Believe it or not, these fairy tale-like fields are not digital images of our most vivid dreams, they are real photos taken at a park located in Hitashi, Japan. The Hitashi Seaside Park covers an area of 190 hectares and has a variety of flowers blooming throughout the year. The most famous ones, Nemophila, thrive and bloom in the spring, particularly in April, creating a truly mesmerizing view at the Hitashi Seaside Park of 4.5 million blossoms covering the fields.
The Hitashi Seaside park has become widely known for these baby-blue-eyes, attracting so many tourists that photographers have to photoshop them out of the fields, as it is impossible to take a person-free landscape photo. We collected some of their greatest shots for you to drool over.
If you’re planning on visiting Japan next spring, don’t forget to include this park in your must-see list!
Image credits: Teerayut Hiruntaraporn
Image credits: Atsushi Motoyama
Image credits: Megu
Image credits: hirocame
Image credits: azure
Image credits: Ituki Kadiwara
Image credits: Shirunosuke
Image credits: Kota-G
Image credits: Syota Takahashi
Image credits: torne