditional rites known as "Lah-Kam". This, Sultan Njoya refused the 14-year-old girl offered by the family because she is a minor and opted to marry his long time girlfriend instead. He has however promised to sponsor the 14 year-old from secondary school right up to University."
Incels—short for involuntary celibates—are not guys who simply weren’t hit by Cupid's love-infused arrow. Their lack of success in forming relationships is accompanied by displaying strong hostility towards women, blaming them for most, if not all, of their problems.
They believe that females hold too much power when it comes to sex and all things romantic, and loathe them if rejected. The antipathy is bluntly expressed not only through the content of their messages but the vocabulary they use as well.
Mmm Yes Because The Bible Is The Most Trustworthy And Correct Source Of Information.. Definitely
let's give him a round of applause for the best comeback everyone *claps*
Femoid is one of the common derogatory terms, used among incels to dehumanize women. By using the compound of the words female humanoid, they portray girls as monstrous objects, this way trying to vindicate their hate and violence. According to them, women believe to be superior to others, which makes victimizing men one of the main recurring topics among the members.
Another word the disgruntled bunch uses to describe the representatives of the fair sex is Stacy. In their world, she is a very attractive woman, whom they desire and despise at once. They complain about never being able to attract a Stacy because they always go for Chads—another stereotype-infused caricature presenting a type of guy women arguably like.
For Those Lurkingcels
There is an exhibit that shows what rape victims were actually wearing when they were attacked and it is enlightening, unfortunately the wrong people see it or pay attention. clothing shouldn’t be part of a conversation about rape period and the need for this exhibit is disappointing.
A Rare Moment Of Clarity
Red Pill and Black Pill might also be terms unfamiliar to people outside the group. They are used for categorization of incels based on their beliefs. Referring to the pills from The Matrix, the red one means awakening of some sort, which in their case is the realization that “women hold the higher ground” in social and romantic situations.
Blackpill incels agree with the Red Pill mentality for the most part. The main difference is that the former group believes that only change in society as a whole can help in their situation. They believe that women choose partners based only on their looks, which are pre-determined, making any personal effort in seducing a lady or changing your ways pointless.
The "Incel Doxes Onlyfans Creator" Meme, But Make It Wholesome
You are daughter does onlyfans…but they think they have superior intellect
Going to slightly disagree with this one. For starters, anyone who thinks monks and nuns throughout history stuck rigidly to their vows of celibacy is a little naive. Anyone who thinks priests are celibate needs introducing to many branches of the Catholic Church for a start! As for the rest, humans are still animals, and there is a natural evolutionary drive to procreate. It is a need - anyone who has a pet on heat knows it's not 100% involuntary. What separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability to not *act* on that need. What this post gets right is that its being used as an excuse. Edit - it should go without saying that a need or a desire or a want does not in any way, shape or form equal entitlement. It might be needed, that doesn't make it a right.
I Think This Comment Does What I'm Worried About. If We're Able To Establish That Sex Is A Need What's To Stop Us From Establishing That Sex Is A Right?? That Might Be Forward Thinking In A Society Comprised Of Equals But That's Not Our Society Is It?? In Our Society It Would Be The Strong Exercising Their Right At The Expense Of The Weak
Load More Replies...I think it's fair to call sex a need *in a relationship.* Like "I won't die if I don't have it, but I will break up with you if we're not sexually compatible."
This is a discussion new couples should have more often. If the sex drives don't match and the hornier one can't deal with it or the acier one isn't ok to more sex than they would like. Then you just should just find new partners who are on the same wavelength
Load More Replies...You're not a full-fledged adult until you understand the difference between want and need.
Sure, except that sex is both a physiological drive and a strategy we use to meet our psychological needs. So, it's not incorrect to label it a need.
Sex does have a place on Maslow's hierarchy. I stand in unscientific agreement. You might argue that "sex" is not a need, but intimacy, physical touch, and love certainly are and sex is a natural expression of those things. That said, the biological/psychological "need" for sex does not justify bad acts.
I disagree 100%. During sex, the body releases endorphins and oxytocin. Sex can also boosts your body’s dopamine levels. Endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine all reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s a biological alternative to mental health medications. So, one could easily argue that they need sex to help manage their mental health.
