In Case You’re Having A Bad Day, Here Are 35 Hilarious Memes Shared By “Meme Lord” Instagram Account
If laughter is the best medicine, then memes are over-the-counter medication, available everywhere on the internet. There are also so many different types of memes about pretty much any topic or from a certain community that you’re bound to find something for you.
Today, we’re sharing memes that will probably be at least a little relatable to everyone, shared by the aptly named IG page Memelord.
With the scene set, let's talk about memes.
More info: Reddit
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Have you ever thought about what memes are, anyway? That word is used so often, in “did you see that meme I sent you?” and “I love these kinds of memes”, that we don’t really think about its origin anymore.
For example, the word ‘chair’ - what makes a chair a chair?
Well, it turns out that word may come from the 12th-13th century, referring to a bishop’s throne, which in turn, stems from the latin ‘cathedra’, meaning ‘seat’.
So what is a meme?
The memes we talk about nowadays are from the internet - internet memes. Regular memes are defined on Wikipedia as “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.”
According to the “explain like I’m five” Reddit community, memes are units of culture - ideas, jokes, phrases, stories.
Memes have a curious trait - they’re like genes - the successful ones replicate, remain in the public consciousness and spread, while the bad ones drop away and are forgotten.
Retention and transmission therefore are very important to these “meme genes.” They need to stay in people’s consciousness, as the more a certain meme is used, the longer its lifespan becomes.
But they also need to be transmitted to other people so they can ‘infect’ even more people, stay in the public consciousness longer, hopefully be transmitted again, and so on.
What’s really interesting is that the definition of internet memes or memes in general is a meme itself now. What I mean by this is that we’ve transformed the definition of “meme” and now use it to refer to pictures with slight variations in them or a banner of text above them.
So this idea, as mentioned previously, is engrained in the public consciousness so deeply now that it has mutated the original definition - memes are not units of culture, but rather funny pictures to us.
Since people wear ties at the base of the neck and not the chin level, I'd say 2.
Spiderbat was a failed Super Hero because he kept flying into his own web.
One of the first widespread memes was “Kilroy was here,” a little graffiti doodle with the same tagline. It rose in popularity during World War II and can still be encountered in the wild from time to time.
If you were to think about it, are there memes that have stuck with you since your youth till now? Consider the “shut up and take my money” meme, which isn’t hugely popular nowadays, but can still be found as a common expression. Or that image of the guy with his girlfriend, leering at another girl and making his girl jealous - did you know that image has been around since 2017? That’s like, 6 years now, I hope I made you feel old.
I was lucky enough to get a. Partner last year and I have never been happier so if you are in a toxic relationship there is no way out (in my experience) so I know it's a cliche but there are more fish in the sea!
If Jesus wasn't crucified, he still would have died young due to poor nutritional choices.
Naw I prefer my android because I can not charge my tablet because I couldn't find an adapter t Walmart so if my tablet dies I have to figure out how to play on my phone but at least it won't die during trips so one point for android
"Okay, stop me if you've heard this one" ( but they never stop).
My mom learned to forge my grandma’s signature at, like, ten, and since they have the same initials, now they both have the same signature.
So on Valentine's Day, he plans to knock someone unconscious in order to get a date?