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Hey Pandas, AITA For Putting My Children’s Needs First And My Husband’s Last?
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Hey Pandas, AITA For Putting My Children’s Needs First And My Husband’s Last?

Hey Pandas, AITA For Putting My Children’s Needs First And My Husband’s Last?Hey Pandas, AITA For Taking Time To Rest Even Though My Husband Thinks It’s Selfish?Hey Pandas, AITA For Using Daycare Despite My Husband Saying It Makes Me A Bad Mom?Hey Pandas, AITA For Leaving My Husband To Ensure My Autistic Son Got The Care He Deserved?Hey Pandas, AITA For Feeling Like I’m Doing It All Alone While My Husband Golfs?Hey Pandas, AITA For Feeling Abandoned By My Husband While I Handle Everything Alone?Hey Pandas, AITA For Prioritizing My Kids’ Needs Over My Husband’s Feelings?Hey Pandas, AITA For Using Daycare To Keep Up With Parenting, College, And My Health?Hey Pandas, AITA For Moving Away From My Husband To Get My Autistic Son The Help He Needed?Hey Pandas, AITA For Relying On Daycare While Juggling Parenting, School, And Chronic Pain?

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If you find yourself disagreeing with this person’s actions, we encourage you not to downvote the post. Instead, kindly express your opinions in the comments. We recommend maintaining politeness and articulating your thoughts with well-constructed arguments.

I am currently separated from my husband (HB), and I need an outside opinion that isn’t biased. Some things have happened and I’m not sure how much I should weigh in.


    When we split, it was after years of fighting and never solving anything that we fought about

    Image credits: Afif Ramdhasuma (not the actual photo)

    We’d have a fight, then together we’d come up with a solution, but months later we’d have another fight because the solution we’d come up with didn’t work for him, or he would say he didn’t remember that we’d agreed to the solution. For example, we had a huge fight and agreed that instead of screaming at one another or saying things we didn’t mean, if one of us needed to leave and take a break for however long, we would leave the house. The first time, I left for a hotel for three days, and he said I abandoned our son. So the next time I left to cool off, I took my son with me to my parents. HB then said I took our son away from him just to hurt him, which is completely untrue.


    HB worked away, and I raised our autistic son on my own while I was pregnant with our youngest

    Image credits: Jon Flobrant (not the actual photo)

    HB complained every single day about how much he missed us, wanted our family together, and that he was so bored because he was done working by 1-2 p.m. with no one there. That summer, my son and I visited him (I was eight months pregnant) to see if we could move, provided I could get help for our son. From the first day we were there, HB suddenly started working later than he had been. He wouldn’t meet us at the town lake after work or spend time with us when he got home, saying he needed time to unwind. I would take our son to the playground so he could unwind. During his first week off, he made plans to go golfing with his cousin (who drove 14 hours to golf with him). He didn’t tell me he made these plans and he spent his first day off golfing. I forgave that, and we had our youngest and moved to where HB worked. However, we couldn’t get the help my oldest son needed, so the kids and I had to move back home. HB said I abandoned him and the family and didn’t give it enough time. Maybe I did, but my son needed help immediately, and we weren’t going to get it where HB worked.


    I have a bad back, and it seems to worsen with stress and our marriage. I have always been either in college or working since high school

    Image credits: Alexander Grey (not the actual photo)

    I previously had a career and have gone back to college again to pursue a career that’s better for my back. We agreed that I would go back to school, and HB would quit his job to take care of the kids so I could attend school full-time online. By the time final exams came around, we had split. I had scheduled “parenting for a disabled child” classes for both of us. I completely forgot about the first session, but HB remembered and didn’t remind me. He screamed at me that I was a leech and didn’t have my priorities right when it came to the kids.

    I’ve been getting help from daycare and pre-k/kindergarten for our son. The pediatrician said he should be around as many kids as possible for as long as possible. HB has always been against daycare, but I need the help. Everyone has told me that if I need help, I should get it. I have no family nearby and rely on daycare to help me survive while I manage my back pain, school, housework, meals, and appointments (doctor, speech therapy, occupational therapy). To this day, HB thinks I don’t want to be a mom because I take our son to daycare when he’s not in school. Daycare runs Monday to Thursday, and I pick him up at 3:30 or sometimes 4:00.


    I have faults. My back is terrible, and I sleep sitting up, constantly waking up. I haven’t slept properly in years. I need sleep, or else I get grouchy and take it out on those around me. It’s not fair to them, and I realize that. When I’m exhausted, all I want to do is rest. HB has a huge issue with this and shames me for resting, even when it’s his time to be with the kids. I don’t drink, do d***s, party, or vacation—nothing. All I ask is to rest, and he’s still not happy.