I have to disagree on this one, but agree that its a more complicated matter. Many relationships and marriages fail due to sex related differences. Sex, especially good sex is a big must for many in relationships so it becomes a need when we chose a partner. Its not just something that is optional. But no matter what it doesnt justify cheating or forcing someone to something aka rape in any way. If you dont like the way things are communicate or break up.
No I agree it's a need, but one you can easily solve manually. Just like it's a need to eat or to go to the toilet, but you can cook and wipe your *ss yourself.
Would that more religious employees be a bit more celibate in actual practice.
Right. Sex is not a "need". It's much more important than that. (And more complicated.)
I believe there have been studies to show that sex is a very important part of physical and mental health. So it could be seen as a need... however, sex can be had alone so it is not a need that you have sex with someone else!
Wow, nuns, monks and various priests from many religions who vow celibacy are such a bad example here. They're already famous, despite their efforts to hide it, for various sex related scandals, including minors. Because their sex drive isn't fulfilled. And it is in fact a need. Not every unfulfilled need leads necessarily to death.
This Is A Misconception. Adults (No Matter Who They Are) Don't Violate Children Because They Want)Need Sex. They Violate Children Because They're Predators/Pedophiles
Load More Replies...Actually, physical human contact (though not sex, specifically) is an unconditioned reinforcer, in other words, a universal need.
As an asexual with a bf who isn't asexual I'm worried for when we meet irl just for this
"Sex is a NEED?!" What's this? Are we animals now? We evolved beyond that - so unless you are a colony of amoeba in a trenchcoat, use your higher brain functions and keep it in your pants
Control of your sexuality is a right…. What are you even talking about?
Load More Replies...So Glad I Had Minimal Creepers During My Time In Customer Service. Stay Safe Out There Everyone!
Hey, i had a costumer, an 84 year old Italian gentleman, that every time he went to the store would greet both cashiers ( both women ) with a hand Kiss, and they both loved the man.
Despite the split into two groups, incels are actually part of an even larger unit. They all belong to the Manosphere—a network of misogynistic communities. Some examples include the MRA (men's-rights activists), MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), and PUA (pick-up artists). These communities might differ in the severity of their statements and views, yet are all led by similar conspiracy theories and fueled by hate.
Waiting For All The Incels To Start B*tching
Awww, this is cute! I hope she and the Pokémon guy are still leading a happy life together
I Feel Like This Belongs Here
Just Saw This On Facebook And Fixed It
Incels, as most groups in the Manosphere, turn to the internet to share their beliefs, thoughts, and grievances. Center For Countering Digital Hate revealed that one of the main forums of the involuntary celibate receives around 2.6 million visits every month, generated by roughly 17,000 users. Some people are more vocal than others, as the majority of posts (nearly 75%) are generated by a group of 400 most active users.
Critical Hit
It Be Like That
Their Tears Would Taste So Sweet If This Happened
Damn. You know you’ve reached rock bottom when you can’t even get laid by a sex bot.
Male supremacy groups are not the only ones using the internet for spreading hate speech. Due to easy access to an abundance of communication platforms, nearly anyone can release their toxins into the online world. ADL’s 2021 survey revealed that 41% of respondents in the US have experienced some form of harassment online.
No Sex! No Education! Women Bad!
interesting fact I know: the hymen (if it's a thing idk I'm not a woman) can break from doing simple activities like running, walking, or pretty much anything, and it never regrows
How Do They Even Come Up With The Sh*t For These Posts?
This Applies To Everyone, But Especially Incels/Nice Guys
ADL’s survey also revealed some shocking statistics considering the way hate speech and threats are taken care of by online mediums. After people received physical threats online, only 14% of the sinister content has been deleted and only 17% of the accounts that spread it have been blocked by the platforms. However, by joining forces tech companies and regulators could likely ameliorate the situation.
Don't Know How Many Times I Need To Say This, But Nobody Is Entitled To Sex
that last line... At the rate things are going, how much longer will this still be true.
Their God Has Fallen
Basically Incels
Yes!! I love that overweight, out of shape hobbits cannot understand why women who eat healthy, workout and take care of themselves don’t want to spend the night in their dirty basements and be treated like second hand citizens before we had basic human rights. That’s just crazy, right?
