50 Times People Came Across Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Just Had To Share It With Everyone (New Pics)
Not always do we want to squeeze the max out of the internet. Sometimes all we need is a calming scroll and some entertaining (but not triggering!) content. And sometimes it’s the mild kind of information that we seek.
In these cases, this corner of Reddit offers a perfect shelter. Known as “Mildly Interesting,” it’s a Reddit powerhouse boasting a mind-boggling 21.2M dedicated members. And it proves how something moderately interesting is all it takes to catch people’s tremendous interest.
Below we wrapped up a new batch of posts shared on the community, so scroll down. Also, make sure to check out our previous articles for more Mildly Interesting content here and here.
Bored Panda also reached out to Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, the best-selling author and CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts who shared some interesting insights about staying curious and open to learning, as well as the benefits of it.
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Orangutan Enrichment Center With Water Guns
“Have you ever tried to learn something that you were bored by, and then found that nothing sticks?” Dr. Tsipursky wondered. “No wonder,” he added, “researchers find that curiosity helps improve our memory. That means if you want to have a good memory, it’s valuable to stay curious and open-minded.”
This Ambulance Has Stork Decals, One For Each Of The Babies Born In The Back
This Gravestone Is Shared By Twin Sisters: One Lived For Just Two Days, The Other For 101 Years
My Friend’s Dog Gently Puts Your Knee Into His Mouth When He Is Happy To See You
Moreover, Dr. Tsipursky, who’s the author of multiple best-selling books, including Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams (Intentional Insights, 2021), The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships (New Harbinger, 2020), argues that if you find yourself bored by a subject you are trying to learn something about, don’t force yourself to learn it.
On the other hand, it’s wise to first find something that makes you curious about it, and then learn it. “Curiosity is especially important as we age to keep a healthy mind. Curiosity can also help us make good decisions,” Dr. Tsipursky explained.
The Truck In Front Of Us Lined Up Perfectly With The Mountains!
A Clock That Shows Time By Using The Shadow Of The Person Who Stands On The Current Month
The Core Of This Dog Poo Bag Roll Says “Use Bare Hands Now”
One cannot ignore the fact that we live in times when there is so much information that people often lose focus. Many people, especially young, experience a lack of attention and distractibility, as well as the inability to concentrate. When asked what are his thoughts about it, Dr. Tsipursky said that challenges with attention and focus come from a lack of mental fitness.
“People go to the gym to train their physical bodies, but our minds are just as important – if not more important – for our success in the modern world, due to the overabundance of information and the fact that most of us do knowledge work rather than physical labor,” Dr. Tsipursky explained.
The Embers Of My Bonfire Look Like The Eye Of Sauron
Interesting Reflection Caught On The Colorado River In Austin, Texas. Almost Looks Like An Underwater City
This Bar Has A Chilled Strip To Keep Your Drinks Cold
So in order to improve your focus, Dr. Tsipursky argues, “it’s critical to pursue mental fitness by learning about how our minds can lead us in the wrong direction and practicing mental exercises to address these problems.”
We also asked whether some people are more naturally gifted with curiosity, to which Dr. Tsipursky explained that since one of the Big Five personality traits is openness to experience, the answer is yes. However, “all of us can learn to be more curious: genes are not destiny, they may explain only up to half of our mental abilities,” he concluded.
Taking My Turkey To The Vet
This guy's eyes are like, "Mess with my motherfudgin' turkey, I DARE YOU"
A Stack Of Cups That You Can Turn To Indicate When Coffee Was Brewed
Discovered A Piano... In The Middle Of A Hiking Trail
A Long Exposure Shot On My Phone Made This Ghost Train
A Lonely Remora Attached To My Leg While I Was Snorkeling
My Eggplant Has A Laser Marking Instead Of A Physical Sticker To Show It's Organic
My Dirty Coffee Cup Looks Like A Pine Forest
Opened A Roll Of Pennies And Found A 1908 Indian Head Penny
Hard to find in rolls, pretty nice. G4-G6 condition, worth a dollar or two.
