Hi, I’m Poti, aka. Potato, I’m a 2 years old French Bulldog with a rare birth defect, I can’t keep my tongue inside my mouth. My friends say it makes me charming, rather than ugly. What do you think?
More info: Facebook
When I was a puppy, my tongue started slipping out, just a bit
And a bit more…
And then… Here I am. You think it can’t get longer?
Well. Does this picture remind you of a great slide?
But look how cute I am when I smile :P
…Or when I’m enjoying the spring
Lazy-Tongue-Batman is always there to help
Doing everything to avoid sunburn
Meet Cincin, my best friend, a stuffed mouse guarding my dreams
Speaking of dreams, I love sleeping with a blanket
Have I introduced you Cincin?
My tongue gets as dry as a sandpaper after a few hours of inactivity
Am I a bunny or a puppy?
Cold mornings
This is a rare picture of my morning routine with my slide
I’m always cold, damn
Do I look like the Black Swan?
…or a photo model?
Sleeping with Big Data
You said to use the pillow. But for what?
After a long walk, my tongue gets dirty
Some pieces fit, some pieces eaten
I got hurt, no big deal, I promise :'(
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