Sex Isn’t Everything, Incels
Every incel that makes it out of that darkness gives me hope. I remember one specifically. He stated that he treated a female friend like an actual friend for once and they ended up really connecting, which resulted in a date that ended well. He berated the community for lying to men about how women are. That real life is better than theyd all been lead to believe. He made it out. I still think about that guy and hope he is still doing well.
If We Talked About Incels The Way They Talk About Us
With their breasticks all withered and worn from being inside so many vagina's, that's what you get for not respecting your body men. Take better care of yourselves. /s
And You Guys Think The Black Pill Is Hard To Swallow?
Nice thought, but unfortunately a lot of fathers AREN'T worth their weight in s**t.
I Never Understand It
Incels hate that women are people, is simple as that. They want a woman for sex, but hate the fact that they are not sex robots and have opinions and desires of their own
Saw An Incel In The Wild, Then This Funny Comeback
Video Games Were Next On His Fulfilling Agenda For The Day
It’s Not Involuntary Celibacy If You’re Voluntarily A Piece Of Sh*t
Couldn’t Have Worded It Better
Saw This Meme Floating Around So I Did A Thing
Holy Sh*t
I find it really ironic that BoredPanda censors idiotic words like a**e, d**k, and twat yet they still post some of most disgusting vile things said by incels about women. This entire thread was incredibly disturbing. Instead of censoring your good users and banning users for different beliefs, why don’t you stop posting stuff like this.
What is up with these douchebags for calling us “femoids”? It’s so dehumanizing and it pisses me so much.
It's gotten worse since Andrew Tate came on the scene. Most of these men have gotten far more ballsy since then.
I got it. All this c**p about wanting to have sex with women is just a cover-up, the thing all incels are secretly lusting over is that Chad dude's d**k.
Genuine question: am I right in thinking this problem is mostly relevant for the US? For some reason Europeans seem less sexist, or am I wrong?
Two words: Tate Brothers. Less flippantly, Russia ranked last in a research poll on views about gender equality, with Ukraine just above them. Former USSR/Soviet bloc nations lag. Yes, even behind the US, per this collection of data from Pew Research: In other words: No, it's not a problem mostly relevant for the US. For example, up to 70% of women in Africa suffer financial exclusion. Two murderers from the US were notably incel, but any given "honour killing" falls into the same category of "Women bad! Blame them!" thinking as these folks. Food for thought.
Load More Replies...What a c**p 'article' this was. The very first item was so out of place. Why give these morons any publicity?!
Paul this isn’t gender bashing this is about a group of men that hate women and is becoming deadly think Elliot Rodgers and others like him who thinks it’s a woman fault they can’t get laid.
Load More Replies...I find it really ironic that BoredPanda censors idiotic words like a**e, d**k, and twat yet they still post some of most disgusting vile things said by incels about women. This entire thread was incredibly disturbing. Instead of censoring your good users and banning users for different beliefs, why don’t you stop posting stuff like this.
What is up with these douchebags for calling us “femoids”? It’s so dehumanizing and it pisses me so much.
It's gotten worse since Andrew Tate came on the scene. Most of these men have gotten far more ballsy since then.
I got it. All this c**p about wanting to have sex with women is just a cover-up, the thing all incels are secretly lusting over is that Chad dude's d**k.
Genuine question: am I right in thinking this problem is mostly relevant for the US? For some reason Europeans seem less sexist, or am I wrong?
Two words: Tate Brothers. Less flippantly, Russia ranked last in a research poll on views about gender equality, with Ukraine just above them. Former USSR/Soviet bloc nations lag. Yes, even behind the US, per this collection of data from Pew Research: In other words: No, it's not a problem mostly relevant for the US. For example, up to 70% of women in Africa suffer financial exclusion. Two murderers from the US were notably incel, but any given "honour killing" falls into the same category of "Women bad! Blame them!" thinking as these folks. Food for thought.
Load More Replies...What a c**p 'article' this was. The very first item was so out of place. Why give these morons any publicity?!
Paul this isn’t gender bashing this is about a group of men that hate women and is becoming deadly think Elliot Rodgers and others like him who thinks it’s a woman fault they can’t get laid.
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