Gorilla Glue Completely Dried Before We Used Any Of It. Cut It Out Of The Bottle
All The Trash I Found In 25 Square Feet Of My Forest
Tributes Left At The Grave Of John Bonham (LED Zeppelin Drummer)
Found This Cat Wandering Around Lowes (Big Box Home Improvement Store)
Clearing Out My Recently Deceased Grandfather's Attic And Found Just Over 200 Grams Of Gold Powder
200 grams of gold powder = $11,143 USD value, according to google, today Dec 2, 2022
I’m Staying In A Scottish Village Called Dull. It’s Paired With Boring, Oregon
This Target Cafe Hasn't Changed Since The 90s
A Person In Medieval Armor Just Standing In The Middle Of Detroit
Took This Picture Of An Infinity Mirror In The South Australia Museum Today
The Shadow From This Plant Makes It Look Like There's A Decal On My Friend's Car
This Person Riding A Cow Though The McDonald's Drive Thru
Logo On A Chair Has A Small Chair Hidden In It
I Got A Waterproof Cast On My Ankle Today
It has a zipper! If it’s waterproof, when do you need to use the zipper? Edit: Thank you for those not judging me. I’ve never seen one of these before and I just didn’t know. I appreciate you guys! Side note: anyone interested in seeing tan lines after they heal? 😄
Waterproof means water can't get in. This doesn't look waterproof. Water gets in. I think the genius in this design is that water can get back out again. The cast can get wet when you're doing something active and you don't want to pay attention to every little movement, (showering) and then you can use the zipper to carefully dry while holding still / protecting the injury. GENIUS
I wish I had this, when I popped a ligament out of the bone, on my left foot! I broke the cast working, and the next one, plopped in the tub while bathing. The inside, tore, and got really rough! Two weeks before I could get in to get another cast.... This would have been perfect for me!
Jesus! Did you get infested by ants by sticking a fork with food still on it up there to itch as well?!
Load More Replies...That’s really neat! Percent for people who live in warmer climates
The cast, itself, appears to be waterproof. It's plastic. I always had problems with my cast's getting wet and having to be replaced. :)
I had a similar one for my wrist. I was told I could go swimming while wearing it.
Haha, the cast itself can be submerged, it's not trying to keep water out. Honestly good point though.
Load More Replies...Wow. I'd seriously want one for the other leg too - You know, a pair!
Waterproof, as in being able to be used in water, rather than the usual plaster of paris, which dissolves in water and thus offers no support. Same word as with a 'waterproof' watch, and both meaning that the structure or watch is not damaged by water....
Load More Replies...What about how those walking casts stink to high heaven? My granddaughter had a walking cast for a broken bone in her foot. After a few days, that thing stunk big time. they tried everything to get the smell out, but nothing worked.
How i envy you: My modern plastic cast looks like big garbage bin. For 6 weeks, now I am at 2..
Wish I had this instead of a regular cast, after 6 weeks my foot smelled horrific and the itching was torturous
Broke my right shoulder 6 years ago. Wish I'd had one of these. My arm looked like a twig when my cast came off. Brilliant idea instead of ten tons of plaster.
The zipper was necessary, to get the waterproof cast on, so as to maintain the reset
Water proof means it won't fall apart in water, it can be in water and that's okay. other wise you have to wrap the cast and try not to get it wet but my question is and it may be dumb is can you actually swim with it on?
Why is there any other kind of cast??? Anyone who has worn a plaster cast knows about the difficulty when taking a shower, the itches that can't be reached, & how disgusting it is after 6 weeks or so.
plaster casts or fiberglass casts that are the standard in the US often dissolve or get destroyed in water, it not normally your actual broken bone or whatever that needs protection from water. Even most of the time stitches only need to be dry for 48 hours, they can get wet, but not soaked. This cast itself seems to be made of a water resistant material
Load More Replies...It looks like a couple toes are hanging over the front, doesn't look very comfortable...
My Dog Left A Perfect Snoot Print On My Dress
This Guy At Work's Huge "Dad Wallet"
This Seafood Place Called Nordsee Puts Their Ketchup In A Waffle Cone
Report Card From My Great-Grandfather In 1926
I Added A Different Kind Of Soap To This Near-Empty Bottle, And The Original Soap Rose To Form These Little Mushroom Things
My Local Cinema Has The Carpet From The Shining
Opened Up A Lighter And There Was Just Another Lighter Inside
Official 10 Code Cup I've Had Since I Was A Kid
Hotel In Jordan, No Bible In The Nightstand, But A Sticker Telling You Which Direction To Pray
It Got So Hot In My Grandma's House That The Candles Melted
A Line Of Campus Bots Following Me At My College
This Traffic Light In Germany Has A Little Girl And A Camel As Signal Lights
2,600 Year Old Fur-Lined Leather Coat
A compelling piece of evidence in favor of using leather for clothing rather than plastics. One well-made leather jacket will last for a lifetime, whereas plastic starts to break down into microplastic flakes after relatively few wears.
This Football I Found In An Old Archive States It Was Made Without The Use Of Child Labor
Starting To Lose The First Joint Crease On My Ring Finger After Being Splinted For 7 Weeks
Anti-Circumcision "Intactivists" Demonstrating In My Town Today
This Squirrel I Saw Had A Little Canister Strapped Around Its Neck
My New House Has A Little Moving Staircase That Leads To The Washer/Dryer
These Cups Have Chips Under Them To Prevent Refills
Some of these don't have enough context, some of these make my tummy feel weird, some of these are kinda sad, and some of these are nightmare juice. .
Some of these don't have enough context, some of these make my tummy feel weird, some of these are kinda sad, and some of these are nightmare juice. .