Bjenny Montero is a comic artist from Melbourne, Australia whose art revolves around humanoid creatures who are often portrayed as depressed, melancholic, or in search of love. Bjenny makes his comics using watercolor and ink with a simplistic and often very colorful art style.
Montero is followed by over 264k people on Instagram, and he is also well known for designing merchandise for Mac DeMarco and an album cover for Pond. All of that aside, Bjenny also makes merch from his own comics too which you can buy in full prints.
If you’d love to see more of his art we suggest you scroll down and take a look at his (often) one-paneled comics that might just happen to hold a deeper meaning!
More info: | Instagram | | | |
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my brain is an organized mess, i have evolved to only think one thing at a time... im bad at multitasking
Don't be. It's perfectly okay to be sad. Everyone takes their own time to recover.
sorry im throwing up the day you ordered pizza (DEFFINETLY not something i have said while crying)
Yeah! I believe that series 2-8 are the best but I still love all that came after them!
Be nice- it doesn't cost anything, it won't hurt and it's easier than being a jerk. Yes, be nice!!
It's okay to complain when things aren't okay ❤️ you deserve to speak up!
Depression can't feel anything, feelings (especially happiness) are a foreign language. This is so relatable.
Truly hits the heart at a deep level,, but you feel understood and less alone <3
Truly hits the heart at a deep level,, but you feel understood and less alone <3