    When HB has the kids (two days a week since we split), he often takes them to his parents. Sometimes he’s there with them, and sometimes he leaves to go golfing. I don’t say anything because his time with the kids is up to him. Now, however, it’s an issue because he’s fighting for custody and wants primary custody, intending for his mom to help him. His mom and HB are all talk, no action. She had promised to help “get my son on track with his autism,” and agreed to have him one day a week for 4-5 hours. This arrangement lasted three weeks before she started forgetting and then said she was busy. After that, she never asked to help again, and I never asked her either. I’m not mad about her not wanting to help anymore—she’s the grandma—but HB and his mom now accuse me of not letting her help.


    So, I need to know: am I a bad mom? Does HB want to be a dad? Does he want to be married?

    Moderator’s note
    Please note that the images included in this article are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual individuals or items discussed in the story.

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    Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).

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    Diana Lopetaitė

    Diana Lopetaitė

    Moderator, BoredPanda staff

    Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).

    What do you think ?
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    Community Member
    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep, good lawyer. Say NOTHING in front of your kids, he's still their father, and they'll use it against you as a stroppy teenager. Get a friend or family member you can trust, use them to have a moan to.

    Community Member
    5 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1.Lawyer up 2. Create documentation of visits, who watched the kids and when, who "forgot" or skipped watching the kids, who went to which appointments(=put effort in the wellbeing of the kids) etc

    Community Member
    5 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't have children, but I was my niece's guardian for about a year when they were younger. They were good kids with no special needs and I remember on more than one occasion breaking down crying because I was overwhelmed. You need support, you are getting the support you need from other sources because your ex and his mother aren't giving you the support that you and your child need. It sounds like your ex wants the title of father without the responsibility. It sounds like you're prioritizing your child and yourself, which is what you should be doing. Keep doing what you're doing. F**k your ex and his mom, it doesn't sound like they actually give a c**p anyway. I hope the best for you and your child in the future.

    Estelle E.
    Community Member
    5 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry... I can't get why you married to him or feel like having two children. If you have analyzed your relationship and can't see how it could work, you should probably split and follow other people's advice to meet a lawyer. ...extra: your back might be better once relieved from the conjugal problems are part of the past. Nta

    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Giant red flag, right at the beginning: "We’d have a fight, then together we’d come up with a solution, but months later . . . he would say he didn’t remember that we’d agreed to the solution." The gaslighter pretends he doesn't even *remember* the solutions they've agreed to?! That is some major a$$holery. Yeah, there's no reasoning with this kind of person.

    Patricia DeCicco
    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hate to say it, all responses below you need to follow. SCRUPULOUS documentation on your part, do not falter, and a good attorney and unfortunately, $$$. Can you move back in with your own family to help you support the babies while you fight to get them what they need? So sad, we are in this age of semi-deadbeat dads who then think it'll be fun to punish you and the kiddos by demanding custody so that they can leave their kids with their moms or just neglect them completely while they keep them away from you, the one parent who actually wants to parent her children! My sister is going through a similar situation. All my prayers to you, honey! DON'T quit fighting for yourself and your kiddos!!

    Ge Po
    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In general (but hear me out. please): your and your partner's wants should go over your children's wants (but withing reason, because;) BUT you children's NEEDS should ALWAYS go over your and your partner's needs. This also means that there are times where you have to let your children's wants go over those of you/partner, because right now that is what they need (for example on special occasions and in difficult circumstances like sickness and loss).

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Read back your own story as if it was written by a dear friend or family member. What would you advise them? It looks like your husband causes you a lot stress instead of actually being part of your team and he doesn't respect you. Moaning when you're not there when he's away but when you come over he bails, shaming you fof needing rest when it doesn't put extra on his plate, etc. Please lawyer up and leave him. And as said in other comments: document everything. Use texts as a preferred communication method and save everything. Write down all examples you can remember about him and in laws letting you down. Write down everything you've down for their care.

    Kester Dornelly
    Community Member
    58 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are patient and you have tried. He doesn't deserve you. Get help from families and friends so you can get sufficient sleep. Take doctor's advise and keep son in school for the interaction with other kids. People can be heartless. Get a new spouse if possible.

    Harry Gondalf
    Community Member
    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live in an Asian country and at times have been asked for advice in a marriage counseling context. It is not uncommon for couples who were schoolmates, married with a big wedding, and who start the family after some years into the marriage, for the wife to complain that her husband is having an affair with a coworker. My counseling advice to young mothers is: the day you bring the child into the home, always remember that NOW YOU HAVE TWO BABIES at home. Both need care, cuddles, and signs of overt affection. Sure, the baby gets most of it. But make sure that you leave some for your husband. So lady, your child does come first. But so does your husband. If you don't let him know that he is also first -- well, it's very dangerous for your marriage.

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Move to where you have the best support system and help for your son. Finish school to better your own employment prospects. You are already parenting alone - make it legal but with financial child support and supervised visitation, since husband clearly does not know proper care for neurodivergent child.

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll be as nice as I can You sound badly depressed and I think your husband is no help at all. You'll feel better when you divorce. You may tell him he doesn't want to be a dad since he prefers to go golfing (seriously don't , he will use that against you).

