50 Of The Most Wholesome, Honest, And Hilarious Wins Being Celebrated By Men, As Shared In This Online Group
Men struggle to give themselves a pat on the back from time to time. No, not because their big muscles can’t reach behind them. We mean appreciating themselves for what they’ve achieved.
A change is needed and thankfully, ‘Dudes Posting Their W’s’ on Twitter is here to show us how. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment and it should be shared with the world. The feeling not only boosts you but makes others feel warm and fuzzy inside too.
That’s why Bored Panda has collected the most wholesome W’s (a.k.a. wins) shared by men from the account. We love to see another brother succeed and we hope you do too, but check out wins for the ladies here too. Vote for your favorites to spread the good vibes.
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Being a guy can be tough, that’s why it’s important to reflect on the positives in life. With over 1.2M followers of @DudesPostingWs, it’s clear that many feel the same way. The page shares wins from men of all ages and walks of life. Whether it’s a little everyday one or a massive accomplishment, they’re all worth celebrating.
But it can be difficult for men to do this sometimes. It’s not that they don’t feel anything—men simply struggle to put their thoughts into words. Talking about emotions (good ones or bad ones) can seem like an effort and many refuse to open up.
Although it seems like a stereotype that men just can’t talk about their feelings, we need to look into why this is. After all, stereotypes come from people perpetuating the same belief over and over again. Many researchers and psychologists have made it their study to find out why this idea is so ingrained in our culture.
On this, the psychotherapist and author Daphne Rose Kingma said, "We've dismissed men as the feelingless gender—we've given up on them. Because of the way boys are socialized, their ability to deal with emotions has been systematically undermined. Men are taught, point-by-point, not to feel, not to cry, and not to find words to express themselves."
Hell yeah man.Good for this dude. Man shouldnt be punished his whole damn life after hes done his time.
It is learned behavior, not something that is natural to men, or any person for that matter. In fact, research was completed looking at men’s emotional capability whilst still in infancy. Their results found that men are just as capable of expressing themselves emotionally, if not more so than women (at least in their early years).
And boys are shaped from very early on in life about what it means to be a “man”. How many times have we heard that “big boys don’t cry”, or the expression “man up”. The word itself has become loaded with connotations of being unwavering and unflinching—showing no emotions or weaknesses.
Men are not some Terminator-type of machines, incapable of feeling anything. Their emotions are as deep as a river but we can only see what’s on the surface, not into their depths. That’s why it seems like a dam bursting when men finally open up about how they’re feeling, and often not in a good way.
That's adorable. When I was small all the neighborhood boys would come over and ask if "Mr. Ray" ( my dad) could come out and play football with them. My brother would play too. Unfortunately I got banned from football once I grew boobs, which I always felt was slightly unfair
I hate these kinds of exams. They don't really test a student's academic capabilities and often require expensive prep courses to do well, which just weeds out the poorer people
Aww hell... I'd wanna play with soooo bad but be so afraid to break them...the AGONYYYYYYYYY.....
Sometimes you gotta praised yourself for your hard work. 😌
Grandmas are the BEST! She put a lot of heart into making this!
Dang,why yall gotts show stuff like this. Im gonna be goin to work lookin all weepy.
Omg I watch his videos!!! He is absolutely hilarious. I had no idea he had lost his job
Unless you’ve been there, you probably don’t know truly how much this means.
Congrats to this guy. It aint easy. I went from size 48 to 33. Nothing like this cat has done.
Being kind and generous just because it "seemed like something fun to do." Man, you rock kid.
Estimated to have saved the lives of 2.4 million babies. Really astounding.
The left photo is the man standing on the outside ledge of the Golden Gate Bridge, which spans the Gate between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. It’s a favored place for suicides. I’m glad they talked him down.
Clever, I should bring mirrors everywhere everyone can be in the photos