    Nicola Thrope
    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is on them both. The man is obviously a manchild, but the woman chose to carry to term despite knowing on some level he was like this. She should not have inflicted this life on those children by bearing them. She should have aborted, found a proper mature adult to be a proper father to her progeny, and only THEN had children.

    Parmer Engineering
    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah. More social media sickness. Ask the internet what to do instead of communicating with the spouse. I'm sure this will end nicely. Lol

    Community Member
    5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep, good lawyer. Say NOTHING in front of your kids, he's still their father, and they'll use it against you as a stroppy teenager. Get a friend or family member you can trust, use them to have a moan to.

    Community Member
    5 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1.Lawyer up 2. Create documentation of visits, who watched the kids and when, who "forgot" or skipped watching the kids, who went to which appointments(=put effort in the wellbeing of the kids) etc

    Community Member
    5 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't have children, but I was my niece's guardian for about a year when they were younger. They were good kids with no special needs and I remember on more than one occasion breaking down crying because I was overwhelmed. You need support, you are getting the support you need from other sources because your ex and his mother aren't giving you the support that you and your child need. It sounds like your ex wants the title of father without the responsibility. It sounds like you're prioritizing your child and yourself, which is what you should be doing. Keep doing what you're doing. F**k your ex and his mom, it doesn't sound like they actually give a c**p anyway. I hope the best for you and your child in the future.

    Estelle E.
    Community Member
    5 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry... I can't get why you married to him or feel like having two children. If you have analyzed your relationship and can't see how it could work, you should probably split and follow other people's advice to meet a lawyer. ...extra: your back might be better once relieved from the conjugal problems are part of the past. Nta

    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Giant red flag, right at the beginning: "We’d have a fight, then together we’d come up with a solution, but months later . . . he would say he didn’t remember that we’d agreed to the solution." The gaslighter pretends he doesn't even *remember* the solutions they've agreed to?! That is some major a$$holery. Yeah, there's no reasoning with this kind of person.

    Patricia DeCicco
    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hate to say it, all responses below you need to follow. SCRUPULOUS documentation on your part, do not falter, and a good attorney and unfortunately, $$$. Can you move back in with your own family to help you support the babies while you fight to get them what they need? So sad, we are in this age of semi-deadbeat dads who then think it'll be fun to punish you and the kiddos by demanding custody so that they can leave their kids with their moms or just neglect them completely while they keep them away from you, the one parent who actually wants to parent her children! My sister is going through a similar situation. All my prayers to you, honey! DON'T quit fighting for yourself and your kiddos!!

    Ge Po
    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In general (but hear me out. please): your and your partner's wants should go over your children's wants (but withing reason, because;) BUT you children's NEEDS should ALWAYS go over your and your partner's needs. This also means that there are times where you have to let your children's wants go over those of you/partner, because right now that is what they need (for example on special occasions and in difficult circumstances like sickness and loss).

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Read back your own story as if it was written by a dear friend or family member. What would you advise them? It looks like your husband causes you a lot stress instead of actually being part of your team and he doesn't respect you. Moaning when you're not there when he's away but when you come over he bails, shaming you fof needing rest when it doesn't put extra on his plate, etc. Please lawyer up and leave him. And as said in other comments: document everything. Use texts as a preferred communication method and save everything. Write down all examples you can remember about him and in laws letting you down. Write down everything you've down for their care.

    Kester Dornelly
    Community Member
    58 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are patient and you have tried. He doesn't deserve you. Get help from families and friends so you can get sufficient sleep. Take doctor's advise and keep son in school for the interaction with other kids. People can be heartless. Get a new spouse if possible.

    Harry Gondalf
    Community Member
    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live in an Asian country and at times have been asked for advice in a marriage counseling context. It is not uncommon for couples who were schoolmates, married with a big wedding, and who start the family after some years into the marriage, for the wife to complain that her husband is having an affair with a coworker. My counseling advice to young mothers is: the day you bring the child into the home, always remember that NOW YOU HAVE TWO BABIES at home. Both need care, cuddles, and signs of overt affection. Sure, the baby gets most of it. But make sure that you leave some for your husband. So lady, your child does come first. But so does your husband. If you don't let him know that he is also first -- well, it's very dangerous for your marriage.

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Move to where you have the best support system and help for your son. Finish school to better your own employment prospects. You are already parenting alone - make it legal but with financial child support and supervised visitation, since husband clearly does not know proper care for neurodivergent child.

    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll be as nice as I can You sound badly depressed and I think your husband is no help at all. You'll feel better when you divorce. You may tell him he doesn't want to be a dad since he prefers to go golfing (seriously don't , he will use that against you).

    Nicola Thrope
    Community Member
    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is on them both. The man is obviously a manchild, but the woman chose to carry to term despite knowing on some level he was like this. She should not have inflicted this life on those children by bearing them. She should have aborted, found a proper mature adult to be a proper father to her progeny, and only THEN had children.

    Parmer Engineering
    Community Member
    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah. More social media sickness. Ask the internet what to do instead of communicating with the spouse. I'm sure this will end nicely. Lol

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